971 resultados para M1 (Tank)
An experimental research was carried out to study the fluid mechanics of underwater supersonic gas jets. High pressure air was injected into a water tank through converging-diverging nozzles (Laval nozzles). The jets were operated at different conditions of over-, full-and under-expansions. The jet sequences were visualized using a CCD camera. It was found that the injection of supersonic air jets into water is always accompanied by strong flow oscillation, which is related to the phenomenon of shock waves feedback in the gas phase. The shock wave feedback is different from the acoustic feedback when a supersonic gas jet discharges into open air, which causes screech tone. It is a process that the shock waves enclosed in the gas pocket induce a periodic pressure with large amplitude variation in the gas jet. Consequently, the periodic pressure causes the jet oscillation including the large amplitude expansion. Detailed pressure measurements were also conducted to verify the shock wave feedback phenomenon. Three kinds of measuring methods were used, i.e., pressure probe submerged in water, pressure measurements from the side and front walls of the nozzle devices respectively. The results measured by these methods are in a good agreement. They show that every oscillation of the jets causes a sudden increase of pressure and the average frequency of the shock wave feedback is about 5-10 Hz.
液化气推进技术是微小伴随卫星在轨飞行采用的一种新型推进技术. 微小伴星空间调姿、变轨过程需精确的推力控制, 因此必须了解卫星推进系统中推进剂的形位分布. 本文理论分析了空间微重力环境下液化气推进剂气/液界面的形位分布及变化, 并通过落塔实验验证了微重力环境下有效控制液体推进剂的管理方法.
同源四倍体水稻(2N=4X=48,AAAA)是由二倍体水稻(2N=2X=24,AA)通过秋水仙素诱导染色体加倍后得到的新品系,具有优良的抗病性以及较高的蛋白质含量。因此,在四倍体水平上挖掘水稻的增产潜力成为水稻育种的新手段。同源四倍体水稻具有很强的遗传可塑性和很弱的遗传保守性,利用其作为水稻远缘杂交的桥梁,从野生物种中不断地引进有益的基因,这将有助于杂交水稻的多代利用和固定水稻的杂种优势。但是迄今为止,还没有关于同源四倍体水稻遗传多样性,遗传背景的报道。目前世界关于同源四倍体水稻的研究主要集中在中国,主要研究方向为培育、筛选结实正常的亲本材料,配置和筛选结实率正常或接近正常的组合。经过几十年研究,虽然在材料构建,细胞学研究等方面取得了较大进展,但同样由于结实率低的瓶颈问题未解决,而使多倍体水稻育种未能取得实质性进展。而近年来一些关于同源四倍体水稻低结实率机理的细胞学研究也由于缺乏统计学数据而缺乏说明性。本文用SSR标记,对选取的36个结实率正常同源四倍体水稻三系亲本和14个来源二倍体亲本,分析他们的遗传差异和群体遗传结构。本文还利用我们培育的高、低结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系、优良保持系和杂种F1及二倍体对照为材料,进行系统深入的细胞遗传学研究,进一步探讨同源四倍体水稻有性传递后代的发育过程,探索分裂期染色体行为特征与遗传性状稳定性的关系,为进一步选育多倍体水稻品种并将其应用于生产提供理论依据。同源四倍体水稻突变株D4063-1直链淀粉含量比来源二倍体明恢63下降一半,即其直链淀粉含量为5.23%,为研究其直链淀粉含量下降的原因,本文还根据普通水稻Wx基因设计引物,扩增测序获得了D4063-1Wx基因的全序列,与已报道Wx基因进行比对分析,并根据D4063-1和籼稻、粳稻的序列差异并根据D4063-1在该片段上的特征序列位点设计了用于识别D4063-1的寡核苷酸片段,为快速、准确的鉴别低直链淀粉的D4063-1创造了条件。 SSR标记具有基因组分布广泛、数量丰富、多态性高、容易检测、共显性、结果稳定可靠、实验重现性好、操作简单、经济、易于高通量分析等许多优点,被认为是用于遗传多样性、品种鉴定、物种的系统发育、亲缘关系及起源等研究的非常有效的分子标记。本研究选取了中国科学院成都生物所培育的同源四倍体和二倍体水稻亲本,并用36个微卫星标记进行了遗传差异和种群遗传结构分析。在50个品系中,我们观察到较高水平的多态性,每基因等位基因数(Ae)分布于2至6之间(平均值3.028),多态性信息含量(PIC)分布于0.04至0.76之间(平均值0.366);期望杂合度(He)分布于0.04至0.76之间(平均值0.370),Shannon指数(I)分布于0.098至1.613之间(平均值0.649)。同源四倍体品系的等位基因数,期望杂合性和Shannon指数都比二倍体品系高。在供试50个品系中,较多材料均发现Rare基因,根据SSR多态性指数我们构建了同源四倍体和二倍体水稻的核心指纹库。F-统计值表明遗传差异主要存在于同源四倍体品系中(Fst=0.066)。聚类分析结果表明50个品系可以分为4个组。I组包括所有的同源四倍体和二倍体籼稻保持系,以及一个同源四倍体籼稻雄性不育系及其来源二倍体。II组仅包括IR来源的品系。III组比II组和IV组更复杂,包括同源四倍体和二倍体籼稻恢复系品系。IV组包括同源四倍体和二倍体粳稻品系。此外,由于等位基因及配子的遗传差异,同源四倍体与二倍体品系中存在单位点和双位点的遗传差异。分析结果表明,二倍体和四倍体水稻基因库的不同,其中遗传变异可以区分四倍体与二倍体水稻。同源四倍体水稻具有长期而独立的遗传性,我们能够选育并得到与二倍体亲本相比有特殊优良农艺性状的品系。 本研究以高结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系DTP-4、D明恢63及优良保持系D46B为材料进行农艺性状及细胞遗传学比较研究。DTP-4、D明恢63及保持系D46B的的染色体组成均为2N=4X=48,花粉母细胞具有较为理想的减数分裂行为,配对染色体的比率在99%以上,这与理论染色体组构成相符。DTP-4和D明恢63PMC减数分裂各个时期单价体和三价体的比例都非常低,而在MI, PMC观察到较多的二价体和四价体且四价体多以环状形式出现,其最大频率的染色体构型分别为12II 6IV和10II 7IV。恢复系DTP-4和D明恢63在MI四价体频率分别为2.00/PMC和2.26/PMC,而保持系D46B在MI四价体频率为6.00/PMC,极显著地高于恢复系品系,表明保持系D46B具有更好的染色体配对性质;AI保持系D46B的染色体滞后频率为10.62%,远低于恢复系材料DTP-4和D明恢63的19.44%和23.14%,接近二倍体对照明恢63的7.30%水平;TI保持系D46B具有比恢复系更低频率的微核数。而在TII,D46B的正常四分小孢子比率不但高于恢复系品系甚至高于二倍体对照。对高低结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系和杂种F1代的花粉育性,结实率和细胞遗传学行为进行了比较研究。DTP-4, D明恢63, D46A´DTP-4和D46A´D明恢63的花粉育性和结实率比D什香和D46A´D什香显著提高。减数分裂分析的结果表明,DTP-4,D明恢63,D什香,D46A´DTP-4,D46A´D明恢63和D46A´D什香其减数分裂染色体构型分别为:0.05I +19.96 II (9.89棒状+10.07环状) +0.01III + 2.20 IV, 0.11I +19.17 II (8.90 棒状+10.37 环状) +0.09III + 2.26 IV + 0.01 VI, 1.33I +9.46 II (4.50 棒状+4.96 环状) +0.44III + 6.02 IV + 0.09VI + 0.09 VIII, 0.02I +14.36 II (6.44 棒状+7.91 环状) +0.01III + 4.80IV + 0.01VIII, 0.06 I +17.67 II (11.01 棒状+6.67 环状) +0.06 III + 3.10 IV + 0.01 VI and 1.11 I +11.31 II (5.80 棒状+5.51 环状) +0.41 III + 5.63 IV+0.03VI+0.03VIII。在同源四倍体水稻恢复系和杂种F1代材料中,最常见的染色体构型为16II +4IV和12II +6IV。在减数分裂过程中,结实率较高的材料染色体异常现象较少而结实率较低的材料染色体异常现象较严重。在杂种F1代中,二价体的比例要低于其相应的恢复系亲本,同样的,单价体,三价体和多价体的比例相比其恢复系亲本也偏低。然而,在减数分裂MI,杂种F1代中四价体的比例要显著高于其恢复系亲本。在中期I,每细胞单价体的比例和花粉育性呈现出极高的负相关(-0.996),当单价体数目升高时,花粉育性下降。其次是每细胞三价体的比例(-0.987),之后则是每细胞多价体的比例与花粉育性的负相关(-0.948)。但是统计分析表明,二价体和四价体的比例对花粉育性和结实率没有显著影响。这一结果表明出了花粉育性和细胞减数分裂行为的相关性,同源四倍体的减数分裂行为为筛选高结实率的同源四倍体种系提供了理论依据。 突变体是遗传学研究的基本材料。利用突变体克隆水稻基因,并进而研究基因的生物学功能是水稻功能基因组学的重要研究内容。本课题组在多年的四倍体水稻育种研究中已获得多个低直链淀粉含量突变体,其中一些突变体在直链淀粉含量下降的同时,胚乳外观也发生了显著改变,呈半透明或不透明。同源四倍体水稻突变株D4063-1直链淀粉含量比来源二倍体明恢63下降一半,即其直链淀粉含量为5.23%。为研究其直链淀粉含量下降的原因,我们根据普通水稻Wx基因设计引物,扩增测序获得了D4063-1Wx基因的全序列,与已报道Wx基因进行比对分析;同源四倍体水稻D4063-1Wx基因最显著变化为在外显子序列中发生了碱基缺失,导致移码突变,在第9外显子终止密码子提前出现。D4063-1Wx基因碱基位点的变化还导致了其序列上的酶切位点的变化,对常用限制性内切酶位点分析分析结果表明同源四倍体水稻相对于籼稻和粳稻多了2个sph1酶切位点,相对于粳稻减少了6个Acc1,增加了4个Xba1,1个Xho1,1个Pst1和1个Sal1酶切位点。聚类分析表明D4063-1Wx基因序列与籼稻亲源关系较近,由此推测D4063-1Wx基因来源于籼稻的Wxa基因型。另外,根据D4063-1Wx基因的碱基差异,我们推测D4063-1Wx基因外显子碱基变化导致的RNA加工障碍是其直链淀粉降低的主要原因,并可能与其米饭较软等品质相关。本文还根据D4063-1和籼稻、粳稻的序列差异并根据D4063-1在该片段上的特征序列位点设计了用于识别D4063-1的寡核苷酸片段,并作为PCR反应的引物命名为AUT4063-1,将该引物与我们设计的扩增普通籼稻、粳稻的Wx基因引物F5配合使用建立了识别D4063-1的显性和共显性两种检测方式的分子标记,为快速、准确的鉴别低直链淀粉的D4063-1创造了条件。 研究同源四倍体水稻基因组的遗传差异,探索同源四倍体水稻的遗传规律,研究分裂期染色体行为特征与遗传性状稳定性的关系,旨在揭示四倍体水稻中同源染色体配对能力的遗传差异,为进一步选育多倍体水稻品种并将其应用于生产提供理论依据。 Autotetraploid rice (2N=4X=48, AAAA) is a new germplasm developed from diploid rice (2N=2X=24, AA) through chromosomes doubling with colchicines and is an excellent resource for desirable resistance genes to the pathogens and high protein content. Therefore, heterosis utilization on polyploidy is becoming a new strategy in rice breeding. At present, the main research on autotetraploid rice centralizes in China. Breeding effort has been made to improve autotetraploid rice genetically, however, the progresses are limited due to higher degree of divergence between hybrid sterility and polygenic nature. But to date, almost nothing is reported about the genetic diversity, original and genetic background of autotetraploid rice. Despite several reports on cytological analysis of the mechanisms of low seed set in autotetraploid rice still the results are inconclusive due to lack the statistical evaluation. Therefore, the study on the mechanisms of low seed set in autotetraploid is a priority for rice breeding. Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are the widely used marker for estimating genetic diversity in many species, including wild, weedy, and cultivated rice. In our research, genetic diversity and population genetic structure of autotetraploid and diploid populations collected from Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences were studied based on 36 microsatellite loci. For the total of 50 varieties, a moderate to high level of genetic diversity was observed at population levels with the number of alleles per locus (Ae) ranging from 2 to 6 (mean 3.028) and PIC ranging from 0.04 to 0.76 (mean 0.366). The expected heterozygosity (He) varied from 0.04 to 0.76 with the mean of 0.370 and Shannon’s index (I) ranging from 0.098 to 1.613 (mean 0.649). The autotetraploid populations showed a slightly higher level of effective alleles, the expected heterozygosity and Shannon’s index than that of diploid populations. Rare alleles were observed at most of the SSR loci in one or more of the 50 accessions and core fingerprint database of the autotetraploid and diploid rice was constructed. The F-statistics showed that genetic variability mainly existed among autotetraploid populations rather than among diploid populations (Fst=0.066). Cluster analysis of the 50 accessions showed four major groups. Group I contained all of the autotetraploid and diploid indica maintainer lines and a autotetraploid and its original diploid indica male sterile lines. Groups II contained only original of IR accessions. Group III was more diverse than either group II or IV and comprised of both autotetraploid and diploid indica restoring lines. Group IV included japonica cluster of the autotetraploid and diploid rices. Furthermore, genetic differences at the single-locus and two-locus levels, as well as components due to allelic and gametic differentiation, were revealed between autotetraploid and diploid varieties. This analysis indicated that the gene pools of diploid and autotetraploid rice are somewhat dissimilar, which made a variation that distinguishes autotetraploid from diploid rices. Using this variation, we can breed new autotetraploid varieties with some new important agricultural characters but the diploid rice has not. Cytogenetic characteristics in restorer lines DTP-4, DMinghui63 and maintainer line D46B of autotetraploid rices were studied. DTP-4, DMinghui63 and D46B showed the advantage of high seed set and biological yield. The meiotic chromosome behavior was slightly irregular in DTP-4, DMinghui63 and D46B. We observed less univalent, trivalent and multivalent at MI, but more bivalent and quadrivalent were observed. The most frequent chromosome configurations were 12II 6IVand 10II 7IV in restorer and maintainer lines, respectively. The quadrivalent frequency of DTP-4 and Dminghui63 at metaphase(MI) was respectively 2.00/PMC and 2.26/PMC. However that frequency of D46B was 6.00/PMC, which was greatly significantly higher than DTP-4 and Dminghui63. That indicates the maintainer D46B has better chromosome pairing capability in metaphase (MI). The frequency of lagging chromosomes of the maintainer D46B at anaphaseI (AI) was 10.62%, which was significantly lower than that of DTP-4(19.44%) and Dminghui63(23.14%) and nearly reaching the level of diploid CK(7.30%). In telophaseI (TI) maintainer D46B showed lower frequency of microkernel at TI and lower frequency of abnormal spores at telophaseII(TII). We also studied pollen fertility, seed set and cytogenetic characteristics of restorer lines and F1 hybrids of autotetraploid rice. DTP-4, DMinghui63, D46A´DTP-4 and D46A´DMinghui63 showed significantly higher pollen fertility and seed set than DShixiang and D46A´DShixiang. Pairing configurations in PMC of DTP-4, DMinghui63, DShixiang, D46A´DTP-4, D46A´DMinghui63 and D46A´DShixiang were 0.05 I+19.96 II (9.89 rod+10.07 ring)+0.01 III+2.20 IV, 0.11 I+19.17 II (8.90 rod+10.37 ring)+0.09 III+2.26 IV+0.01 VI, 1.33 I+9.46 II (4.50 rod+4.96 ring)+0.44 III+6.02 IV+0.09 VI+0.09 VIII, 0.02 I+14.36 II (6.44 rod+7.91 ring)+0.01 III+4.80 IV+0.01V III, 0.06 I+17.67 II (11.01 rod+6.67 ring)+0.06 III+3.10 IV+0.01 VI and 1.11 I+11.31 II (5.80 rod+5.51 ring)+0.41 III+5.63 IV+0.03 VI+0.03 VIII, respectively. Configuration 16 II+4 IV and 12 II+6 IV occurred in the highest frequency among the autotetraploid restorers and hybrids. Meiotic chromosome behaviors were less abnormal in the tetraploids with high seed set than those with low seed set. The hybrids had fewer frequencies of bivalents, univalents, trivalents and multivalents than the restorers, but higher frequency of quatrivalents than the restorers at MI. The frequency of univalents at M1 had the most impact on pollen fertility and seed set, i.e., pollen fertility decreased with the increase of univalents. The secondary impact factors were trivalents and multivalents, and bivalents and quatrivalents had no effect on pollen fertility and seed set. The correlative relationship between pollen fertility and cytogenetic behaviors could be utilized to improve seed set in autotetraploidy breeding. The amylose content of autotetraploid indica mutant Rice D4063-1 dropped by half than diploid Minghui 63, that is, its amylose content of 5.23%.The whole sequence of Waxy gene of D4063-1 is amplified and sequenced. And the discrepancy of bases is found comparing to the reported Waxy gene. The Waxy gene of autotetraploid Rice D4063-1 had a base deletion in exon sequence, which resulted frameshift mutation in exon 9 and termination codon occur early. The mutation of Wx also led to the change of some common restriction endonuclease sites. Results showed compared to indica and japonica, D4063-1 had two adding sph1 sites. Compared to japonica, D4063-1 had six decreasing Acc1, a adding Xho1, Pst1 and Sal1 restriction sites. Phylogeny analysis shows that the DNA sequence of Waxy gene of D4063-1 is closer to Indica, and we suppose that the Waxy gene of D4063-1 is origin from genotype Wxa. In addition, according to the base differences of Wx in D4063-1, we deduce that RNA processing obstacle led by base change of intron is the main cause to low the amylose content, and related to phenotype of its soft rice. Based on analysis of fragments of D4063-1, indica and japonica and according to the special point of the three species, primers as markers-AUT4063-I were designed for distinguishing the D4063-1 from other rice. Combining with primer pair F5, dominant and codominant ways were established for discriminating them., rapid and correct identification of D4063-1 from other rice could be done. The genetic analysis is important to ensure the original of autotetraploid rice, for maintaining the “distinctiveness” of autotetraploid varieties, and to differentiate between the various genetic background of autotetraploid rice. The autotetraploid breeding will benefit from detailed analysis of genetic diversity in the germplasm collections. Further investigation on mechanisms of meiotic stability should benefit polyploid breeding. These findings demonstrated opportunity to improve meiotic abnormalities as well as grain fertilities in autotetraploid rice.
猪场废水COD浓度高、氨氮浓度高、悬浮物浓度高,已成为农村面源污染的主要来源,并严重威胁到农村饮用水安全。猪场废水氨氮浓度高、处理难度大,如何采用经济高效的方法,去除氨氮使其达到排放标准,一直是猪场废水处理中面临的重要难题。 厌氧氨氧化是近年受到国内外水处理研究者广泛关注的新型生物脱氮技术,具有不需要外加有机碳源、节省供氧量、降低能耗等优点。虽然国内外研究者对厌氧氨氧化过程的脱氮机理、厌氧氨氧化菌的生理生化特性等进行了多方面的研究,但已有的报道大多以模拟废水为研究对象,以猪场废水为研究对象的报道,在国内外文献中极少有报导。 本论文以猪场废水为主要研究对象,考察了猪场废水的亚硝化过程、厌氧氨氧化的启动过程,并对亚硝化和厌氧氨氧化联合用于猪场废水脱氮进行了探索。 1.论文首先研究了猪场废水的亚硝化过程,考察了废水水质和主要运行条件对亚硝化过程的影响。实验表明:(1)亚硝化阶段反应时间为8到10h时,出水中氨氮和亚硝酸盐浓度比可达到1:1~1:1.23,满足厌氧氨氧化反应对二者比例的要求;达到前述要求时,氨氮去除率达到58.3~65.6 %,亚硝化率在整个过程均保持在97 %以上,COD去除率在59.2~68.6 %;(2)曝气量(溶解氧)对亚硝化过程影响显著,随着曝气量增大,达到厌氧氨氧化要求的氨氮与亚硝酸盐氮浓度比例所需水力停留时间τ越短,pH出现明显下降的时间越短;(3)τ对应的pH在7.8~8.1之间,无需进行pH调节即可满足厌氧氨氧化反应对pH的要求;(4)氨氮和COD降解过程遵循一级反应动力学,氨氮和COD降解的速率常数分别为0.0656~0.0724 1/h和0.0491~0.0664 1/h。 2.在进行亚硝化过程研究的同时,以模拟废水为试验对象,进行厌氧氨氧化启动研究。以反硝化污泥和养殖厂储水池厌氧底泥的混合污泥作为接种污泥,历时大约100天,培育出具有厌氧氨氧化活性的污泥,氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮最高进水浓度分别为223.8 mg/L和171.4 mg/L,去除率最高分别达48%和41.5%,此时二者消耗比例为1.33:1。 3.在猪场废水的亚硝化研究完成和厌氧氨氧化过程初步启动成功后,在模拟废水中逐步加入猪场废水的亚硝化处理出水,逐步实现亚硝化和厌氧氨氧化的组合。亚硝化出水添加到厌氧反应器后,厌氧氨氧化反应仍可继续进行,且去除效率逐步提高。研究发现添加的亚硝化出水中携带的亚硝化细菌在厌氧氨氧化菌膜外层生长并累积,增加了厌氧氨氧化反应基质的传质阻力,妨碍了厌氧氨氧化效率的提高。 4.亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化实际工程应用探索中,生物接触氧化池可在有效去除废水中的有机物的同时实现亚硝化,出水中氨氮和亚硝酸盐比例平均为1.10,可满足后续厌氧氨氧化的要求;在适宜的进水浓度和温度下,ABR池出现了厌氧氨氧化启动的迹象;研究同时发现,水质的波动和气温的变化是工程中影响厌氧氨氧化菌活性的重要因素。 论文的主要创新点在于:(1)以猪场废水为研究对象,以实现厌氧氨氧化为目标,对亚硝化过程进行了比较详细的考察,获得了亚硝化出水满足厌氧氨氧化要求的工艺条件,通过对其COD和氨氮降解过程的考察,得出亚硝化阶段COD降解和氨氮去除的动力学模型;(2)对亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化处理猪场废水进行了探索,确立了影响其污染物去除率稳定的重要因素。 论文的上述研究成果,为厌氧氨氧化技术的实用性研究提供理论依据。 Piggery wastewater, which is characterized by high concentration of COD、ammonium and suspend substance, has become a most important source of non-point source pollution and also severely threats drinking water security in rural area. How to discharge piggery wastewater with the ammonium concentration meeting standard by economical and effective method? This is the most urgent problem in piggery wastewater treatment. As a new biological nitrogen removal technology, Anammox process has been paid more and more attention by researchers all over the world. Anammox has advantages of no need of organic carbon addition, low oxygen consumption and energy consumption. Plenty of investigations have been carried out to the mechanism, physiological and biochemical characteristic of bacteria about Anammox. Most of researches focused on synthetic wastewater, there is rare report about its application in piggery wastewater. In this paper,experimental studies were performed to investigate Sharon process in treatment of piggery wastewater,the start up process of Annammox using synthetic wastewater were studied, the feasibility of applying Sharon-Anammox process in the nitrogen removal of piggery wastewater was evaluated. 1. Sharon process of piggery wastewater was firstly investigated to analyze the effects of water quality and main running parameters, which meet the NH4+-N to NO2--N ratio requirement of successive Anammox. Results showed: (1)During Sharon Process,after 8~10 hours’ reaction the NH4+-N to NO2--N ratio in effluent reached 1:1.0~1:1.23, when the removal percentage of NH4+-N was 58.3~65.6 %, a semi-nitration rate of above 97 % was achieved during the process; meanwhile 59.2~68.6 % of the COD was also removed. (2)The aeration rate(oxygen) had obvious effect on the hydraulic retention time(τ) which met the NH4+-N to NO2--N ratio requirement of Anammox. As aeration rate increased, the hydraulic retention time(τ) was shortened. (3) The pH corresponding to τ was between 7.8 and 8.1, thus it needed no artificial adjustment. (4) The reduction of ammonia and COD followed the first-order reaction kinetics. The velocity constants of ammonia and COD were 0.0656~0.0724 1/h and 0.0491~0.0664 1/h, respectively. 2. The startup of Anammox process using the artificial wastewater was performed simultaneously with Sharon. The aim was to investigate the running parameters of Anammox and make foundation for the combination stage. By using the mixture of denitrifying sludge and anaerobic sludge in tank of the breeding factory, sludge of Anammox activity was cultivated in UASB after 100 days. The removal percentage of NH4+-N and NO2-N were up to 48% and 41.5%, respectively, when the NH4+-N and NO2-N influent concentration were 223.8 mg/L and 171.4 mg/L, respectively, the NH4+-N and NO2-N removal rate was 1.33:1. 3. After investigation of Sharon and startup of Anammox, effluent of Sharon process was added into the synthetic wastewater to combine Sharon and Anammox step by step. It took some time after the addition of Sharon effluent that Anammox reaction continued and the removal rate kept increasing. It indicated that nitrifying bacteria were carried by the Sharon effluent cumulated in the outer layer of Anammox. This enhanced transfer resistance of Anammox reaction and the increasing removal rate was restrained. 4. In the bio-contact oxidation pond of practical project, Sharon process were carried out successfully and organic compounds were removed effectively. An average NO2-N/ NH4+-N rate of 1:1.0 was achieved in the effluent, which met the requirement of successive Anammox. Under condition of suitable influent concentration and temperature, there was evidence that Anammox could start up in ABR. The variety of wastewater and temperature had great affects on Anammox activity in practical engineering. Innovation of this paper: (1) The Sharon process for treating piggery wastewater was discussed in details. Technological parameters that met requirement of Anammox were obtained. The dynamic models of COD and ammonium removal in the process were educed. (2) Sharon-Ananmmox for treatment of piggery wastewater was investigated, and the primary influencing factors was studied. This paper could be a theoretical consult for research of Anammox utility.
垃圾卫生填埋是国内外城市垃圾的主要处置方法。垃圾渗滤液是渗入填埋场垃圾的降水混合垃圾降解过程中产生的物质而形成的混合物,是垃圾填埋场向环境排放的主要污染物。渗滤液由于其所含高浓度有机和无机污染物,且其中很多物质有生物毒性或难生物降解,难于治理。特别是到填埋晚期,渗滤液中高浓度的氨氮更是增加了治理的难度。渗滤液场外硝化-原位反硝化是填埋场氮管理的新途径。本文利用从环境中筛选出优势硝化功能菌对渗滤液中的高浓度氨氮进行生物硝化,经硝化后的渗滤液回灌至以垃圾柱模拟的生物反应器填埋场,在填埋场内实现原位反硝化。 上述目标通过以下两部分来实现: 第一部分:渗滤液场外硝化。首先从污水厂的硝化污泥中富集并筛选出硝化功能菌,在模拟氨氮废水中优化。将驯化的硝化功能菌接种于连续式完全混合反应器(CSTR)进行高氨氮渗滤液硝化研究。在200余天的连续运行中,反应器硝化和有机物去除效果良好。在最大氨氮负荷和有机物负荷分别为0.65 g N l-1 d-1 和3.84 g COD l-1 d-1时,氨氮和COD去除率分别高于99%和57%。实验过程中发现,游离氨(FA)和溶解氧(DO)浓度对反应器中亚硝酸盐的积累影响很大。 第二部分:渗滤液原位反硝化。本文利用一个垃圾填充柱模拟生物反应器填埋场,研究了硝化渗滤液回灌对垃圾降解的影响,和回灌的硝化渗滤液中TON(总氧化态氮)对填埋场生物反应器产甲烷作用的影响。最后利用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)分析了硝化渗滤液回灌对垃圾填埋场菌群结构的影响。结果表明:回灌的TON被完全还原,反硝化为主要反应,最大TON负荷为28.6 mg N kg-1 TS d-1。当垃圾柱TON负荷大于11.4 mg N kg-1 TS d-1时,出现了产甲烷抑制,抑制作用随TON负荷的增加而加强。在此过程中,反硝化逐渐代替产甲烷作用成为填埋场内垃圾降解的主要反应,且更多产生的是清洁的氮气,而非温室气体甲烷。直到实验结束时,回灌硝化渗滤液的垃圾柱的甲烷产量仅相当于对照的2.5%,并且回灌的硝化渗滤液还加速了填埋场垃圾的降解与稳定。通过DGGE进行菌群结构分析发现,由于TON对填埋场的长期作用,反硝化菌增多而产甲烷菌减少。 Landfill still remains the chief method for MSW management around the world. Leachate is a mixture of rainfall permeating through landfill and organic and inorganic matters generated during decomposition of the wastes in the landfills, characterized as highly complicated and refractory wastewater. Ex-situ nitrification and sequential in-situ denitrification represents a novel approach to nitrogen management at landfills. In the present paper, nitrification was carried out in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) inoculated with nitrifying bacteria which were isolated from municipal WWTP of Chengdu city. The nitrified leachate from CSTR was recirculated to a lab-scale municipal solid waste (MSW) column where in-situ denitrification took place. The above object was achived through two parts as following: First, ex-situ nitification of leachate. After acclimated in simulated wastewater for 3 month, nitrifying bacteria isolated from WWTP nitrifying sludge were added to the CSTR for nitrification. The results over 200 days showed that the maximum nitrogen loading rate (NLR) and the maximum organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.65 g N l-1 d-1 and 3.84 g COD l-1 d-1, respectively. The ammonia and COD removal was over 99% and 57%, respectively. Moreover, the effects of free ammonia (FA) and dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrification were investigated. Second, in-situ denitrification was studied in a municipal solid waste (MSW) column. Variation of nitrified leachate and its effects on the decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) were studied in a lab-scale MSW column to which nitrified leachate was recirculated. Additionally, DGGE was employed to investigate the microbial community of both MSW columns. The results suggested: complete reduction of total oxidized nitrogen (TON) was obtained with maximum TON load of 28.6 mg N kg-1 TS d-1 and denitrification was the main reaction responsible. Methanogenesis inhibition was observed while TON load was over 11.4 mg N kg-1 TS d-1 and the inhibition was enhanced with the increase of TON load. Denitrification gradually took over methanogenesis to become the main reaction responsible for decomposition of MSW while nitrogen gas, a clean byproduct, was generated instead. Till the end of the experiment, the average weekly methane production in the denitrification column was as low as 2.5% of that of the control, and the rate of decompition and stability of MSW was accelerated by the recirculation of the nitrified leachate.Owing to long term exposure of nitrified leachate to landfill, denitrifying bacteria increased and methanogen decreased.
用12C6+和36Ar18+离子束分别辐照玉米自交系干种子和浸泡种子,研究了M1—M3代重离子束辐照的生物学效应。结果表明:种子发芽势和发芽率随辐照剂量的增加而下降,不同生理状态的种子对重离子辐照的敏感性也不同。一般12C6+离子辐照干种子的适宜剂量为20—25 Gy;M1代叶型发生明显的变化,M2代植株在株高、穗位、单株穗数、雄穗花药颜色、粒质、穗行数、粒重和抗性等方面均发生了变化,并产生了许多有益的变异,包括株高和穗位降低、同位多穗、穗行数和粒重增加、粒质由粉质变为硬粒以及抗锈病和红叶病的植株等,有益突变的频率达7.0%—17.9%;在M3代出现能够稳定遗传的,并且光合效率增加的有益突变株。由此可见,重离子束辐照是玉米种质改良的一种高效手段。
用30Gy、90Gy和180Gy 12C6+重离子辐照油菜干种子,研究其对油菜M1代的诱变效应。结果表明不同剂量12C6+重离子辐照使油菜的出苗率、株高和开花率有不同程度的提高,并使开花期提早;30Gy辐照使单株角果数和单株产量有了一定程度的提高;三种辐照剂量都造成了花粉生活力、千粒重和含油量的降低。RAPD扩增结果表明,42个随机引物中有13个引物扩增出差异条带,30Gy、90Gy和180Gy引起的RAPD变异率分别为22.1%、23.7%和36.2%。研究表明,12C6+重离子辐射能有效地引起油菜DNA序列发生改变,从而诱导基因变异,为油菜育种提供丰富的种质材料。