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Hamlet (1601), de William Shakespeare, é, desde o Fólio de 1623, circundada por um enorme e variado volume de leituras, que abrangem desde textos críticos e teóricos até as mais diversas adaptações teatrais e cinematográficas. Desde o final do século 19, o cinema vem adaptando peças de Shakespeare, fornecendo novos pontos de vista e sugestões para a encenação dessa obra ao levá-la inúmeras vezes para as telas. Dentre uma longa lista de adaptações fílmicas de Hamlet, o Hamlet mainstream de Franco Zeffirelli (1990) e o Hamlet 2000 (2000), filme independente de Michael Almereyda, compõem o corpus eleito para análise nesta dissertação. Dialogando com noções de críticos e teóricos que desenvolveram estudos sobre o conceito de adaptação, tais como André Bazin, Robert Stam e Linda Hutcheon, sugiro uma desierarquização entre a peça shakespeariana e os filmes logo, entre literatura/teatro e cinema. O objetivo final deste trabalho encontra-se na proposta de uma reflexão sobre esses filmes enquanto potenciais materiais críticos elucidativos para o estudo da peça, úteis na discussão de alguns de seus mais importantes temas e/ou questões


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The purpose of the project is to improve our understanding about best management practices that can be utilized on diked managed wetlands in Suisun Marsh for reducing the occurrence of low dissolved oxygen (DO) and high methylmercury (MeHg) events associated primarily with fall flood-up practices. Low DO events are of concern because they can lead to undue stress and even mortality of sensitive aquatic organisms. Elevated MeHg levels are of concern because MeHg is a neurotoxin that bio-magnifies up the food chain and can cause deleterious effects to higher trophic level consumers such as piscivorous fish, birds, and mammals (including humans). This study involved two years (2007-2008) of intensive field data collection at two managed wetland sites in northwest Suisun Marsh and their surrounding tidal sloughs, an area with prior documented low DO events. In addition, the study collected limited soils and water quality field data and mapped vegetation for three managed wetland sites in the central interior of Suisun Marsh, for the purpose of examining whether wetlands at other locations exhibit characteristics that could indicate potential for similar concerns. In Year 1 of the study, the objective was to identify the baseline conditions in the managed wetlands and determine which physical management conditions could be modified for Year 2 to reduce low DO and MeHg production issues most effectively. The objective of Year 2 was to evaluate the effectiveness of these modified management actions at reducing production of low DO and elevated MeHg conditions within the managed wetlands and to continue improving understanding of the underlying biogeochemical processes at play. This Final Evaluation Memorandum examined a total of 19 BMPs, 14 involving modified water management operations and the remaining five involving modified soil and vegetation management practices. Some of these BMPs were previously employed and others have not yet been tested. For each BMP this report assesses its efficacy in improving water quality conditions and potential conflicts with wetland management. It makes recommendations for further study (either feasibility assessments or field testing) and whether to consider for future use. Certain previously used BMPs were found to be important contributors to poor water quality conditions and their continued use is not recommended. Some BMPs that could improve water quality conditions appear difficult to implement in regards to compatibility with wetland management; these BMPs require further elaboration and feasibility assessment to determine whether they should be field tested. In practice for any given wetland, there is likely a combination of BMPs that would together have the greatest potential to address the low DO and high MeHg water quality concerns. Consequently, this report makes no sweeping recommendations applicable to large groups of wetlands but instead promotes a careful consideration of factors at each wetland or small groups of wetlands and from that assessment to apply the most effective suite of BMPs. This report also identifies a number of recommended future actions and studies. These recommendations are geared toward improving the process understanding of factors that promote low DO and high MeHg conditions, the extent of these problems in Suisun Marsh, the regulatory basis for the DO standards for a large estuarine marsh, the economics of BMPs, and alternative approaches to BMPs on diked managed wetlands that may address the water quality issues. The most important of these recommendations is that future BMP implementation should be carried out within the context of rigorous scientific evaluation so as to gain the maximum improvement in how to manage these water quality issues in the diked managed wetlands of Suisun Marsh.


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Transparent glass ceramics have been obtained by nucleation and growth of Y2Te6O15 or Er2Te5O13 cubic phase in a new Er3+-doped oxyfluoride tellurite glass. Effect of beat treatment on absorption spectra, luminescence and up-conversion properties in the oxyfluoride tellurite glass has been investigated. With heat treatment the ultraviolet absorption edge red shifted evidently for the oxyfluoride telluride glass. The near infrared emission that corresponds to Er3+:I-4(13/2)-> I-4(15/2) can be significantly enhanced after heat treatment. Under 980 nm LD pumping, red and green up-conversion intensity of Er3+ in the glass ceramic can be observed much stronger than that in the base glass. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on the successful preparation and a detailed study on the up-conversion properties of Er3+ -doped TeO2-ZnO-PbCl2 oxylialide tellurite glasses. Three intense emissions centered at around 527, 549 and 666 nm have been clearly observed under 977 nm excitation and the involved mechanisms have been explained. The green emissions centered at 527 and 549 nin are due to the H-2(11/2 ->) I-4(15/2) and S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions, and the red up-conversion emission centered at 666 nm is associated with the F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions of Er3+ ions, respectively. The quadratic dependence of fluorescence on excitation laser power confirm that two-photons contribute to up-conversion of the green-red emissions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Effect of fluoride ions introduction on structural, OH- content and up-conversion luminescence properties in Er3+-doped heavy metal oxide glasses have been investigated. Structure was investigated, indicating that fluoride has an important influence on the phonon density, maximum phonon energy of host glasses. With increasing fluoride content, the up-conversion luminescence intensity and quantum efficiencies increase notably, which could not be explained only by the maximum phonon energy change of host glasses. Our results show that, with the introduction of PbF2, the decrease of phonon density and OH- content contributes more to the enhanced up-conversion emissions than that of maximum phonon energy. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Up-conversion luminescence properties of a Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped oxyfluoride glass-ceramics under 980nm excitation are investigated. Intense blue emission centered at 476nm, corresponding to (1)G(4) -> H-3(6) transitions of Tm3+ was simultaneously observed in the transparent oxyfluoride glass ceramics at room temperature. The intensity of the blue up-conversion luminescence in a 1 mol% YbF3-containing glass-ceramic was found to be about 40 times stronger than that in the precursor oxyfluoride glass. The reason for the intense TM3+ up- conversion luminescence in the oxyfluoride glass-ceramics is discussed. The dependence of up-conversion intensities on excitation power and possible up-conversion mechanism are also evaluated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The up-conversion properties of Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped oxyfluoride glass-ceramics under 980 nm excitation were investigated. Intense blue up-conversion luminescence due to the Tm3+: (1)G(4) -> H-3(6) transition was observed in the glass-ceramics. The intensity of the blue up-conversion luminescence in a 1 mol% YbF3-containing glass-ceramic was found to be about 40 times stronger than that in the precursor oxyfluoride glass. The up-conversion mechanism is proposed. The reason for the intense Tm3+ up-conversion luminescence in the oxyfluoride glass-ceramics and the concentrations dependence of upconversion luminescence are also discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Er3+/Yb3+-codoped novel oxyfluoride bismuth-germanium glass was prepared and its up-conversion fluorescence property under 975 nm excitation has been studied. Intense green and weak red emissions centered at 525, 546, and 657 nm, corresponding to the transitions 2H(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2), respectively, were observed at room temperature. The possible up-conversion mechanism was also evaluated. The optimal Yb3+-Er3+ concentration ratio is found based on the direct lifetime measurements of excited levels for Er3+ ion. The structure of this novel oxyfluoride bismuth-germanium glass has been investigated by peak-deconvolution of FT-Raman spectrum, and the structural information was obtained from the peak wavenumbers. This novel oxyfluoride bismuth-germanium glass with relatively lower maximum phonon energy (similar to 731 cm(-1)) can be used as potential host material for up-conversion lasers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tm3+/Yb3+-codoped heavy metal oxide-halide glasses have been synthesized by conventional melting and quenching method. Structural properties were obtained based on the Raman spectra, indicating that halide ion has an important influence on the phonon density and maximum phonon energy of host glasses. Intense blue and weak red emissions centered at 477 and 650 nm, corresponding to the transitions (1)G(4) -> H-3(6) and (1)G(4) -> H-3(4), respectively, were observed at room temperature. The possible up-conversion mechanisms are discussed and estimated. With increasing halide content, the up-conversion luminescence intensity and blue luminescence lifetimes of Tm3+ ion increase notably. Our results show that with the substitution of halide ion for oxygen ion, the decrease of phonon density and maximum phonon energy of host glasses both contribute to the enhanced up-conversion emissions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tm3+/Yb3+-codoped gernianate-niobic (GN) and germanium-bismuth (GB) glasses have been synthesized by conventional ruching and quenching method. Intense blue and weak red emissions centered at 477 and 650 nm, corresponding to the transitions (1)G(4)->H-3(6) and (1)G(4)->H-3(4), respectively, were observed at room temperature. The possible Up-conversion mechanisms are discussed and estimated. GN glass showed a weaker up-conversion emission than GB glass, which is inconsistent with the prediction from the difference of maximum phonon energy between GN and GB glasses. In this paper, Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the origin of the difference in up-conversion luminescence in the two glasses. Compared with phonon side-band spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy extracts more information including both phonon energy and phonon density. For the first time, our results reveal that, besides the maximum phonon energy, the phonon density of host glasses is also an important factor in determining the up-conversion efficiency. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tm3+-doped oxide-chloride germanate and tellurite glasses have been synthesized by conventional melting method. Intense up-conversion luminescence emissions were simultaneously observed at room temperature in these glasses. The possible up-conversion mechanisms are discussed and estimated. However, in these Tm3+-doped glasses, tellurite glass showed weaker up-conversion emissions than germanate glass, which is inconsistent with the prediction from the difference of maximum phonon energy between tellurite and germanate glasses. In this paper, Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the origin of the difference in up-conversion luminescence in the two glasses. Our results confirm that, besides the maximum phonon energy, the phonon density of host glasses is also an important factor in determining the up-conversion efficiency. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ytterbium-sensitized erbium-doped oxide-halide tellurite and germanate-niobic-lead glasses have been synthesized by conventional melting method. Intense green and red emissions centered at 525, 546 and 657 nm, corresponding to the transitions H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2), respectively, were simultaneously observed at room temperature in these glasses. The quadratic dependence of the 525, 546 and 657 nm emissions on excitation power indicates that a two-photon absorption process occurs. Tellurite glass showed a weaker up-conversion emission than germanate-niobic-lead glass, which is inconsistent with the prediction from the difference of maximum phonon energy between tellurite and germanate-mobic-lead glasses. In this paper, Raman spectroscopy was employed to investigate the origin of the difference in up-conversion luminescence in the two glasses. Compared with phonon side-band spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy extracts more information including both phonon energy and phonon density. Our results reveal that the phonon density and the maximum phonon energy of host glasses are both important factors in determining the up-conversion efficiency. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.