926 resultados para Mäkisalo, Jukka: Grammar and experimental evidence in Finnish compounds


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This paper describes an experimental procedure consisting of impact tests that simulate a collision of a human head with an industrial robot with the aim to validate a safety index named as New Index for Robots (NIR) and its outputs. The experiments in this paper are based on lab tests. It is an attempt to characterize the NIR index underlying the main parameters that are involved in crash interaction and to highlight limitations and weakness of suggested impact tests.


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The current research aims to analyse theoretically and evaluate a self-manufactured simple design for subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) emitter to avoid root and soil intrusion. It was composed of three concentric cylindrical elements: an elastic silicone membrane; a polyethylene tube with two holes drilled on its wall for water discharge; and a vinyl polychloride protector system to wrap the other elements. The discharge of the emitter depends on the change in the membrane diameter when it is deformed by the water pressure. The study of the operation of this emitter is a new approach that considers mechanical and hydraulic principles. Thus, the estimation on the membrane deformation was based on classical mechanical stress theories in composite cylinders. The hydraulic principles considered the solid deformation due to force based on water pressure and the general Darcy–Weisbach head-loss equation. Twenty emitter units, with the selected design, were handcrafted in a lathe and were used in this study. The measured pressure/discharge relationship for the emitters showed good agreement with that calculated by the theoretical approach. The variation coefficient of the handcrafted emitters was high compared to commercial emitters. Results from field evaluations showed variable values for the relative flow variation, water emission uniformity and relative flow rate coefficients, but no emitter was obstructed. Therefore, the current emitter design could be suitable for SDI following further studies to develop a final prototype.


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In order to reduce costs and time while improving quality, durability and sustainability in structural concrete constructions, a widely used material nowadays, special care must be taken in some crucial phases of the project and execution, including the structure design and calculation, the dosage, dumping and curing of concrete: another important aspect is the proper design and execution of assembly plans and construction details. The framework, a name designating the whole reinforcement bars cage already assembled as shown in the drawings, can be made up of several components and implies higher or lower industrialization degree. The framework costs constitute about one third of the price per cubic meter placed in concrete works. The best solutions from all points of view are clearly those involving an easier processing to achieve the same goal, and consequently carrying a high degree of industrialization, meaning quality and safety in the work. This thesis aims to provide an indepth analysis of a relatively new type of anchoring by plate known as headed reinforcement bars, which can potentially replace standard or L-shaped hooks, improving the cleaning of construction details and enabling a faster, more flexible, and therefore a more economical assembly. A literature review on the topic and an overview of typical applications is provided, followed by some examples of specific applications in real projects. Since a strict theoretical formulation used to provide the design plate dimensions has not yet been put forward, an equation is proposed for the side-face blowout strength of the anchorage, based on the capacity of concrete to carry concentrated loads in cases in which no transverse reinforcement is provided. The correlation of the calculated ultimate load with experimental results available in the literature is given. Besides, the proposed formulation can be expanded to cases in which a certain development length is available: using a software for nonlinear finite element analysis oriented to the study of reinforced concrete, numerical tests on the bond-bearing interaction are performed. The thesis ends with a testing of eight corner joints subjected to a closing moment, held in the Structures Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, aiming to check whether the design of such plates as stated is adequate for these elements and whether an element with plate-anchored reinforcement is equivalent to one with a traditional construction detail.


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The Hall Effect Thruster (HET) is a type of satellite electric propulsion device initially developed in the 1960’s independently by USA and the former USSR. The development continued in the shadow during the 1970’s in the Soviet Union to reach a mature status from the technological point of view in the 1980’s. In the 1990’s the advanced state of this Russian technology became known in western countries, which rapidly restarted the analysis and development of modern Hall thrusters. Currently, there are several companies in USA, Russia and Europe manufacturing Hall thrusters for operational use. The main applications of these thrusters are low-thrust propulsion of interplanetary probes, orbital raising of satellites and stationkeeping of geostationary satellites. However, despite the well proven in-flight experience, the physics of the Hall Thruster are not completely understood yet. Over the last two decades large efforts have been dedicated to the understanding of the physics of Hall Effect thrusters. However, the so-called anomalous diffusion, short name for an excessive electron conductivity along the thruster, is not yet fully understood as it cannot be explained with classical collisional theories. One commonly accepted explanation is the existence of azimuthal oscillations with correlated plasma density and electric field fluctuations. In fact, there is experimental evidence of the presence of an azimuthal oscillation in the low frequency range (a few kHz). This oscillation, usually called spoke, was first detected empirically by Janes and Lowder in the 1960s. More recently several experiments have shown the existence of this type of oscillation in various modern Hall thrusters. Given the frequency range, it is likely that the ionization is the cause of the spoke oscillation, like for the breathing mode oscillation. In the high frequency range (a few MHz), electron-drift azimuthal oscillations have been detected in recent experiments, in line with the oscillations measured by Esipchuk and Tilinin in the 1970’s. Even though these low and high frequency azimuthal oscillations have been known for quite some time already, the physics behind them are not yet clear and their possible relation with the anomalous diffusion process remains an unknown. This work aims at analysing from a theoretical point of view and via computer simulations the possible relation between the azimuthal oscillations and the anomalous electron transport in HET. In order to achieve this main objective, two approaches are considered: local linear stability analyses and global linear stability analyses. The use of local linear stability analyses shall allow identifying the dominant terms in the promotion of the oscillations. However, these analyses do not take into account properly the axial variation of the plasma properties along the thruster. On the other hand, global linear stability analyses do account for these axial variations and shall allow determining how the azimuthal oscillations are promoted and their possible relation with the electron transport.


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Las prestaciones de un velero de regatas se estiman por medio de los Programas de Predicción de Velocidad (VPP) que incluyen las características de estabilidad y modelos aero e hidrodinámico del barco. Por esta razón, es importante tener una evaluación adecuada de las fuerzas en apéndices y de su variación en diferentes condiciones de navegación, escora y deriva. Además, para el cálculo de las fuerzas en los apéndices es importante conocer sus características hidrodinámicas cuando trabajan conjuntamente en un campo fluido fuertemente modificado por la carena. Por esta razón, se han utilizado una serie de ensayos realizados en el Canal de Ensayos de la ETSIN con el objetivo de validar códigos numéricos que permiten una evaluación más rápida y focalizada en los distintos fenómenos que se producen. Dichos ensayos se han realizado de forma que pudiera medirse independientemente las fuerzas hidrodinámicas en cada apéndice, lo que permitirá evaluar el reparto de fuerzas en diferentes condiciones de navegación para poder profundizar en las interacciones entre carena, quilla y timón. Las técnicas numéricas permiten capturar detalles que difícilmente se pueden visualizar en ensayos experimentales. En este sentido, se han probado las últimas técnicas utilizadas en los últimos workshops y se ha enfocado el estudio a un nuevo método con el objetivo de mostrar una metodologia más rápida que pueda servir a la industria para este tipo de aproximación al problema. ABSTRACT The performances of a racing sailboat are estimated by means of the speed prediction programs (VPP), which include the ship stability characteristics and the aero and hydrodynamic models. For this reason, it is important to have an adequate evaluation of the forces in appendices and its variation in different sailing conditions, heel and leeway Moreover, for the analysis of the forces in the appendices, it is important to know their hydrodynamic characteristics when they work together in a fluid field strongly modified by the canoe body. For this reason, several tests have been done in the ETSIN towing tank with the aim to validate numeric codes that allowing faster analysis and they permit to focus on the different phenomena that occur there. Such tests have been done in a way that the hydrodynamic forces in each appendage could be measured independently allowing assessing the distribution of forces in different sailing conditions to be able to deepen the interactions between the canoe body, the keel and the rudder. Numerical techniques allow capturing details that can hardly be displayed in experimental tests. In this sense, the latest techniques used in the recent workshops have been reviewed and the study has been focused to propose a new model with the aim to show a new faster methodology which serves the industry for this type of approach to the problem.


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Normal mammalian hearing is refined by amplification of the motion of the cochlear partition. This partition, comprising the organ of Corti sandwiched between the basilar and tectorial membranes, contains the outer hair cells that are thought to drive this amplification process. Force generation by outer hair cells has been studied extensively in vitro and in situ, but, to understand cochlear amplification fully, it is necessary to characterize the role played by each of the components of the cochlear partition in vivo. Observations of cochlear partition motion in vivo are severely restricted by its inaccessibility and sensitivity to surgical trauma, so, for the present study, a computer model has been used to simulate the operation of the cochlea under different experimental conditions. In this model, which uniquely retains much of the three-dimensional complexity of the real cochlea, the motions of the basilar and tectorial membranes are fundamentally different during in situ- and in vivo-like conditions. Furthermore, enhanced outer hair cell force generation in vitro leads paradoxically to a decrease in the gain of the cochlear amplifier during sound stimulation to the model in vivo. These results suggest that it is not possible to extrapolate directly from experimental observations made in vitro and in situ to the normal operation of the intact organ in vivo.


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Funding This work was supported by grants from the French Ministry of Research (PhD fellowship to CR), the University of Aberdeen (stipend to CR), the CNRS (PICS grant to BD), the L’Oréal Foundation-UNESCO “For Women in Science” program (fellowship to CR), the Région Rhône-Alpes (student mobility grant CMIRA Explora’doc to CR), the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (mobility grant to CR), the Fédération de Recherche 41 BioEnvironnement et Santé (training grant to CR), and the Journal of Experimental Biology (travel grant to CR).


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The human 15-lipoxygenase (15-LO) gene was transfected into rat kidneys in vivo via intra-renal arterial injection. Three days later, acute (passive) or accelerated forms of antiglomerular basement membrane antibody-mediated glomerulonephritis were induced in transfected and nontransfected or sham-transfected controls. Studies of glomerular functions (filtration and protein excretion) and ex vivo glomerular leukotriene B4 biosynthesis at 3 hr, and up to 4 days, after induction of nephritis revealed preservation or normalization of these parameters in transfected kidneys that expressed human 15-LO mRNA and mature protein, but not in contralateral control kidneys or sham-transfected animals. The results provide in vivo-derived data supporting a direct anti-inflammatory role for 15-LO during immune-mediated tissue injury.


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The development of two major subdivisions of the vertebrate nervous system, the midbrain and the cerebellum, is controlled by signals emanating from a constriction in the neural primordium called the midbrain/hindbrain organizer (Joyner, A. L. (1996) Trends Genet. 12, 15–201). The closely related transcription factors Pax-2 and Pax-5 exhibit an overlapping expression pattern very early in the developing midbrain/hindbrain junction. Experiments carried out in fish (Krauss, S., Maden, M., Holder, N. & Wilson, S. W. (1992) Nature (London) 360, 87–89) with neutralizing antibodies against Pax-b, the orthologue of Pax-2 in mouse, placed this gene family in an regulatory cascade necessary for the development of the midbrain and the cerebellum. The targeted mutation of Pax-5 has been reported to have only slight effects in the development of structures derived from the isthmic constriction, whereas the Pax-2 null mutant mice show a background-dependent phenotype with varying penetrance. To test a possible redundant function between Pax-2 and Pax-5 we analyzed the brain phenotypes of mice expressing different dosages of both genes. Our results demonstrate a conserved biological function of both proteins in midbrain/hindbrain regionalization. Additionally, we show that one allele of Pax-2, but not Pax-5, is necessary and sufficient for midbrain and cerebellum development in C57BL/6 mice.


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We report that 9 d of uncontrolled experimental diabetes induced by streptozotocin (STZ) in rats is an endogenous chronic stressor that produces retraction and simplification of apical dendrites of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons, an effect also observed in nondiabetic rats after 21 d of repeated restraint stress or chronic corticosterone (Cort) treatment. Diabetes also induces morphological changes in the presynaptic mossy fiber terminals (MFT) that form excitatory synaptic contacts with the proximal CA3 apical dendrites. One effect, synaptic vesicle depletion, occurs in diabetes as well as after repeated stress and Cort treatment. However, diabetes produced other MFT structural changes that differ qualitatively and quantitatively from other treatments. Furthermore, whereas 7 d of repeated stress was insufficient to produce dendritic or synaptic remodeling in nondiabetic rats, it potentiated both dendritic atrophy and MFT synaptic vesicle depletion in STZ rats. These changes occurred in concert with adrenal hypertrophy and elevated basal Cort release as well as hypersensitivity and defective shutoff of Cort secretion after stress. Thus, as an endogenous stressor, STZ diabetes not only accelerates the effects of exogenous stress to alter hippocampal morphology; it also produces structural changes that overlap only partially with those produced by stress and Cort in the nondiabetic state.


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Eosinophil migration in vivo is markedly attenuated in rats treated chronically with the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor Nω-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME). In this study, we investigated the existence of a NOS system in eosinophils. Our results demonstrated that rat peritoneal eosinophils strongly express both type II (30.2 ± 11.6% of counted cells) and type III (24.7 ± 7.4% of counted cells) NOS, as detected by immunohistochemistry using affinity purified mouse mAbs. Eosinophil migration in vitro was evaluated by using 48-well microchemotaxis chambers and the chemotactic agents used were N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP, 5 × 10−8 M) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4, 10−8 M). l-NAME (but not d-NAME) significantly inhibited the eosinophil migration induced by both fMLP (54% reduction for 1.0 mM; P < 0.05) and LTB4 (61% reduction for 1.0 mM; P < 0.05). In addition, the type II NOS inhibitor 2-amino-5,6-dihydro-6-methyl-4H-1,3-thiazine and the type I/II NOS inhibitor 1-(2-trifluoromethylphenyl) imidazole also markedly (P < 0.05) attenuated fMLP- (52% and 38% reduction for 1.0 mM, respectively) and LTB4- (52% and 51% reduction for 1.0 mM, respectively) induced migration. The inhibition of eosinophil migration by l-NAME was mimicked by the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiazolo [4,3,-a] quinoxalin-1-one (0.01 and 0.1 mM) and reversed by either sodium nitroprusside (0.1 mM) or dibutyryl cyclic GMP (1 mM). We conclude that eosinophils do express NO synthase(s) and that nitric oxide plays an essential role in eosinophil locomotion by acting through a cyclic GMP transduction mechanism.


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Objectives To explore how general practitioners have accessed and evaluated evidence from trials on the use of statin lipid lowering drugs and incorporated this evidence into their practice. To draw out the practical implications of this study for strategies to integrate clinical evidence into general medical practice.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by polyglutamine expansion in the protein huntingtin (htt). Pathogenesis in HD appears to involve the formation of ubiquitinated neuronal intranuclear inclusions containing N-terminal mutated htt, abnormal protein interactions, and the aggregate sequestration of a variety of proteins (noticeably, transcription factors). To identify novel htt-interacting proteins in a simple model system, we used a yeast two-hybrid screen with a Caenorhabditis elegans activation domain library. We found a predicted WW domain protein (ZK1127.9) that interacts with N-terminal fragments of htt in two-hybrid tests. A human homologue of ZK1127.9 is CA150, a transcriptional coactivator with a N-terminal insertion that contains an imperfect (Gln-Ala)38 tract encoded by a polymorphic repeat DNA. CA150 interacted in vitro with full-length htt from lymphoblastoid cells. The expression of CA150, measured immunohistochemically, was markedly increased in human HD brain tissue compared with normal age-matched human brain tissue, and CA150 showed aggregate formation with partial colocalization to ubiquitin-positive aggregates. In 432 HD patients, the CA150 repeat length explains a small, but statistically significant, amount of the variability in the onset age. Our data suggest that abnormal expression of CA150, mediated by interaction with polyglutamine-expanded htt, may alter transcription and have a role in HD pathogenesis.


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The monomer composition of the esterified part of suberin can be determined using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy technology and is accordingly believed to be well known. However, evidence was presented recently indicating that the suberin of green cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv Green Lint) fibers contains substantial amounts of esterified glycerol. This observation is confirmed in the present report by a sodium dodecyl sulfate extraction of membrane lipids and by a developmental study, demonstrating the correlated accumulation of glycerol and established suberin monomers. Corresponding amounts of glycerol also occur in the suberin of the periderm of cotton stems and potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers. A periderm preparation of wound-healing potato tuber storage parenchyma was further purified by different treatments. As the purification proceeded, the concentration of glycerol increased at about the same rate as that of α,ω-alkanedioic acids, the most diagnostic suberin monomers. Therefore, it is proposed that glycerol is a monomer of suberins in general and can cross-link aliphatic and aromatic suberin domains, corresponding to the electron-translucent and electron-opaque suberin lamellae, respectively. This proposal is consistent with the reported dimensions of the electron-translucent suberin lamellae.