999 resultados para Match Point (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)


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In laboratory animals, acupuncture needs to be performed on either anesthetized or, if unanesthetized, restrained subjects. Both procedures up-regulate c-Fos expression in several areas of the central nervous system, representing therefore a major pitfall for the assessment of c-Fos expression induced by electroacupuncture. Thus, in order to reduce the effect of acute restraint we used a protocol of repeated restraint for the assessment of the brain areas activated by electroacupuncture in adult male Wistar rats weighing 180-230 g. Repeated immobilization protocols (6 days, 1 h/day and 13 days, 2 h/day) were used to reduce the effect of acute immobilization stress on the c-Fos expression induced by electroacupuncture at the Zusanli point (EA36S). Animals submitted to immobilization alone or to electroacupuncture (100 Hz, 2-4 V, faradic wave) in a non-point region were compared to animals submitted to electroacupuncture at EA36S (4 animals/subgroup). c-Fos expression was measured in 41 brain areas by simple counting of cells and the results are reported as number of c-Fos-immunoreactive cells/10,000 µm². The protocols of repeated immobilization significantly reduced the immobilization-induced c-Fos expression in most of the brain areas analyzed (P < 0.05). Animals of the EA36S groups had significantly higher levels of c-Fos expression in the dorsal raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, posterior hypothalamus and central medial nucleus of the thalamus. Furthermore, the repeated immobilization protocols intensified the differences between the effects of 36S and non-point stimulation in the dorsal raphe nucleus (P < 0.05). These data suggest that high levels of stress can interact with and mask the evaluation of specific effects of acupuncture in unanesthetized animals.


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Cardiac troponins (cTn) I and T are the current golden standard biochemical markers in the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome. During the past few years, novel assays capable of detecting cTn‐concentrations in >50% of apparently healthy individuals have become readily available. With the emerging of these high sensitivity cTn assays, reductions in the assay specificity have caused elevations in the measured cTn levels that do not correlate with the clinical picture of the patient. The increased assay sensitivity may reveal that various analytical interference mechanisms exist. This doctoral thesis focused on developing nanoparticle‐assisted immunometric assays that could possibly be applied to an automated point‐of‐care system. The main objective was to develop minimally interference‐prone assays for cTnI by employing recombinant antibody fragments. Fast 5‐ and 15‐minute assays for cTnI and D‐dimer, a degradation product of fibrin, based on intrinsically fluorescent nanoparticles were introduced, thus highlighting the versatility of nanoparticles as universally applicable labels. The utilization of antibody fragments in different versions of the developed cTnI‐assay enabled decreases in the used antibody amounts without sacrificing assay sensitivity. In addition, the utilization of recombinant antibody fragments was shown to significantly decrease the measured cTnI concentrations in an apparently healthy population, as well as in samples containing known amounts of potentially interfering factors: triglycerides, bilirubin, rheumatoid factors, or human anti‐mouse antibodies. When determining the specificity of four commercially available antibodies for cTnI, two out of the four cross‐reacted with skeletal troponin I, but caused crossreactivity issues in patient samples only when paired together. In conclusion, the results of this thesis emphasize the importance of careful antibody selection when developing cTnI assays. The results with different recombinant antibody fragments suggest that the utilization of antibody fragments should strongly be encouraged in the immunoassay field, especially with analytes such as cTnI that require highly sensitive assay approaches.


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This thesis is about development broadband feed for two-mirror antenna system that match following requirements: beamwidth from 45 to 90 degrees at -3 dB level, circular polarization, absence of radiation to the lower hemisphere area. Literature review was done in the areas of the UWB antennas creation. During the work attempts were made to create a feed in a form of the quad ridged horn and "eleven" antennas. The latter is introduced as the most effective feed among all antennas discussed in thesis. Radiation patterns and other results for "eleven" antenna were obtained. Results were saved as far field sources and placed slightly below focal point into the two-mirror antenna system, because phase center of the “eleven” antenna is predominantly shifted upwards. Directivity patterns for the two-mirror system were obtained and the conclusions about the work results have been made


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In this thesis the effect of focal point parameters in fiber laser welding of structural steel is studied. The goal is to establish relations between laser power, focal point diameter and focal point position with the resulting quality, weld-bead geometry and hardness of the welds. In the laboratory experiments, AB AH36 shipbuilding steel was welded in an I-butt joint configuration using IPG YLS-10000 continuous wave fiber laser. The quality of the welds produced were evaluated based on standard SFS-EN ISO 13919-1. The weld-bead geometry was defined from the weld cross-sections and Vickers hardness test was used to measure hardness's from the middle of the cross-sections. It was shown that all the studied focal point parameters have an effect on the quality, weld-bead geometry and hardness of the welds produced.


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Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that causes severe systemic infections in immunosuppressed individuals. C. albicans resistance to antifungal drugs is a severe problem in patients receiving prolonged therapy. Moreover, trailing yeast growth, which is defined as a resistant MIC after 48 h of incubation with triazole antifungal agents but a susceptible MIC after 24 h, has been noted in tests of antifungal susceptibility against some C. albicans isolates. In this context, we recently noticed this phenomenon in our routine susceptibility tests with fluconazole/itraconazole and C. albicans clinical isolates. In the present study, we investigated the production of cell-associated and secreted aspartyl peptidases (Saps) in six trailing clinical isolates of C. albicans, since this class of hydrolytic enzymes is a well-known virulence factor expressed by this fungal pathogen. Sap2, which is the best-studied member of the Sap family, was detected by flow cytometry on the cell surface of yeasts and as a 43-kDa polypeptide in the culture supernatant, as demonstrated by Western blotting assay using an anti-Sap1-3 polyclonal antibody. Released aspartyl peptidase activity was measured with BSA hydrolysis and inhibited by pepstatin A, showing distinct amounts of proteolytic activity ranging from 5.7 (strain 44B) to 133.2 (strain 11) arbitrary units. Taken together, our results showed that trailing clinical isolates of C. albicans produced different amounts of both cellular and secreted aspartyl-type peptidases, suggesting that this phenotypic feature did not generate a regular pattern regarding the expression of Sap.


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NifA is the transcriptional activator of the nif genes in Proteobacteria. It is usually regulated by nitrogen and oxygen, allowing biological nitrogen fixation to occur under appropriate conditions. NifA proteins have a typical three-domain structure, including a regulatory N-terminal GAF domain, which is involved in control by fixed nitrogen and not strictly required for activity, a catalytic AAA+ central domain, which catalyzes open complex formation, and a C-terminal domain involved in DNA-binding. In Herbaspirillum seropedicae, a β-proteobacterium capable of colonizing Graminae of agricultural importance, NifA regulation by ammonium involves its N-terminal GAF domain and the signal transduction protein GlnK. When the GAF domain is removed, the protein can still activate nif genes transcription; however, ammonium regulation is lost. In this work, we generated eight constructs resulting in point mutations in H. seropedicae NifA and analyzed their effect on nifH transcription in Escherichia coli and H. seropedicae. Mutations K22V, T160E, M161V, L172R, and A215D resulted in inactive proteins. Mutations Q216I and S220I produced partially active proteins with activity control similar to wild-type NifA. However, mutation G25E, located in the GAF domain, resulted in an active protein that did not require GlnK for activity and was partially sensitive to ammonium. This suggested that G25E may affect the negative interaction between the N-terminal GAF domain and the catalytic central domain under high ammonium concentrations, thus rendering the protein constitutively active, or that G25E could lead to a conformational change comparable with that when GlnK interacts with the GAF domain.


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The literature on agency suggests different implications for the use of export intermediaries. However, only few studies provide a view on import intermediaries. This thesis tries for its part to fill this research gap by studying the import intermediaries in the EU–Russia trade from a Russian industrial company’s point of view. The aim is to describe import intermediation and explain the need for import intermediary companies in the EU–Russia trade. The theoretical framework of this thesis originates from an article by Peng and York (2001), in which they study the performance of export intermediaries. This thesis applies resource-based theory, transaction cost theory and agency cost theory, following the idea of Peng and York. The resource-based theory approach is utilised for describing an ideal import intermediary company, and transaction cost theory provides a basis for understanding the benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies, while agency cost theory is applied in order to understand the risks the Russian industrial company faces when it decides to use the services of import intermediaries. The study is performed in the form of a case interview with a representative of a major Russian metallurgy company. The results of the study suggest that an ideal intermediary has the skills required specifically for the imports process, in order to save time and money of the principal company. The intermediary company helps reducing the amount of time the managers and the staff of the principal company use to make imports possible, thus reducing the salary costs and providing the possibility to concentrate on the company’s core competencies. The benefits of using the services of import intermediary companies are the reduced transaction costs, especially salary costs that are minimised because of the effectiveness and specialisation of import intermediaries. Intermediaries are specialised in the imports process and thus need less time and resources to organise the imports. They also help to reduce the fixed salary costs, because their services can be used only when needed. The risks of being misled by intermediaries are minimised by the competition on the import intermediary market. In case an intermediary attempts fraud, it gets replaced by its rival.


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The aims of this study were to investigate the hygienic practices in the food production of an institutional foodservice unit in Southern Brazil and to evaluate the effect of implementing good food handling practices and standard operational procedures using microbiological hygiene indicators. An initial survey of the general operating conditions classified the unit as regular in terms of compliance with State safety guidelines for food service establishments. An action plan that incorporated the correction of noncompliance issues and the training of food handlers in good food handling practices and standard operational procedures were then implemented. The results of the microbiological analysis of utensils, preparation surfaces, food handlers' hands, water, and ambient air were recorded before and after the implementation of the action plan. The results showed that the implementation of this type of practice leads to the production of safer foods.


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This study aimed to verify the hygienic-sanitary working practices and to create and implement a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) in two lobster processing industries in Pernambuco State, Brazil. The industries studied process frozen whole lobsters, frozen whole cooked lobsters, and frozen lobster tails for exportation. The application of the hygienic-sanitary checklist in the industries analyzed achieved conformity rates over 96% to the aspects evaluated. The use of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan resulted in the detection of two critical control points (CCPs) including the receiving and classification steps in the processing of frozen lobster and frozen lobster tails, and an additional critical control point (CCP) was detected during the cooking step of processing of the whole frozen cooked lobster. The proper implementation of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan in the lobster processing industries studied proved to be the safest and most cost-effective method to monitor each critical control point (CCP) hazards.


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Liberalization of electricity markets has resulted in a competed Nordic electricity market, in which electricity retailers play a key role as electricity suppliers, market intermediaries, and service providers. Although these roles may remain unchanged in the near future, the retailers’ operation may change fundamentally as a result of the emerging smart grid environment. Especially the increasing amount of distributed energy resources (DER), and improving opportunities for their control, are reshaping the operating environment of the retailers. This requires that the retailers’ operation models are developed to match the operating environment, in which the active use of DER plays a major role. Electricity retailers have a clientele, and they operate actively in the electricity markets, which makes them a natural market party to offer new services for end-users aiming at an efficient and market-based use of DER. From the retailer’s point of view, the active use of DER can provide means to adapt the operation to meet the challenges posed by the smart grid environment, and to pursue the ultimate objective of the retailer, which is to maximize the profit of operation. This doctoral dissertation introduces a methodology for the comprehensive use of DER in an electricity retailer’s short-term profit optimization that covers operation in a variety of marketplaces including day-ahead, intra-day, and reserve markets. The analysis results provide data of the key profit-making opportunities and the risks associated with different types of DER use. Therefore, the methodology may serve as an efficient tool for an experienced operator in the planning of the optimal market-based DER use. The key contributions of this doctoral dissertation lie in the analysis and development of the model that allows the retailer to benefit from profit-making opportunities brought by the use of DER in different marketplaces, but also to manage the major risks involved in the active use of DER. In addition, the dissertation introduces an analysis of the economic potential of DER control actions in different marketplaces including the day-ahead Elspot market, balancing power market, and the hourly market of Frequency Containment Reserve for Disturbances (FCR-D).


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Termiä sepsis käytetään infektion aiheuttamasta yleisestä tulehdusreaktio-oireyhtymästä. Biokemiallinen merkkiaine eli biomarkkeri on aine, joka objektiivisesti mitattuna ja arvioituna toimii indikaattorina erottaen toisistaan normaalit biologiset prosessit ja patogeeniset prosessit. Lisäksi biomarkkeri saattaa osoittaa farmakologisen vasteen lääkehoidolle. Tutkielman kirjallisessa osassa on esitelty ja verrattu toisiinsa jo kliinisessä käytössä olevia sekä lupaavia, vielä tutkimusvaiheessa olevia, sepsiksen biomerkkiaineita. Lisäksi tutkielmassa on tarkasteltu sepsiksen todentamisen, tunnistamisen ja hoidon tulevaisuudennäkymiä. Prokalsitoniini (PCT) on eräs jo kliinisessä käytössä oleva sepsiksen biomerkkiaine. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osassa pystytettiin teho-osastoille suunnattu pikatesti PCT:n mittaamiseen aikaerotteista fluoresenssiteknologiaa hyödyntävälle AQT-järjestelmälle (DHR Finland Oy, Innotrac Diagnostics, Suomi). Järjestelmä mittaa 20–30 minuutissa biomerkkiainepitoisuuden. Tavoitteena oli löytää sopiva vasta-ainepari ja pystyttää kaksipuoleinen immunomääritys, jonka analyyttinen herkkyys on alle 0,02 ng/ml:ssa. Työssä tutkittiin biotinyloidun kokonaisen vasta-aineen ja paikkaspesifisesti biotinyloidun antigeenia sitovan fragmentin (engl. fragment antigen binding, Fab) toimivuutta sitojamolekyylinä. Lisäksi työssä verrattiin kahden eri leimamolekyylin, 9 hampaisen europiumkelaatin sekä Innotracissa kehitetyn tähtikelaatin, toimivuutta PCT-immunomäärityksessä. Vasta-aineiden mahdolliset ristireaktiot testattiin ja määritystä testattiin alustavasti eri näytematriiseissa. Työssä löydettiin 5 vasta-aineparia, joiden analyyttinen herkkyys oli alle 0,02 ng/ml:ssa. Aiemmin testattuja vasta-ainepareja parempi analyyttinen herkkyys johtui todennäköisesti yhden uuden leimavasta-aineen paremmasta affiniteetistä. Tähtikelaatilla leimatulla vasta-aineella analyyttinen herkkyys parani lähes viisinkertaisesti, kun sitä verrattiin 9-hampaisella euroopiumkelaatilla leimatun vasta-aineen määritykseen. Havaittiin myös, että Fab-fragmentilla mitattiin määrityksissä lähes kaksi kertaa suuremmat signaali-taustasuhteet, kun sitä verrattiin kokonaiseen vasta-aineeseen, tietyllä vasta-aineparilla. Tämä johtui luultavasti steeristen esteiden vähenemisestä. Näytematriisilla ei todettu olevan vaikutusta määritykseen, eikä ristireaktioita havaittu. Kehitetyn määrityksen suoriutumista verrattiin markkinoilla olevaan BRAHMS AG:n (Saksa) PCT-määritykseen käyttäen potilasnäytteitä. Korrelaatiokertoimet potilasnäytevertailuissa olivat 0,965–0,989 ja näytteiden mitatuissa pitoisuuksissa oli tasoero.


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1928/02/14 (N71).


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1936/10/13 (N539).