727 resultados para Lehtinen, Lasse
v.1--G. Stjernhjelm, G. Rosenhane, och J. Columbus. v.2--Thomas, Urban, Carl Urban, Johan och Erland Fredrik Hjärne. v.4--P. Lagerlöf, E. Lindschöld, Edmund, Nils och Carl Gripenhjelm, J. G. Werwing och J. T. Geisler. v.5--Wollimhaus-Gyllenborg. v.6--G. Eurelius, C. Leyoncrona I. Holmstrm̈, J. Paulinus och O. Wexionius. v.7--Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie, Jacob Arrhenius, Israel Kolmodin, Gustaf Ollon, Jacob Boëthius och Peter Brask. v.8--Märta Berendes, Ebba Marie och Joh. Eleonora de la Gardie, Amalia Wilh. och Maria Aurora von Königsmark, Thorsten Rudeen samt Carl och Ulrik Rudenschöld. v.9--Sven Dalius. Lars Wivallius och Johan Gabriel von Beyer. v.10--Lasse Johanson (Lucidor den Olycklige) och Nils Keder. v.11--En svensk fånge i Simbirsk, And. Rydelius, Harald Oxe, Germund, Carl Gustaf och Carl Wilhelm Cederhjelm. v.12--Olaf Rudbeck, (Far och sön) Erik Wennaesius, Carl Arosell, och Henrik Georg von Brobergen. v.13--Andreas Wallenius, Johan Vultejus, Christ. Tiburtius, Ernst Gestrinius, Michael Renner, Jonas Hjortzberg, och Peter Warnmark. v.15--J. Svedberg, H. Ausius, A. Amnelius, N. Tiällman, J. Schmedeman, P. Törnevall, och C. Eldh. v.16--Samuel Westhius, Gabr. Tuderus, W. von Rosenfeldt, Lars Stjerneld, Didr. Granatenflycht, Daniel Achrelius, Johan Risell, Lars Salvius, och Olof Carelius. v.17--Sophia Elisabeth Brenner. v.19--Johan Göstaf Hallman, Gustaf Palmfelt, och Carl Johan Lohman. v.22--Samuel Petri Brask, Magnus Stenbock, Jacob Fabricius.
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A comparison of fast and intermediate processes is given. New developments in technology are described for intermediate pyrolysis and an advanced integrative combination of biomass based processes is proposed. © 2013 Woodhead Publishing Limited All rights reserved.
This chapter examines the fast pyrolysis of biomass to produce liquids for use as fuels and chemicals. The technology for fast pyrolysis is described and the characteristics of the main product bio-oil. This primary liquid is characterised by the many properties that affect its use. These properties have caused increasingly extensive research to be undertaken to address properties that need modification and this area is reviewed in terms of physical, catalytic and chemical upgrading. Of particular note is the increasing diversity of upgrading methods. © 2013 Woodhead Publishing Limited All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: The impact of different levels of depression severity on quality of life (QoL) is not well studied, particularly regarding ICD-10 criteria. The ICD classification of depressive episodes in three levels of severity is also controversial and the less severe category, mild, has been considered as unnecessary and not clearly distinguishable from non-clinical states. The present work aimed to test the relationship between depression severity according to ICD-10 criteria and several dimensions of functioning as assessed by Medical Outcome Study (MOS) 36-item Short Form general health survey (SF-36) at the population level. METHOD: A sample of 551 participants from the second phase of the Outcome of Depression International Network (ODIN) study (228 controls without depression and 313 persons fulfilling ICD criteria for depressive episode) was selected for a further assessment of several variables, including QoL related to physical and mental health as measured with the SF-36. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences between controls and the depression group were found in both physical and mental markers of health, regardless of the level of depression severity; however, there were very few differences in QoL between levels of depression as defined by ICD-10. Regardless of the presence of depression, disability, widowed status, being a woman and older age were associated with worse QoL in a structural equation analysis with covariates. Likewise, there were no differences according to the type of depression (single-episode versus recurrent). CONCLUSIONS: These results cast doubt on the adequacy of the current ICD classification of depression in three levels of severity.
Helicopter-borne electromagnetic sea ice thickness measurements were performed over the Transpolar Drift in late summers of 2001, 2004, and 2007, continuing ground-based measurements since 1991. These show an ongoing reduction of modal and mean ice thicknesses in the region of the North Pole of up to 53 and 44%, respectively, since 2001. A buoy derived ice age model showed that the thinning was mainly due to a regime shift from predominantly multi- and second-year ice in earlier years to first-year ice in 2007, which had modal and mean summer thicknesses of 0.9 and 1.27 m. Measurements of second-year ice which still persisted at the North Pole in April 2007 indicate a reduction of late-summer second-year modal and mean ice thicknesses since 2001 of 20 and 25% to 1.65 and 1.81 m, respectively. The regime shift to younger and thinner ice could soon result in an ice free North Pole during summer.
The MAREDAT atlas covers 11 types of plankton, ranging in size from bacteria to jellyfish. Together, these plankton groups determine the health and productivity of the global ocean and play a vital role in the global carbon cycle. Working within a uniform and consistent spatial and depth grid (map) of the global ocean, the researchers compiled thousands and tens of thousands of data points to identify regions of plankton abundance and scarcity as well as areas of data abundance and scarcity. At many of the grid points, the MAREDAT team accomplished the difficult conversion from abundance (numbers of organisms) to biomass (carbon mass of organisms). The MAREDAT atlas provides an unprecedented global data set for ecological and biochemical analysis and modeling as well as a clear mandate for compiling additional existing data and for focusing future data gathering efforts on key groups in key areas of the ocean. The present data set presents depth integrated values of diazotrophs Gamma-A nifH genes abundance, computed from a collection of source data sets.