980 resultados para Langmuir-Schaefer (LS)
Soil-mix technology is effective for the construction of permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) for in situ groundwater treatment. The objective of this study was to perform initial experiments for the design of soil-mix technology PRBs according to (i) sorption isotherm, (ii) reaction kinetics and (iii) mass balance of the contaminants. The four tested reactive systems were: (i) a granular zeolite (clinoptilolite-GZ), (ii) a granular organoclay (GO), (iii) a 1:1-mixture GZ and model sandy clayey soil and (iv) a 1:1:1-mixture of GZ, GO and model soil. The laboratory experiments consisted of batch tests (volume 900mL and sorbent mass 18g) with a multimetal solution of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni. For the adsorption experiment, the initial concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 0.5mM (2.5 to 30mg/L). The maximum metal retention was measured in a batch test (300mg/L for each metal, volume 900mL, sorbent mass 90-4.5g). The reactive material efficiency order was found to be GZ>GZ-soil mix>GZ-soil-GO mix>GO. Langmuir isotherms modelled the adsorption, even in presence of a mixed cations solution. Adsorption was energetically favourable and spontaneous in all cases. Metals were removed according to the second order reaction kinetics; GZ and the 1:1-mix were very similar. The maximum retention capacity was 0.1-0.2mmol/g for Pb in the presence of clinoptilolite; for Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni, it was below 0.05mmol/g for the four reactive systems. Mixing granular zeolite, organoclay and model soil increased the chemisorption. Providing that GZ is reactive enough for the specific conditions, GZ can be mixed to obtain the required sorption. Granular clinoptilolite addition to soil is recommended for PRBs for metal contaminated groundwater. The laboratory experiments consisted of batch tests with a multimetal solution of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni. The four reactive materials chosen were granular zeolite, clinoptilolite and model sandy clayey soil, granular organoclay and a mix of clinoptilolite, model soil and organoclay. The reactive material efficiency order was found to be granular clinoptilolite>clinoptilolite-soil mix>clinoptilolite-soil-organoclay mix>granular organoclay. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
About 336-444 bp mitochondrial D-loop region and tRNA gene were sequenced for 40 individuals of the giant panda which were collected from Mabian, Meigu, Yuexi, Baoxing, Pingwu, Qingchuan, Nanping and Baishuijiang, respectively. 9 haplotypes were found in 21 founders. The results showed that the giant panda has low genetic variations, and that there is no notable genetic isolation among geographical populations. The ancestor of the living giant panda population perhaps appeared in the late Pleistocene, and unfortunately, might have suffered bottle-neck attacks. Afterwards, its genetic diversity seemed to recover to same extent.
In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to estimate genetic diversity and relationship in 134 samples belonging to two native cattle breeds from the Yunnan province of China (DeHong cattle and DiQing cattle) and four intro
Three direct plating methods and two most probable number (MPN) procedures were compared for the enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in seafoods the sulfitecycloserine (SC) agar, sulfite-polymyxin-sulfadiazine (SPS) agar, tryptone-sulfite- neomycin (TSN) agar, LS medium MPN procedure and iron milk MPN procedure. Isolates were confirmed as C. perfringens. The two MPN procedures compared very well with the three plating media tested with stock culture of C. perfringens from our laboratory collection and the reference strain NCIB 6125. But in fish samples, the two liquid media were found to be more sensitive and hence the MPN procedure using LS medium for the detection of C. perfringens in seafoods is suggested.
We report improved whole-genome shotgun sequences for the genomes of indica and japonica rice, both with multimegabase contiguity, or almost 1,000-fold improvement over the drafts of 2002. Tested against a nonredundant collection of 19,079 full-length cDNAs, 97.7% of the genes are aligned, without fragmentation, to the mapped superscaffolds of one or the other genome. We introduce a gene identification procedure for plants that does not rely on similarity to known genes to remove erroneous predictions resulting from transposable elements. Using the available EST data to adjust for residual errors in the predictions, the estimated gene count is at least 38,000 - 40,000. Only 2% - 3% of the genes are unique to any one subspecies, comparable to the amount of sequence that might still be missing. Despite this lack of variation in gene content, there is enormous variation in the intergenic regions. At least a quarter of the two sequences could not be aligned, and where they could be aligned, single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP) rates varied from as little as 3.0 SNP/kb in the coding regions to 27.6 SNP/kb in the transposable elements. A more inclusive new approach for analyzing duplication history is introduced here. It reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication, a recent segmental duplication on Chromosomes 11 and 12, and massive ongoing individual gene duplications. We find 18 distinct pairs of duplicated segments that cover 65.7% of the genome; 17 of these pairs date back to a common time before the divergence of the grasses. More important, ongoing individual gene duplications provide a never-ending source of raw material for gene genesis and are major contributors to the differences between members of the grass family.
A total of 361 caudal fin samples were collected from adult A. stellatus specimens caught in the north Caspian Sea, including specimens from Kazakhstan (Ural River), Russia (Volga River), Azerbaijan (Kura River), specimens caught in the south Caspian Sea including specimens from Fishery Zone 1 (from Astara to Anzali), Fishery Zone 2 (from Anzali to Ramsar), Fishery Zone 3 (from Nowshahr to Babolsar), Fishery Zone 4 (from Miyankaleh to Gomishan) as well as from specimens caught in Turkmenistan (all specimens were collected during the sturgeon stock assessment survey). About 2 g of fin tissue was removed from each caudal fin sample, stored in 96% ethyl alcohol and transferred to the genetic laboratory of the International Sturgeon Research Institute. Genomic DNA was extracted using phenol-chloroform method. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using 1% Agarose gel electrophoresis and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA using 15 paired microsatellite primer. PCR products were electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gels (6%) that were stained using silver nitrate. Electrophoretic patterns and DNA bands were analyzed with BioCapt software. Allele count and frequency, genetic diversity, expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity allele number, and the effective allele number, genetic similarity and genetic distance, FST and RST were calculated. The Hardy Wienberg Equilibrium based on X2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) at 10% confidence level was calculated using the Gene Alex software. Dendrogram for genetic distances and identities were calculated using TFPGA program for any level of the hierarchy. It is evident from the results obtained that the 15 paired primers studied, polymorphism was observed in 10 pairs in 12 loci, while one locus did not produce DNA bands. Mean allele number was 13.6. Mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.86 and 0.642, respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Wienberg Equilibrium in most of the loci (P≤0.001). Highest Fst (0.063) was observed when comparing specimens from Fishery Zone 2 and Fishery Zone 4 (Nm=3.7) and lowest FST (0.028) was observed when comparing specimens from the Volga River and those from the Ural River (8.7). Significant differences (P<0.01) were observed between RST recorded in the specimens studied. Highest genetic distance (0.604) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.547) were observed between specimens from Fishery zones 2 and 4. Lowest genetic distance (0.311) and highest genetic resemblance (0.733) was observed between specimens from Turkmenistan and specimens from Fishery zone 1. Based on the genetic dendrogeram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, A. stellatus specimens from Fishery zone 2 or in other words specimens from the Sepidrud River belong to one cluster which divides into two clusters, one of which includes specimens from Fishery zones 1, 3 and 4 and specimens from Turkmenistan while the other cluster includes specimens from Ural, Volga and Kura Rivers. It is thus evident that the main population of this species belongs to the Sepidrud River. Results obtained from the present study show that at least eight different populations of A. stellatus are found in the north and south Caspian Sea, four of which are known populations including the Ural River population, the Volga River population, the Kura River population and the Sepidrud River populations. The four other populations identified belonging to Fishery zones 1, 3, and 4 and to Turkmenistan are most probably late or early spawners of the spring run and autumn run of each of the major rivers mentioned. Specific markers were also identified for each of the populations identified. The Ural River population can be identified using primers Spl-68, 54b and Spl-104, 163 170, 173, the Volga River population can be identified using primers LS-54b and Spl-104, 170, 173 113a and similarly the population from the Kura River can be identified using primers LS-34, 54b and Spl-163, 173 and that from the Sepidrud River can be identified using primers LS-19, 34, 54b and Spl-105, 113b. This study gives evidence of the presence of different populations of this species and calls for serious measures to be taken to protect the genetic stocks of these populations. Considering that the population of A. stellatus in Fishery zone 2 is an independent population of the Sepidrud River in the Gilan Province, the catch of these fishes in the region needs to be controlled and regulated in order to restore the declining stocks of this species.
Ecological study on Kolahy and 'flab estuaries were carried out during 1996-1997. Water and sediment sampling was done seasonally. In order to study the physical and chemical characteristic of the water, various animal fauna from different material niches including planktons and fish from water, benthousi from the sediment , and surface living animal such as Arthropod (Crabs) and Waterbirds were identified. I he result shoved, that water salinity of both estuaries was the same as the general salinity existing its the Persian Gulf water, and its variation is same IN those waters Minimum water salinity in both estuaries are seen during Bahairdan or early winter mooth(Jaa.), which is about 31ppt and Maximum is during .rirldlun.) or summer mouth at about 19 ppt. Dissolved otygen and pH are slime as the general Persian Gulf waters., Dissolve Oxygen being directly associated to temperature and its fluctuation is between 7- Sing/I and pH between 7.5-LS. The animals of both estuaries are almost similar having a sal factory species diversity . The birds of the region are often seasonal migrants , the maximum population of which occurs in winter season and the minimum during summer month. Nam coverage is richer in Tiab than Kolahy estuary, where in Kolahy a signal Mangrove tree is in exigence. 'Ile total coverage of Mangrove forest in Tiab is estimated about -29 hec.Both estuaries are included with in the international Ramsar Convention sites in 1971. Due to national importance of these estuaries inproviding refugee for various birds species and also hinting grounds and access traffic for local fishing vehicles, Actiog as an important access for various inhabitancy living with these area of the Persian Gulf. Due to importance or prawn aquacultur for the economical well being of local inhabitance, these areas provide a suitable grandees for prawn production. I-test statistics show, there are no significant difference among various invertebrate and vertebrate animals. In over all out look 21) phytoplankton genera, 21) zeoplankton genera 17 miafauna and 32 roaerofauna genera , 11 different species Carcineacearions and 119 species of walerbirds were identified with in the Tiab and Kolahy estuariesregioos. The X statistic show that the animal density is directly associated to season. Where density of miofauna and maerofauna in both estuaries are in maiticrourn during summer and the minimums existing during the winter season. In addition the bentic invertebrate population density in closlly association to birds population density since , the later, feeds on the former animals. Where the increasing in bird population density during the winter season, the bentic invertebrate animal population density decreases. The over all trend of animal population density in winter tend to increased towards the summer seasons, which this is due to climatic conditions of the region. The bird population on the contrary to other animals of both estuaries tend to increase from summer towards the winter seasons and which this bird population density is in maximum in winter with in the region.
A novel bradykinin-potentiating peptide (BPP), designated as TmF, has been purified to homogeneity from the venom of Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus by 70% cold methanol extraction, Sephadex G-15 gel filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The amino acid sequence of TmF was determined to be pGlu-Gly-Arg-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-Pro-Ile-Pro-Pro (pGlu denotes pyroglutamic acid), which shared high homology with other BPPs. The molecular mass of TmF was 1.1107 kD as determinated by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), which was in accordance with the calculated value of 1.1106 kD. The potentiating "unit" of TmF to bradykinin-induced (BK-induced) contraction on the guinea-pig ileum in vitro was (1.13 +/- 0.3) unit (mg/L), and TmF (5.0 x 10(-4) mg/kg) increased the pressure-lowering-effect of bradykinin (5.0 x 10(-5) mg/kg) with approximate descent value of (14 +/- 2) mmHg. In addition, TmF inhibited the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin 11, 2 x 10(-3) mg of TmF caused 50% inhibition (IC50) of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) hydrolyzing activity to bradykinin.
Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE), a valuable natural product for cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, is mainly composed of two classes of constituents: terpene lactones (e.g., ginkgolide A and B, bilobalide) and flavone glycosides (e.g., quercetin and kaempferol). Its electrophysiological action in heart is yet unclear. In the present study, using whole-cell patch clamp technique, we investigated electrophysiological effects of GBE on cation channel currents in ventricular myocytes isolated from rat hearts. We found that GBE 0.01-0.1% inhibited significantly the sodium current (I-Na), L-type calcium current (I-Ca) and transient outward potassium current (IKto) in a concentration-dependent manner. Surprisingly, its main ingredients, ginkgolide A (GB A), ginkgolide B (GB B) and bilobalide (GB BA) at 0.1 mM did not exhibit any significant effect on these cation channel currents. These results suggested that GBE is a potent non-selective cation channel modulator in cardiaomyocytes. Other constituents (rather than GB A, GB B and GB BA) might be responsible for the observed inhibitory effects of GBE on cation channels. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Natural cilia are hairlike microtubule-based structures that are able to move fluid on the micrometer scale using asymmetric motion. In this article, we follow a biomimetic approach to design artificial cilia lining the inner surfaces of microfluidic channels with the goal of propelling fluid. The artificial cilia consist of polymer films filled with superparamagnetic nanoparticles, which can mimic the motion of natural cilia when subjected to a rotating magnetic field. To obtain the magnetic field and associated magnetization local to the cilia, we solve the Maxwell equations, from which the magnetic body moments and forces can be deduced. To obtain the ciliary motion, we solve the dynamic equations of motion, which are then fully coupled to the Navier-Stokes equations that describe the fluid flow around the cilia, thus taking full account of fluid inertial forces. The dimensionless parameters that govern the deformation behavior of the cilia and the associated fluid flow are arrived at using the principle of virtual work. The physical response of the cilia and the fluid flow for different combinations of elastic, fluid viscous, and inertia forces are identified.
Granular reactive materials have higher permeability and are therefore desirable for in situ groundwater pollution control. Three granular bentonites were prepared: an Al-pillared bentonite (PBg), an organo-bentonite (OBg) using a quaternary ammonium cation (QAC), and an inorgano-organo-bentonite (IOBg), using both the pillaring agent and the QAC. Powdered IOB (IOBp) was also prepared to test the effect of particle size. The modified bentonites were characterised with X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and uniaxial compression tests. The d-spacing increased only with QAC intercalation. The Young's modulus of IOBg was twice as high as OBg. Batch adsorption tests were performed with aqueous multimetal solutions of Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Zn2+ and Ni2+ ions, with liquid dodecane and with aqueous dodecane solutions. Metal adsorption fit the Langmuir isotherm. Adsorption occurred within 30min for PBg, while the granular organo-bentonite needed at least 12h to reach equilibrium. IOBp had the maximum adsorption capacity at higher metal concentration and lower adsorbent content (Cu2+: 2.2, Ni2+: 1.7, Zn2+: 1.4, Cd2+: 0.9 and Pb2+: 0.7 all in mmolg-1). The dual pillaring of the QAC and Al hydroxide increased the adsorption. The adsorption of liquid dodecane was in the order IOBg>OBg>PBg (3.2>2.7>1.7mmolg-1). Therefore IOBg has potential for the removal of toxic compounds found in soil, groundwater, storm water and wastewater. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
研究了汉江下游武汉段河漫滩7个沉积物的吸附特征及温度和扰动强度对磷吸附等温线的影响,用改进的Langmuir模型和Freundlish模型对实验吸附数据进行拟合,可得到最大吸附容量(Qmax)、原有吸附可交换态磷(NAP)、临界磷平衡浓度(EPC0)和固-液分配系数(Kp)的值.结果表明,改进的Langmuir模型更适用于描述汉江河漫滩沉积物的吸附特征,其物理意义更明确;Kp与Qmax呈较好的线性关系;沉积物吸附和解吸磷能力与温度变化一致;沉积物在等温吸附磷过程中,固体浓度效应在强扰动强度(200 r/m