795 resultados para Kaurismäki, Mika
Kristiinankaupungin kaupunki sai ympäristölupaviraston luvan Lapväärtinjoen alaosan kunnostukseen väyliä ruoppaamalla. Ruoppauk-set aloitettiin talvella 2011–2012 ja niitä jatkettiin seuraavana talvena. Ensimmäisenä talvena ruopattiin noin 18 100 m3 ja toisena 25 200 m3. Lupapäätöksessä luvanhaltija määrättiin tarkkailemaan hankkeen vaikutuksia veden laatuun, suojeltuihin Natura 2000 – luon-nonarvoihin, kalakantoihin, kalojen kutualueisiin ja kalastukseen valvovien viranomaisten hyväksymällä tavalla. Tässä loppuraportissa esitetään kaikki kalaston ja kalastuksen tarkkailujen tulokset. Hankkeen toteuttamisen vaikutuksia meritaimenen ja vaellussiian nousuun seurattiin rysäpyynnin avulla syksyisin ja keväisin syksystä 2011 alkaen syksyyn 2014 asti. Rysällä saatiin taimenia eniten syksyllä 2013, kun taas siikoja saatiin eniten syksyllä 2012. Vain osa nousevista taimenista ui rysään, sillä syksyllä 2014 rysällä saatiin kymmenen taimenta, kun samaan aikaan noin 9 km päässä ylävir-ralla sijaitsevan Peruskosken Vaki-kalalaskurin kautta nousi lähes 70 lohikalaa eli ilmeisesti taimenta. Taimenen käyttämiä vaellusreittejä selvitettiin telemetrian avulla hankkeen valmistumisen jälkeen keväällä 2014. Lähettimillä varuste-tuista viidestä taimenesta neljä nousi jokeen. Kolme taimenista nousi ylävirtaan pääväylää pitkin ja yhden nousureitti jäi epäselväksi. Nahkiaisen toukkakartoitusten tavoitteena oli selvittää ennen ruoppauksia, poistetaanko ruoppauksilla toukka-alueita. Nahkiaistoukkia löydettiin hankealueen yläpuolelta ja ylä- ja keskiosalta kesällä 2011. Nahkiaisten pyyntiolosuhteiden muuttumista ja pyynnin tehok-kuutta seurattiin saaliskirjanpidon avulla yhteistyössä alueen nahkiaisrysäpyytäjien kanssa. Nahkiaissaaliit olivat pienet etenkin vuonna 2014. Tutkimusalueen virkistys- ja vapaa-ajan kalastusta selvitettiin lähettämällä tiedustelu ruoppausalueen rantojen maan- ja kiinteistön-omistajille ja mökin pitkään vuokranneille. Vastanneet ruokakunnat olivat saaneet kalaa vuonna 2011 yhteensä noin 3200 kg ja vuonna 2014 noin 2800 kg. Runsaimmin saatiin haukea, särkeä, ahventa, säynettä ja lahnaa, joista kertyi 88 % kokonaissaaliin massasta mo-lempina vuosina.
Staden Kristinestad fick tillstånd av miljötillståndsverket att restaurera Lappfjärds ås nedre lopp genom att muddra vattenlederna. Muddringarna inleddes vintern 2011–2012 och de fortsatte följande vinter. Under den första vintern muddrades 18 100 m3tfm och under den andra 25 200 m3tfm. I tillståndsbeslutet för projektet ålades tillståndshavaren kontrollera projektets konsekvenser för vattenkvaliteten, de skyddade Natura 2000-naturvärdena, fiskbestånden, fiskens lekområden och fisket på ett sätt som godkänns av tillsynsmyndigheterna. I den här slutrapporten presenteras alla resultat av observationerna av fiskbeståndet och fisket. Effekterna av genomförandet av projektet på havsöringens och vandringssikens vandringsbeteende följdes med hjälp av fiske med storryssja på höstarna och vårarna från hösten 2011 till hösten 2014. Flest öringar fångades med ryssja hösten 2013, medan flest sikar fångades hösten 2012. Endast en del av de vandrande öringarna simmade in i ryssjan. Hösten 2014 fångades tio öringar med ryssjan, samtidigt som nästan 70 laxfiskar, dvs. uppenbarligen öringar, vandrade upp i ån vid Vaki-fiskräknaren i Perus fors cirka 9 km uppströms. De vandringsrutter som öringen använder utreddes med hjälp av telemetri våren 2014, efter slutförandet av projektet. Av de fem öringar som utrustats med sändare vandrade fyra upp i ån. Tre av öringarna vandrade uppströms längs huvudleden och vandringsrutten för en av öringarna förblev oklar. Målet med kartläggningen av nejonögslarver var att före muddringsarbetena utreda om larvområden försvinner som en följd av muddringarna. Sommaren 2011 hittades nejonögslarver ovanför projektområdet samt i områdets övre och mittersta del. Förändringarna i fiskeförhållandena för nejonöga och fiskets effektivitet följdes med hjälp av fångstbokföring i samarbete med de regionala fiskarna som fiskar nejonöga med ryssja. Nejonögsfångsterna var små i synnerhet 2014. Rekreations- och fritidsfisket i undersökningsområdet utreddes genom att skicka en förfrågan till mark- och fastighetsägarna samt långvariga hyresgäster längs stränderna i muddringsområdet. De hushåll som besvarade förfrågan hade år 2011 fått sammanlagt cirka 3 200 kg fisk och år 2014 cirka 2 800 kg. Mest fångades gädda, mört, abborre, id och braxen. Dessa fiskar stod för 88 procent av totalfångstens massa båda åren.
There exist several researches and applications about laser welding monitoring and parameter control but not a single one have been created for controlling of laser scribing processes. Laser scribing is considered to be very fast and accurate process and thus it would be necessary to develop accurate turning and monitoring system for such a process. This research focuses on finding out whether it would be possible to develop real-time adaptive control for ultra-fast laser scribing processes utilizing spectrometer online monitoring. The thesis accurately presents how control code for laser parameter tuning is developed using National Instrument's LabVIEW and how spectrometer is being utilized in online monitoring. Results are based on behavior of the control code and accuracy of the spectrometer monitoring when scribing different steel materials. Finally control code success is being evaluated and possible development ideas for future are presented.
The present world energy production is heavily relying on the combustion of solid fuels like coals, peat, biomass, municipal solid waste, whereas the share of renewable fuels is anticipated to increase in the future to mitigate climate change. In Finland, peat and wood are widely used for energy production. In any case, the combustion of solid fuels results in generation of several types of thermal conversion residues, such as bottom ash, fly ash, and boiler slag. The predominant residue type is determined by the incineration technology applied, while its composition is primarily relevant to the composition of fuels combusted. An extensive research has been conducted on technical suitability of ash for multiple recycling methods. Most of attention was drawn to the recycling of the coal combustion residues, as coal is the primary solid fuel consumed globally. The recycling methods of coal residues include utilization in a cement industry, in concrete manufacturing, and mine backfilling, to name few. Biomass combustion residues were also studied to some extent with forest fertilization, road construction, and road stabilization being the predominant utilization options. Lastly, residues form municipal solid waste incineration attracted more attention recently following the growing number of waste incineration plants globally. The recycling methods of waste incineration residues are the most limited due to its hazardous nature and varying composition, and include, among others, landfill construction, road construction, mine backfilling. In the study, environmental and economic aspects of multiple recycling options of thermal conversion residues generated within a case-study area were studied. The case-study area was South-East Finland. The environmental analysis was performed using an internationally recognized methodology — life cycle assessment. Economic assessment was conducted applying a widely used methodology — cost-benefit analysis. Finally, the results of the analyses were combined to enable easier comparison of the recycling methods. The recycling methods included the use of ash in forest fertilization, road construction, road stabilization, and landfill construction. Ash landfilling was set as a baseline scenario. Quantitative data about the amounts of ash generated and its composition was obtained from companies, their environmental reports, technical reports and other previously published literature. Overall, the amount of ash in the case-study area was 101 700 t. However, the data about 58 400 t of fly ash and 35 100 t of bottom ash and boiler slag were included in the study due to lack of data about leaching of heavy metals in some cases. The recycling methods were modelled according to the scientific studies published previously. Overall, the results of the study indicated that ash utilization for fertilization and neutralization of 17 600 ha of forest was the most economically beneficial method, which resulted in the net present value increase by 58% compared to ash landfilling. Regarding the environmental impact, the use of ash in the construction of 11 km of roads was the most attractive method with decreased environmental impact of 13% compared to ash landfilling. The least preferred method was the use of ash for landfill construction since it only enabled 11% increase of net present value, while inducing additional 1% of negative impact on the environment. Therefore, a following recycling route was proposed in the study. Where possible and legally acceptable, recycle fly and bottom ash for forest fertilization, which has strictest requirements out of all studied methods. If the quality of fly ash is not suitable for forest fertilization, then it should be utilized, first, in paved road construction, second, in road stabilization. Bottom ash not suitable for forest fertilization, as well as boiler slag, should be used in landfill construction. Landfilling should only be practiced when recycling by either of the methods is not possible due to legal requirements or there is not enough demand on the market. Current demand on ash and possible changes in the future were assessed in the study. Currently, the area of forest fertilized in the case-study are is only 451 ha, whereas about 17 600 ha of forest could be fertilized with ash generated in the region. Provided that the average forest fertilizing values in Finland are higher and the area treated with fellings is about 40 000 ha, the amount of ash utilized in forest fertilization could be increased. Regarding road construction, no new projects launched by the Center of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in the case-study area were identified. A potential application can be found in the construction of private roads. However, no centralized data about such projects is available. The use of ash in stabilization of forest roads is not expected to increased in the future with a current downwards trend in the length of forest roads built. Finally, the use of ash in landfill construction is not a promising option due to the reducing number of landfills in operation in Finland.
Kaakkois-Suomen ELY-keskus, Kymenlaakson Liitto ja Etelä-Karjalan liitto toteuttivat vuoden 2015 aikana ECOREG-hankkeessa valittujen ekotehokkuusindikaattorien yhdeksännen vuosipäivityksen molemmille maakunnille. Tässä raportissa esitetään Kaakkois-Suomen ympäristö-, talous- ja sosiaalis-kulttuuristen indikaattorien kehittyminen indikaattorikohtaisesti valittuina aikasarjoina. Indikaattorien lisäksi raportissa käydään läpi vuosiraportoinnin käytännöt ja aikataulut sekä päivitysprosessin aikana esiin tulleet kehitystavoitteet. Tässä raportissa esitetään myös indikaattoriryhmäkohtaiset yhteenvedot sekä arviot alueellisen ekotehokkuuden kehittymisestä ja tilasta Kaakkois-Suomessa.
Diplomityössä tutkitaan hitsatun duplex-teräksen, laatu: EN 1.4462 (Outokumpu laatu 2205) väsymislujuutta. Tutkimusmetodologia noudattaa sekä kokeellisia että laskennallisia menetelmiä. Kokeelliset menetelmät sisältävät hitsatun teräksen väsytystestaukset laboratoriossa, hitsausten jälkikäsittelyt (HiFIT) sekä perusaineelle ja hitseille tehtävät metallurgiset tutkimukset. Väsytyskokeista saatavia tuloksia verrataan kansainvälisen hitsausinstituutin (IIW) vahvistamiin rakennekohtaisiin standardeihin sekä kirjallisuudessa esiintyviin tutkimustuloksiin. Laskennalliset menetelmät sisältävät vertailulaskelmia tehollisen lovijännityksen (ENS) menetelmää hyödyntäen. Tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmässä liitoksissa vaikuttavat teholliset lovijännitykset selvitetään elementtimenetelmän (FEM) avulla. Tulokset vahvistavat, että hitsauksella ja hitsausten jälkikäsittelyllä on suuri merkitys rakenteen kestoikään. Suurin osa väsytyskokeiden tuloksista osoitti parempia väsymiskestävyyden arvoja kuin rakennekohtaiset standardit, mutta liitosten liitosvirheiden todettiin heikentävän väsytyskestävyyttä. Jälkikäsittelyiden todettiin parantavan liitosten väsymiskestävyyden tuloksia ja todettiin tulosten olevan hyödynnettävissä mitoituksessa.
Työn tavoitteena on tutkia Business Intelligencen ja BI-työkalujen vaatimusten kehittymistä viime vuosien aikana ja tutkia miten Microsoft Power BI -ohjelmisto vastaa modernin päätöksenteon tarpeisiin. Työ on toteutettu suurimmalta osin kirjallisuuskatsauksena, minkä lisäksi Microsoft Power BI:n toiminnallisuutta on tutkittu käytännössä käyttäen ohjelmiston ilmaisversiota. Tutkimuksessa on havaittu, että tiedon lähteiden määrän ja datan monimuotoisuuden kasvaessa on syntynyt tarve uusille, tehokkaille BI-järjestelmäratkaisuille, jotka hyödyntävät uudenlaisia menetelmiä. Modernissa BI 2.0 -mallissa korostuvat kehittyneemmän verkkoinfrastruktuurin ja ohjelmistotekniikan täysi hyödyntäminen, käytön helppous, tiedon tuottaminen ja jakaminen massoille, tiedon rikastamisen mahdollistaminen ja visualisoinnin ja interaktiivisuuden keskeinen asema tiedon tulkinnassa. Tutkimuksen perusteella Microsoft Power BI vaikuttaisi täyttävän keskeneräisyydestään ja muutamista tiedonhallinnallisista puutteistaan huolimatta lähes kaikki toimivan BI 2.0 -järjestelmän määritelmistä. Ohjelmisto tarjoaa riittävät analyyttiset ja esitystekniset työkalut useimpien tyypillisten käyttäjien tarpeisiin, minkä lisäksi paranneltu Location Intelligence -ratkaisu sekä uudet Q&A ja nopea oivallus -toiminnot luovat mielenkiintoisen tavan selata dataa. Jää nähtäväksi, miten ratkaisu kehittyy vielä tulevaisuudessa.
In this class, we will discuss metadata as well as current phenomena such as tagging and folksonomies. Readings: Ontologies Are Us: A Unified Model of Social Networks and Semantics, P. Mika, International Semantic Web Conference, 522-536, 2005. [Web link] Optional: Folksonomies: power to the people, E. Quintarelli, ISKO Italy-UniMIB Meeting, (2005)
Los indígenas como sujeto jurídico para el reconocimiento de derechos étnicos han sido definidos desde el paradigma del multiculturalismo liberal, basado en características esencialistas de la identidad, como el vínculo con el territorio ancestral rural, el uso de la lengua nativa, y la organización colectiva y comunitaria. Sin embargo, el conflicto armado colombiano ha generado el desplazamiento forzado de gran parte de esta población i1, en su mayoría hacia áreas urbanas y metropolitanas, donde son inaplicables las características que eran tenidas en cuenta para el reconocimiento y la garantía de sus derechos. La ausencia de un sujeto jurídico étnico que responda a las condiciones de un indígena desterritorializado víctima de desplazamiento forzado a causa del conflicto armado que solicita atención individual, se convierte en un obstáculo para la garantía de sus derechos étnicos en la implementación de la política pública de atención, asistencia y reparación a víctimas del conflicto armado, porque las medidas afirmativas y el enfoque diferencial étnico, obligación del ejecutivo, queda a la discrecionalidad de las decisiones administrativas, poniendo en riesgo la garantía del derecho a la identidad cultural y, por lo tanto, a la diversidad étnica y cultural de la nación.
A quarter of a century of daily rainfall data from the Global Telecommunications System are used to define the temporal and spatial variability of the start of the wet season over Africa and surrounding extreme south of Europe and parts of the Middle East. From 1978 to 2002, the start of the wet season arrived later in the year for the majority of the region, as time progressed. In some parts of the continent, there was an annual increase in the start date of up to 4 days per year. On average, the start of the wet season arrived 9–21 days later from 1978 to 2002, depending on the threshold used to define the start of the rains (varying from 10–30 mm over 2 days, with no dry period in the following 10 days). It is noted that the inter-annual variability of the start of the wet season is high with the range of start dates varying on average from 116 to 142 days dependent on the threshold used to determine the start date. These results may have important implications for agriculturists on all levels (from the individual farmer to those responsible for regional food supply), as knowledge of potential future climate changes starts to play an increasingly important role in the agricultural decision-making process, such as sowing and harvesting times.
BACKGROUND: Low plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) concentration is associated with high arterial blood pressure and hypertension risk, but whether this association is causal is unknown. We used a mendelian randomisation approach to test whether 25(OH)D concentration is causally associated with blood pressure and hypertension risk. METHODS: In this mendelian randomisation study, we generated an allele score (25[OH]D synthesis score) based on variants of genes that affect 25(OH)D synthesis or substrate availability (CYP2R1 and DHCR7), which we used as a proxy for 25(OH)D concentration. We meta-analysed data for up to 108 173 individuals from 35 studies in the D-CarDia collaboration to investigate associations between the allele score and blood pressure measurements. We complemented these analyses with previously published summary statistics from the International Consortium on Blood Pressure (ICBP), the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium, and the Global Blood Pressure Genetics (Global BPGen) consortium. FINDINGS: In phenotypic analyses (up to n=49 363), increased 25(OH)D concentration was associated with decreased systolic blood pressure (β per 10% increase, -0·12 mm Hg, 95% CI -0·20 to -0·04; p=0·003) and reduced odds of hypertension (odds ratio [OR] 0·98, 95% CI 0·97-0·99; p=0·0003), but not with decreased diastolic blood pressure (β per 10% increase, -0·02 mm Hg, -0·08 to 0·03; p=0·37). In meta-analyses in which we combined data from D-CarDia and the ICBP (n=146 581, after exclusion of overlapping studies), each 25(OH)D-increasing allele of the synthesis score was associated with a change of -0·10 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure (-0·21 to -0·0001; p=0·0498) and a change of -0·08 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure (-0·15 to -0·02; p=0·01). When D-CarDia and consortia data for hypertension were meta-analysed together (n=142 255), the synthesis score was associated with a reduced odds of hypertension (OR per allele, 0·98, 0·96-0·99; p=0·001). In instrumental variable analysis, each 10% increase in genetically instrumented 25(OH)D concentration was associated with a change of -0·29 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure (-0·52 to -0·07; p=0·01), a change of -0·37 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure (-0·73 to 0·003; p=0·052), and an 8·1% decreased odds of hypertension (OR 0·92, 0·87-0·97; p=0·002). INTERPRETATION: Increased plasma concentrations of 25(OH)D might reduce the risk of hypertension. This finding warrants further investigation in an independent, similarly powered study.
Cardiac myocyte death, whether through necrotic or apoptotic mechanisms, is a contributing factor to many cardiac pathologies. Although necrosis and apoptosis are the widely accepted forms of cell death, they may utilize the same cell death machinery. The environment within the cell probably dictates the final outcome, producing a spectrum of response between the two extremes. This review examines the probable mechanisms involved in myocyte death. Caspases, the generally accepted executioners of apoptosis, are significant in executing cardiac myocyte death, but other proteases (e.g., calpains, cathepsins) also promote cell death, and these are discussed. The two principal cell death pathways (death receptor- and mitochondrial-mediated) are described in relation to the emerging structural information for the principal proteins, and they are discussed relative to current understanding of myocyte cell death mechanisms. Whereas the mitochondrial pathway is probably a significant factor in myocyte death in both acute and chronic phases of myocardial diseases, the death receptor pathway may prove significant in the longer term. The Bcl-2 family of proteins are key regulators of the mitochondrial death pathway. These proteins are described and their possible functions are discussed. The commitment to cell death is also influenced by protein kinase cascades that are activated in the cell. Whereas certain pathways are cytoprotective (e.g., phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase), the roles of other kinases are less clear. Since myocyte death is implicated in a number of cardiac pathologies, attenuation of the death pathways may prove important in ameliorating such disease states, and possible therapeutic strategies are explored.
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common cause of morbidity among children. Evidence on seasonality, especially on the frequency of viral and bacterial causative agents is scarce; such information may be useful in an era of changing climate conditions worldwide. To analyze the frequency of distinct infections, meteorological indicators and seasons in children hospitalized for CAP in Salvador, Brazil, nasopharyngeal aspirate and blood were collected from 184 patients aged < 5 y over a 21-month period. Fourteen microbes were investigated and 144 (78%) cases had the aetiology established. Significant differences were found in air temperature between spring and summer (p = 0.02) or winter (p < 0.001), summer and fall (p = 0.007) or winter (p < 0.001), fall and winter (p = 0.002), and on precipitation between spring and fall (p = 0.01). Correlations were found between: overall viral infections and relative humidity (p = 0.006; r = 0.6) or precipitation (p = 0.03; r = 0.5), parainfluenza and precipitation (p = 0.02; r = -0.5), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and air temperature (p = 0.048; r = -0.4) or precipitation (p = 0.045; r = 0.4), adenovirus and precipitation (p = 0.02; r = 0.5), pneumococcus and air temperature (p = 0.04; r = -0.4), and Chlamydia trachomatis and relative humidity (p = 0.02; r = -0.5). The frequency of parainfluenza infection was highest during spring (32.1%; p = 0.005) and that of RSV infection was highest in the fall (36.4%; p < 0.001). Correlations at regular strength were found between several microbes and meteorological indicators. Parainfluenza and RSV presented marked seasonal patterns.
Empirical antibiotic use is prescribed in managing children with pneumonia worldwide. We assessed the usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT) and interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) in differentiating viral from bacterial pneumonia. Among 159 hospitalized children, pneumonia was diagnosed based on clinical complaints plus pulmonary infiltrate. Aetiology was investigated for 9 viruses and 4 atypical and 3 typical bacteria. PCT and IFN-alpha were measured in the serum sample collected on admission. Eight patients had bacteraemic infections, 38 had non-bacteraemic typical infections, and 19 patients had atypical bacterial infections. Viral and unknown aetiology was established in 57 (36%) and 34 (21%) cases, respectively. Three patients with bacterial infection without collected blood culture were excluded. IFN-alpha (IU/ml) was detectable in 20 (13%) cases. The difference among median PCT values of the bacteraemic (4.22; 1.56-7.56), non-bacteraemic typical bacterial (1.47; 0.24-4.07), atypical bacterial (0.18; 0.06-1.03) and only viral (0.65; 0.11-2.22) subgroups was significant (p = 0.02). PCT was >= 2 ng/ml in 52 (33%) cases. The presence of IFN-alpha was associated with PCT <2 ng/ml (90% vs. 64%, p = 0.02). The negative predictive value (95% confidence interval) of PCT >= 2 ng/ml was 95% (89-100%), 89% (78-100%), 93% (85-100%) for differentiation of bacteraemic from viral, atypical bacterial and non-bacteraemic typical bacterial infection, respectively, and 58% (49-68%) for differentiation between bacterial and viral infection. PCT may be useful in identifying bacteraemia among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. IFN-alpha was uncommonly detected.