992 resultados para Lambda calculus
O uso intensivo de agrotóxicos em culturas de tomates tem causado preocupações quanto à provável contaminação do produto final. Este trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar, por dois anos consecutivos, em quatro propriedades de uma área altamente tecnificada, o uso de agrotóxicos em tomate irrigado durante seu desenvolvimento, quantificar os resíduos dos principais princípios ativos utilizados, e avaliar o grau de contaminação dos frutos colhidos. Foram analisados metamidofós, clorpirifós, captan, clorotalonil, endosulfan, lambda-cialotrina, e cobre. Para avaliar o grau de contaminação dos frutos foi validado um método de análise de resíduos múltiplos capaz de quantificar esses compostos. Os resíduos encontrados foram de fungicidas e inseticidas aplicados nas fases de frutificação e maturação: captan, 0,35 mg/kg, na Fazenda 2; clorotalonil, 0,16 mg/kg e 0,95 mg/kg, nas Fazendas 1 e 2, respectivamente; lambda-cialotrina, 0,03 mg/kg, na Fazenda 2; cobre, 2,03 mg/kg, 3,75 mg/kg e 1,44mg/kg, nas Fazendas 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente, e 0,95 mg/kg, 1,70 mg/kg e 2,31 mg/kg, na Fazenda 4. Não ocorreram resíduos dos inseticidas organofosforados, aplicados principalmente durante o desenvolvimento vegetativo da cultura. Não houve contaminação dos tomates pelos agrotóxicos analisados. Os resíduos que devem ser monitorados são os dos agrotóxicos aplicados na fase de maturação da cultura.
Effect size indices are indispensable for carrying out meta-analyses and can also be seen as an alternative for making decisions about the effectiveness of a treatment in an individual applied study. The desirable features of the procedures for quantifying the magnitude of intervention effect include educational/clinical meaningfulness, calculus easiness, insensitivity to autocorrelation, low false alarm and low miss rates. Three effect size indices related to visual analysis are compared according to the aforementioned criteria. The comparison is made by means of data sets with known parameters: degree of serial dependence, presence or absence of general trend, changes in level and/or in slope. The percent of nonoverlapping data showed the highest discrimination between data sets with and without intervention effect. In cases when autocorrelation or trend is present, the percentage of data points exceeding the median may be a better option to quantify the effectiveness of a psychological treatment.
The present study proposes a modification in one of the most frequently applied effect size procedures in single-case data analysis the percent of nonoverlapping data. In contrast to other techniques, the calculus and interpretation of this procedure is straightforward and it can be easily complemented by visual inspection of the graphed data. Although the percent of nonoverlapping data has been found to perform reasonably well in N = 1 data, the magnitude of effect estimates it yields can be distorted by trend and autocorrelation. Therefore, the data correction procedure focuses on removing the baseline trend from data prior to estimating the change produced in the behavior due to intervention. A simulation study is carried out in order to compare the original and the modified procedures in several experimental conditions. The results suggest that the new proposal is unaffected by trend and autocorrelation and can be used in case of unstable baselines and sequentially related measurements.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os níveis de ocorrência de pesticidas em água, tendo em vista preservar a água de contaminação por esses produtos na região de Guaíra, SP. A hipótese foi que o uso intensivo de pesticidas nessa região propiciaria a contaminação das águas superficiais e subterrâneas por seus resíduos. Para a caracterização das propriedades, das características e da dinâmica da água do solo, foi selecionada a Fazenda Macaúba por possuir relevo e solos característicos da região. Aproximadamente 80% da área da fazenda é constituída por Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico (LVdf), profundo. As áreas cultivadas apresentam um horizonte superficial (Ap) completamente desprovido de sua estrutura natural e, abaixo deste, um horizonte compactado, ambos frutos das práticas agrícolas. Durante dois anos e meio realizou-se o monitoramento do Ribeirão do Jardim que abastece a cidade de Guaíra, bem como de um de seus afluentes e da água subterrânea proveniente do Aqüífero Guarani, à procura de pesticidas. A água superficial foi coletada de 21em 21 dias e a subterrânea, no início e no final do período monitorado (dois anos e meio). Os produtos monitorados, trifluralina, endosulfan, lambda cialotrina, dicofol (4,4 diclorobenzofenona), captan, metil paration, clorotalonil e clorpirifós, foram selecionados a partir de um levantamento dos pesticidas utilizados em quatro áreas agrícolas localizadas na bacia do Ribeirão do Jardim e em razão da efetividade de um método de análise de resíduos múltiplos para sua quantificação. Os resultados analíticos indicaram que não houve contaminação da água subterrânea, mas que ocasionalmente houve contaminação direta das águas de superfície. A não-contaminação da água subterrânea deve-se principalmente às características dos Latossolos, como sua grande espessura, sua textura argilosa e sua grande capacidade de armazenamento de água.
We evaluate the performance of different optimization techniques developed in the context of optical flow computation with different variational models. In particular, based on truncated Newton methods (TN) that have been an effective approach for large-scale unconstrained optimization, we de- velop the use of efficient multilevel schemes for computing the optical flow. More precisely, we evaluate the performance of a standard unidirectional mul- tilevel algorithm - called multiresolution optimization (MR/OPT), to a bidrec- tional multilevel algorithm - called full multigrid optimization (FMG/OPT). The FMG/OPT algorithm treats the coarse grid correction as an optimiza- tion search direction and eventually scales it using a line search. Experimental results on different image sequences using four models of optical flow com- putation show that the FMG/OPT algorithm outperforms both the TN and MR/OPT algorithms in terms of the computational work and the quality of the optical flow estimation.
Introduction: Infl uenza vaccination is recommended for all solid organ transplant recipients. However, some centers are reluctant to give annual vaccination due to concerns about precipitating rejection. A proposed mechanism of this is vaccineinduced development of cellular and humoral responses to donor HLA antigens. We studied the induction of HLA Ab in a cohort of lung transplant recipients receiving infl uenza vaccination. Methods: Adult lung transplant recipients were immunized with 0.5 mL intramuscular seasonal infl uenza vaccine followed by 0.1 mL intradermal booster at 4 weeks as part of a previous study. Sera were collected pre-vaccination and at 4, 8 weeks post-vaccination. Post-vaccination sera were analyzed for HLA Ab using fl owPRA specifi c beads (One Lambda Inc). A positive result was defi ned as 5%. Positive samples were further analyzed for antibody specifi city by single antigen bead testing. Pre-vaccination sera were tested only only if post-vaccination sample screen was positive for HLA Ab. The presence of HLA Ab was correlated to vaccine seroresponse and rejection episodes. Results: Sixty patients were included with equal numbers of men and women. Mean age of patients was 47.3 years (range 20.7-72.4). Median time post-transplant was 1.3 years (range 85 days - 17 years). One patient was excluded due to an uninterpretable baseline screen result. 16/59 (27.1%) patients were positive for HLA Ab both in both pre- and post-vaccination samples. Of these, 12/16 (75%) had antibody against HLA Class I (majority A30,A31,B27,B44), 2/16 (12.5%) had antibody against HLA class II (majority DQ4, DQ7), and 2/16 (12.5%) had antibody against both Class I & II. There was no signifi cant increase in existing HLA Ab post-vaccination. Of the 16 patients, only one (6.3%) patient had de novo HLA Ab and this was determined to be non donor specifi c. Factors such as gender, time from transplant, immunosuppression, and acute rejection episodes did not correlate with presence of HLA Ab. HLA Ab was not associated with seroconversion to to vaccine antigens. Conclusions: Our data support that receiving the annual infl uenza vaccine does not lead to the generation of de novo donor specifi c antibodies in lung transplant recipients or upregulation of existing HLA Ab.
When individuals learn by trial-and-error, they perform randomly chosen actions and then reinforce those actions that led to a high payoff. However, individuals do not always have to physically perform an action in order to evaluate its consequences. Rather, they may be able to mentally simulate actions and their consequences without actually performing them. Such fictitious learners can select actions with high payoffs without making long chains of trial-and-error learning. Here, we analyze the evolution of an n-dimensional cultural trait (or artifact) by learning, in a payoff landscape with a single optimum. We derive the stochastic learning dynamics of the distance to the optimum in trait space when choice between alternative artifacts follows the standard logit choice rule. We show that for both trial-and-error and fictitious learners, the learning dynamics stabilize at an approximate distance of root n/(2 lambda(e)) away from the optimum, where lambda(e) is an effective learning performance parameter depending on the learning rule under scrutiny. Individual learners are thus unlikely to reach the optimum when traits are complex (n large), and so face a barrier to further improvement of the artifact. We show, however, that this barrier can be significantly reduced in a large population of learners performing payoff-biased social learning, in which case lambda(e) becomes proportional to population size. Overall, our results illustrate the effects of errors in learning, levels of cognition, and population size for the evolution of complex cultural traits. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Anti-idiotype antibody therapy of B-cell lymphomas, despite numerous promising experimental and clinical studies, has so far met with limited success. Tailor-made monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies have been injected into a large series of lymphoma patients, with a few impressive complete tumour remissions but a large majority of negative responses. The results presented here suggest that, by coupling to antilymphoma idiotype antibodies a few molecules of the tetanus toxin universal epitope peptide P2 (830-843), one could markedly increase the efficiency of this therapy. We show that after 2-hr incubation with conjugates consisting of the tetanus toxin peptide P2 coupled by an S-S bridge to monoclonal antibodies directed to the lambda light chain of human immunoglobulin, human B-lymphoma cells can be specifically lysed by a CD4 T-lymphocyte clone specific for the P2 peptide. Antibody without peptide did not induce B-cell killing by the CD4 T-lymphocyte clone. The free cysteine-peptide was also able to induce lysis of the B-lymphoma target by the T-lymphocyte clone, but at a molar concentration 500 to 1000 times higher than that of the coupled peptide. Proliferation assays confirmed that the antibody-peptide conjugate was antigenically active at a much lower concentration than the free peptide. They also showed that antibody-peptide conjugates required an intact processing function of the B cell for peptide presentation, which could be selectively inhibited by leupeptin and chloroquine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a preferência alimentar, o limiar de ingestão e efeito tóxico inseticidas associados atrativos, em adultos Neoleucinodes elegantalis. Foram testados os atrativos: melado e mel a 10%, extrato hexânico de frutos verdes de tomate a 0,4%, sacarose a 5%, suco de laranja e suco de uva a 30%, vinagre de vinho tinto a 10% e proteína hidrolisada a 5%. Com base no teste de preferência alimentar, foram selecionados os atrativos sacarose, melado, mel e suco de laranja, para determinar o limiar de concentração capaz de estimular a alimentação de adultos de N. elegantalis. Foi testado o efeito tóxico de inseticidas associados ao mel a 10%. A sacarose e o mel apresentaram o melhor resultado em relação ao número de pousos e ao tempo de pouso e de alimentação de adultos de N. elegantalis. Os inseticidas não afetaram negativamente a atração pelo alimento dos adultos de N. elegantalis. Carbaril, cartape, deltametrina, fenpropatrina, indoxacarbe, lambda-cialotrina e lufenurom provocaram 100% de mortalidade em adultos (machos + fêmeas), após 24 horas de exposição, e mostraram-se promissores para o uso em iscas tóxicas.
Let $ E_{\lambda}(z)=\lambda {\rm exp}(z), \lambda\in \mathbb{C}$, be the complex exponential family. For all functions in the family there is a unique asymptotic value at 0 (and no critical values). For a fixed $ \lambda$, the set of points in $ \mathbb{C}$ with orbit tending to infinity is called the escaping set. We prove that the escaping set of $ E_{\lambda}$ with $ \lambda$ Misiurewicz (that is, a parameter for which the orbit of the singular value is strictly preperiodic) is a connected set.
[Eng] We study the marginal worth vectors and their convex hull, the socalled Weber set, from the original coalitional game and the transformed one, which is called the Weber set of level k. We prove that the core of the original game is included in each of the Weber set of level k, for any k, and that the Weber sets of consecutive levels form a chain if and only if the original game is 0-monotone. Even if the game is not 0-monotone, the intersection of the Weber sets for consecutive levels is always not empty, what is not the case for non-consecutive ones. Spanish education system.
[Eng] We study the marginal worth vectors and their convex hull, the socalled Weber set, from the original coalitional game and the transformed one, which is called the Weber set of level k. We prove that the core of the original game is included in each of the Weber set of level k, for any k, and that the Weber sets of consecutive levels form a chain if and only if the original game is 0-monotone. Even if the game is not 0-monotone, the intersection of the Weber sets for consecutive levels is always not empty, what is not the case for non-consecutive ones. Spanish education system.
The final year project came to us as an opportunity to get involved in a topic which has appeared to be attractive during the learning process of majoring in economics: statistics and its application to the analysis of economic data, i.e. econometrics.Moreover, the combination of econometrics and computer science is a very hot topic nowadays, given the Information Technologies boom in the last decades and the consequent exponential increase in the amount of data collected and stored day by day. Data analysts able to deal with Big Data and to find useful results from it are verydemanded in these days and, according to our understanding, the work they do, although sometimes controversial in terms of ethics, is a clear source of value added both for private corporations and the public sector. For these reasons, the essence of this project is the study of a statistical instrument valid for the analysis of large datasets which is directly related to computer science: Partial Correlation Networks.The structure of the project has been determined by our objectives through the development of it. At first, the characteristics of the studied instrument are explained, from the basic ideas up to the features of the model behind it, with the final goal of presenting SPACE model as a tool for estimating interconnections in between elements in large data sets. Afterwards, an illustrated simulation is performed in order to show the power and efficiency of the model presented. And at last, the model is put into practice by analyzing a relatively large data set of real world data, with the objective of assessing whether the proposed statistical instrument is valid and useful when applied to a real multivariate time series. In short, our main goals are to present the model and evaluate if Partial Correlation Network Analysis is an effective, useful instrument and allows finding valuable results from Big Data.As a result, the findings all along this project suggest the Partial Correlation Estimation by Joint Sparse Regression Models approach presented by Peng et al. (2009) to work well under the assumption of sparsity of data. Moreover, partial correlation networks are shown to be a very valid tool to represent cross-sectional interconnections in between elements in large data sets.The scope of this project is however limited, as there are some sections in which deeper analysis would have been appropriate. Considering intertemporal connections in between elements, the choice of the tuning parameter lambda, or a deeper analysis of the results in the real data application are examples of aspects in which this project could be completed.To sum up, the analyzed statistical tool has been proved to be a very useful instrument to find relationships that connect the elements present in a large data set. And after all, partial correlation networks allow the owner of this set to observe and analyze the existing linkages that could have been omitted otherwise.
Tandemly repeated insertion sequence IS21, located on a suicide plasmid, promoted replicon fusion with bacteriophage lambda in vitro in the presence of ATP. This reaction was catalyzed in a cell extract containing the 45-kDa IstA protein (cointegrase) and the 30-kDa IstB helper protein of IS21 after both proteins had been overproduced in Escherichia coli. Without IstB, replicon fusion was inefficient and did not produce the 4-bp target duplications typical of IS21.
Two-way alternating automata were introduced by Vardi in order to study the satisfiability problem for the modal μ-calculus extended with backwards modalities. In this paper, we present a very simple proof by way of Wadge games of the strictness of the hierarchy of Motowski indices of two-way alternating automata over trees.