958 resultados para Junila, Marianne


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Family preservation service agencies in the State of Kansas have undergone major changes since the implementation of a managed care model of service delivery in 1996. This qualitative study examines the successes and barriers experienced by agency directors in utilization of a managed care system. Outcome/ performance measures utilized by the State of Kansas are reviewed, and contributing factors to the successes and limitations of the program are discussed. Included in these reviews is an analysis and presentation of literature and research which has been used as support for the current program structure. Recommendations for further evolution of practice are proposed.


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: The Role of Consistency and Diversity in Building Knowledge in Family Preservation. Debora J. Cavazos Dylla and Marianne Berry The Weekly Adjustment Indicators Checklist: An Application in the Child Welfare Field. Michael H. Epstein, Madhavi Jayanthi, Janet McKelvey, Deborah Holderness, Erin Frankenberry, Cassandra Lampkin, Molly McGrath, and Kari White Intensive Family Preservation Services: a Short History but a Long Past. Kellie B. Reed and Raymond S. Kirk Collaborative Conversations for Change: A Solution-Focused Approach to Family Centered Practice. Donald F. Fausel


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: Translating Rhetoric to Reality: The Future of Family and Children's Services. William Meezan Family Preservation Services under Managed Care: Current Practices and Future Directions. Melanie Pheatt, Becky Douglas, Lori Wilson, Jody Brook, and Marianne Berry Perceptions of Family Preservation Practitioners: A Preliminary Study Judith C. Hilbert, Alvin Sallee, and James K. Ott


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Reviews of: The Book of David: How Preserving Families Can Cost Children's Lives. Richard J. Gelles. New York: Basic Books. Reviewed by Marianne Berry Children in Families at Risk: Maintaining the Connections. Edited by Lee Combrinck-Graham. New York: TheGuilford Press. Reviewed by Lois Wright Fantily-Centered Behavior Scale and User's Manual. Reva I. Allen, Christopher G. Peter, & Beverlyn F. Cay Brown. The University of Kansas. Reviewed by Miriam J. Landsman


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Most models of intensive family preservation services are based on providing flexible services to reduce risk and keep families together. This study examined 40 cases served by a public agency Family Preservation Unit in 1992-1993, in order to assess the provision of hard, soft and enabling services in the program and whether their provision matched the program model. The relationships of these services to program outcomes, in terms of child removal, new reports of abuse or neglect, and family gains in resources and strengths, are also assessed.


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This research indicates a uniformly positive use of psychoeducational groups to counter social isolation of neglectful mothers. This research was supported by a National Child Welfare Fellowship from the U.S. Children 's Bureau to the author. The author thanks Nancy Dickinson, Sherrill Clark, and the staff of the California Social Work Education Center at the University of California for their oversight and guidance during (his fellowship. The author is also grateful to her fellow fellows for their input and guidance during this research effort. Special thanks to Rose Ben ham, Anna Bowen, Judith Brewington, Caron Byington, Scottye Cash. Dottie Dixon, and Verna Rickard for their support of this project.


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: Getting to Know You: Psychoeducational Groups to Counter Social Isolation of Neglectful Mothers. Marianne Berry Intensive Family Preservation in Children's Mental Health: Predictors of Placement. Cathryn C. Potter An Innovative Family Preservation Program in an African American Community: Longitudinal Analysis. Patricia Ciliberti Chipping Away at the Monolith: Dispelling the Myth of Father Noninvolvement in Children's Early Literacy Development. Robert W. Ortiz


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In der Schweiz stellt die ganztägige Bildung und Betreuung für Kinder und Jugendliche im Schulalter seit rund 10 Jahren ein Thema von wachsender Bedeutung dar. Man findet unterdessen in den meisten Kantonen der Schweiz ein Angebot der Institution Schule oder weiterer Anbieter. Während sich in der Fachsprache im deutschen Sprachraum für solche Angebote vorwiegend der Begriff ganztägige Bildung und Betreuung eingebürgert hat, findet man in Dokumenten der öffentlichen Verwaltung wie der EDK1 und der SODK2 insbesondere den Begriff Tagesstrukturen. Darunter wird «die Gesamtheit an bedarfsgerechten Betreuungsangeboten für Kinder und Jugendliche ab Geburt bis zum Ende der obligatorischen Schule (im Bereich der Sonderpädagogik bis 20 Jahre) ausserhalb der Familie» verstanden (EDK & SODK 2008, p. 1). Um eine Form von Tagesstrukturen handelt es sich bei der Tagesschule. Bei einer solchen handelt es sich um eine Schule, die nebst dem regulären Unterricht in der Verantwortung der Schulleitung ein (Tagesschul-)Angebot an mehreren Tagen in der Woche anbietet. Die Kantone, die dem Harmos-Konkordat beigetreten sind, werden zu einem flächendeckenden Ausbau von Tagesstrukturen verpflichtet.