966 resultados para LITTER


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The ecological restoration is an alternative to increasingly important for biodiversity conservation. However, actions need indicators to evaluate its effectiveness in restablishment ecological processes, including nutrient cycling. The objective of this study was to compare the annual litterfall from five different treatments for forest restoration, compared with a neighboring fragment of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest, in order to subsidize their management plans for ecological restoration. Litter traps of 0.25m² were used, and a total production was: 1700.6 Kg. ha-1.year-1(treatment 1), 7748.1 Kg. ha-1.year-1(treatment 2), 7120.8 Kg. ha-1.year-1 (treatment 3), 9254.5 Kg. ha- 1.year-1 (treatment 4), 7130.2 Kg. ha-1.year-1 (treatment 5) and 8876 Kg. ha-1.year-1 (fragment of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest - treatment 6). The leaf fraction was the largest contributor to the deposition of litter in all treatments. Litter served as a good environmental indicator that can be used as a tool to support management plans. Key words: Litterfall, forest restoration and Seasonal Semideciduous Forest


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Fire is a common event in different ecosystems and can both be caused by humans or have natural sources.. In many of these ecosystems, natural fires are an important factor that determines the vegetation. The reduction of tree cover by fire for example, resulted in the evolution of several species-rich ecosystems, dominated by C4 grasses. However, the fire caused by human actions may have greater intensity and lead to negative responses of vegetation, since man changed the fire regime in many parts of the world, such as in the Cerrado. The passage of fire can benefit herbaceous and woody seedlings that cannot compete with the dominant grass layer. It removes the dead biomass and litter (major components of the fuel load), opening up spaces within the grass matrix that allow the establishment of other species. After some time without fire, an increase in shrub cover and decrease herbaceous layer can be observed. One of the major consequences of the absence of fire in savanna and grassland ecosystems is the accumulation of flammable dead biomass (mainly composed of graminoids), which will probably be the fuel load of the next burning thus, fires will be more intense and hotter. Moreover, very frequent burns lead to a reduction in the frequency and density of grasses. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the quantity and quality of biomass in areas with different fire history (fire exclusion for 2 and 7 years) in areas of campo sujo in central Cerrado. Plots (1x1m) were established in both areas and all aboveground biomass of each plot was cut at ground level and put in paper bags in the field. In the laboratory, the material was sorted into live and dead biomass. In addition, live biomass was separated into different functional groups (graminoids, forbs, Vellozia spp, palm and shrubs). The material was oven dried for two days at 80°C and subsequently weighed. In both areas, we found a dominance of graminoid and dead biomass. The area...


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The knowledge of the dynamics of soil seed bank and seed rain is fundamental to understand the forest succession process, as well as for its conservation and restoration. This paper aimed at studying the role of the soil seed bank and seed rain in the dynamics of a riparian tropical seasonal forest fragment located on the hinterland of São Paulo State. The seed rain was studied by 30 litter traps installed at 50 cm from the floor, with an area of 50 cm x 50 cm. Between November of 2008 and October of 2009, 11364 seeds of 82 species belonging to 33 different families were collected. The deposition density of seeds was 126.27 individuals.m². With the data obtained from this research, the two seasons couldn’t be differed from each other hence 2009 was an atypical year considering the precipitation, which was constantly elevated. For the soil seed bank, fifty superficial soil samples will be taken at the end of both the rainy and dry seasons. The germination method was applied for the data analysis. It was observed a predominance of herbaceous habit species, with an average of 71% of the germinations in both seasons. The Sφrensen similarity index between the seasons was low (0,27). The density and species diversity were higher after the rainy season, unlike other published researches


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The Atlantic forest has a large number of endemic species due to the varieties of environments, altitudes, and climates found along its distribution. The species Brachycephalus ephippium is an example of endemic anuran from this forest formation, occurring in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, between 750 and 1200 m altitude. This species is abundant in the Serra do Japi, an Atlantic Forest remnant, which houses high biodiversity, located in Jundiaí city, between three big urban centers in the state of São Paulo. This remnant, which has altitude ranging between 700 and 1300 meters, is threatened by global climate changes and, spite of legally protected, by intense pressure of urbanization. The aim of the present study was to verify the association between of environmental variables with the abundance and distribution of B. ephippium in the Serra do Japi. The air relative humidity showed a positive correlation with the presence of B. ephippium individuals and the best model to explain the abundance involved air relative temperature and litter temperature. These results allowed the investigation of the environment use by this species and can be used to provide conservationist actions


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Plumbism is considered the oldest occupational disease. Among the pathophysiological effects associated with lead (Pb) are cardiovascular disorders. Many diseases that develop later in life are determined during the early stages of life, under the influence of exposure and preferred diet of the mother. Still, one should consider that many environmental contaminants at levels not harmful can determine pathophysiological processes if physical or chemical stressors and/or pathological conditions are present. In this context, the intrauterine malnutrition may represent an additional risk factor in exposure to Pb during pregnancy and lactation. For these reasons, the objective of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular risk of weaned rats that have suffered perinatal exposure to Pb and intrauterine malnutrition, alone or in combination. After mating, female rats were divided into control (ctrl, ad libitum), food restriction (RA, the same diet 50% of consumption in the control group during pregnancy), exposed to Pb (500 ppm Pb in drinking water during pregnancy and lactation) and association (As, received the last two procedures in combination). Cumulative concentration-effect curves (CECs) to CaCl2 and noradrenaline (NA) were obtained in rings with and without endothelium of the same thoracic aorta from male weaned rats (23-25 days old). Maternal weight, litter weight, weight and number of pups at birth, anogenital distance, arterial blood pressure (ABP) and weight of tissues (kidney, liver, aorta, left ventricle) were evaluated. Changes in vascular reactivity were assessed by the maximum response (MR) and 50% effective concentration (EC50). Data were presented as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was performed by multifactorial analysis of variance and Tukey's post test. Body weight of dams did not differ between the experimental groups, except on the...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Brazil has the largest cattle herd in the world with approximately 200 million head. An important feature of the Brazilian cattle industry is that most of its herd is raised on pasture, which constitutes one of the most economical and practical ways to produce and provide food for cattle. However, this production model is mishandled and can lead to soil degradation. Maintaining soil quality is essential for the conservation of natural ecosystems and the areas of production, thus soil quality improves the conditions for biogeochemical cycles. In this context, the objective of this study was to develop a device for testing the Inderbitzen way of assessing soil erodibility in two situations of usage and occupation. Therefore, one area was used as a sample collection occupied by grazing and the other as a forest fragment; both located in the city of Sorocaba in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Thus, we concluded that the proposed device – the Inderbitzen – proved capable of assessing soil erodibility of the pasture and remnant forest. Accordingly, there was a tendency for a smaller loss of forest soils in the remnant when compared to the degraded pasture. The greatest resistance of the soil erosion in the forest remnant may be associated with the amount of organic matter released by the forest litter in all its diversity, influencing the quality of the structure of aggregates. Keywords: erosion, forest remnant, degraded pasture, Inderbitzen test.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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In tropical regions there is rapid decomposition of plant material deposited on the soil, and the ability to recycle nutrients through this decomposition is one of the most important aspects of cover crops. The aim of this study was to evaluate the yield and nutrient release from forage crops intercropped with maize for silage, and soybean in succession. The study was conducted in the experimental area of Universidade Estadual Paulista, Ilha Solteira campus, Brazil. The experiment consisted of maize for silage intercropped with four forage species (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu, Urochloa ruziziensis, Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania, and Panicum maximum cv. Aries) sown in three modalities: in the maize row, together with fertilizer; broadcast at maize sowing; and broadcast in the V4 stage of maize, in a randomized block design in a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement with four replications. The evaluation of nutrient release was performed during the soybean cropping that followed the intercropping by the litter bag method at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days after sowing of soybean. Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania showed higher dry matter yield when sown by broadcasting at maize sowing. Sowing of forages in the maize row, and through broadcasting at maize sowing led to greater dry matter yield for straw formation. Intercropping of maize with forages in the autumn is an alternative for increasing the amount of straw and cycling of macronutrients in a no-till system. Potassium was the nutrient with the greatest accumulation in the forage straws (up to 150 kg ha(-1)), with 100 % release at 90 days after sowing soybean. The forage straws are thus an excellent alternative for cycling of this nutrient. Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania sown by broadcasting at the time of maize sowing showed greater phosphorus cycling (13 kg ha(-1)). Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania broadcast in the V4 stage of maize is the option with least potential for straw production and nutrient cycling, while the other options (forages and sowing modalities) have higher potential for use, at the criteria of machine availability for setting up intercropping with corn.


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Rykellus anibali n. sp. and Rykellus mineiroi n. sp. are described from adult females and males collected from litter and soil in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A key for the identification of females of the eight recognisable world species of Rykellus is provided.


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Cultivation of strawberry in plastic tunnels has increased considerably in Norway and in southeastern Brazil, mainly in an attempt to protect the crop from unsuitable climatic factors and some diseases as well as to allow growers to expand the traditional production season. It has been hypothesized that cultivation under tunnels could increase the incidence of one of its major pests in many countries where strawberry is cultivated, including Norway and Brazil, the two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of tunnels on the incidence of T. urticae and on its natural enemies on strawberry in two ecologically contrasting regions, Norway (temperate) and southeastern Brazil (subtropical). In both countries, peak densities of T. urticae in tunnels and in the open fields were lower than economic thresholds reported in the literature. Factors determining that systematically seem to be the prevailing relatively low temperature in Norway and high relative humidity in both countries. The levels of occurrence in Norway and Brazil in 2010 were so low that regardless of any potential effect of the use of tunnel, no major differences were observed between the two cropping systems in relation to T. urticae densities. In 2009 in Norway and in 2011 in Brazil, increase in T. urticae population seemed to have been restrained mainly by rainfall in the open field and by predatory mites in the tunnels. Phytoseiids were the most numerous predatory mite group of natural occurrence on strawberry, and the prevalence was higher in Brazil, where the most abundant species on strawberry leaves were Neoseiulus anonymus and Phytoseiulus macropilis. In Norway, the most abundant naturally occurring phytoseiids on strawberry leaves were Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) rhenanus and Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) pyri. Predatory mites were very rare in the litter samples collected in Norway. Infection rate of the pest by the fungus Neozygites floridana (Neozygitaceae) was low. The results of this work suggest that in Norway the use of tunnels might not affect the population densities of T. urticae on strawberry in years of lower temperatures. When temperature is not a limiting factor for the development of T. urticae in that country (apparently always the case in southern Brazil), strawberry cultivation in the tunnels may allow T. urticae to reach higher population levels than in open fields (because of the provided protection from the direct impact of rainfall), but natural enemies may prevent higher levels from being reached.