994 resultados para LINE FORMATION
Aim: The adrenolytic agent mitotane is widely used in the treatment of adrenocortical cancer; however, its mechanism of action is poorly elucidated. We have studied mitotane-induced mRNA expression changes in the NCI-H295R adrenocortical cancer cell line. Materials & methods: Cell viability and hormone assays were used to select the optimal mitotane concentration effectively inhibiting hormone secretion without affecting cell viability. RNA isolated from cultures treated for 48 and 72 h was subjected to Agilent 4×44K microarray platforms. Microarray results were validated by quantitative reverse-transcription PCR. Results: Altogether, 117 significantly differentially expressed genes were detected at 48 h and 72 h (p < 0.05) in mitotane-treated samples relative to controls. Three significantly underexpressed genes involved in steroid hormone biosynthesis (HSD3B1, HSD3B2 and CYP21A2) and four significantly overexpressed genes (GDF15, ALDH1L2, TRIB3 and SERPINE2) have been validated. Conclusion: Gene-expression changes might be involved in the adrenal action of mitotane and in the inhibition of hormone secretion. Original submitted 20 January 2012; Revision submitted 17 May 2012.
El present document pretén descriure les tasques generals realitzades en els diferents processos d'Anàlisi, Disseny i posta en funcionament, així com els resultats generats per cada un, dins del desenvolupament d'una aplicació de compra electrònica a través d'Internet, realitzada amb tecnologia J2EE.
Emerging resistance phenotypes and antimicrobial resistance rates among pathogens recovered from community-acquired urinary tract infections (CA-UTI) is an increasing problem in specific regions, limiting therapeutic options. As part of the SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program, a total of 611 isolates were collected in 2003 from patients with CA-UTI presenting at Latin American medical centers. Each strain was tested in a central laboratory using Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) broth microdilution methods with appropriate controls. Escherichia coli was the leading pathogen (66%), followed by Klebsiella spp. (7%), Proteus mirabilis (6.4%), Enterococcus spp. (5.6%), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4.6%). Surprisingly high resistance rates were recorded for E. coli against first-line orally administered agents for CA-UTI, such as ampicillin (53.6%), TMP/SMX (40.4%), ciprofloxacin (21.6%), and gatifloxacin (17.1%). Decreased susceptibility rates to TMP/SMX and ciprofloxacin were also documented for Klebsiella spp. (79.1 and 81.4%, respectively), and P. mirabilis (71.8 and 84.6%, respectively). For Enterococcus spp., susceptibility rates to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, and vancomycin were 88.2, 85.3, 55.9, and 97.1%, respectively. High-level resistance to gentamicin was detected in 24% of Enterococcus spp. Bacteria isolated from patients with CA-UTI in Latin America showed limited susceptibility to orally administered antimicrobials, especially for TMP/SMX and fluoroquinolones. Our results highlight the need for developing specific CA-UTI guidelines in geographic regions where elevated resistance to new and old compounds may influence prescribing decisions.
The horizontal transfer of Trypanosoma cruzi mitochondrial minicircle DNA to the genomes of naturally infected humans may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Chagas disease. Minicircle integrations within LINE-1 elements create the potential for foreign DNA mobility within the host genome via the machinery associated with this retrotransposon. Here we document integration of minicircle DNA fragments in clonal human macrophage cell lines and their mobilization over time. The movement of an integration event in a clonal transfected cell line was tracked at three months and three years post-infection. The minicircle sequence integrated into a LINE-1 retrotransposon; one such foreign fragment subsequently relocated to another genomic location in association with associated LINE-1 elements. The p15 locus was altered at three years as a direct effect of minicircle/LINE-1 acquisition, resulting in elimination of p15 mRNA. Here we show for the first time a molecular pathology stemming from mobilization of a kDNA/LINE-1 mutation. These genomic changes and detected transcript variations are consistent with our hypothesis that minicircle integration is a causal component of parasite-independent, autoimmune-driven lesions seen in the heart and other target tissues associated with Chagas disease.
Several metals and metalloids profoundly affect biological systems, but their impact on the proteome and mechanisms of toxicity are not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that arsenite causes protein aggregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Various molecular chaperones were found to be associated with arsenite-induced aggregates indicating that this metalloid promotes protein misfolding. Using in vivo and in vitro assays, we show that proteins in the process of synthesis/folding are particularly sensitive to arsenite-induced aggregation, that arsenite interferes with protein folding by acting on unfolded polypeptides, and that arsenite directly inhibits chaperone activity. Thus, folding inhibition contributes to arsenite toxicity in two ways: by aggregate formation and by chaperone inhibition. Importantly, arsenite-induced protein aggregates can act as seeds committing other, labile proteins to misfold and aggregate. Our findings describe a novel mechanism of toxicity that may explain the suggested role of this metalloid in the etiology and pathogenesis of protein folding disorders associated with arsenic poisoning.
Background: Reduced re'nal function has been reported with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). It is not clear whether TDF co-administered with a boosted protease inhibitor (PI) leads to a greater decline in renal function than TDF co-administered with a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI).Methods: We selected ail antiretroviral therapy-naive patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) with calibrated or corrected serum creatinine measurements starting antiretroviral therapy with TDF and either efavirenz (EFV) or the ritonavir-boosted PIs, lopinavir (LPV/r) or atazanavir (ATV/r). As a measure of renal function, we used the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). We calculated the difference in eGFR over time between two therapies using a marginal model for repeated measures. In weighted analyses, observations were weighted by the product of their point of treatment and censoring weights to adjust for differences both in the sort of patients starting each therapy and in the sort of patients remaining on each therapy over time.Results: By March 2011, 940 patients with at least one creatinine measurement on a first therapy with either TDF and EFV (n=484), TDF and LPVlr (n=269) or TDF and ATV/r (n=187) had been followed for a median of 1. 7, 1.2 and 1.3 years, respectively. Table 1 shows the difference in average estimated GFR (eGFR) over time since starting cART for two marginal models. The first model was not adjusted for potential confounders; the second mode! used weights to adjust for confounders. The results suggest a greater decline in renal function during the first 6 months if TDF is used with a PI rather than with an NNRTI, but no further difference between these therapies after the first 6 months. TDF and ATV/r may lead to a greater decline in the first 6 months than TDF and LPVlr.Conclusions: TDF co-administered with a boosted PI leads to a greater de cline in renal function over the first 6 months of therapy than TDF co-administered with an NNRTI; this decline may be worse with ATV/r than with LPV/r.
This report describes a surface molecule, Tp45, which appears to be involved in interleukin 2 production and Ca2+ mobilization by Jurkat cells. The Tp45 molecule was identified by a monoclonal antibody, MX13, on the surface of either T3/TCR+ or T3/TCR- human T cell lines. Biochemical data showed that mAb MX13 precipitated a single polypeptide chain of 45 kDa both under reduced and nonreduced conditions from lysates of 125I-surface-labeled cells. Sequential immunodepletion experiments using lysates of 125I-labeled T3/TCR+ cells showed that Tp45 was distinct from the alpha chain of the TCR complex. However, incubation of such cells with either anti-T3 or anti-TCR monoclonal antibody induced complete modulation of both the T3/TCR complex and Tp45. Conversely, complete modulation of both Tp45 and the T3/TCR complex was observed after incubation with anti-Tp45 antibody. Functional studies showed that anti-Tp45 antibody induced high levels of interleukin 2 production in Jurkat cells. In addition, incubation of these cells with the antibody resulted in Ca2+ mobilization from internal stores. Anti-Tp45 antibody reacted with 3-19% peripheral blood (E-rosette-positive) T cells in individual donors. The magnitude of the proliferative response elicited by anti-Tp45 antibody for peripheral blood T cells was lower than that induced by an anti-T3 antibody. This observation is compatible with the idea that only a subpopulation of T cells is reactive with anti-Tp45. Multicolor flow cytometry analysis showed that the Tp45+ cells belong preferentially to the T8 subset.
Actualmente se pretende que los ordenadores puedan entender la semántica de la información que hay en la Web y que sea posible integrar diversas fuentes de información independientemente de la procedencia y formato de éstas, haciendo así una Web Semántica. Uno de los mayores problemas que tiene la Web Semántica es la falta de contenidos semánticos, principalmente debido a la falta de métodos de anotación automáticos existentes. Una forma de resolver este problema se basa en esconder tras aplicaciones que la gente usa diariamente, como los juegos on-line, estos procesos de generación de metadatos semánticos. El objetivo de este proyecto es estudiar diferentes iniciativas que tratan de enmascarar la generación de metadatos semánticos a través de los juegos on-line y el desarrollo de un prototipo de casual game para anotar semánticamente recursos. Se trata de un juego sencillo de pregunta-respuesta, donde dos usuarios concurrentes contestan a preguntas preestablecidas y definidas dentro de una ontología de dominio, obteniendo puntos en aquellas preguntas donde hayan dado la misma respuesta.
Tenda on-line de llibres nous i de segona mà. Aplicació web distribuïda client-servidor, basada en l'especificació J2EE de java, i desenvolupada amb els frameworks Struts2, Hibernate i JSP per a la part visual. Desenvolupada i provada sobre un servidor d'aplicacions Apache Tomcat 7.0 i un SGBD MySQL Server 5.1. Aplicació que permet la gestió d'una tenda on-line per part dels propietaris del negoci, i per part dels clients que hi accedeixen i es registrin, efectuar comandes de llibres mitjançant un carretó de compra, o fer donacions de llibres usats per tal d'obtenir punts que llavors podran utilitzar per a comprar altres llibres de segona mà.
Comment, dans les premiers siècles de l'histoire du christianisme, se sont formés les livres du Nouveau Testament ? Une dizaine de spécialistes européens et américains abordent ce problème majeur avec un double souci : présenter au public francophone un état de la recherche et faire progresser les études par le recours à l'histoire sociale et à l'histoire des controverses. Une attention particulière est portée à des sources habituellement négligées parce qu'elles sont d'un accès difficile| il s'agit en particulier de textes orientaux (coptes, syriaques, arméniens) qui montrent que le Nouveau Testament est loin de s'être constitué de manière strictement uniforme au cours des cinq premiers siècles.
El present projecte tracta de la realització d'una botiga online amb característiques Web 2.0 utilitzant en tot moment solucions de programari lliure. La solució triada per a la implementació del nostre projecte descarta el desenvolupament total i complet del projecte, és a dir la realització d'una web programada totalment a mida, i passa per l'adaptació d'un CMS (programa per a l'administració i gestió dels continguts d'una web) als requisits de la nostra botiga.
The membrane-bound form of Fas ligand (FasL) signals apoptosis in target cells through engagement of the death receptor Fas, whereas the proteolytically processed, soluble form of FasL does not induce cell death. However, soluble FasL can be rendered active upon cross-linking. Since the minimal extent of oligomerization of FasL that exerts cytotoxicity is unknown, we engineered hexameric proteins containing two trimers of FasL within the same molecule. This was achieved by fusing FasL to the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G1 or to the collagen domain of ACRP30/adiponectin. Trimeric FasL and hexameric FasL both bound to Fas, but only the hexameric forms were highly cytotoxic and competent to signal apoptosis via formation of a death-inducing signaling complex. Three sequential early events in Fas-mediated apoptosis could be dissected, namely, receptor binding, receptor activation, and recruitment of intracellular signaling molecules, each of which occurred independently of the subsequent one. These results demonstrate that the limited oligomerization of FasL, and most likely of some other tumor necrosis factor family ligands such as CD40L, is required for triggering of the signaling pathways.