912 resultados para Jews, Christians, and Muslims in medieval and early modern times
This paper will address questions of identity that male Muslim converts in São Paulo, Brazil face after adopting Islam. Specifically, it will analyze how they place their religion into notions of what it means to be Brazilian. Furthermore, this paper will show how many of these converts use Islam as a way to reconstruct their personal identities. Finally, it will argue that by becoming Muslims, they embrace a transnational religious identity. This paper will seek to show how conversion to Islam in São Paulo can significantly influence how individuals articulate notions of Brazilian national identity and belonging to the nation.
In approaching this issue, it will be helpful to use two analytically distinct methods, to wit, the diachronic, which allows us to speculate about how the myth reached the hands of Lydgate (Guerin 2005, 183–191); and the synchronic, to clarify the similarities and differences between the two authors. Thus, approaching the subject diachronically, the first pages of this paper will attempt to delineate the main milestones in the long tradition of the myth of Oedipus, beginning from the time of Ancient Rome; and, afterwards, a synchronic analysis will examine various motifs as they have survived, disappeared or been transformed in the medieval poem. The final part will explore the possible reasons for these changes.
Purpose.: To determine photopic and mesopic distance high-contrast visual acuity (HC-VA) and low-contrast visual acuity (LC-VA) in eyes with early age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Methods.: Measurements were made in 22 subjects with early AMD and 28 healthy control subjects. Inclusion criteria included a photopic HC-VA of 20/25 or better. Distance VA was measured using HC (96%) and LC (10%) Bailey-Lovie logMAR letter charts under photopic (85 cd/m2) and mesopic (0.1–0.2 cd/m2) luminance conditions. Results.: Mean mesopic distance HC-VA and LC-VA were significantly worse (0.1 logMAR and 0.28 logMAR, respectively) in the early AMD group than in the control group. Under mesopic conditions, the mean difference between LC-VA and HC-VA was significantly greater in the early AMD (0.45 logMAR) than the control group (0.27 logMAR). Mean differences between mesopic versus photopic HC-VA and mesopic versus photopic LC-VA were significantly greater in the early AMD than the control group (0.13 and 0.32 logMAR of difference between the means, respectively). Sensitivity and specificity were significantly greater for mesopic LC-VA than for mesopic HC-VA (Receiver Operating Characteristics, area under the curve [AUC], 0.94 ± 0.030 and 0.76 ± 0.067, respectively). AUC values for photopic HC-VA and LC-VA were below 0.70. Conclusions.: Visual acuity testing under low luminance conditions emerged as an optimal quantitative measure of retinal function in early AMD.
This thesis investigates how ways of being in different ontologies emerge from material and embodied practice. This general concern is explored through the particular case study of Scotland in the period of the witch trials (the 16th and 17th centuries C.E.). The field of early modern Scottish witchcraft studies has been active and dynamic over the past 15 years but its prioritisation of what people said over what they did leaves a clear gap for a situated and relational approach focusing upon materiality. Such an approach requires a move away from the Cartesian dichotomies of modern ontology to recognise past beliefs as real to those who experienced them, coconstitutive of embodiment and of the material worlds people inhabited. In theory, method and practice, this demands a different way of exploring past worlds to avoid flattening strange data. To this end, the study incorporates narratives and ‘disruptions’ – unique engagements with Contemporary Art which facilitate understanding by enabling the temporary suspension of disbelief. The methodology is iterative, tacking between material and written sources in order to better understand the heterogeneous assemblages of early modern (counter-) witchcraft. Previously separate areas of discourse are (re-)constituted into alternative ontic categories of newly-parallel materials. New interpretations of things, places, bodies and personhoods emerge, raising questions about early modern experiences of the world. Three thematic chapters explore different sets of collaborative agencies as they entwine into new things, co-fabricating a very different world. Moving between witch trial accounts, healing wells, infant burial grounds, animals, discipline artefacts and charms, the boundaries of all prove highly permeable. People, cloth and place bleed into one another through contact; trees and water emerge as powerful agents of magical-place-making; and people and animals meet to become single, hybrid-persons spread over two bodies. Life and death consistently emerge as protracted processes with the capacity to overlap and occur simultaneously in problematic ways. The research presented in this thesis establishes a new way of looking at the nature of Being as experienced by early modern Scots. This provides a foundation for further studies, which can draw in other materials not explored here such as communion wares and metal charms. Comparison with other early modern Western societies may also prove fruitful. Furthermore, the methodology may be suitable for application to other interdisciplinary projects incorporating historical and material evidence.
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Souza Lopes is one of the authors of the phylogenetic classification of Sarcophagidae, especially Sarcophaginae. In this paper I present the taxonomic key of the tribes of Sarcophaginae according to his opinion; a list of the 48 genera and subgenera and the 356 species described by Prof. Lopes; and a review of subtribal construction of tribe Sarcophagini with a key of the subtribes. One new subtribe Boettcheriiscina Verves, subtr. nov. and two new monotypic genera (Mufindia Verves, gen. nov., and Sabiella Verves, gen. nov.) are described. The role of Prof. Lopes in the knowledge of taxonomy and ecology of American, Oriental, Australian and Oceanic Sarcophagidae is illumined.
English summary: Delictum publicum, delictum privatum: The emergence of a uniform concept of crime in medieval and early modern legal literature (s. 687)
Fashion, Comf ort and Conviction is a study investigating the adoption and significance of the ceramic tile stove in medieval and early modern Finland. It presents stove tiles found in archaeological excavations, places the tiles in their cultural contexts and examines them as indicators of various social changes. The early history of the ceramic tile stove goes back to the 12th century in the German-speaking Alpine regions, from where it spread to the Baltic Sea region during the Middle Ages. On the basis of the archaeological finds presented in this study, the introduction of the tile stove in Finland dates to the early 15th century. Its adoption was connected to the increase in foreign trade links and social emulation, the demand for comfort, and innovations in building technology and interior design. Stove tiles also reflect the political and religious convictions of their time and open a fascinating window on everyday life in medieval and early modern Finland.
Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) in power system refers to the problem of determining the on/ off status of generating units that minimize the operating cost during a given time horizon. Since various system and generation constraints are to be satisfied while finding the optimum schedule, UCP turns to be a constrained optimization problem in power system scheduling. Numerical solutions developed are limited for small systems and heuristic methodologies find difficulty in handling stochastic cost functions associated with practical systems. This paper models Unit Commitment as a multi stage decision making task and an efficient Reinforcement Learning solution is formulated considering minimum up time /down time constraints. The correctness and efficiency of the developed solutions are verified for standard test systems
Latin had no word for "strategy", but the East Romans, whom we call the Byzantines, did. This book tracks the evolution of the concept of warfare being subjected to higher political aims from Antiquity to the Present, using Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, English and German sources. It tracks the rise, fall, and resurrection of the belief in the Roman and later the medieval and early modern world that warfare was only legitimate if it pursued the higher goal of a just peace, which in the 19th century gave way to a blinkered concentration on military victory as only war aim. It explains why one school of thought, from Antiquity to the present, emphasised eternal principles of warfare, while others emphasised, in Clausewitz's term, the "changing character of war". It tracks ideas from land warfare to naval warfare to air power and nuclear thinking, but it also stresses great leaps and discontinuities in thinking about strategy. It covers asymmetric wars both from the point of view of the weaker power seeking to overthrow a stronger power, and from the stronger power dealing with insurgents and other numerically inferior forces. It concludes with a commentary of the long-known problems of bureaucratic politics, non-centralised command and inter-service rivalry, which since the 16th century or earlier has created obstacles to coherent strategy making.
This article considers how T. S. Eliot's promotion of the work of the Anglo-Welsh poet David Jones after the Second World War further involved him in a process of considering the resonances of the local and familiar as operative within the displacements of modernity. This promotion therefore retrospectively prioritized an aspect of Eliot's poetics which had been present, but occluded, all along. Conversely, the article considers how similar resonances in Jones's own work were enhanced by his encounter with Eliot's translation of the Francophone Caribbean poet St-John Perse's Anabase, an encounter which enabled Jones to establish an idiom responsive to the divergent cultural affinities inherent in ‘our situation’.