996 resultados para Manutenção de fungos
The present study characterizes the physical environment for its fragility and its capacity to support, through geological and geomorphological properties in the study area, concerning primarily with a sustainable environmental planning for the construction and maintenance of buried linear works. The study area is located on a portion of the Paraiba Valley, which is between the latitudes 22 °30' S and 23°00' S and longitudes 44°30' W and 45° 15' W, between cities of Aparecida (SP) and Queluz (SP). The methodology was based in the visual interpretation of TM/Landsat-7 images, using as a criterion the element textural image and its way of organizing space. To do so, it was set five levels of textural density, enabling thus to the partitioning of the area in areas counterparts (Z.H.s). As a result, it was identified 133 Z.H.s. By using the same criterion textural image the following physical properties were classified: Erosion Resistance, Permeability, Plasticity X Brittle, Tropia and Relief Asymmetry for each zone counterpart, and then grouped themselves as they hold all properties equal in Units Geoenvironmental (U.G.s). As a result it was identified 18 U.G.s. The work presents, as a final result, a thematic map with favorable or restrictable sectores to the design of buried linear works. Based on this map, it can be propose traces to buried linear works, analyzing their suitability to the physical environment and reducing the impacts caused to the environment.
Oil is a hydrocarbon mixture of various sizes, including saturated and aromatic compounds. Natural gas is a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons and its main component is methane. In our society, the great demand for these fuels requires fast extraction, transportation and refining, increasing the number of accidents that compromise the environment. Oil is a finite resource and it is necessary to reduce the problems related to the question concerning environmental pollution which has encouraged the search for alternative fuel sources in our country. So today we have two major biofuels: ethanol and biodiesel. Concurrently, many studies have been done directed toward the isolation of microorganisms capable of degrading petrochemical industrial wastes, most of them using as a source of isolation soil and water collected in a contaminated environment. Isolation from alternative substrates has emerged as a new strategy that has provided satisfactory results. In this work, we present the leaf-cutter ants of the Attini tribe as a source for the isolation of micro-fungi with the potential for hydrocarbon degradation. These insects have a social way of life and a highly specialized system of intra and interspecific communication, which is based on the recognition of individuals through volatile chemical compounds, the majority hydrocarbons, stored in their exoskeleton. The micro-environment exoskeleton of Attini ants (genus Atta) used in this work proved to be a rich source of microbial biodiversity, as other studies have found. The flotation isolation technique applied here allowed the achievement of 214 micro-fungi, 118 representatives of the dematiaceous fungi group and 96 hyaline filamentous fungi. They were submitted to toluene degradation tests and at least one strain of each genus presented good results, namely Teratosphaeria, Exophiala, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O Brasil apresenta regiões com grande diversidade geográfica proporcionando o desenvolvimento de diferentes espécies vegetais, favorecendo a busca por bioativos com fins terapêuticos. Nos últimos anos, fungos endofíticos vêm sendo considerados fontes importantes de produtos naturais, demonstrando atividades biológicas de interesses terapêuticos. Pesquisas apontam que extratos brutos oriundos de fungos endofíticos da Eugenia jambolana demonstram atividades antineoplásicas e antimicrobianas. No presente estudo verificou-se a atividade citotóxica e genotóxica de extratos brutos provenientes do metabolismo secundários dos fungos endofíticos isolados de partes da planta da Eugenia jambolana, como caule (Ej- c), folhas (Ej-f), fruto verde (Ej-fv) e fruto maduro (Ej-fm) por meio de experimentos in vitro, utilizando células de hepatocarcinoma murino selvagem (Hepa-1c1c7). Para avaliar a citotoxicidade dos extratos brutos foi realizado o teste do MTT, podendo ser observados diferentes perfis citotóxicos de acordo com a parte da planta e o tempo de exposição de 24 e 48 horas. No tempo de exposição de 24 horas as amostras de Ej-fv(1) e Ej-fv(3) apresentaram CI50 de 65,57 μg/ml e 85,75 μg/ml, respectivamente. Já para amostra Ej-fm(1) houve CI50= 46,53 μg/ml . Nas análises que correspondem o tempo de exposição de 48 horas os extratos brutos do caule Ej-c ( Ej-c(3) e Ej-c(5)) apresentaram CI50 nas concentrações de 84,65 μg/ml e 95,35 μg/ml, respectivamente. O composto Ej-c(1) também foi observado uma menor citotoxicidade na concentração de 100,0 μg/ml. A atividade citotóxica também foi observada nas amostras da folha Ej-f (Ej-f(1), Ej-f(2), Ej-f(3)) atingindo o CI50 nas concentrações de 95,54 μg/ml, 90,8, μg/ml e 26,91 μg/ml, respectivamente. O composto Ej-f(3) também apresentou atividade citotóxica de menor na concentração de 33,3 μg/ml. As amostras do fruto verde Ej-fv(1), Ej-fv(2), Ej-fv(3), Ej-fv(4) e ...
O cupim exótico Coptotermes gestroi, pertencente à família Rhinotermitidae, é um dos mais prejudiciais para os humanos, do ponto de vista econômico, causando grandes prejuízos no Brasil, principalmente nos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. A manutenção de insetos no laboratório pressupõe o uso de uma dieta artificial nutritiva assim, este projeto, pretendeu selecionar a melhor dieta artificial entre 5 testadas, que fosse adequada para manter essa espécie de cupim. Portanto, foram realizados 5 diferentes bioensaios em arenas compostas por câmaras “ninho”, conectadas a câmaras “alimento” , que continham as diferentes dietas ou Pinus sp., madeira utilizada como controle. A sobrevivência dos cupins e o resultado final foi submetido a uma análise de variância que demonstrou que a dieta composta principalmente por - celulose foi a que apresentou os melhores resultados e foi considerada a dieta mais eficaz na manutenção dos cupins em laboratório.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The increase in energy consumption in the world has caused the electrical systems becoming ever larger and more complex. Because of that becomes necessary to use special tools to efficiently manage the equipment present in these systems. Nowadays a tool very used is the remote monitoring of assets which works collecting signals using sensors processing these signals and make them available to the system user. So the user can use informations that may assist him efficiently in making decisions when doing a maintenance. The system is technically efficient since it improves the measurement process and enables the asset management of a substation by using advanced technology for that and economically viable especially in cases where the user is subject to monetary loss due an interruption of power supply
The ants of genus Atta belong to the Attine tribe (order Hymenoptera, family Formicidae, subfamily Myrmicinae) and are commonly known as leaf-cutting ants for having the habit of cutting several vegetable species used as substrate for growing mutualistic fungus (Agaricales: Lepiotaceae). Recent studies showed that, in addition to that, other fungi may occur in the nests in a dorment state or participate in the functioning dynamic of this symbiosis. Researches related to surveys of fungus biodiversity in nests of different Atta species have found important phytopathogenic representatives. In Brazil, studies about integrated management of plagues, developed by Embrapa Meio Ambiente (Embrapa Environment), point out the need of higher investments in projects that involve the phytopathogenic transmission by insects in order to reduce costs to control them or minimize environmental impact. The purpose of this study was to broaden the knowledge about the ecology of these fungi, isolating and identifying species associated with Attine tribe ants, thus understanding the scope of pathogenic and phytopathogenic species spread by these ants. For that reason, gynes were collected from Atta laevigata and Atta capiguara anthills located at Unesp Botucatu (São Paulo, Brazil) campus. In order to isolate the fungus, the mineral oil floating technique was used. The identification of the isolated fungi was done based on microscopic and molecular characteristics using DNA ribosomal sequencing. The most highly abundant genera found so far were: Cladosporium, Exophiala, Penicillium, Acremonium, Phialophora and Teratosphaeria. Representatives of the genera Exophiala, Phialophora and Cladosporium may be human pathogens, whereas Teratosphaeria and Penicillium are related to diseases in Eucalyptus and citric fruits, respectively. The results show that these ants may host important fungal species besides the ones already... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Currently, due to the highly competitive search among industries are becoming more tools for managing product that provides higher availability and therefore profitability. Maintenance as a strategic sector and of fundamental importance in business, it seeks to maximize availability and available resources, minimizing costs and waste, which directly impacts the company's results. The present work has as main objective the review of contracts for maintenance services for companies contracted by a chemical company in the Paraíba Valley, since most of its maintenance services are outsourced, and raise these contracts which are more critical and higher risk to the company's success, thus creating a tool for decision-making by maintenance managers in the act of seeking renewals or new contracts to provide services. As a result after drawing up a standard procedure for contracting of services and a better structuring of the same, we developed a method for the calculation of the criticality of the contracts and based on these calculations, charts were prepared which showed that the current scenario of maintenance contracts the company studied. Thus it is possible to evaluate the contracts which are most critical to the success or failure of the company studied, and also pave the way for further studies on how this criticality of a contract can affect the relationship, the contractor x contracted
In the current economic scenario of constant changes, industries seek to increase their profitability decreasing inventory levels. Maintenance and maintenance management, combined with the inventory management of spare parts, has assumed a position of competitive advantage in business. Stock only what you need has become a difficult decision for managers, who are faced with the lack of models and criteria to assist this decision-making. This work proposes a method which supports decision making, on a MATLAB modeling, using criteria established by an expert and his maintenance workers team, focusing on no regular demand of spare parts. The proposed model was adequate to the needs of the company and the maintenance manager in the decision on the storage
Brazil is a major world producer and exporter of agricultural products like soybeans, sugar, coffee, orange and tobacoo. However, the action of phytopathogenic fungi has been one of the largest challenges encountered in the field as they are responsible for approximately 25 to 50 per cent of losses in crops of fruits and vegetables. The presence of these pathogens is always a problem, because the damage on the tissues and organs promote lesions which decreses growth vegetation and often leads the individual (host) to death. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the process of spreading of these pathogens in the field to develop strategies which prevent the epidemics caused by them. In this study, the dispersal of fungi phytopathogenic in the field was modeled using the automata cellular formalism. The growth rate of infected plants population was measured by the radius of gyration and the influence of host different susceptibility degrees into the disease spread was assessed. The spatial anisotropy related to the plant-to-plant space and the system’s response to distinct seasonal patterns were also evaluated. The results obtained by a mean field model (spatially implicit models) emphasized the importance of the spatial structure on the spreading process, and dispersal patterns obtained by simulation (using a cellular automata) were in agreement with thse observed in data. All computational implementation was held in language Cl
Leafcutter ants are considered pests in agriculture for their impact in human crops, as they behave utilizing foliar fragments to raise their simbiont fungi (Agaricales: Lepiotaceae) inside their nest. Recent studies have noticed that other fungi may be associated to ants inside their nests, for instance, fungi with melanized wall, known by “dematiaceous”. Historically, many black fungi have been noticed as fitopathogens of many plant cultures with economic importance, highlighting dematiaceous ecological behavior importance in this study. This investigation had the purpose of amplifying ecological knowledge of this fungi, isolating and identificating dematiaceous fungi found in Attini nests, having the intention of understanding plant pathogens dispersion by ants. In this work, 66 isolates were characterized in the following genus: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Paecilomyces, Oxyporus, Rhodotorula, Bipolaris, Curvularia, Fusarium, Giberella, Paraphaeosphaeria, and Cladosporium. The genus Bipolaris, Curvularia, Fusarium and Giberella are known for their opportunistic behaviour, with some published human infections in literature. Fusarium is a notorious fitopathogen, with wide number of descriptions and studies involving pathogenicity development, biochemistry and genetics. The isolates outline is of phyto – associated (phytopathogens, endophytic or epiphitic), fulfilling this work intention in alarming fungi capacity of dispersal by ants. The comprehension of phytopathogenical processes may be clarified based on the knowledge of oportunistics fungi that may utilize ants bodies for their own dispersal. The identification of isolates with capacity of infecting humans brings out public health issues.
La mission de ce rapport se trouvée dans un projet major de mise en place de la TPM dans l’usine de Biotechnologie à Huningue. Le même sera utilisé comme pilote pour les autres sites de l’entreprise. Le but spécifique de ma mission au sein de Novartis, était d’identifier les activités principales des équipes de maintenance, étudier la façon de travailler et la manière comment ils étaient renseignées dans leurs Ordres de Travail (OT). Ensuite, proposer un standard de flux de travail et façon de renseigner les OT et ainsi organiser la façon de travailler et pouvoir planifier les activités de maintenance, ayant une bonne base de données pour faire les indicateurs
Diante do crescente aumento da população idosa, juntamente com o avanço da procura de idosos por programas de atividades físicas voltados à terceira idade, há uma preocupação e urgência em atender aos interesses e necessidades desses indivíduos, a fim de proporcionar um envelhecimento saudável. Tendo em vista a dificuldade encontrada em localizar trabalhos que relacionem a visão dos idosos com a visão dos profissionais de educação física que trabalham diretamente com atividades voltadas a esta população e que abordem aspectos relacionados à prática dos idosos em tais programas, tornou-se importante a realização desta pesquisa. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo identificar os motivos de adesão, manutenção e preferência de idosos, com relação aos exercícios físicos realizados em um programa sistematizado, sob o olhar dos idosos praticantes e dos profissionais que trabalham diretamente com esta população. Para tanto, o estudo constitui-se da união de pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo do tipo survey, utilizando-se como instrumento para coleta de dados uma entrevista semiestruturada, aplicada a uma amostra intencional composta de 30 idosos praticantes de exercícios físicos e de 10 profissionais que coordenam essas atividades. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente, por meio da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo Temático, obtendo-se como resultados: a orientação médica como principal motivo de adesão, tanto na visão dos idosos, como na dos profissionais que trabalham diretamente com esta população; melhorar a saúde foi o principal motivo de permanência, de acordo com os idosos entrevistados e, na visão dos profissionais, foi a interação social; saúde debilitada como principal motivo de desistência para os dois grupos da amostra. Além disso, verificou-se que há uma preocupação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
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This study aims to analyze the feasibility of using predictive techniques like thermography, vibration analysis, eddy current, liquid penetrant, visual examination and ultrasound in equipment as batch reactors of the type used in a biodiesel production company. This study is based on: analysis of the practices of corrective and preventive maintenance commonly adopted in the company in question, the cost and time spent for such activities and the potential savings and revenue generation that can be after implementation of these techniques on the analysis of maintenance current