979 resultados para Körtvély, Erika: Verb conjugation in Tundra Nenets
The fabrication of broadband amplifiers in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) around 1.55 m, as they exhibit large stimulated cross sections and broad emission bandwidth. Bi4Ge3O12 (eultine type BGO) - well known scintillator material, also a rare-earth host material, photorefractive waveguides produced in it only using light ions in the past. Recently: MeV N+ ions and swift O5+ and C5+ ions, too*. Bi12GeO20 (sillenite type BGO) - high photoconductivity and photorefractive sensitivity in the visible and NIR good candidate for real-time holography and optical phase conjugation, photorefractive waveguides produced in it only using light ions. No previous attempts of ion beam fabrication of waveguides in it.
Actualmente existen aplicaciones que permiten simular el comportamiento de bacterias en distintos hábitats y los procesos que ocurren en estos para facilitar su estudio y experimentación sin la necesidad de un laboratorio. Una de las aplicaciones de software libre para la simulación de poblaciones bacteriológicas mas usada es iDynoMiCS (individual-based Dynamics of Microbial Communities Simulator), un simulador basado en agentes que permite trabajar con varios modelos computacionales de bacterias en 2D y 3D. Este simulador permite una gran libertad al configurar una numerosa cantidad de variables con respecto al entorno, reacciones químicas y otros detalles importantes. Una característica importante es el poder simular de manera sencilla la conjugación de plásmidos entre bacterias. Los plásmidos son moléculas de ADN diferentes del cromosoma celular, generalmente circularles, que se replican, transcriben y conjugan independientemente del ADN cromosómico. Estas están presentes normalmente en bacterias procariotas, y en algunas ocasiones en eucariotas, sin embargo, en este tipo de células son llamados episomas. Dado el complejo comportamiento de los plásmidos y la gama de posibilidades que estos presentan como mecanismos externos al funcionamiento básico de la célula, en la mayoría de los casos confiriéndole distintas ventajas evolutivas, como por ejemplo: resistencia antibiótica, entre otros, resulta importante su estudio y subsecuente manipulación. Sin embargo, el marco operativo del iDynoMiCS, en cuanto a simulación de plásmidos se refiere, es demasiado sencillo y no permite realizar operaciones más complejas que el análisis de la propagación de un plásmido en la comunidad. El presente trabajo surge para resolver esta deficiencia de iDynomics. Aquí se analizarán, desarrollarán e implementarán las modificaciones necesarias para que iDynomics pueda simular satisfactoriamente y mas apegado a la realidad la conjugación de plásmidos y permita así mismo resolver distintas operaciones lógicas, como lo son los circuitos genéticos, basadas en plásmidos. También se analizarán los resultados obtenidos de acuerdo a distintos estudios relevantes y a la comparación de los resultados obtenidos con el código original de iDynomics. Adicionalmente se analizará un estudio comparando la eficiencia de detección de una sustancia mediante dos circuitos genéticos distintos. Asimismo el presente trabajo puede tener interés para el grupo LIA de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, el cual está participando en el proyecto europeo BACTOCOM que se centra en el estudio de la conjugación de plásmidos y circuitos genéticos. --ABSTRACT--Currently there are applications that simulate the behavior of bacteria in different habitats and the ongoing processes inside them to facilitate their study and experimentation without the need for an actual laboratory. One of the most used open source applications to simulate bacterial populations is iDynoMiCS (individual-based Dynamics of Microbial Communities Simulator), an agent-based simulator that allows working with several computer models of 2D and 3D bacteria in biofilms. This simulator allows great freedom by means of a large number of configurable variables regarding environment, chemical reactions and other important details of the simulation. Within these characteristics there exists a very basic framework to simulate plasmid conjugation. Plasmids are DNA molecules physically different from the cell’s chromosome, commonly found as small circular, double-stranded DNA molecules that are replicated, conjugated and transcribed independently of chromosomal DNA. These bacteria are normally present in prokaryotes and sometimes in eukaryotes, which in this case these cells are called episomes. Plasmids are external mechanisms to the cells basic operations, and as such, in the majority of the cases, confer to the host cell various evolutionary advantages, like antibiotic resistance for example. It is mperative to further study plasmids and the possibilities they present. However, the operational framework of the iDynoMiCS plasmid simulation is too simple, and does not allow more complex operations that the analysis of the spread of a plasmid in the community. This project was conceived to resolve this particular deficiency in iDynomics, moreover, in this paper is discussed, developed and implemented the necessary changes to iDynomics simulation software so it can satisfactorily and realistically simulate plasmid conjugation, and allow the possibility to solve various ogic operations, such as plasmid-based genetic circuits. Moreover the results obtained will be analyzed and compared with other relevant studies and with those obtained with the original iDynomics code. Conjointly, an additional study detailing the sensing of a substance with two different genetic circuits will be presented. This work may also be relevant to the LIA group of the Faculty of Informatics of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, which is participating in the European project BACTOCOM that focuses on the study of the of plasmid conjugation and genetic circuits.
This is the final report on reproducibility@xsede, a one-day workshop held in conjunction with XSEDE14, the annual conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE). The workshop's discussion-oriented agenda focused on reproducibility in large-scale computational research. Two important themes capture the spirit of the workshop submissions and discussions: (1) organizational stakeholders, especially supercomputer centers, are in a unique position to promote, enable, and support reproducible research; and (2) individual researchers should conduct each experiment as though someone will replicate that experiment. Participants documented numerous issues, questions, technologies, practices, and potentially promising initiatives emerging from the discussion, but also highlighted four areas of particular interest to XSEDE: (1) documentation and training that promotes reproducible research; (2) system-level tools that provide build- and run-time information at the level of the individual job; (3) the need to model best practices in research collaborations involving XSEDE staff; and (4) continued work on gateways and related technologies. In addition, an intriguing question emerged from the day's interactions: would there be value in establishing an annual award for excellence in reproducible research? Overview
Many neurons of the central nervous system display multiple high voltage-activated Ca2+ currents, pharmacologically classified as L-, N-, P-, Q-, and R-type. Of these current types, the R-type is the least understood. The leading candidate for the molecular correlate of R-type currents in cerebellar granule cells is the α1E subunit, which yields Ca2+ currents very similar to the R-type when expressed in heterologous systems. As a complementary approach, we tested whether antisense oligonucleotides against α1E could decrease the expression of R-type current in rat cerebellar granule neurons in culture. Cells were supplemented with either antisense or sense oligonucleotides and whole-cell patch clamp recordings were obtained after 6–8 days in vitro. Incubation with α1E antisense oligonucleotide caused a 52.5% decrease in the peak R-type current density, from −10 ± 0.6 picoamperes/picofarad (pA/pF) (n = 6) in the untreated controls to −4.8 ± 0.8 pA/pF (n = 11) (P < 0.01). In contrast, no significant changes in the current expression were seen in sense oligonucleotide-treated cells (−11.3 ± 3.2 pA/pF). The specificity of the α1E antisense oligonucleotides was supported by the lack of change in estimates of the P/Q current amplitude. Furthermore, antisense and sense oligonucleotides against α1A did not affect R-type current expression (−11.5 ± 1.7 and −11.7 ± 1.7 pA/pF, respectively), whereas the α1A antisense oligonucleotide significantly reduced whole cell currents under conditions in which P/Q current is dominant. Our results support the hypothesis that members of the E class of α1 subunits support the high voltage-activated R-type current in cerebellar granule cells.
The lipid bilayer of the myelin membrane of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) contains the oligodendrocyte- and Schwann cell-specific glycosphingolipids galactocerebrosides (GalC) and GalC-derived sulfatides (sGalC). We have generated a UDP-galactose ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGT) null mutant mouse (cgt−/−) with CNS and PNS myelin completely depleted of GalC and derived sGalC. Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells are unable to restore the structure and function of these galactosphingolipids to maintain the insulator function of the membrane bilayer. The velocity of nerve conduction of homozygous cgt−/− mice is reduced to that of unmyelinated axons. This indicates a severely altered ion permeability of the lipid bilayer. GalC and sGalC are essential for the unperturbed lipid bilayer of the myelin membrane of CNS and PNS. The severe dysmyelinosis leads to death of the cgt−/− mouse at the end of the myelination period.
The Ca2+ channel α1A-subunit is a voltage-gated, pore-forming membrane protein positioned at the intersection of two important lines of research: one exploring the diversity of Ca2+ channels and their physiological roles, and the other pursuing mechanisms of ataxia, dystonia, epilepsy, and migraine. α1A-Subunits are thought to support both P- and Q-type Ca2+ channel currents, but the most direct test, a null mutant, has not been described, nor is it known which changes in neurotransmission might arise from elimination of the predominant Ca2+ delivery system at excitatory nerve terminals. We generated α1A-deficient mice (α1A−/−) and found that they developed a rapidly progressive neurological deficit with specific characteristics of ataxia and dystonia before dying ≈3–4 weeks after birth. P-type currents in Purkinje neurons and P- and Q-type currents in cerebellar granule cells were eliminated completely whereas other Ca2+ channel types, including those involved in triggering transmitter release, also underwent concomitant changes in density. Synaptic transmission in α1A−/− hippocampal slices persisted despite the lack of P/Q-type channels but showed enhanced reliance on N-type and R-type Ca2+ entry. The α1A−/− mice provide a starting point for unraveling neuropathological mechanisms of human diseases generated by mutations in α1A.
Low voltage-activated, or T-type, calcium currents are important regulators of neuronal and muscle excitability, secretion, and possibly cell growth and differentiation. The gene (or genes) coding for the pore-forming subunit of low voltage-activated channel proteins has not been unequivocally identified. We have used reverse transcription–PCR to identify partial clones from rat atrial myocytes that share high homology with a member of the E class of calcium channel genes. Antisense oligonucleotides targeting one of these partial clones (raE1) specifically block the increase in T-current density that normally results when atrial myocytes are treated with insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Antisense oligonucleotides targeting portions of the neuronal rat α1E sequence, which are not part of the clones detected in atrial tissue, also block the IGF-1-induced increase in T-current, suggesting that the high homology to α1E seen in the partial clone may be present in the complete atrial sequence. The basal T-current expressed in these cells is also blocked by antisense oligonucleotides, which is consistent with the notion that IGF-1 up-regulates the same gene that encodes the basal current. These results support the hypothesis that a member of the E class of calcium channel genes encodes a low voltage-activated calcium channel in atrial myocytes.
Cytoplasmic dynein is one of the major motor proteins involved in intracellular transport. It is a protein complex consisting of four subunit classes: heavy chains, intermediate chains (ICs), light intermediate chains, and light chains. In a previous study, we had generated new monoclonal antibodies to the ICs and mapped the ICs to the base of the motor. Because the ICs have been implicated in targeting the motor to cargo, we tested whether these new antibodies to the intermediate chain could block the function of cytoplasmic dynein. When cytoplasmic extracts of Xenopus oocytes were incubated with either one of the monoclonal antibodies (m74–1, m74–2), neither organelle movement nor network formation was observed. Network formation and membrane transport was blocked at an antibody concentration as low as 15 μg/ml. In contrast to these observations, no effect was observed on organelle movement and tubular network formation in the presence of a control antibody at concentrations as high as 0.5 mg/ml. After incubating cytoplasmic extracts or isolated membranes with the monoclonal antibodies m74–1 and m74–2, the dynein IC polypeptide was no longer detectable in the membrane fraction by SDS-PAGE immunoblot, indicating a loss of cytoplasmic dynein from the membrane. We used a panel of dynein IC truncation mutants and mapped the epitopes of both antibodies to the N-terminal coiled-coil domain, in close proximity to the p150Glued binding domain. In an IC affinity column binding assay, both antibodies inhibited the IC–p150Glued interaction. Thus these findings demonstrate that direct IC–p150Glued interaction is required for the proper attachment of cytoplasmic dynein to membranes.
Bacterial mutation rates can increase and produce genetic novelty, as shown by in vitro and in silico experiments. Despite the cost due to a heavy deleterious mutation load, mutator alleles, which increase the mutation rate, can spread in asexual populations during adaptation because they remain associated with the rare favorable mutations they generate. This indirect selection for a genetic system generating diversity (second-order selection) is expected to be highly sensitive to changes in the dynamics of adaptation. Here we show by a simulation approach that even rare genetic exchanges, such as bacterial conjugation or transformation, can dramatically reduce the selection of mutators. Moreover, drift or competition between the processes of mutation and recombination in the course of adaptation reveal how second-order selection is unable to optimize the rate of generation of novelty.
Retroviral Gag polyproteins have specific regions, commonly referred to as late assembly (L) domains, which are required for the efficient separation of assembled virions from the host cell. The L domain of HIV-1 is in the C-terminal p6gag domain and contains an essential P(T/S)AP core motif that is widely conserved among lentiviruses. In contrast, the L domains of oncoretroviruses such as Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) have a more N-terminal location and a PPxY core motif. In the present study, we used chimeric Gag constructs to probe for L domain activity, and observed that the unrelated L domains of RSV and HIV-1 both induced the appearance of Gag-ubiquitin conjugates in virus-like particles (VLP). Furthermore, a single-amino acid substitution that abolished the activity of the RSV L domain in VLP release also abrogated its ability to induce Gag ubiquitination. Particularly robust Gag ubiquitination and enhancement of VLP release were observed in the presence of the candidate L domain of Ebola virus, which contains overlapping P(T/S)AP and PPxY motifs. The release defect of a minimal Gag construct could also be corrected through the attachment of a peptide that serves as a physiological docking site for the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4. Furthermore, VLP formation by a full-length Gag polyprotein was sensitive to lactacystin, which depletes the levels of free ubiquitin through inhibition of the proteasome. Our findings suggest that the engagement of the ubiquitin conjugation machinery by L domains plays a crucial role in the release of a diverse group of enveloped viruses.
Nrf2, a member of the “cap ‘n collar” group of transcription factors, is important for protecting cells against oxidative damage. We investigated its role in the detoxification of acetaminophen [N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (APAP)]-induced hepatotoxicity. When Nrf2 knockout (Nrf2−/−) and wild-type mice were given APAP by i.p. injection, the Nrf2−/− mice were highly susceptible to APAP treatment. With doses of APAP that were tolerated by wild-type mice, the Nrf2−/− mice died of liver failure. When hepatic glutathione was depleted after a dose of 400 mg/kg of APAP, the wild-type mice were able to compensate and regain the normal glutathione level. In contrast, the glutathione level in the Nrf2−/− mice was not compensated and remained low. This was because of the decrease in the gene expression of gcsH and gcsL as well as gss in the livers of the Nrf2−/− mice. In addition, the expression of ugt1a6 and gstpi that detoxify APAP by conjugation was also decreased. This increased susceptibility of the Nrf2−/− mice to APAP, because of an impaired capacity to replenish their glutathione stores, compounded with a decreased detoxification capability, highlights the importance of Nrf2 in the regulation of glutathione synthesis and cellular detoxification processes.
The Arabidopsis mutants eto1 (ethylene overproducer) and eto3 produce elevated levels of ethylene as etiolated seedlings. Ethylene production in these seedlings peaks at 60 to 96 h, and then declines back to almost wild-type levels. Ethylene overproduction in eto1 and eto3 is limited mainly to etiolated seedlings; light-grown seedlings and various adult tissues produce close to wild-type amounts of ethylene. Several compounds that induce ethylene biosynthesis in wild-type, etiolated seedlings through distinct 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase (ACS) isoforms were found to act synergistically with eto1 and eto3, as did the ethylene-insensitive mutation etr1 (ethylene resistant), which blocks feedback inhibition of biosynthesis. ACS activity, the rate-limiting step of ethylene biosynthesis, was highly elevated in both eto1 and eto3 mutant seedlings, even though RNA gel-blot analysis demonstrated that the steady-state level of ACS mRNA was not increased, including that of a novel Arabidopsis ACS gene that was identified. Measurements of the conversion of ACC to ethylene by intact seedlings indicated that the mutations did not affect conjugation of ACC or the activity of ACC oxidase, the final step of ethylene biosynthesis. Taken together, these data suggest that the eto1 and eto3 mutations elevate ethylene biosynthesis by affecting the posttranscriptional regulation of ACS.