937 resultados para LEAF-AREA


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Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die biogeochemischen Vorgänge in der Vegetationsschicht (Bestand) und die Rückkopplungen zwischen physiologischen und physikalischen Umweltprozessen, die das Klima und die Chemie der unteren Atmosphäre beeinflussen. Ein besondere Schwerpunkt ist die Verwendung theoretischer Ansätze zur Quantifizierung des vertikalen Austauschs von Energie und Spurengasen (Vertikalfluss) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen der beteiligten Prozesse. Es wird ein differenziertes Mehrschicht-Modell der Vegetation hergeleitet, implementiert, für den amazonischen Regenwald parametrisiert und auf einen Standort in Rondonia (Südwest Amazonien) angewendet, welches die gekoppelten Gleichungen zur Energiebilanz der Oberfläche und CO2-Assimilation auf der Blattskala mit einer Lagrange-Beschreibung des Vertikaltransports auf der Bestandesskala kombiniert. Die hergeleiteten Parametrisierungen beinhalten die vertikale Dichteverteilung der Blattfläche, ein normalisiertes Profil der horizontalen Windgeschwindigkeit, die Lichtakklimatisierung der Photosynthesekapazität und den Austausch von CO2 und Wärme an der Bodenoberfläche. Desweiteren werden die Berechnungen zur Photosynthese, stomatären Leitfähigkeit und der Strahlungsabschwächung im Bestand mithilfe von Feldmessungen evaluiert. Das Teilmodell zum Vertikaltransport wird im Detail unter Verwendung von 222-Radon-Messungen evaluiert. Die ``Vorwärtslösung'' und der ``inverse Ansatz'' des Lagrangeschen Dispersionsmodells werden durch den Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Konzentrationsprofilen bzw. Bodenflüssen bewertet. Ein neuer Ansatz wird hergeleitet, um die Unsicherheiten des inversen Ansatzes aus denjenigen des Eingabekonzentrationsprofils zu quantifizieren. Für nächtliche Bedingungen wird eine modifizierte Parametrisierung der Turbulenz vorgeschlagen, welche die freie Konvektion während der Nacht im unteren Bestand berücksichtigt und im Vergleich zu früheren Abschätzungen zu deutlich kürzeren Aufenthaltszeiten im Bestand führt. Die vorhergesagte Stratifizierung des Bestandes am Tage und in der Nacht steht im Einklang mit Beobachtungen in dichter Vegetation. Die Tagesgänge der vorhergesagten Flüsse und skalaren Profile von Temperatur, H2O, CO2, Isopren und O3 während der späten Regen- und Trockenzeit am Rondonia-Standort stimmen gut mit Beobachtungen überein. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf saisonale physiologische Änderungen hin, die sich durch höhere stomatäre Leitfähigkeiten bzw. niedrigere Photosyntheseraten während der Regen- und Trockenzeit manifestieren. Die beobachteten Depositionsgeschwindigkeiten für Ozon während der Regenzeit überschreiten diejenigen der Trockenzeit um 150-250%. Dies kann nicht durch realistische physiologische Änderungen erklärt werden, jedoch durch einen zusätzlichen cuticulären Aufnahmemechanismus, möglicherweise an feuchten Oberflächen. Der Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Isoprenkonzentrationen im Bestand weist auf eine reduzierte Isoprenemissionskapazität schattenadaptierter Blätter und zusätzlich auf eine Isoprenaufnahme des Bodens hin, wodurch sich die globale Schätzung für den tropischen Regenwald um 30% reduzieren würde. In einer detaillierten Sensitivitätsstudie wird die VOC Emission von amazonischen Baumarten unter Verwendung eines neuronalen Ansatzes in Beziehung zu physiologischen und abiotischen Faktoren gesetzt. Die Güte einzelner Parameterkombinationen bezüglich der Vorhersage der VOC Emission wird mit den Vorhersagen eines Modells verglichen, das quasi als Standardemissionsalgorithmus für Isopren dient und Licht sowie Temperatur als Eingabeparameter verwendet. Der Standardalgorithmus und das neuronale Netz unter Verwendung von Licht und Temperatur als Eingabeparameter schneiden sehr gut bei einzelnen Datensätzen ab, scheitern jedoch bei der Vorhersage beobachteter VOC Emissionen, wenn Datensätze von verschiedenen Perioden (Regen/Trockenzeit), Blattentwicklungsstadien, oder gar unterschiedlichen Spezies zusammengeführt werden. Wenn dem Netzwerk Informationen über die Temperatur-Historie hinzugefügt werden, reduziert sich die nicht erklärte Varianz teilweise. Eine noch bessere Leistung wird jedoch mit physiologischen Parameterkombinationen erzielt. Dies verdeutlicht die starke Kopplung zwischen VOC Emission und Blattphysiologie.


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In the last years, sustainable horticulture has been increasing; however, to be successful this practice needs an efficient soil fertility management to maintain a high productivity and fruit quality standards. For this purpose composted organic materials from agri-food industry and municipal solid waste has been used as a source to replace chemical fertilizers and increase soil organic matter. To better understand the influence of compost application on soil fertility and plant growth, we carried out a study comparing organic and mineral nitrogen (N) fertilization in micro propagated plants, potted trees and commercial peach orchard with these aims: 1. evaluation of tree development, CO2 fixation and carbon partition to the different organs of two-years-old potted peach trees. 2. Determination of soil N concentration and nitrate-N effect on plant growth and root oxidative stress of micro propagated plant after increasing rates of N applications. 3. Assessment of soil chemical and biological fertility, tree growth and yield and fruit quality in a commercial orchard. The addition of compost at high rate was effective in increasing CO2 fixation, promoting root growth, shoot and fruit biomass. Furthermore, organic fertilizers influenced C partitioning, favoring C accumulation in roots, wood and fruits. The higher CO2 fixation was the result of a larger tree leaf area, rather than an increase in leaf photosynthetic efficiency, showing a stimulation of plant growth by application of compost. High concentrations of compost increased total soil N concentration, but were not effective in increasing nitrate-N soil concentration; in contrast mineral-N applications increased linearly soil nitrate-N, even at the lowest rate tested. Soil nitrate-N concentration influenced positively plant growth at low rate (60- 80 mg kg-1), whereas at high concentrations showed negative effects. In this trial, the decrease of root growth, as a response to excessive nitrate-N soil concentration, was not anticipated by root oxidative stress. Continuous annual applications of compost for 10 years enhanced soil organic matter content and total soil N concentration. Additionally, high rate of compost application (10 t ha-1 year-1) enhanced microbial biomass. On the other hand, different fertilizers management did not modify tree yield, but influenced fruit size and precocity index. The present data support the idea that organic fertilizers can be used successfully as a substitute of mineral fertilizers in fruit tree nutrient management, since they promote an increase of soil chemical and biological fertility, prevent excessive nitrate-N soil concentration, promote plant growth and potentially C sequestration into the soil.


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Carbon fluxes and allocation pattern, and their relationship with the main environmental and physiological parameters, were studied in an apple orchard for one year (2010). I combined three widely used methods: eddy covariance, soil respiration and biometric measurements, and I applied a measurement protocol allowing a cross-check between C fluxes estimated using different methods. I attributed NPP components to standing biomass increment, detritus cycle and lateral export. The influence of environmental and physiological parameters on NEE, GPP and Reco was analyzed with a multiple regression model approach. I found that both NEP and GPP of the apple orchard were of similar magnitude to those of forests growing in similar climate conditions, while large differences occurred in the allocation pattern and in the fate of produced biomass. Apple production accounted for 49% of annual NPP, organic material (leaves, fine root litter, pruned wood and early fruit drop) contributing to detritus cycle was 46%, and only 5% went to standing biomass increment. The carbon use efficiency (CUE), with an annual average of 0.68 ± 0.10, was higher than the previously suggested constant values of 0.47-0.50. Light and leaf area index had the strongest influence on both NEE and GPP. On a diurnal basis, NEE and GPP reached their peak approximately at noon, while they appeared to be limited by high values of VPD and air temperature in the afternoon. The proposed models can be used to explain and simulate current relations between carbon fluxes and environmental parameters at daily and yearly time scale. On average, the annual NEP balanced the carbon annually exported with the harvested apples. These data support the hypothesis of a minimal or null impact of the apple orchard ecosystem on net C emission to the atmosphere.


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Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) depositions are expected to increase in the tropicsrnas a consequence of increasing human activities in the next decades. Furthermore, a possiblernshortened El Niño Southern Oscillation cycle might come along with more frequent calcium (Ca)rndepositions on the eastern slope of the Ecuadorian Andes originating from Saharan dust. It isrncrucial to understand the response of the old-growth montane forest in Ecuador to increasedrnnutrient deposition to predict the further development of this megadiverse ecosystem.rnI studied experimental additions of N, P, N+P and Ca to the forest and an untreatedrncontrol, all in a fourfold replicated randomized block design. These experiments were conductedrnin the framework of a collaborative research effort, the NUtrient Manipulation EXperimentrn(NUMEX). I collected litter leachate, mineral soil solution (0.15 and 0.30 m depths), throughfallrnand fine litterfall samples and determined N, P and Ca concentrations and fluxes. This approachrnalso allowed me to assess whether N, P and/or Ca are limiting nutrients for forest growth.rnFurthermore, I evaluated the response of fine root biomass, leaf area index, leaf area and specificrnleaf area, tree diameter growth and basal area increment contributed from a cooperating group inrnthe Ca applied and control treatments.rnDuring the observation period of 16 months after the first fertilizer application, less thanrn10, 1 and 5% of the applied N, P and Ca, respectively, leached below the organic layer whichrncontained almost all roots but no significant leaching losses occurred to the deeper mineral soil.rnDeposited N, P and Ca from the atmosphere in dry and wet form were, on balance, retained in therncanopy in the control treatment. Retention of N, P and Ca in the canopy in their respectiverntreatments was reduced resulting in higher concentrations and fluxes of N, P and Ca inrnthroughfall and litterfall. Up to 2.5% of the applied N and 2% of the applied P and Ca werernrecycled to the soil with throughfall. Fluxes of N, P and Ca in throughfall+litterfall were higher inrnthe fertilized treatments than in the control; up to 20, 5 and 25% of the applied N, P and Ca,rnrespectively, were recycled to the soil with throughfall+litterfall.rnIn the Ca-applied plots, fine root biomass decreased significantly. Also the leaf area of thernfour most common tree species tended to decrease and the specific leaf area increasedrnsignificantly in Graffenrieda emarginata Triana, the most common tree species in the study area.rnThese changes are known plant responses to reduced nutrient stress. Reduced aluminium (Al)rntoxicity as an explanation of the Ca effect was unlikely, because of almost complete organocomplexationrnof Al and molar Ca:Al concentration ratios in solution above the toxicity threshold.rnThe results suggest that N, P and Ca co-limit the forest ecosystem functioning in thernnorthern Andean montane forests in line with recent assumptions in which different ecosystemrncompartments and even different phenological stages may show different nutrient limitationsrn(Kaspari et al. 2008). I conclude that (1) the expected elevated N and P deposition will bernretained in the ecosystem, at least in the short term and hence, quality of river water will not bernendangered and (2) increased Ca input will reduce nutrient stress of the forest.


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Turfgrasses are ubiquitous in urban landscape and their role on carbon (C) cycle is increasing important also due to the considerable footprint related to their management practices. It is crucial to understand the mechanisms driving the C assimilation potential of these terrestrial ecosystems Several approaches have been proposed to assess C dynamics: micro-meteorological methods, small-chamber enclosure system (SC), chrono-sequence approach and various models. Natural and human-induced variables influence turfgrasses C fluxes. Species composition, environmental conditions, site characteristics, former land use and agronomic management are the most important factors considered in literature driving C sequestration potential. At the same time different approaches seem to influence C budget estimates. In order to study the effect of different management intensities on turfgrass, we estimated net ecosystem exchange (NEE) through a SC approach in a hole of a golf course in the province of Verona (Italy) for one year. The SC approach presented several advantages but also limits related to the measurement frequency, timing and duration overtime, and to the methodological errors connected to the measuring system. Daily CO2 fluxes changed according to the intensity of maintenance, likely due to different inputs and disturbances affecting biogeochemical cycles, combined also to the different leaf area index (LAI). The annual cumulative NEE decreased with the increase of the intensity of management. NEE was related to the seasonality of turfgrass, following temperatures and physiological activity. Generally on the growing season CO2 fluxes towards atmosphere exceeded C sequestered. The cumulative NEE showed a system near to a steady state for C dynamics. In the final part greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions due to fossil fuel consumption for turfgrass upkeep were estimated, pinpointing that turfgrass may result a considerable C source. The C potential of trees and shrubs needs to be considered to obtain a complete budget.


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Among abiotic stresses, high salinity stress is the most severe environmental stress. High salinity exerts its negative impact mainly by disrupting the ionic and osmotic equilibrium of the cell. In saline soils, high levels of sodium ions lead to plant growth inhibition and even death. Salt tolerance in plants is a multifarious phenomenon involving a variety of changes at molecular, organelle, cellular, tissue as well as whole plant level. In addition, salt tolerant plants show a range of adaptations not only in morphological or structural features but also in metabolic and physiological processes that enable them to survive under extreme saline environments. The main objectives of my dissertation were understanding the main physiological and biomolecular features of plant responses to salinity in different genotypes of horticultural crops that are belonging to different families Solanaceae (tomato) and Cucurbitaceae (melon) and Brassicaceae (cabbage and radish). Several aspects of crop responses to salinity have been addressed with the final aim of combining elements of functional stress response in plants by using several ways for the assessment of plant stress perception that ranging from destructive measurements (eg. leaf area, relative growth rate, leaf area index, and total plant fresh and dry weight), to physiological determinations (eg. stomatal conductance, leaf gas exchanges, water use efficiency, and leaf water relation), to the determination of metabolite accumulation in plant tissue (eg. Proline and protein) as well as evaluation the role of enzymatic antioxidant capacity assay in scavenging reactive oxygen species that have been generated under salinized condition, and finally assessing the gene induction and up-down regulation upon salinization (eg. SOS pathway).


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Between-population crosses may replenish genetic variation of populations, but may also result in outbreeding depression. Apart from direct effects on plant fitness, these outbreeding effects can also alter plant-herbivore interactions by influencing plant tolerance and resistance to herbivory. We investigated effects of experimental within- and between-population outbreeding on herbivore resistance, tolerance and plant fitness using plants from 13 to 19 Lychnis flos-cuculi populations. We found no evidence for outbreeding depression in resistance reflected by the amount of leaf area consumed. However, herbivore performance was greater when fed on plants from between-population compared to within-population crosses. This can reflect outbreeding depression in resistance and/or outbreeding effects on plant quality for the herbivores. The effects of type of cross on the relationship between herbivore damage and plant fitness varied among populations. This demonstrates how between-population outbreeding effects on tolerance range from outbreeding depression to outbreeding benefits among plant populations. Finally, herbivore damage strengthened the observed outbreeding effects on plant fitness in several populations. These results raise novel considerations on the impact of outbreeding on the joint evolution of resistance and tolerance, and on the evolution of multiple defence strategies.


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How the effects of biotic factors are moderated by abiotic factors, and their consequences for species interactions, is generally understudied in ecology. A key abiotic feature of forests is regular canopy disturbances that create temporary patches, or “gaps,” of above-average light availability. Co-occurring in lowland primary forest of Korup National Park (Cameroon), Microberlinia bisulcata and Tetraberlinia bifoliolata are locally dominant, ectomycorrhizal trees whose seeds share predator guilds in masting years. Here, we experimentally tested the impact of small mammal predators upon seedling abundance, growth, and survivorship. In 2007, we added a fixed density of seeds of each species to exclosures at 48 gap–understory locations across 82.5 ha within a large Microberlinia grove, and at 15 locations outside it. For both species, small mammals removed more seeds in gaps than in understory, whereas this was reversed for seeds killed by invertebrates. Nonetheless, Microberlinia lost twice as many seeds to small mammals, and more to invertebrates in exclosures, than Tetraberlinia, which was more prone to a pathogenic white fungus. After six weeks, both species had greater seedling establishment in gaps than understory, and in exclosures outside compared to exclosures inside the grove. In the subsequent two-year period, seedling growth and survivorship peaked in exclosures in gaps, but Microberlinia had more seedlings' stems clipped by animals than Tetraberlinia, and more than twice the percentage of leaf area damaged. Whereas Microberlinia seedling performance in gaps was inferior to Tetraberlinia inside the grove, outside it Microberlinia had reduced leaf damage, grew taller, and had many more leaves than Tetraberlinia. No evidence was found for “apparent mutualism” in the understory as seedling establishment of both species increased away from (>25 m) large stems of either species, pointing to “apparent competition” instead. In gaps, Microberlinia seedling establishment was lower near Tetraberlinia than conspecific adults because of context-dependent small mammal satiation. Stage-matrix analysis suggested that protecting Microberlinia from small mammals could increase its population growth rate by 0.06. In the light of prior research we conclude that small mammals and canopy gaps play an important role in promoting species coexistence in this forest, and that their strong interaction contributes to Microberlinia's currently very poor regeneration.


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Secondary metabolites play an important role in plant protection against biotic and abiotic stress. In Populus, phenolic glycosides (PGs) and condensed tannins (CTs) are two such groups of compounds derived from the common phenylpropanoid pathway. The basal levels and the inducibility of PGs and CTs depend on genetic as well as environmental factors, such as soil nitrogen (N) level. Carbohydrate allocation, transport and sink strength also affect PG and CT levels. A negative correlation between the levels of PGs and CTs was observed in several studies. However, the molecular mechanism underlying such relation is not known. We used a cell culture system to understand negative correlation of PGs and CTs. Under normal culture conditions, neither salicin nor higher-order PGs accumulated in cell cultures. Several factors, such as hormones, light, organelles and precursors were discussed in the context of aspen suspension cells’ inability to synthesize PGs. Salicin and its isomer, isosalicin, were detected in cell cultures fed with salicyl alcohol, salicylaldehyde and helicin. At higher levels (5 mM) of salicyl alcohol feeding, accumulation of salicins led to reduced CT production in the cells. Based on metabolic and gene expression data, the CT reduction in salicin-accumulating cells is partly a result of regulatory changes at the transcriptional level affecting carbon partitioning between growth processes, and phenylpropanoid CT biosynthesis. Based on molecular studies, the glycosyltransferases, GT1-2 and GT1-246, may function in glycosylation of simple phenolics, such as salicyl alcohol in cell cultures. The uptake of such glycosides into vacuole may be mediated to some extent by tonoplast localized multidrug-resistance associated protein transporters, PtMRP1 and PtMRP6. In Populus, sucrose is the common transported carbohydrate and its transport is possibly regulated by sucrose transporters (SUTs). SUTs are also capable of transporting simple PGs, such as salicin. Therefore, we characterized the SUT gene family in Populus and investigated, by transgenic analysis, the possible role of the most abundantly expressed member, PtSUT4, in PG-CT homeostasis using plants grown under varying nitrogen regimes. PtSUT4 transgenic plants were phenotypically similar to the wildtype plants except that the leaf area-to-stem volume ratio was higher for transgenic plants. In SUT4 transgenics, levels of non-structural carbohydrates, such as sucrose and starch, were altered in mature leaves. The levels of PGs and CTs were lower in green tissues of transgenic plants under N-replete, but were higher under N-depleted conditions, compared to the levels in wildtype plants. Based on our results, SUT4 partly regulates N-level dependent PG-CT homeostasis by differential carbohydrate allocation.


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Semi-natural grasslands, biodiversity hotspots in Central-Europe, suffer from the cessation of traditional land-use. Amount and intensity of these changes challenge current monitoring frameworks typically based on classic indicators such as selected target species or diversity indices. Indicators based on plant functional traits provide an interesting extension since they reflect ecological strategies at individual and ecological processes at community levels. They typically show convergent responses to gradients of land-use intensity over scales and regions, are more directly related to environmental drivers than diversity components themselves and enable detecting directional changes in whole community dynamics. However, probably due to their labor- and cost intensive assessment in the field, they have been rarely applied as indicators so far. Here we suggest overcoming these limitations by calculating indicators with plant traits derived from online accessible databases. Aiming to provide a minimal trait set to monitor effects of land-use intensification on plant diversity we investigated relationships between 12 community mean traits, 2 diversity indices and 6 predictors of land-use intensity within grassland communities of 3 different regions in Germany (part of the German ‘Biodiversity Exploratory’ research network). By standardization of traits and diversity measures, use of null models and linear mixed models we confirmed (i) strong links between functional community composition and plant diversity, (ii) that traits are closely related to land-use intensity, and (iii) that functional indicators are equally, or even more sensitive to land-use intensity than traditional diversity indices. The deduced trait set consisted of 5 traits, i.e., specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), seed release height, leaf distribution, and onset of flowering. These database derived traits enable the early detection of changes in community structure indicative for future diversity loss. As an addition to current monitoring measures they allow to better link environmental drivers to processes controlling community dynamics.


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A number of hydrological, botanical, macro- and micro-climatological processes are involved in the formation of patterned peatlands. La Grande Tsa at 2336 m a.s.l. is probably the highest bog in the central Swiss Alps and is unique in its pattern. In two of five pools there is in the contact zone between the basal peat and the overlying gyttja an unconformity in the depth-age models based on radiocarbon dates. Palynostratigraphies of cores from a ridge and a pool confirm the occurrence of an unconformity in the contact zone. We conclude that deepening of the pools results from decomposition of peat. The fact that the dated unconformities in the two pools and the unconformity in the ridge-core all fall within the Bronze Age suggest they were caused by events external to the bog. We hypothesize that early transhumance resulted in anthropogenic lowering of the timberline, which resulted in a reduction in the leaf-area index and evapotranspiration, and in higher water levels and thus pool formation.


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The tropical montane forests of the E Andean cordillera in Ecuador receive episodic Sahara-dust inputs particularly increasing Ca deposition. We added CaCl2 to isolate the effect of Ca deposition by Sahara dust to tropical montane forest from the simultaneously occurring pH effect. We examined components of the Ca cycle at four control plots and four plots with added Ca (2 × 5 kg ha–1 Ca annually as CaCl2) in a random arrangement. Between August 2007 and December 2009 (four applications of Ca), we determined Ca concentrations and fluxes in litter leachate, mineral soil solution (0.15 and 0.30 m depths), throughfall, and fine litterfall and Al concentrations and speciation in soil solutions. After 1 y of Ca addition, we assessed fine-root biomass, leaf area, and tree growth. Only < 3% of the applied Ca leached below the acid organic layer (pH 3.5–4.8). The added CaCl2 did not change electrical conductivity in the root zone after 2 y. In the second year of fertilization, Ca retention in the canopy of the Ca treatment tended to decrease relative to the control. After 2 y, 21% of the applied Ca was recycled to soil with throughfall and litterfall. One year after the first Ca addition, fine-root biomass had decreased significantly. Decreasing fine-root biomass might be attributed to a direct or an indirect beneficial effect of Ca on the soil decomposer community. Because of almost complete association of Al with dissolved organic matter and high free Ca2+ : Al3+ activity ratios in solution of all plots, Al toxicity was unlikely. We conclude that the added Ca was retained in the system and had beneficial effects on some plants.


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The aim of this study was to explore potential causes and mechanisms for the sequence and temporal pattern of tree taxa, specifically for the shift from shrub-tundra to birch–juniper woodland during and after the transition from the Oldest Dryas to the Bølling–Allerød in the region surrounding the lake Gerzensee in southern Central Europe. We tested the influence of climate, forest dynamics, community dynamics compared to other causes for delays. For this aim temperature reconstructed from a δ18O-record was used as input driving the multi-species forest-landscape model TreeMig. In a stepwise scenario analysis, population dynamics along with pollen production and transport were simulated and compared with pollen-influx data, according to scenarios of different δ18O/temperature sensitivities, different precipitation levels, with/without inter-specific competition, and with/without prescribed arrival of species. In the best-fitting scenarios, the effects on competitive relationships, pollen production, spatial forest structure, albedo, and surface roughness were examined in more detail. The appearance of most taxa in the data could only be explained by the coldest temperature scenario with a sensitivity of 0.3‰/°C, corresponding to an anomaly of − 15 °C. Once the taxa were present, their temporal pattern was shaped by competition. The later arrival of Pinus could not be explained even by the coldest temperatures, and its timing had to be prescribed by first observations in the pollen record. After the arrival into the simulation area, the expansion of Pinus was further influenced by competitors and minor climate oscillations. The rapid change in the simulated species composition went along with a drastic change in forest structure, leaf area, albedo, and surface roughness. Pollen increased only shortly after biomass. Based on our simulations, two alternative potential scenarios for the pollen pattern can be given: either very cold climate suppressed most species in the Oldest Dryas, or they were delayed by soil formation or migration. One taxon, Pinus, was delayed by migration and then additionally hindered by competition. Community dynamics affected the pattern in two ways: potentially by facilitation, i.e. by nitrogen-fixing pioneer species at the onset, whereas the later pattern was clearly shaped by competition. The simulated structural changes illustrate how vegetation on a larger scale could feed back to the climate system. For a better understanding, a more integrated simulation approach covering also the immigration from refugia would be necessary, for this combines climate-driven population dynamics, migration, individual pollen production and transport, soil dynamics, and physiology of individual pollen production.


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Forest management not only affects biodiversity but also might alter ecosystem processes mediated by the organisms, i.e. herbivory the removal of plant biomass by plant-eating insects and other arthropod groups. Aiming at revealing general relationships between forest management and herbivory we investigated aboveground arthropod herbivory in 105 plots dominated by European beech in three different regions in Germany in the sun-exposed canopy of mature beech trees and on beech saplings in the understorey. We separately assessed damage by different guilds of herbivores, i.e. chewing, sucking and scraping herbivores, gall-forming insects and mites, and leaf-mining insects. We asked whether herbivory differs among different forest management regimes (unmanaged, uneven-aged managed, even-aged managed) and among age-classes within even-aged forests. We further tested for consistency of relationships between regions, strata and herbivore guilds. On average, almost 80 of beech leaves showed herbivory damage, and about 6 of leaf area was consumed. Chewing damage was most common, whereas leaf sucking and scraping damage were very rare. Damage was generally greater in the canopy than in the understorey, in particular for chewing and scraping damage, and the occurrence of mines. There was little difference in herbivory among differently managed forests and the effects of management on damage differed among regions, strata and damage types. Covariates such as wood volume, tree density and plant diversity weakly influenced herbivory, and effects differed between herbivory types. We conclude that despite of the relatively low number of species attacking beech; arthropod herbivory on beech is generally high. We further conclude that responses of herbivory to forest management are multifaceted and environmental factors such as forest structure variables affecting in particular microclimatic conditions are more likely to explain the variability in herbivory among beech forest plots.


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In acid tropical forest soils (pH < 5.5) increased mobility of aluminum might limit aboveground productivity. Therefore, we evaluated Al phytotoxicity of three native tree species of tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador. An hydroponic dose-response experiment was conducted. Seedlings of Cedrela odorata L., Heliocarpus americanus L., and Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) G. Nicholson were treated with 0, 300, 600, 1200, and 2400 mu M Al and an organic layer leachate. Dose-response curves were generated for root and shoot morphologic properties to determine effective concentrations (EC). Shoot biomass and healthy leaf area decreased by 44 % to 83 % at 2400 mu M Al, root biomass did not respond (C. odorata), declined by 51 % (H. americanus), or was stimulated at low Al concentrations of 300 mu M (T. chrysantha). EC10 (i.e. reduction by 10 %) values of Al for total biomass were 315 mu M (C. odorata), 219 mu M (H. americanus), and 368 mu M (T. chrysantha). Helicarpus americanus, a fast growing pioneer tree species, was most sensitive to Al toxicity. Negative effects were strongest if plants grew in organic layer leachate, indicating limitation of plant growth by nutrient scarcity rather than Al toxicity. Al toxicity occurred at Al concentrations far above those in native organic layer leachate.