983 resultados para LINGUAL GLANDS


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Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la incidencia de complicaciones después de la extracción quirúrgica de los terceros molares en pacientes de 12 a 18 años de edad. Pacientes y método: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 390 extracciones quirúgicas de terceros molares superiores e inferiores en 173 pacientes en edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 18 años de edad, intervenidos bajo anestesia locorregional en el año 2000 en el Máster de Cirugía Bucal e Implantología Bucofacial de la Universidad de Barcelona. Los pacientes fueron divididos en tres grupos (A: 12-14 años, B:15-16 años, C: 17-18 años). Se registró la edad y el sexo del paciente, el motivo de la extracción, el grado de desarrollo dentario, la posición, la angulación y la inclusión del tercer molar. Finalmente se valoró la asociación entre dichas variables y la aparición de complicaciones postoperatorias. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes intervenidos fueron del sexo femenino (66,9%), y el grupo de edad en la que se realizó el mayor número de extracciones (62,8%) fue en el grupo C (17-18 años). El principal motivo de extracción fue la indicación por parte del ortodoncista (40,5%), seguido por la indicación profiláctica (39,5%). La presencia de clínica fue el motivo de extracción en un 20% de los casos. Se observó una incidencia del 15,6% de complicaciones postoperatorias tras la extracción de 390 terceros molares. En el grupo A el riesgo de complicaciones fue de 17,4%, en el grupo B de 19% y en el grupo C de 13,7%. Todas las complicaciones fueron reversibles y de corta duración como el dolor y la inflamación persistente, la infección, el trismo y la equimosis. Se presentó un caso de parestesia del nervio dentario inferior y un caso de parestesia del nervio lingual que remitieron a los 2 meses y al mes respectivamente. Conclusiones: este estudio demuestra que no hay diferencias significativas en las complicaciones observadas entre los tres grupos de edad, y por lo general, éstas son leves y reversibles. Se observó una mayor tendencia de complicaciones en las mujeres y el porcentaje de complicaciones aumenta cuanto menor es el espacio disponible para la erupción


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The series of events leading to tertiary lymphoid organ (TLO) formation in mucosal organs following tissue damage remain unclear. Using a virus-induced model of autoantibody formation in the salivary glands of adult mice, we demonstrate that IL-22 provides a mechanistic link between mucosal infection, B-cell recruitment, and humoral autoimmunity. IL-22 receptor engagement is necessary and sufficient to promote differential expression of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 in epithelial and fibroblastic stromal cells that, in turn, is pivotal for B-cell recruitment and organization of the TLOs. Accordingly, genetic and therapeutic blockade of IL-22 impairs and reverses TLO formation and autoantibody production. Our work highlights a critical role for IL-22 in TLO-induced pathology and provides a rationale for the use of IL-22-blocking agents in B-cell-mediated autoimmune conditions.


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Objective: to describe the clinical and radiological characteristics of patients with Stafne bone cavity. Study design: a retrospective, observational study of 11 cases of Stafne bone cavity. After finding an imagine compatible with Stafne bone cavity in the Orthopantomograph® of 11 patients, a sialography of the mandibular gland was made in 3 cases, computerized tomography (CT) in 6 cases, and in 4 cases surgical intervention to confirm the diagnosis. Results: the average age was 51.5 years, predominantly males. The entity was diagnosed incidentally during a routine radiology in all cases. The sialography revealed glandular tissue within the defect, and the CT demonstrated the conservation of the lingual cortical and the peripheral origin of the lesion. Glandular tissue was found within the lesions of two of the patients who underwent surgery, and in the other two the cavity was empty. No progressive changes were found in any of the 11 cases. Conclusions: Stafne bone cavity was an incidental finding, presenting no evolutionary changes, and as such conservatory therapy based on periodic controls was indicated. Currently, complementary techniques such as CT are sufficient to establish a certain diagnosis.


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Fundamento y objetivo: Este estudio pretende estimar la prevalencia de halitosis oral en una población joven y mostrar el efecto del chicle sobre el aliento. Pacientes y método: Estudio prospectivo de campo descriptivo correlacional, de corte transversal. Se seleccionaron a conveniencia 121 jóvenes, de los que 98 concluyeron el estudio, el cual se realizó en el Hospital Odontológico Universitario-Universidad de Barcelona. El protocolo consistió en: cuestionario, evaluación clínica oral, prueba organoléptica (PO) y medición de compuestos volátiles sulfurados (CVS) con monitor de sulfuros, antes y después de masticar chicle durante 15 min, con 2 investigadores calibrados. Resultados: Un 87,8% tenían higiene oral adecuada, el 17,3% refirieron mal aliento, y un 29,6%, xerostomía. En la PO 44 sujetos tenían un grado ≥ 2; la concordancia de examinadores fue del 75%. La determinación de CVS en 53 individuos fue ≤ 100 partes por billón (ppb) y en 45 sujetos > 100 ppb. Se obtuvo una reducción de CVS post de 17,34%, con una media de disminución de 1,8-9,0 ppb (p = 0,003). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de halitosis fue del 36,7%. El uso de chicle como adyuvante en casos de halitosis disminuye los CVS, mejorando la percepción de terceros y del propio paciente


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Objective: To compare lower incisor dentoalveolar compensation and mandible symphysis morphology among Class I and Class III malocclusion patients with different facial vertical skeletal patterns. Materials and Methods: Lower incisor extrusion and inclination, as well as buccal (LA) and lingual (LP) cortex depth, and mandibular symphysis height (LH) were measured in 107 lateral cephalometric x-rays of adult patients without prior orthodontic treatment. In addition, malocclusion type (Class I or III) and facial vertical skeletal pattern were considered. Through a principal component analysis (PCA) related variables were reduced. Simple regression equation and multivariate analyses of variance were also used. Results: Incisor mandibular plane angle (P < .001) and extrusion (P  =  .03) values showed significant differences between the sagittal malocclusion groups. Variations in the mandibular plane have a negative correlation with LA (Class I P  =  .03 and Class III P  =  .01) and a positive correlation with LH (Class I P  =  .01 and Class III P  =  .02) in both groups. Within the Class III group, there was a negative correlation between the mandibular plane and LP (P  =  .02). PCA showed that the tendency toward a long face causes the symphysis to elongate and narrow. In Class III, alveolar narrowing is also found in normal faces. Conclusions: Vertical facial pattern is a significant factor in mandibular symphysis alveolar morphology and lower incisor positioning, both for Class I and Class III patients. Short-faced Class III patients have a widened alveolar bone. However, for long-faced and normal-faced Class III, natural compensation elongates the symphysis and influences lower incisor position.


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O espaço sublingual é um espaço de forma semilunar situado no soalho da boca. Estende-se desde a superfície interna da margem alveolar até a base da língua. Localiza-se medialmente ao músculo milo-hióideo, que o separa dos espaços submentoniano e submandibular,anteriormente ao complexo hioglosso-estiloglosso e lateralmente ao músculo genioglosso. A presença de tecido conjuntivo frouxo e tecido gorduroso como conteúdo neste espaço confere aspecto característico na tomografia computadorizada e na ressonância magnética, permitindo sua fácil identificação. Contém ainda a glândula sublingual, a porção profunda da glândula submandibular e seu ducto, a artéria e veia lingual, além dos nervos lingual, glossofaríngeo e hipoglosso. Suas relações são de grande importância, uma vez que lesões originadas na orofaringe e na cavidade oral podem envolver esta área. Os autores analisam a anatomia deste espaço e suas estruturas componentes, relacionando-as com enfermidades que o acometem. Os métodos de imagem são úteis na avaliação e compreensão dessas lesões, podendo também orientar condutas terapêuticas.


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Objective: The goal of the present retrospective study is to describe the distribution of the supernumerary teeth in a population of patients that have been attended at the Public Clinic of the Department of Oral Surgery. Background: Supernumerary teeth and multiple hyperdontia are usually associated with different syndromes, such as Gardner syndrome, or with facial fissures; however, they can appear in patients without any pathology. Their prevalence oscillates to 0.5-3.8% in patients with permanent teeth and to 0.35-0.6% in patients with primary teeth. Patients and Methods: A total of 36,057 clinical histories of patients that were admitted at the clinic between September of 1991 and March of 2003 were revised. The following data were extrapolated: age, sex, number of extracted supernumerary teeth, localization, morphology and type of supernumerary teeth. Consequently, 102 patients were included into the present study. Results: Of the 147 supernumerary teeth identified in the oral cavities of patients 145 were extracted. The most frequent supernumerary teeth identified were mesiodens (46.9%), followed by premolars (24.1%) and fourth molars or distal molars (18%). As for location, 74.5% of the supernumerary teeth were found in the superior maxillary bone and 46.9% of the supernumerary teeth were present in the palatine/lingual area. Heteromorphology was found in two thirds of the supernumerary teeth, with conical shape being the most frequent. Finally, 29.7% of the supernumerary teeth had occlusion with permanent teeth, and mesiodens were the predominating type of supernumerary teeth that showed this feature. Conclusions: Mesiodens very frequently cause retention of permanent incisors, which erupt spontaneously after the extraction of supernumerary teeth, if there is sufficient space in the dental arch and if they conserve the eruptive force. Generally, supernumerary premolars are eumorphic and are casually discovered during radiological exam, if not producing any symptomology.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and its development is intimately related to hormonal factors, but how hormones affect breast physiology and tumorigenesis is not sufficiently known. Pregnancy elicits long-term protection from breast cancer, but during the first ten years after pregnancy, breast cancer risk is increased. In previous studies, there has been conflicting data on the role of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and the functionality of its receptor in extragonadal tissues. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of chronically elevated HCG in mouse physiology. We have created a transgenic (TG) mouse model that overexpresses HCG. HCG is similar to lutenizing hormone (LH), but is secreted almost solely by the placenta during pregnancy. HCG and LH both bind to the LH receptor (LHR). In the current study, mammary gland tumors were observed in HCG TG mice. We elucidated the role of HCG in mammary gland signalling and the effects of LHR mediated signalling in mouse mammary gland gene expression. We also studied the effects of HCG in human breast epithelial cell cultures. Several endocrine disturbances were observed in HCGβ TG female mice, resulting in precocious puberty, infertility, obesity and pituitary and mammary gland tumors. The histology of the mammary gland tumors of HCGβ TG females resembled those observed in mouse models with activated Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. Wnts are involved in stem cell regulation and tumorigenesis, and are hormonally regulated in the mammary gland. We observed activated β-catenin signalling and elevated expression of Wnt5b and Wnt7b in TG tumors and mammary glands. Furthermore, we discovered that HCG directly regulates the expression of Wnt5b and Wnt7b in the mouse mammary gland. Pharmacological treatment with HCG also caused upregulation of several Wnt-pathway target genes in ovariectomized wild type (WT) mice in the presence of physiological concentrations of estradiol and progesterone. In addition, differential expression of several metabolic genes was observed, suggesting that HCG affects adipocyte function or glucose metabolism. When WT mice were transplanted with LHR deficient or wild type WT mammary epithelium, differential expression of several genes affecting the Wnt-signalling pathway was observed in microarray analysis. Diminished expression of several genes associated with LHR function in other tissues, such as the ovary, was observed in mammary glands deficient of epithelial LHR. In cultured human mammary epithelial cells HCG upregulated the expression of WNT5B, WNT7B similar to mouse, suggesting that the observations found are relevant in human physiology. These studies suggest that HCG/LHR signalling affects gene expression in non-gonadal tissues, and that Wnt-signalling is regulated by HCG/LH in human and mouse mammary glands.


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Background: In the course of evolution butterflies and moths developed two different reproductive behaviors. Whereas butterflies rely on visual stimuli for mate location, moths use the"female calling plus male seduction" system, in which females release long-range sex pheromones to attract conspecific males. There are few exceptions from this pattern but in all cases known female moths possess sex pheromone glands which apparently have been lost in female butterflies. In the day-flying moth family Castniidae ("butterfly-moths"), which includes some important crop pests, no pheromones have been found so far. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using a multidisciplinary approach we described the steps involved in the courtship of P. archon, showing that visual cues are the only ones used for mate location; showed that the morphology and fine structure of the antennae of this moth are strikingly similar to those of butterflies, with male sensilla apparently not suited to detect female-released long range pheromones; showed that its females lack pheromone-producing glands, and identified three compounds as putative male sex pheromone (MSP) components of P. archon, released from the proximal halves of male forewings and hindwings. Conclusions/Significance: This study provides evidence for the first time in Lepidoptera that females of a moth do not produce any pheromone to attract males, and that mate location is achieved only visually by patrolling males, which may release a pheromone at short distance, putatively a mixture of Z,E-farnesal, E,E-farnesal, and (E,Z)-2,13-octadecadienol. The outlined behavior, long thought to be unique to butterflies, is likely to be widespread in Castniidae implying a novel, unparalleled butterfly-like reproductive behavior in moths. This will also have practical implications in applied entomology since it signifies that the monitoring/control of castniid pests should not be based on the use of female-produced pheromones, as it is usually done in many moths.


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Mammary gland development commences during embryogenesis with the establishment of a species typical number of mammary primordia on each flank of the embryo. It is thought that mammary cell fate can only be induced along the mammary line, a narrow region of the ventro-lateral skin running from the axilla to the groin. Ectodysplasin (Eda) is a tumor necrosis factor family ligand that regulates morphogenesis of several ectodermal appendages. We have previously shown that transgenic overexpression of Eda (K14-Eda mice) induces formation of supernumerary mammary placodes along the mammary line. Here, we investigate in more detail the role of Eda and its downstream mediator transcription factor NF-κB in mammary cell fate specification. We report that K14-Eda mice harbor accessory mammary glands also in the neck region indicating wider epidermal cell plasticity that previously appreciated. We show that even though NF-κB is not required for formation of endogenous mammary placodes, it is indispensable for the ability of Eda to induce supernumerary placodes. A genome-wide profiling of Eda-induced genes in mammary buds identified several Wnt pathway components as potential transcriptional targets of Eda. Using an ex vivo culture system, we show that suppression of canonical Wnt signalling leads to a dose-dependent inhibition of supernumerary placodes in K14-Eda tissue explants.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar, por meio da ultra-sonografia, os parâmetros espaciais do complexo hiolaríngeo na dinâmica da deglutição e a associação entre idade e efeitos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Neste estudo quantitativo e prospectivo foram incluídos 39 indivíduos sadios, de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária de 20 a 70 anos (média, 45,56; desvio-padrão, 14,53). Avaliou-se a biomecânica da deglutição correspondente à medida da distância entre a porção superior do osso hióide e a borda superior da cartilagem tireóide, no momento de máxima elevação laríngea. As medidas foram realizadas com a ingestão de alimentos de consistências líquida e pastosa. RESULTADOS: A variação da distância da laringe ao hióide apresentou associação positiva com a idade, somente na deglutição de alimento pastoso, consistência na qual é solicitada maior atividade de propulsão lingual do que nos líquidos. CONCLUSÃO: É possível que o aumento da distância entre o hióide e a laringe, que representa menor elevação laríngea, na deglutição de pastosos, ocorra por efeito do envelhecimento, processo no qual se verifica diminuição de reservas funcionais, mesmo em indivíduos sadios. A ultra-sonografia pode detectar comportamentos relacionados a consistências alimentares, o que mostra sua possível potencialidade diagnóstica na avaliação da deglutição.


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When analyzing the chromosomal polymorphism of D. subobscura natural populations it is assumed that the information provided by wild males and sons of wild females is equivalent. Thus, using both in the analysis it is possible to increase the sample size. However, it is important to verify whether there are significant differences between both groups or not. The aim of this research has been to statistically compare the results of chromosomal polymorphism of both groups. We have used data from Avala Mountain (Serbia) where D. subobscura flies were collected from the 30th May to the 5th June 2011. Avala is located 18 km south of Belgrade and the trapping place is a forest with polydominant communities of Fagetum submontanum Table 1. Number and percentage of adult flies collected in Font Groga (Barcelona, Spain) on 9th October 2013. Males and sons of wild females were crossed with virgin females of the Küsnacht strain. Third instar larvae from F1 were dissected to obtain the salivary glands and the polytene chromosomes were stained and squashed in aceto-orcein solution. No significant differences were observed for any chromosome of the karyotype: A (p-value = 0.485), J (p-value = 0.230), U (p-value =0.572), E (p-value = 0.536), and O (p-value = 0.338). Thus, it seems that the two groups can be grouped together to obtain the chromosomal polymorphism of the population.


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The hexane and methanolic extracts from pheromonal glands of Castnia licus (Drury) virgin females have been studied. Analyses by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry allowed us to determine the major constituents present in the hexane extract as n-alkanes C21 to C30, (Z)-9-hexadecenoic acid (C16), and (Z)-9-octadecenoic acid (C18) and hexadecanoic acid (C16). Aldehyds, alkenes and acetates were also detected in low concentrations in the extracts. Female pheromone glands were analysed for pheromone precursors using the methanolic extract. In addition to the compounds methyl hexadecanoate and methyl (Z)-9-octadecenoate, the glandular tissue contains a homologous series of methyl esters from C12 to C24. The hexane extract of the female abdomenal glands elicited activity from males in a behavioural bioassay.


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Objectives: To determine the incidence, severity and duration of lingual tactile and gustatory function impairments after lower third molar removal. Study Design: Prospective cohort study with intra-subject measures of 16 patients undergoing lower third molar extractions. Sensibility and gustatory functions were evaluated in each subject preoperatively, one week and one month after the extraction, using Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments and 5 different concentrations of NaCl, respectively. Additionally, all patients filled a questionnaire to assess subjective perceptions. Results: Although patients did not perceive any sensibility impairments, a statistically significant decrease was detected when Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments. This alteration was present at one week after the surgical procedure and fully recovered one month after the extraction. There were no variations regarding the gustatory function. Conclusions: Lower third molar removal under local anesthesia may cause light lingual sensibility impairment. Most of these alterations remain undetected to patients. These lingual nerve injuries are present one week after the extraction and recover one month after surgery. The taste seems to remain unaffected after these procedures.


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Objective: To describe the clinical and radiological characteristics, and surgical findings of traumatic bone cysts. Study Design: A retrospective observational study was made of 21 traumatic bone cysts. The diagnosis was based on the anamnesis, clinical examination, and complementary tests. Panoramic and periapical X-rays were obtained in all cases, together with computed tomography as decided by the surgeon. A descriptive statistical analysis was made of the study variables using the SPSS v12.0 for Windows. Results: There was a clear female predominance (14:7). The mean age was 26.5 years (range 8-45 years). The cysts in all cases constituted casual findings during routine radiological exploration. In those cases where computed tomographic images were available, preservation of the vestibular and lingual cortical layers was observed. Five of the 21 patients (23.8%) reported a clear antecedent of traumatism in the affected zone. All the lesions were subjected to surgery, and the cavities were found to be vacant in 90.5% of the cases. In only two patients were vascular contents seen within the cavity. Two of the patients presented postoperative paresthesia of the inferior dental nerve that subsided within two weeks. The 19 patients in whom adequate postoperative follow-up proved possible all showed complete bone healing. Conclusions: Traumatic bone cysts were a casual finding. During the surgery, most cases showed to be vacant cavity without an ephitelial lining. Careful curettage of the lesion favors progressive bone regeneration, offering a good prognosis and an almost negligible relapse rate. Other treatment options only would be justified in cases of relapse.