926 resultados para Marijuana dependence
Difficulties in visual attention are increasingly being linked to dyslexia. To date, the majority of studies have inferred functionality of attention from response times to stimuli presented for an indefinite duration. However, in paradigms that use reaction times to investigate the ability to orient attention, a delayed reaction time could also indicate difficulties in signal enhancement or noise exclusion once oriented. Thus, in order to investigate attention modulation and visual crowding effects in dyslexia, this study measured stimulus discrimination accuracy to rapidly presented displays. Adults with dyslexia (AwD) and controls discriminated the orientation of a target in an array of different numbers of - and differently spaced - vertically orientated distractors. Results showed that AwD: were disproportionately impacted by (i) close spacing and (ii) increased numbers of stimuli, (iii) did use pre-cues to modulate attention, but (iv) used cues less successfully to counter effects of increasing numbers of distractors. A greater dependence on pre-cues, larger effects of crowding and the impact of increased numbers of distractors all correlated significantly with measures of literacy. These findings extend previous studies of visual crowding of letters in dyslexia to non-complex stimuli. Overall, AwD do not use cues less, but they do use cues less successfully. We conclude that visual attention is an important factor to consider in the aetiology of dyslexia. The results challenge existing theoretical accounts of visual attention deficits, which alone are unable to comprehensively explain the pattern of findings demonstrated here.
This paper presents innovative programs that business schools can utilize to reduce dependence on public funds. A review of the literature shows the theoretical and empirical foundation of higher education funding dilemmas. While higher education is moving towards a global ambition, scarcity hinders governments to fully support programs long-term; thus, cost-sharing and cost-shifting measures must occur for higher education to support current programs. In this study, we examine two universities (one U.S. and one U.K.) and provide practical summaries of programs that have provided additional funds. We show that diversity of funding sources is essential for survival of higher education institutions. Market forces require competition to reduce higher education operational costs while providing students and corporate clients an a la carte educational experience.
Using a modified deprivation (or poverty) function, in this paper, we theoretically study the changes in poverty with respect to the 'global' mean and variance of the income distribution using Indian survey data. We show that when the income obeys a log-normal distribution, a rising mean income generally indicates a reduction in poverty while an increase in the variance of the income distribution increases poverty. This altruistic view for a developing economy, however, is not tenable anymore once the poverty index is found to follow a pareto distribution. Here although a rising mean income indicates a reduction in poverty, due to the presence of an inflexion point in the poverty function, there is a critical value of the variance below which poverty decreases with increasing variance while beyond this value, poverty undergoes a steep increase followed by a decrease with respect to higher variance. Identifying this inflexion point as the poverty line, we show that the pareto poverty function satisfies all three standard axioms of a poverty index [N.C. Kakwani, Econometrica 43 (1980) 437; A.K. Sen, Econometrica 44 (1976) 219] whereas the log-normal distribution falls short of this requisite. Following these results, we make quantitative predictions to correlate a developing with a developed economy. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We conducted nanoindentation to explore the hardness and elastic properties of silica stishovite, synthesized at high pressure and quenched to ambient conditions. A total of 10 crystallographic orientations were examined on selected grains with a maximum load of 4 or 20 mN. We observed discontinuity in the load-displacement curve (pop-in) for the [2 5 over(1, -)] and [6 2 over(1, -)] grains subjected to a maximum load of 20 mN. The single-crystal hardness at high plastic deformation is quasi-isotropic with an average of 32 ± 1 GPa, similar to the polycrystalline hardness reported earlier; the theoretical hardness determined from the experiments is about 54 ± 3 GPa. These two hardnesses suggest that stishovite is one of the hardest oxides. The measured indentation moduli are close to the predictions at low load (minor plasticity) but are considerably lower at high load (high plasticity). Both indentation hardness and modulus decrease with increasing plasticity. Our results underscore the necessity of considering the degree of plastic deformation when interpreting hardness and elastic moduli from indentation experiments. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Models for the conditional joint distribution of the U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen and Euro/Japanese Yen exchange rates, from November 2001 until June 2007, are evaluated and compared. The conditional dependency is allowed to vary across time, as a function of either historical returns or a combination of past return data and option-implied dependence estimates. Using prices of currency options that are available in the public domain, risk-neutral dependency expectations are extracted through a copula repre- sentation of the bivariate risk-neutral density. For this purpose, we employ either the one-parameter \Normal" or a two-parameter \Gumbel Mixture" specification. The latter provides forward-looking information regarding the overall degree of covariation, as well as, the level and direction of asymmetric dependence. Specifications that include option-based measures in their information set are found to outperform, in-sample and out-of-sample, models that rely solely on historical returns.
Although fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) have been widely used as advanced optical sensors, the cross-sensitivity between temperature and strain has complicated independent measurement procedures for these two measurands. We report here, for the first time to our knowledge, the results of a systematic investigation of the dependence of both temperature and strain sensitivities on the grating type, including the well-known Type I, Type IIA, and a new type which we have designated Type IA, using both hydrogen-free and hydrogenated B/Ge codoped fibers. We have identified distinct sensitivity characteristics for each grating type, and we have utilised them to implement a novel dual-grating, dual-parameter sensor device with performance superior to that of previously reported grating-based structures.
In this article on quasidifferential equation with non-fixed time of impulses we consider the continuous dependence of the solutions on the initial conditions as well as the mappings defined by these equations. We prove general theorems for quasidifferential equations from which follows corresponding results for differential equations, differential inclusion and equations with Hukuhara derivative.
This article reflects on context effects in the study of behavioral ethics and organizational justice. After a general overview, we review three key challenges confronting research in these two domains. First, we consider social scientific versus normative approaches to inquiry. The former aims for a scientific description, while the latter aims to provide prescriptive advice for moral conduct. We argue that the social scientific view can be enriched by considering normative paradigms. The next challenge we consider, involves the duality of morally upright versus morally inappropriate behavior. We observe that there is a long tradition of categorizing behavior dichotomously (e.g., good vs. bad) rather than continuously. We conclude by observing that more research is needed to compare the dichotomous versus continuous perspectives. Third, we examine the role of “cold” cognitions and “hot” affect in making judgments of ethicality. Historically speaking, research has empathized cognition, though recent work has begun to add greater balance to affective reactions. We argue that both cognition and affect are important, but more research is needed to determine how they work together. After considering these three challenges, we then turn to our special issue, providing short reviews of each contribution and how they help in better addressing the three challenges we have identified.
Dependence in the world of uncertainty is a complex concept. However, it exists, is asymmetric, has magnitude and direction, and can be measured. We use some measures of dependence between random events to illustrate how to apply it in the study of dependence between non-numeric bivariate variables and numeric random variables. Graphics show what is the inner dependence structure in the Clayton Archimedean copula and the Bivariate Poisson distribution. We know this approach is valid for studying the local dependence structure for any pair of random variables determined by its empirical or theoretical distribution. And it can be used also to simulate dependent events and dependent r/v/’s, but some restrictions apply. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.3, J.2.
We demonstrate a unique temperature-dependent characteristic of the selectively liquid-crystal-filled photonic crystal fiber, which is realized by a selectively infiltrating liquid crystal into a single air hole located at the second ring near the core of the PCF. Three-resonance dips are observed in the transmission spectrum. Theoretical and experimental investigations reveal that the three-resonance dips all result from the coupling between the LP01 core mode and the rod modes, i.e., LP03 and LP51. Then, we find that the dip shift induced by temperature shows good agreements with the thermo-optic performance of the LC employed. Furthermore, the dips shift greatly with changes in temperature, providing a method to achieve temperature measurement in such a compact structure.
The viscosity of four aged bio-oil samples was measured experimentally at various shear rates and temperatures using a rotational viscometer. The experimental bio-oils were derived from fast pyrolysis of beech wood at 450, 500, and 550 °C and Miscanthus at 500 °C (in this work, they were named as BW1, BW2, BW3, and MXG) in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The viscosity of all bio-oils was kept constant at various shear rates at the same temperature, which indicated that they were Newtonian fluids. The viscosity of bio-oils was strongly dependent upon the temperature, and with the increase of the temperature from 30 to 80 °C, the viscosity of BW1, BW2, BW3, and MXG decreased by 90.7, 93.3, 92.6, and 90.2%, respectively. The Arrhenius viscosity model, which has been commonly used to represent the temperature dependence of the viscosity of many fluids, did not fit the viscosity-temperature experimental data of all bio-oils very well, especially in the low- and high-temperature regions. For comparison, the Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) model was also used. The results showed that the WLF model gave a very good description of the viscosity-temperature relationship of each bio-oil with very small residuals and the BW3 bio-oil had the strongest viscosity-temperature dependence.
Over the last 10 years, the development and the understanding of the mechanical properties of thin film material have been essential for improving the reliability and lifetime in operation of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Although the properties of a bulk material might be well characterized, thin-film properties are considerably different from those of the bulk and it cannot be assumed that mechanical properties measured using bulk specimens will apply to the same materials when used as a thin film in MEMS. For many microelectronic thin films, the material properties depend strongly on the details of the deposition process and the growth conditions on its substrate. ^ The purpose of this dissertation is to determine the temperature dependence of a gold thin film membrane on the pull down voltage of a MEMS switch as the temperature is varied from room temperature (300 K) to cryogenic temperature (10 K). For this purpose, an RF MEMS shunt switch was designed and fabricated. The switch is composed of a gold coplanar waveguide structure with a gold bridge membrane suspended above an area of the center conductor which is covered by a dielectric (BaTiO3). The gold membrane is actuated by an electrostatic force acting between the transmission line and the membrane when voltage is applied. ^ Material characterization of the gold evaporated thin film membrane was obtained via AFM, SEM, TEM and X-ray diffraction analyses. A mathematical relation was used to estimate the pull down voltage of the switch at cryogenic temperature and results showed that the mathematical theory match the experimental values of the tested MEMS switches. ^
The main objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between parent-related, acculturation-related, and substance use-related variables found within individual, familial/parental, peer and school adolescent ecological domains, in a clinical sample (i.e. adolescents who met criteria for a Diagnostic Statistical Manual-IV [DSMIV] clinical diagnosis of substance abuse/dependence) of Hispanic adolescents from Miami, Florida. ^ The sample for this study consisted of 94 adolescent-mother pairs. The adolescent sample was 65% male, and 35% female, with a mean age of 15 years. More than half of the adolescents were born in the United States (60%) and had resided in the U.S. for an average of 12 years; 80% of the caregivers (primarily mothers) were foreign-born and lived in the U.S. for an average of 21 years. ^ Correlation and hierarchical regression were used to answer the research questions. The findings indicate that the hypothesized model and corresponding anticipated effect of the relationship between parental school and peer involvement on adolescents’ frequency of alcohol, marijuana and cocaine use was not supported by the data. Parental “acculturation-related” variables did not explain any of the variance in adolescent substance use frequency in this sample. Mediation and moderation models were not supported either. However, some interesting relationships were found: ^ The larger the acculturation gap, the lower the parental involvement in school tended to be (r = -.21, p < .05). Adolescents who experienced a greater acculturation gap with their parents (-.81, p >.01) had an earlier onset of marijuana (-.33, p < .01) and cocaine use (r = -.24, p <.01). The less acculturated parents experienced more parenting stress (r = -.31, p = < .01). Attachment was positively associated with parental peer involvement (r = .24, p < .05) and inversely associated with parenting acculturative stress (r = -.24, p < .05). Attachment was also positively associated with marijuana (r = .39, p < .01) and cocaine use (r = .33, p < .01). Adolescent males reported being more attached to their mothers when compared to adolescent females (r = .22, p >.05), they also reported using marijuana more frequently than females (.21, p >.05). ^
Despite widespread recognition of the problem of adolescent alcohol and other drug (AOD) abuse, research on its most common treatment modality, group work, is lacking. This research gap is alarming given that outcomes range from positive to potentially iatrogenic. This study sought to identify change mechanisms and/or treatment factors that are observable within group treatment sessions and that may predict AOD use outcomes. This NIH (F31 DA 020233-01A1) study evaluated 108, 10-19 year olds and the 19 school-based treatment groups to which they were previously assigned (R01 AA10246; PI: Wagner). Associations between motivational interviewing (MI) based change talk variables, group leader MI skills, and alcohol and marijuana use outcomes up to 12-months following treatment were evaluated. Treatment session audio recordings and transcripts (1R21AA015679-01; PI: Macgowan) were coded using a new discourse analysis coding scheme for measuring group member change talk (Amrhein, 2003). Therapist MI skills were similarly measured using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity instrument. Group member responses to commitment predicted group marijuana use at the 1-month follow up. Also, group leader empathy was significantly associated with group commitment for marijuana use at the middle and ending stages of treatment. Both of the above process measures were applied in a group setting for the first time. Building upon MI and social learning theory principles, group commitment and group member responses to commitment are new observable, in-session, process constructs that may predict positive and negative adolescent group treatment outcomes. These constructs, as well as the discourse analysis method and instruments used to measure them, raise many possibilities for future group work process research and practice.