975 resultados para Many-body


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Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2014


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Univ., Dissertation, 2015


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Body color polymorphism of urban populations of cosmopolite fly Drosophila kikkawai Burla, 1954 was investigated in relation to its possible association with environmental temperature. Samples of D. kikkawai were collected in spring, summer, autumn and winter between 1987 to 1988, in zones with different levels of urbanization in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. A clear association was observed between darker flies and both seasons with low temperatures and areas of low urbanization (where temperature is generally lower than in urbanized areas). Results of preliminary laboratory experiments involving six generations of flies grown in chambers at temperatures of 17º and 25ºC confirmed this tendency to a relationship between body color and temperature, with allele frequency of the main gene involved in body pigmentation changing over time.


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The distribution and morphology of fat body of Brazilian diplopod Rhinocricus padbergi Verhoeff, 1938 are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and histology. A terminology is proposed for description of the diplopods fat body.


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Workers of Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides (Lepeletier, 1836) develop their ovaries and lay eggs, therefore the production of vitellogenin is expected. In electrophoretic profiles only fat body extracts from nurse workers and ovary extracts from newly-emerged workers show protein with molecular mass similar to vitellogenin. However, an increase in the protein content was detected in forager fat body. This increase was attributed to storage of vitellogenin or other proteins in the previous phase and not discharged into the hemolymph or to an effect of the increased titre of juvenile hormone in this phase of worker life over the fat body functioning.


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The outbreak of the jungle or forest yellow fever, through the adapta¬tion, quite recently of the yellow fever virus o the forest mosquitoes, brou¬ght the necessity of ecological researches on hese mosquitoes, as well as on the wild animals they bite, some of them being susceptible to the desease. This has been done by the special yellow fever Service of the State of Sao Paulo, in a special Biological Station in Perús, São Paulo, which has been built in the midst of the jungle. This station was made with plain materials, and covered with straw, but was confortable enough for the technical work, i nthe early months of 1938. During the months in which the investigations were being carried on, the following interesting results were obtained: 1. As we have already pointed out in other places, the forest mosquitoes biting us during daytime, are always new born insects, having not yet sucked blood, as it is the general rule with all mosquitoes, and therefore also, with the anopheles and stegomyia, and this explains why nobody gets malaria or yellow fever, transmitted by anofeles or by aedes aegypti during the day. We think therefore, the jungle yellow fever, got during daytime is not due to the infected jungle or forest mosquito biting, but to infection through the human skin coming into close contact with tre virus, which the forest mosquitoes lay with their dejections, on the leaves of the trees where they remain sitting du¬ring the day. 2. As it is the rule with anopheles, stegomyia and other mosquitoes, the insects once having sucked blood, take nocturnal habits and, therefore, bite us, only during the night, so it happens with the forest mosquito, and insects with developped eggs and blood in stomach have been caught within the sta¬tion house, during the night. During the day, these mosquitoes do not bite, but remain quite still on the leaves of the trees, in the damp parts of the woods. 3. Jungle or forest mosquitoes can easely bite wild animals, some with more avidity then ethers, as it has bee npointed out to the opossum (didei-phis) and other animals. They also bite birds having very thin skin and only exceptionally, cold bloods animals. 5. Is has hot been possible to ascertain how forest mosquitoes are able to live, from onde season to another, through winter, when temperature drops near and even below zero. They have not been found in holes of the terrain, of trees and of animals, as it is the rule in cold countries. During winter, in the forest, it is possible to find larvs in the holes of bambus and trees full of water. As wild animals do not harbour the yellow fever virus for a long time in their body, it is diffcult to explain how the desease lasts from one season to another. Many ecological features on the mosquito, remains yet to be explained and therefore it in necessary to go on with the investigations, in bio¬logical stations, such as that one built up in Perús, São Paulo.


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The following is a summary of the studies made on the development of Plasmodium gallinaceum sporozoites inoculated into normal chicks. Initially large numbers of laboratory reared Aëdes aegypti were fed on pullets heavily infected with gametocytes. Following the infectious meal the mosquitoes were kept on a diet of sugar and water syrup until the appearance of the sporozoites in the salivary glands. Normal chicks kept in hematophagous arthropod proof cages were then inoculated either by bite of the infected mosquitoes or by subcutaneous inoculations of salivary gland suspensions. By the first method ten mosquitoes fed to engorgement on each normal chick and were then sacrificed immediately afterwards to determine the sporozoite count. By the second method five pairs of salivary glands were dissected out at room temperature, triturated in physiological saline and inoculated subcutaneously. The epidermis and dermis at the site of inoculation were excised from six hours after inoculation to forty eight hours after appearance of the parasites in the blood stream and stretched out on filter paper with the epithelial surface downward. The dermis was then curretted. Slides were made of the scrapings consisting of connective tissue and epithelial cells of the basal layers which were fixed by metyl alcohol and stained with Giemsa for examination under the oil immersion lens. Skin fragments removed from normal chicks and from regions other than the site of inoculation in the infected chicks were used as controls. In these, only the normal histological aspect was ever encountered. In the biopsy made at the earliest period following inoculation clearly defined elongated forms with eight or more chromatin granules arranged in rosary formation were found. The author believes these to be products of the sporozoite evolution. Search for transition stages between these forms and sporozoites is planned in biopsies to be taken immediately following inoculation and at given intervals up to the six hour period. 1.) 6 and 12 hour periods. The bodies referred to above found in the first period in great abundance, apparently in proportion to the large numbers of sporozoites inoculated, were perceptibly reduced in numbers in the second period. 2.) 18 hour period. Only one biopsy was examined. This presented a binuclear body shown in Fig. 1, having a more or less hyaline protoplasm staining an intense blue and a narrow vacuole delimiting the cell boundaries. The two chromatin grains were quite large presenting a clearly defined nuclear texture. 3.) 24 hour period. A similar body to that above (Fig. 2) was seen in the only preparation examined. 4.) 60 hour period. The exoerythrocytic schizonts were found more frequently from this period onward. Several such were found no longer to contain the previously described vacuoles (Fig. 3). 5.) 84 hour period. Cells bearing eight or more schizonts were frequently encountered here. That these are apparently not bodies in process of division may be seen in Fig. 4. From this time onward small violet granules similar to volutine grains appeared constantly in the schizont nucleus and protoplasm. These are definitely not hemozoin. The above observations fell within the incubation period as repeated examinations of the peripheral and visceral blood were negative. Exoery-throcytic parasites also were never encountered in the viscera at this time. Exoerythrocytic schizonts searched for at site of inoculation 1, 24 and 48 hours after the incubation period were present in large number at all three times with apparent tendency to diminish as the number within the blood stream increased. Many of them presented the violet granules mentioned above. The appearance of the chromatin and the intensity of staining of the protoplasm varied from body to body which doubtless corresponds to the evolutionary stage of each. This diversity of aspect may frequently be seen in the parasites of the same host cell (Fig. 5.). These findings lend substance to the theory that the exoerythrocytic forms are the link between the sporozoites and the pigmented parasites of the red blood corpuscles. The explanation of their continued presence in the organism after infection of the blood stream takes place and their presence in cases infected by the inoculation blood does not come within the scope of this work. Large scale observations shortly to be undertaken will be reported in more detail particularly observations on the first evolutionary phases of the sporozoite within the organism of the vertebrate host.


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Using the continuation method we prove that the circular and the elliptic symmetric periodic orbits of the planar rotating Kepler problem can be continued into periodic orbits of the planar collision restricted 3–body problem. Additionally, we also continue to this restricted problem the so called “comets orbits”.


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The A. A. made bacteriological invesigations in 145 cases of autopsy. These investigations were carried out on the blood and spleen. The cultures were positive in 67 cases and in 21 of these there was body contamination. In the other cases the isolated bacteria were the proved or probable cause of the disease. For the Staphylococcus alone (isolated in 9 cases) we cannot give a definite opinion. We think that presence of bacteria in the blood and in the spleem implies bacteriemia at the moment of death, according to the observations of Hunt and co-workers. In our cases such presence was related to that of anatomical lesions of bacterial origin. When the bacteria were present only in the spleen we think that there had been bacteriemia, not present at the moment of the death. We only observed the contamination by contiguity when the bacteria were present in the blood of the heart. The isolated bacteria were always related to the presence of anatomical lesions. In only 4 cases was this not observed. We were impressed by the great number of negative results even in bodies kept for more than 24 hours. In only 21 cases was body contamination present. In rare cases the bacteria were isolated from the lesions and not from the blood and spleen. We think that apart from the interest of invesigaion, the bacteriological examinations in body material will be able to clear up the diagnosis of many obscure and unnoticed infections. In almost all our cases we obtained that result.


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For the many-to-one matching model in which firms have substitutable and quota q-separable preferences over subsets of workers we show that the workers-optimal stable mechanism is group strategy-proof for the workers. In order to prove this result, we also show that under this domain of preferences (which contains the domain of responsive preferences of the college admissions problem) the workers-optimal stable matching is weakly Pareto optimal for the workers and the Blocking Lemma holds as well. We exhibit an example showing that none of these three results remain true if the preferences of firms are substitutable but not quota q-separable.


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In many high income developed countries, obesity is inversely associated with educational level. In some countries, a widening gap of obesity between educational groups has been reported. The aim of this study was to assess trends in body mass index (BMI) and in prevalence of overweight and obesity and their association with educational level in the adult Swiss population. Four cross-sectional National health interview surveys conducted in 1992/93 (n = 14,521), 1997 (n = 12,474), 2002 (n = 18,908) and 2007 (n = 17,879) using representative samples of the Swiss population (age range 18-102 years). BMI was derived from self-reported data. Overweight was defined as BMI > or = 25 and <30 kg/m(2), and obesity as BMI > or = 30 kg/m(2). Mean (+/- standard deviation) BMI increased from 24.7 +/- 3.6 in 1992/3 to 25.4 +/- 3.6 kg/m2 in 2007 in men and 22.8 +/- 3.8 to 23.7 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2) in women. Between 1992/3 and 2007, the prevalence of overweight + obesity increased from 40.4% to 49.5% in men and from 22.3% to 31.3% in women, while the prevalence of obesity increased from 6.3% to 9.4% in men and from 4.9% to 8.5% in women. The rate of increase in the prevalence of obesity was greater between 1992/3 and 2002 (men: +0.26%/year; women: +0.31%/year) than between 2002 and 2007 (men: +0.10%/year; women: +0.10%/year). A sizable fraction (approximately 25%) of the increasing mean BMI was due to increasing age of the participants over time. The increase was larger in low than high education strata of the population. BMI was strongly associated with low educational level among women and this gradient remained fairly constant over time. A weaker similar gradient by educational level was apparent in men, but it tended to increase over time. In Switzerland, overweight and obesity increased between 1992 and 2007 and was associated with low education status in both men and women. A trend towards a stabilization of mean BMI levels was noted in most age categories since 2002. The increase in the prevalence of obesity was larger in low education strata of the population. These findings suggest that obesity preventive measures should be targeted according to educational level in Switzerland.


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The purpose of this paper is to review the scientific literature from August 2007 to July 2010. The review is focused on more than 420 published papers. The review will not cover information coming from international meetings available only in abstract form. Fingermarks constitute an important chapter with coverage of the identification process as well as detection techniques on various surfaces. We note that the research has been very dense both at exploring and understanding current detection methods as well as bringing groundbreaking techniques to increase the number of marks detected from various objects. The recent report from the US National Research Council (NRC) is a milestone that has promoted a critical discussion on the state of forensic science and its associated research. We can expect a surge of interest in research in relation to cognitive aspect of mark and print comparison, establishment of relevant forensic error rates and statistical modelling of the selectivity of marks' attributes. Other biometric means of forensic identification such as footmarks or earmarks are also covered in the report. Compared to previous years, we noted a decrease in the number of submission in these areas. No doubt that the NRC report has set the seed for further investigation of these fields as well.


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The intensity of parasite infections often increases during the reproductive season of the host as a result of parasite reproduction, increased parasite transmission and increased host susceptibility. We report within-individual variation in immune parameters, hematocrit and body mass in adult house martins Delichon urbica rearing nestlings in nests experimentally infested with house martin bugs Oeciacus hirundinis and birds rearing nestlings in initially parasite-free nests. From first to second broods body mass and hematocrit of breeding adult house martins decreased. In contrast leucocytes and immunoglobulins became more abundant. When their nests were infested with ectoparasites adults lost more weight compared with birds raising nestlings in nests treated with pyrethrin, whereas the decrease in hematocrit was more pronounced during infection with blood parasites. Neither experimental infestation with house martin bugs nor blood parasites had a significant effect on the amount of immune defences.