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A produção de carvão vegetal a partir de florestas plantadas mudou de forma determinante a logística desta atividade dotando-a de escala e fixando a estrutura de produção composta por fornos e periféricos. A lógica de se ter os fornos construídos ao lado das frentes de exploração florestal, e se deslocando junto com ela à medida em que a colheita é realizada foi abandonada. A partir de então, tem-se buscado uma forma de aproveitar a disponibilidade energética contida nos gases da carbonização, que segue sem uso, tendo quando muito um aproveitamento incipiente e marginal. Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de lay out para a Unidade de Produção de Carvão (UPC) de fornos retangulares tradicionais em alvenaria projetados e posicionados de forma a possibilitar seu acoplamento a um sistema de coleta e queima dos gases da carbonização. Após exaustiva pesquisa bibliográfica e visitas técnicas para conhecimento de diferentes tecnologias de carbonização, elaborou-se o projeto, com objetivo de eliminar as limitações identificadas nas tecnologias tradicionais em uso atualmente pelas empresas com produção em escala industrial, reduzindo as perdas e dificuldades operacionais para aproveitamento dos gases. É caracterizado pela saída dos gases somente por uma chaminé instalada no fundo do forno, possui entradas de ar do processo em minicâmaras, que atuam evitando excesso de ar, queima excessiva de madeira e consequente geração excessiva de CO2 e metano – dois gases causadores de efeito estufa. Preconiza-se a queima dos gases da carbonização para uso posterior em geração de energia elétrica e/ou secagem da madeira antes da carbonização. Os resultados dos indicadores técnicos (ciclos dos fornos e produtividade, etc.) e de produção obtidos até o momento na planta em operação vêm confirmando a operacionalidade do conjunto de fornos na nova disposição concebida. Não houve perda de produtividade dos fornos causada pela nova disposição, e as modificações no projeto do forno não impactaram negativamente em seu desempenho operacional. A capacidade produtiva da Unidade vem se confirmando até o momento. Tivemos frustradas nossas expectativas de já apresentar nesta dissertação os resultados operacionais dos fornos juntamente com os do sistema de queima dos gases dado que houve considerável atraso na construção do mesmo impedindo-nos de tê-los antes da data limite de entrega da dissertação. Apresentamos os conceitos que nos levaram à tomada de decisão para o novo lay out e propomos a continuidade dos estudos comprobatórios da viabilidade econômica operacional do sistema, tão logo ele entre em operação.
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o processo de corrosão no aço embutido nos concretos com relação a/agl 0,40; a/agl 0,50 e a/agl 0,70, com substituição parcial do cimento por 30% de cinza da casca de arroz (CCA), 25% ou 50% de cinza volante (CV), expresso por massa de cimento, obtendo-se concretos convencionais com resistência mecânica variando entre 17 e 51 MPa, aos 28 dias de idade. O processo de corrosão foi induzido pelos íons cloreto, por exposição aos ciclos de imersão em solução com 3,5% NaCl e secagem ao ar, durante um longo período de exposição (5 anos). Foram apresentados os resultados obtidos das propriedades físicas (resistência mecânica à compressão axial, índice de vazios e absorção de água) e propriedades elétricas (queda ôhmica, resistência e capacitância do concreto e interfacial). Foram discutidas as técnicas eletroquímicas usadas para avaliar o processo de corrosão, tais como o monitoramento do potencial de corrosão (Ecorr), resistência de polarização (Rp), espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIS) e curvas de polarização. A técnica de interrupção de corrente foi usada para obter-se informações sobre a queda ôhmica no sistema. No presente estudo foram utilizados diferentes métodos de determinação da velocidade de corrosão (icorr), tais como Rp e EIS. Ambas as técnicas foram relativamente adequadas para a determinação do valor da icorr, quando o aço se encontrava no estado de corrosão ativa. O valor da icorr obtida pela extrapolação das retas de Tafel (retas tangentes às curvas de polarização) tendeu ser mais baixo. Observou-se que a técnica de Rp é relativamente simples, rápida e quantitativa, mas requer a determinação da compensação da queda ôhmica no sistema, o qual pode variar com o tempo de exposição, conteúdo de umidade, teor de íons cloreto e com o grau de hidratação. A técnica EIS pode fornecer informações precisas sobre a icorr, processo de difusão envolvido, heterogeneidade ou porosidade da matriz e interfaces do concreto. Todavia, pode criar um espectro de difícil interpretação, além de consumir muito tempo para a aquisição dos resultados. A dificuldade na técnica EIS ficou também relacionada com a obtenção direta da resistência de transferência de carga (Rt) no diagrama de Nyquist. A evolução do processo de corrosão pode ser mais bem avaliada pelo acompanhamento da diminuição da inclinação da curva log |Z| x log ƒ no diagrama de Bode, sendo esta diretamente proporcional à Rt. Para a análise dos dados de impedância, um circuito equivalente foi proposto, auxiliando na interpretação física do processo de corrosão acontecendo no sistema aço-concreto sem pozolana. Os resultados obtidos também demonstraram que os concretos com mais baixa relação a/agl estudada e com pozolana (30% CCA, 25% CV ou 50% CV, por massa de cimento) foram mais eficientes no controle da iniciação do processo de corrosão, induzida por íons cloreto, quando monitorado pela medida do Ecorr.
Micropartículas nanorrevestidas foram preparadas através da secagem por aspersão empregando-se suspensões de nanocápsulas poliméricas como material de revestimento. Uma matriz 2³ foi empregada, e os fatores analisados foram o método de preparação de nanocápsulas (nanoprecipitação e emulsificação-difusão), o polímero [poli(ε-caprolactona) e Eudragit® RS100] e a forma de inclusão da indometacina nas micropartículas (nanocápsulas ou núcleo). Duas formulações adicionais foram preparadas associando a indometacina ao dióxido de silício em etapa única, empregando nanocápsulas obtidas através do método de nanoprecipitação com a poli(ε-caprolactona) e com o Eudragit® RS100. As suspensões de nanocápsulas foram caracterizadas através da medida do pH, do tamanho médio de partícula, do potencial zeta e da eficiência de encapsulação. As micropartículas nanorrevestidas foram caracterizadas quanto ao tamanho de partícula, a taxa de associação, ao rendimento, a área superficial e ao volume de poros. A análise morfológica foi realizada através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura e da microscopia óptica. Também foram determinados o tamanho médio de partícula e o potencial zeta dos pós ressuspendidos. Os perfis de dissolução foram avaliados em tampão fosfato pH 6,8 através da eficiência de dissolução, dos fatores de similaridade e de diferença, da modelagem matemática e do modelo da Lei da Potência. O conjunto dos resultados permitiu selecionar as formulações preparadas com Eudragit® RS100 como sendo as mais promissoras, porque apresentaram maior controle da liberação do fármaco. Em relação à técnica de preparação das nanocápsulas foi selecionada a nanoprecipitação, pois possibilitou a redução de tensoativos, o que torna o processo de secagem mais eficiente. Além disso, a estratégia de associação do fármaco em uma etapa demonstrou perfis de liberação mais controlados para as micropartículas nanorrevestidas. A modelagem matemática empregando a Lei da Potência permitiu a proposição de um modelo de dissolução, a desaglomeração do sistema nanorrevestido microparticulado.
Este modelo é parte de um conjunto de modelos 3D produzidos pela equipe de audiovisual da SEaD/UFSCar para o jogo de realidade virtual “O Laboratório de Química”.
Este modelo é parte de um conjunto de modelos 3D produzidos pela equipe de audiovisual da SEaD/UFSCar para o jogo de realidade virtual “O Laboratório de Química”.
ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Caracterização socio-econômico-cultural de raizeiros e procedimentos pós-colheita de plantas medicinais comercializadas em Maceió, AL. Rev. Bras. Pl. Med, Botucatu, v. 11, n. 01, p.81-91, 2009. Disponível em:
The corn cob is an agricultural by-product still little used, this in part due to the low knowledge of the biotechnological potential of their molecules. Xylan from corn cobs (XSM) is a polysaccharide present in greater quantity in the structure of plant and its biotechnology potential is little known. This study aimed to the extraction, chemical characterization and evaluation of biological activities of xylan from corn cobs. To this end, corncobs were cleaned, cut, dried and crushed, resulting in flour. This was subjected to a methodology that combines the use of alkaline conditions with waves of ultrasound. After methanol precipitation, centrifugation and drying was obtained a yield of 40% (g/g flour). Chemical analysis indicated a high percentage of polysaccharides in the sample (60%) and low contamination by protein (0.4%) and phenolic compounds (> 0.01%). Analysis of monosaccharide composition indicated the presence of xylose:glucose:arabinose:galactose:mannose:glucuronic acid in a molar ratio 50:20:15:10:2.5:2.5. The presence of xylan in the sample was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (¹H and ¹³C) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). Tests were conducted to evaluate the antioxidant potential of XSM. This showed a total antioxidant capacity of 48.45 EAA/g sample. However, did not show scavenging activity of superoxide and hydroxyl radical and also reducing power. But, showing a high capacity chelating iron ions with 70% with about 2 mg/mL. The ability to XSM to influence cell proliferation in culture was also evaluated. This polymer did not influence the proliferation of normal fibroblast cells (3T3), however, decreased the rate of proliferation of tumor cells (HeLa) in a dose-dependent, reaching an inhibition of about 50% with a concentration around 2 mg/mL. Analyzing proteins related to cell death, by immunoblotting, XSM increases the amount of Bax, Bcl-2 decrease, increase cytochrome c and AIF, and reduce pro-caspase-3, indicating the induction of cell death induced apoptosis dependent and independent of caspase. XSM did not show anticoagulant activity in the PT test. However, the test of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), XSM increased clotting time at about 5 times with 600 μg of sample compared with the negative control. The presence of sulfate on the XSM was discarded by agarose gel electrophoresis and IR. After carboxyl-reduction of XSM the anticoagulant activity decreased dramatically. The data of this study demonstrate that XSM has potential as antioxidant, antiproliferative and anticoagulant compound. Future studies to characterize these activities of XSM will help to increase knowledge about this molecule extracted from corn and allow their use in functional foods, pharmaceuticals and chemical industries.
The red ceramic industry is recognized as of major importance in Piauí State. The State capital, Teresina, is the greatest producer of this material ( production about 18 million peaces), which is used mainly for masonry sealing blocks. One of the most frequent problems in this kind of products is the efflorescence. This work has the main objective of studying the influence of gypsum addition on non-glazed tiles, by using the local industry production standards. The raw materials were characterized by FRX, DRX, TGA, DTA and AD. Extruded test specimens were made with the addition of 1, 3 and 5% of gypsum in the ceramic paste, burned at 850oC, 950oC and 1050oC and submitted to further technological tests and microestrutural analysis by the scanning electron microscope. In order to accelerate the aging of bodies of evidence, they were immersed in successive water baths and posterior drying. The reference ceramic paste showed tendency to efflorescence formation after drying and consolidated efflorescence after burning, but no affecting the technological results
The synthesis of zeolites from natural sources of silicon and aluminum are promising alternative routes to obtain porous or zeolite MCM family. Such materials are typically used in catalytic processes and / or adsorption is to obtain new products or for separation and purification processes thereof. Environmental legislation is becoming stricter and requires the use of materials more efficient, aiming to achieve pollution prevention, by gas or liquid contaminants in the environment. In order to obtain a material with environmentally friendly features, this study aimed at the synthesis of zeolite A, from an amorphous sediment, diatomite, which is found in abundance in the northeast region of Brazil, may be substituted for conventional products the production of zeolite, involving higher costs. The methodology for obtaining the "Zeolite A" using as a source of silica and alumina diatomite is simple, since this is a source of silicon, not requiring therefore a structural driver, but also by heat treatment, only drying conventional to remove water. The "zeolite A" was obtained from diatomite, but as an intermediate step we obtained the sodalite. The characterization was made by the following techniques: EDX, XRD, FT-IR, SEM and determining a specific area by the BET method and the BJH method for checking the diameter of pores. By characterization of the obtained material was first demonstrated the achievement of sodalite and after modification of the same, there was obtained zeolite A
O processamento térmico de materiais cerâmicos via energia de microondas, no estágio atual, vem ganhando cada dia mais importância, tendo em vista suas inúmeras aplicações, como por exemplo: aplicação de microondas na área de processamento mineral (aquecimento de minérios antes da moagem, secagem, redução carbotérmica de óxidos minerais, lixiviação, fusão, pré-tratamento de minérios e concentrados de ouro refratário, regeneração de carvão, etc. de acordo com Kigman & Rowson, 1998). Em virtude de uma série de vantagens em potencial, frente aos métodos convencionais de aquecimento, como redução no tempo de processamento; economia de energia; diminuição do diâmetro médio das partículas e melhoramento nas propriedades tecnológicas em geral, esta tecnologia vem se destacando. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho, é desenvolver uma pesquisa visando identificar e caracterizar novas opções de matérias-primas cerâmicas como argilas, feldspatos e caulins que sejam eficazes para definir a formulação de uma ou mais massas para produção de componentes de cerâmica estrutural com propriedades físicas, mecânicas e estéticas adequadas após passarem por sinterização convencional e por energia de microondas destacando as vantagens desta última. Além dos requisitos técnicos e de processo, as formulações apresentadas deverão atender às expectativas de preço e de logística de fornecimento. No estudo foram conformados corpos-de-prova por extrusão e prensagem, sinterizados em fornos microondas e convencional, sob ciclos de queima mais rápidos que os atualmente praticados. As matérias-primas foram caracterizadas e analisadas, utilizando as técnicas de fluorescência por raios X (FRX), difração por raios X (DRX), análise térmica diferencial (DTA), análise térmica gravimétrica (DTG), análise granulométrica (AG), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), absorção d agua (AA), massa especifica aparente (MEA), porosidade aparente (PA), retração linear (RL) e tensão de ruptura e flexão (TRF). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as propriedades tecnológicas de Absorção de água (AA) e Tensão de Ruptura e flexão (TRF), proposto no trabalho foram adquiridos com sucesso e estão bem além do limite exigido pelas especificações das normas da ABNT NBR 15.270/05 e 15.310/09
Carbide reinforced metallic alloys potentially improve some important mechanical properties required for the overall use of important engineering materials such as steel and nickel. Nevertheless, improved performance is achieved not only by composition enhancement but also by adequate processing techniques, such as novel sintering methods in the case of powder metallurgy. The method minimizes energy losses in addition to providing uniform heating during sintering. Thus, the general objective of this study was to evaluate the density, hardness, flexural strength, dilatometric behavior and to analyze the microstructure of metal matrix composites based nickel with addition of carbides of tantalum and / or niobium when sintered in a conventional furnace and Plasma assisted debinding and sintering (PADS). Initially, were defineds best parameters of granulation, screening and mixing procedure. After, mixtures of carbonyl Ni and 5%, 10% and 15 wt.% NbC and TaC were prepared in a Y-type mixer under wet conditions during 60 minutes. The mixtures were then dried and granulated using 1.5 wt. % paraffin diluted in hexane. Granulates were cold pressed under 600 MPa. Paraffin was then removed from the pressed pellets during a pre-sintering process carried out in a tubular furnace at 500 °C during 30 min. The heating rate was 3 ºC/min. The pellets were then sintered using either a plasma assisted reactor or a conventional resistive tubular furnace. For both methods, the heating rate was set to 8 ºC/min up to 1150 °C. The holding time was 60 minutes. The microstructure of the sintered samples was evaluated by SEM. Brinell hardness tests were also carried out. The results revealed that higher density and higher hardness values were observed in the plasma-assisted sintered samples. Hardness increased with the concentration of carbides in the Ni-matrix. The flexural strength also increased by adding the carbides. The decline was larger for the sample with addition of 5% 5% TaC and NbC. In general, compositions containing added carbide 10% showed less porous and more uniform distribution of carbides in the nickel matrix microstructural appearance. Thus, both added carbide and plasma sintering improved density, hardness, flexural strength and microstructural appearance of the composites
This thesis has as objective presents a methodology to evaluate the behavior of the corrosion inhibitors sodium nitrite, sodium dichromate and sodium molybdate, as well as your mixture, the corrosion process for the built-in steel in the reinforced concrete, through different techniques electrochemical, as well as the mechanical properties of that concrete non conventional. The addition of the inhibitors was studied in the concrete in the proportions from 0.5 to 3.5 % regarding the cement mass, isolated or in the mixture, with concrete mixture proportions of 1.0:1.5:2.5 (cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate), superplasticizers 2.0 % and 0.40 water/cement ratio. In the modified concrete resistance rehearsals they were accomplished to the compression, consistence and the absorption of water, while to analyze the built-in steel in the concrete the rehearsals of polarization curves they were made. They were also execute, rehearsals of corrosion potential and polarization resistance with intention of diagnose the beginning of the corrosion of the armors inserted in body-of-proof submitted to an accelerated exhibition in immersion cycle and drying to the air. It was concluded, that among the studied inhibitors sodium nitrite , in the proportion of 2.0 % in relation to the mass of the cement, presented the best capacity of protection of the steel through all the studied techniques and that the methodology and the monitoring techniques used in this work, they were shown appropriate to evaluate the behavior and the efficiency of the inhibitors
The topical corneal application of antimitotic mitomycin-C (MMC) during refractive surgery is still characterized by a lack of standardization and considerable empirism. For this reason the creation of a system capable of reliable drug delivery represents a beneficial innovation for patients submitted to these procedures. Objective: Elaborate a new MMC delivery system during the transoperatory period of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) followed by patent application. Methods: The project consists of an in vitro experimental study to create an MMC (0.02%) release system. The drug was impregnated in sterile Whatman® 41 paper filter discs with a diameter of 8 mm. After drying, the discs were applied to antibiogram plates seeded with Staphylococcus epidermidis (American Type Culture Collection ATCC 12228), followed by the addition of a drop of sterile water. At the end of 1 minute, the discs were removed and the plates incubated for 48 hours at 35oC. Mean drop volume in the collyrium flasks was measured using analytical balance weighing. The inhibition halo (mm) was correlated with the MMC impregnated into the disc. After completion of the invention design a patent application was lodged at the National Institute of Industrial Property. Results: The correspondence between MMC-produced inhibition halos indicated that a dose of 16μg was ideal for impregnating into the discs. The mean drop volume obtained from the collyrium flasks was 37.7 μL. A minute after the application of one drop of balanced saline solution, the system released an adequate concentration for PRK surgery. Conclusion: A new MMC delivery system was created for transoperatory application in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Publication of the patent application (number PI 0704739-8) gives the authors exclusive intellectual property rights. The study was sponsored by Ophthalmos Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Farmacêuticos S.A. (São Paulo-SP, Brazil) and received the indispensable scientific contribution of researchers from the fields of Pharmacy, Medicine, Biology, Statistics and Law, characterizing the work as multidisciplinary, in accordance with norms established by the Postgraduate Health Sciences Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Farming of marine shrimp is growing worldwide and the Litopenaeus vannamei (L. vannamei) shrimp is the species most widely cultivated. Shrimp is an attractive food for its nutritional value and sensory aspects, being essential the maintenance of this attributes throughout storage, which takes place largely under freezing. The aim of this research was to evaluate quality characteristics of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, during freezing storage and to verify the effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) adding. Considering the reutilization of processing shrimp wastes, total carotenoids analysis were conducted in waste of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp and in the flour obtained after dryer. Monthly physicochemical and sensorial analysis were carried out on shrimp stored at 28,3 ± 3,8ºC for 180 days. Samples were placed in polyethylene bags and were categorized as whole shrimp (WS), peeled shrimp (PS), and PS with 0,5% dehydrated rosemary (RS). TBARS, pH, total carotenoid and sensorial Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) were carried out. Carotenoid total analysis was conducted in fresh wastes and processed flour (0 day) and after 60, 120 and 180 days of frozen storage. After 180 days, RS had lower pH (p = 0.001) and TBARS (p = 0.001) values and higher carotenoids (p = 0.003), while WS showed higher carotenoid losses. Sensory analysis showed that WS were firmer although rancid taste and smell were perceived with greater intensity (p = 0.001). Rancid taste was detected in RS only at 120 days at significantly lower intensity (p = 0.001) than WS and PS. Fresh wastes had 42.74μg/g of total carotenoids and processed flour 98.51μg/g. After 180 days of frozen storage, total carotenoids were significantly lower than 0 day (p<0,05). The addition of rosemary can improve sensory quality of frozen shrimp and reduce nutritional losses during storage. Shrimp wastes and flour of L. vannamei shrimp showed considerable astaxanthin content however, during storage it was observed losses in this pigment
Desenvolvimento de sistemas magnéticos com potencialidades terapêuticas para vetorização de fármacos
Magnetic targeting is being investigated as a means of local delivery of drugs, combining precision, minimal surgical intervention, and satisfactory concentration of the drug in the target region. In view of these advantages, it is a promising strategy for improving the pharmacological response. Magnetic particles are attracted by a magnetic field gradient, and drugs bound to them can be driven to their site of action by means of the selective application of magnetic field on the desired area. Helicobacter pylori is the commonest chronic bacterial infection. The treatment of choice has commonly been based upon a triple therapy combining two antibiotics and an anti-secretory agent. Furthermore, an extended-release profile is of utmost importance for these formulations. The aim of this work was to develop a magnetic system containing the antibiotic amoxicillin for oral magnetic drug targeting. First, magnetic particles were produced by coprecipitation of iron salts in alkaline medium. The second step was coating the particles and amoxicillin with Eudragit® S-100 by spray-drying technique. The system obtained demonstrated through the characterization studies carried out a possible oral drug delivery system, consisting in magnetite microparticles and amoxicillin, coated with a polymer acid resistant. This system can be used to deliver drugs to the stomach for treatment of infections in this organ. Another important finding in this work is that it opens new prospects to coat magnetic microparticles by the technique of spray-drying.