968 resultados para Manganese nodules.
Rhenium properties offer many interesting possibilities, therefore any ores containing rhenium would be of considerable value. Its close relationship to manganese in the periodic table led to the belief that manganese ores would be an excellent place to search for the metal. Investigation of the literature of rhenium revealed that no ore was known to contain more than 0.001 per cent of rhenium.
Manganese has been successfully electrodeposited from aqueous solutions in past years by several workers in electrochemical and electrometallurgical fields. The present work was concerned, primarily, with investigation of electrodeposition from solutions which are commercially obtainable from the hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical treatment of the low grade manganese deposits of this country.
The increase in hardness is attributed to the manganese silicide being precipitated from solid solution and deposited between crystal planes. The subsequent softening which occurs on prolonging the period of reheating is believed to be due to an agglomeration of the dispersed hardening agent.
The production of metallic manganese by electrolysis is of potential value for the recovery of this strategic metal from domestic deposits. These deposits are largely unsuitable for the production of ferromanganese, but they are amenable to low-cost leaching processes.
The use of manganese in the steel industry as a deoxidizing and desulfidizing agent makes it a necessity in modern industry, while the various alloy steels using manganese for the quality of toughness are also indispensable. Manganese is also used in the manufacture of such various articles as battery cells, paints and glass.
The purpose of the investigation was to determine the most effective means of concentrating the manganese in the ore. The study was that of identification of the minerals present. This showed the presence of oxides of manganese and iron, and carbonates of calcium and manganese. Methods of investigation were planned to determined whether the ore could be concentrated effectively by gravity concentration methods.
The subject of the thesis was based upon the theory of precipitation or age hardening of the copper by the compound formed by the Manganese and silicon present in the ternary Cu-Mn-Si alloy. The effect of the heat treatment to such an alloy was to be studied and the best aging time and temperature was to be determined.
Powder metallurgy is a branch of metallurgy which produces metallic compacts in their final forms by means of pressure and heat-treatment from the powders. The products of powder metallurgy are being used in our daily lives quite often. For example, the tungsten wires in the electric bulbs to the silver-tin fillings of our teeth.
Manganese is commonly known to be a metal of great strategic importance. It is essential in the production of all steels, first as a scavenger to remove oxygen and sulfur, and second as an alloying element in wear-resistant steels.
Since 1880, when Wolcott Gibbs made the suggestion that mercury could be used as a cathode in gravimetric electroanalysis, many articles have appeared in literature either criticizing the method or citing successful results which have been obtained by it.
Various electrolytes were experimented with in an attempt to deposit an iron-manganese alloy. An Alloy was obtained from a solution containing ferrous ammonium sulfate, manganous sulfate, and ammonium sulfate. Further experimentation was done in an effort to determine the optimum conditions of deposition and the highest manganese alloy which could be produced.
The contents of this paper represent attempts to deposit the metal, manganese from sodium manganate solutions. The source of manganese was limited to the nodulized product from roasting rhodochrosite and was therefore chiefly manganese oxide.
An electrodeposition of an iron-manganese alloy was made from the same conditions determined by previous research. Various addition agents were experimented with in an attempt to produce better conditions for electro-deposition. It was found advantageous to add small amounts of sodium lauryl sulfate and ammonium sulfite to the electrolyte.
In the past the steel industry of the United States has depended almost wholly on imports for its supplies of manganese. Although it is well known that there are enormous deposits of low grade manganese ore in the United States the production of substantial amounts of ferro-grade material from domestic sources presents a field for constructive and practical research.
During recent years, duralumin and all aluminum alloys have been made the object of much discussion regarding their hardening mechanism. The commercial success of nearly all of the alloys of aluminum and magnesium is dependent on their ability to age or precipitation harden.