936 resultados para Jernström Offset
The study shows the current need for security solutions concerning work with information in different areas.Investigations will show important solutions for printers’ needs to meet the increasingly harder demands forfast and safe digital communications. Important factors to be analyzed in the investigations are: access todifferent types of information, workers authority of information, access to the data base register internallyand externally, production solutions for an effective fault detection and data base solutions fororders and distribution.Planned and unplanned stops result in a standard of value in interruptions. Internal data bases areprotected by so-called “Fire Walls”, “Watch Dogs” and Virtual Private Networks. Offset plates are locked infor a definitive range of time. Subsequent destruction and remaining sheets are shredded and recycled. Alldocumentation is digital, in business control systems, which guarantees that no important documents arelying around in working places. Fault detection work is facilitated by the ability to fully track the order numberson incoming orders.
Bobergs printing house in Falun has during some time had problems regarding deposits on blankets intheirs Müller Martini UV-printing presses. Deposits appear in both image areas and non-image areas.These areas have been analyzed and the deposits on non-image areas contain chalk, clay and talc. Thequestion remains how these material bond to the blanket surface. The chalk and clay comes from thepaper. The talc comes from the ink. Deposits from image areas contain pigment and talc from the printingink. The dampening water has also been analyzed. The result shows some sort of problem with thehardness regulator for the clean water. The pH-level should be increased a few steps.
In the era of globalization, countries compete with each other for attention, respect and trust of potential consumers, investors, tourists, media and governments of other nations. Branding is the most powerful tool that a nation can utilize for effective differentiation strategies and for creating competitive advantage over other nations. Unfortunately, not every nations or destination marketers have a broad understanding of the concept of branding and how a country can be successfully branded. Hence, this study has proposed a model that could be used as a valuable guide for country branding. Also the model is recommended for countries struggling with image crisis; on the mission to improve the image internationally. Nigeria is a good example of countries with image crisis; it is one of the most populated countries in the world with a population of about 160 million inhabitants and growth rate of 2.553percent annually. Despite the abundant resources (e.g. coal, petroleum, natural gas etc.) that the nation is endowed with, it is quite disappointing that the population below poverty line is still at the alarming rate of 70percent of the total population. The mismanagement and poor leadership of the nation characterised by corruption, fraud, embezzlement of public fund etc. has culminated into serious image crisis that is slowing down the potential for investment and economic growth. However, there has been series of image rebranding campaigns but no tangible achievement has been recorded. It is quite questionable though, if image rebranding will provide the kind of future that Nigeria envisaged, considering the socio-political situation and the economic imbalance; compounded by the obvious fact that the nation has no known brand. Therefore, this paper argues that there is need to redirect the effort invested on image rebranding to the creation of a unique and competitive brand for the country. It was established from the study that a nation’s brand is capable of improving the reputation of the nation as well as stimulate the expectation of the target audience. However, it was also established from the study that a wrong approach to branding could mislead the target audience and attract negative publicity. Hence, as a contribution of the study to the field of branding, a model was proposed as a functional guide for country branding. Also, considering the abysmal performance of Nigeria’s image in the international community and to strengthen the argument that brand creation is required for the country; an experimental application of the proposed model was conducted using Nigeria as the case country. The first phase of the model suggested a major improvement in the society; this is required to further enhance the strengths of the country and to motivate the much needed community participation and confidence in the brand creation. It is the conclusion of the study that a strong nation brand can offset the image problem if it is built on something concrete, genuine, and uniquely identifiable with the country, capable of connecting to the cognitive psychology of the target audience.
På uppdrag av Tidningsutgivarna har en studie utförts angående olika möjligheter att införa tryck av variabeldata med tryckmetoden inkjet i svensk dagspress. Målet var att undersöka tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar samt att utreda om det fanns något intresse på marknaden som skulle kunna ge någon avkastning. Studien utfördes med hjälp av noggranna källstudier och ett fortlöpande samarbete med olika företag med intresse för dagspress. Rapporten beskriver också företag som arbetar med den här typen av innovationer idag och diverse tidigare projekt med variabeltryckta tidningar. Nya teknologier som eventuellt kan vara av intresse för framtida utveckling har också beskrivits och hur tidningens framtid kommer att se ut ur ett kortare och ett längre perspektiv. Studien visar att inkjetpressar inte klarar av den hastighet som de moderna tidningspressarna håller idag. Men i takt med minskade upplagor och utvecklad teknologi, samt ett stort marknadsmässigt intresse så tyder det på att det kommer att finnas möjlighet att tillverka anpassade digitaltryckta tidningsupplagor inom en överskådlig framtid. Inkjet kan fungera som ett bra komplement till offset. Inlinepressar ger möjligheten att införa variabeltryck i stora tidningsupplagor medan separata inkjetpressar passar bra för tryck av mindre lokala upplagor.
One of the main aims of this thesis is to design an optimized commercial Photovoltaic (PV) system in Barbados from several variables such as racking type, module type and inverter type based on practicality, technical performance as well as financial returns to the client. Detailed simulations are done in PVSYST and financial models are used to compare different systems and their viability. Once the preeminent system is determined from a financial and performance perspective a detailed design is done using PVSYST and AutoCAD to design the most optimal PV system for the customer. In doing so, suitable engineering drawings are generated which are detailed enough for construction of the system. Detailed cost with quotes from relevant manufacturers, suppliers and estimators become instrumental in determining Balance of System Costs in addition to total project cost. The final simulated system is suggested with a PV capacity of 425kW and an inverter output of 300kW resulting in an array oversizing of 1.42. The PV system has a weighted Performance Ratio of 77 %, a specific yield of 1467 kWh/kWp and a projected annual production of 624 MWh/yr. This system is estimated to offset approximately 28 % of Carlton’s electrical load annually. Over the course of 20 years the PV system is projected to produce electricity at a cost of $0.201USD/kWh which is significantly lower than the $0.35 USD/kWh paid to the utility at the time of writing this thesis. Due to the high cost of electricity on the island, an attractive Feed-In-Tariff is not necessary to warrant the installation of a commercial System which over a lifetime which produces electricity at less than 60% of the cost to the user purchasing electricity from the utility. A simple payback period of 5.4 years, a return on investment of 17 % without incentives, in addition to an estimated diversion of 6840 barrels of oil or 2168 tonnes of CO2 further provides compelling justification for the installation of a commercial Photovoltaic System not only on Carlton A-1 Supermarket, but also island wide as well as regionally where most electricity supplies are from imported fossil fuels.
The Boston Red Sox emit a great deal of carbon throughout the regular baseball season because of flights to the home fields of their opponents. Knowing that air travel is one of the biggest transportation-based contributors to global climate change, the Boston Red Sox (and all major league teams) should be encouraged to offset their carbon emissions from regular season travel. Using ArcGIS to map the flight paths along great circle routes, the distance of flights to opponents’ cities was calculated to total the number of miles traveled in the 2008 season. The price of offsetting this carbon was estimated using the calculators of carbon offset retailers, such as Native Energy, a Vermont-based retailer. This project provides the potential costs of offsetting the carbon emitted from Red Sox air travel. To take the lead in the future of the Northeast, the Red Sox should begin to consider their contribution to climate change.
Não é tarefa fácil abordar um tema como o de tributos, principalmente em um país como o Brasil, com grandes e históricas dívidas sociais, que permanece com uma das cargas tributárias mais elevadas do Mundo e com uma qualidade na oferta de serviços públicos que, na maioria das vezes, deixa a desejar. Pior ainda é discutir a eficácia do papel do Auditor Fiscal, já que temos a missão de prover o Estado de recursos públicos para a implementação e manutenção de políticas necessárias para a sociedade. Nem sempre para cumprir esse papel conta-se com o apoio integral da classe política e da população. Para compensar tal desafio, a maior motivação e certeza é que há na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de Pernambuco verdadeiros empreendedores com capacidade técnica e vontade de mudar algumas realidades, já não tão sintonizadas com os desafios dos tempos modernos. Partindo da premissa que a introdução do Planejamento, por meio da criação da Diretoria de Planejamento e Controle da Ação Fiscal no início de 2002 na estrutura organizacional da Administração Tributária, resultou em um salto de qualidade no resultado da ação fiscal, esse estudo apresenta uma avaliação dos processos fiscais comparando-se a partir de 1998 até o início de 2002 e daí até o ano de 2006. Percebe-se que não houve incremento em relação à efetividade da ação fiscal, constatando-se correlação estatística entre os valores recuperados pelo Fisco quando comparados o período posterior à mudança organizacional com o anterior, verificado pelo Teste de Wilcoxon. Ao mesmo tempo, percebeu-se uma necessidade clara do Estado rever suas leis, prazos e condições de trabalho no que se refere à execução fiscal, sob pena de não conseguir reaver parcela de tributo sonegado em tempo hábil, já que 84,9% dos processos não tiveram suas defesas administrativas apresentadas ou saldos devedores regularizados. Na pesquisa dirigida aos gerentes da Diretoria de Planejamento, suas respostas indicam que o caminho precisa ser mantido, buscando contínua evolução e coerência do planejamento estratégico e permanente aperfeiçoamento do modelo de gestão adotado em busca de resultados, com sensibilidade social e respeito profissional a cada integrante do Órgão.
Por muito tempo, os programas de qualidade e gestão vêm dominando o cenário de soluções para a melhoria das organizações. Nesse contexto, têm sido constantes os modismos e, ao mesmo tempo, o consumo de muitas soluções. E o mercado parece se nutrir desses pacotes. De pacote em pacote, a gestão nas companhias vem se desenvolvendo e se especializando e, junto como isso, os métodos e técnicas da boa gestão. A gestão de riscos, especificamente, vem nesse contexto. Apresenta-se como uma solução em gestão, mas parece se estabelecer como ponto de convergência e de influência na otimização e garantia de processos produtivos, de gestão e de suporte, abrangendo uma gama de possibilidades em diversas disciplinas do mundo empresarial, desde finanças até os aspectos de fraudes e distúrbios cotidianos. Na sequência da gestão de riscos, vem a gestão de crises. Esta, o hemisfério dos riscos transformados em impactos verdadeiros e com danos visíveis para a organização. A gestão de crises pressupõe a gestão dos riscos consumados e que, claramente, afetam a organização e seu contexto, tanto interno quanto externo. No ponto final dessa lógica, aparece a confiança como aquilo que sela o pacto da organização e seus stakeholders, como resultado da boa ou má gestão de riscos e crises. Este estudo é, então, sobre riscos, crises e confiança e sobre o entendimento de como a gestão sobrepõe esses elementos e como isso se aplica às organizações, especificamente a uma grande organização do mercado brasileiro. Após revisão bibliográfica, é feita uma pesquisa para se analisar como está sendo a aplicação dos conceitos e práticas de riscos e crises em uma grande empresa, entrevistando-se o principal executivo da companhia responsável pela gestão de riscos na área de segurança da informação e outro responsável pela gestão de crises. É feita uma pesquisa para se entender a percepção de empregados e gerentes da companhia estudada sobre os conceitos e práticas de gestão de riscos e crises e suas aplicações na companhia. Também é feita uma abordagem sobre confiança, extrapolando-se esse conceito para uma idéia de confiabilidade dessas práticas e propondo uma forma de medir essa confiabilidade, identificada como uma lacuna na gestão de crises. Ao final, é feita uma análise sobre o quanto a aplicação desses conceitos e práticas são sistemáticos ou não, de acordo com as hipóteses e suposições definidas, constatando-se o 9 caráter operacional e a aplicação recente das práticas, um tanto deslocada do modelo de referência proposto para o estudo e com pouca visibilidade por parte dos empregados, principalmente no que tange a percepção de efetividade das práticas adotadas.
Esta dissertação discute a questão da participação popular em políticas públicas tendo como base a análise do caso da Agenda 21 local em Barueri. Parte- se da revisão teórica sobre a participação, desde a emergência do tema entre os movimentos sociais na Europa, até a chegada da discussão ao Brasil. A partir desta revisão são tratados aspectos teóricos do clientelismo político, visando contrapor a prática política existente e legitimada com os dilemas da implantação de ações participativas. A investigação foi realizada sob a perspectiva de campo-tema, sendo construída a partir da leitura de narrativas. O que se observa é uma dificuldade em promover mudanças no formato de condução das políticas em Barueri oriunda da incapacidade do governo em mobilizar a população e demonstrar a importância e confiabilidade de práticas participativas. Este trabalho busca demonstrar quais foram as falhas e dilemas deste processo e propõe formas de se avaliar e discutir a implantação da participação popular como nova prática política.
This work explores how Argentina overcame the Great Depression and asks whether active macroeconomic interventions made any contribution to the recovery. In particular, we study Argentine macroeconomic policy as it deviated from gold-standard orthodoxy after the final suspension of convertibility in 1929. As elsewhere, fiscal policy in Argentina was conservative, and had little power to smooth output. Monetary policy became heterodox after 1929. The first and most important stage of institutional change took place with the switch from a metallic monetary regime to a fiduciary regime in 1931; the Caja de Conversión (Conversion Office, a currency board) began rediscounting as a means to sterilize gold outflows and avoid deflationary pressures, thus breaking from orthodox "mIes of the game." However, the actual injections of liquidity were small' and were not enough to fully offset the incipient monetary contractions: the "Keynes" effect was weak or negative. Rather, recovery derived from changes in beliefs and expectations surrounding the shift in the monetary and exchange-rate regime,and the delinking of gold flows and the money base. Agents perceivod a new regime, as shown by the path of consumption, investment, and estimated ex ante real interest rates: the "Mundell" effect was dominant. Notably, this change of regime predated a later, and supposedly more significant, stage of institutional reform, namely the creation of the central bank in 1935. Still, the extent of intervention was weak, and insufficient to fully offset externaI shocks to prices and money. Argentine macropolicy was heterodox in terms of the change of regime, but still conservative in terms of the tentative scope of the measures taken .
We study why most financiaI markets designate one or more agents who precommit to provide more liquidity than they would endogenously choose, and identify two reasons that such affirmative obligations can improve welfare. The first relies on the insight that the informational component of the competi tive bid-ask spread represents a transfer across traders, not a social cost to completing trades. As such, this trading cost dissuades efficient trading, while a restriction on spread widths encourages efficient trading. Secondly, a restriction on spread widths encourages traders to become informed, which speeds the rate at which market prices move toward true asset values in the wake of information events. We consider the setting where competition ensures that affirmative obligations impose net trading losses on designated market makers that must be compensated by side payments, as observed on the Euronext limit order market, and also the setting where the designated market maker is allowed some advantages relative to limit order traders so that profits can be eamed during tranquil periods to offset losses incurred when affirmative obligations are binding, as observed on the NYSE.
Utilizando dados do Estado de São Paulo sobre declarações de um imposto do tipo IVA, o ICMS, encontro indícios de que firmas cujos clientes possam utilizar crédito de ICMS para compensar seu próprio passivo tributário – como no funcionamento padrão de um IVA –apresentam menor nível de evasão fiscal que empresas cujos clientes, devido à inscrição em regime especial para pequenas empresas, não sejam autorizados pela legislação brasileira a utilizar o imposto incidente em suas compras de insumos como crédito, o que, em contexto geral, representa evidência da existência de self- enforcement em impostos sobre valor adicionado.
Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) acquired an important role in the development process of the global economy. FDI inward stock was equivalent to an average of 32% of GDP for OECD countries in 2013. However, FDI affects a country’s Balance of Payments (BoP) in two ways: FDI flows are recorded in the BoP financial account while returns on FDI affect the BoP current account. Therefore, part of the positive contribution of inward FDI to a country on its financial account could be potentially offset by a negative contribution of FDI returns on the current account. The intent of this work is to complement the research on FDI determinants by introducing FDI returns as a variable in a gravity model where bilateral FDI outflows are the dependent variable. Moreover, using outward FDI flows as the dependent variable, the work allows looking at the behavior of Multinational Corporations (MNC) investing abroad. The results show that MNCs repatriate returns generating from the investments they make abroad. This is particularly true when high-income countries are involved: MNCs from high-income countries repatriate returns to their home countries from FDI made anywhere, while MNCs from middle-income countries repatriate returns from FDI in high-income countries. Repatriated returns are a relevant variable determining the value of FDI that a country makes in another country. The information on FDI returns is starting to become available to the public. This allows MNCs to sharpen their investment location decision models and national IPAs to better assess the two-fold BoP effects of promoting FDI.
The marine turtles biological characteristics and the impact they have been suffering in consequence of human activities have caused in the last decades the decrease of populations to unsustainable levels. All four of the species described in this paper are registered as endangered in a list by IUCN: Caretta caretta, Lepidochelys olivacea, Chelonia mydas, Dermochelys coriacea. The main causes of such impact include several fishing activities, mostly the surface longline. This paper discusses the monitoring of two foreigner longline fleet along the North East Brazilian coast between October of 2004 and September of 2005. Both operated in the West South Atlantic, one using the Chinese technique and the other the American. The American method s target species is the swordfish (Xiphias gladius), and it is characterized by using squid as bait, J 9/0 offset 5º hook, light sticks and night soaking. It also operates in shallower waters than the Chinese method. The source of information about the efforts and the catches came from onboard observers and were used to calculate the catching rate of turtles over 1000 hooks (CPUE). The American equipment caught more turtles (CPUE = 0,059; N= 103), mainly D. coriacea, while the Chinese longline caught mainly the L. olivacea and presented a CPUE= 0,018 (N= 89). The hooks were most frequently found attached to the mouth of C. caretta, C. mydas, and L. olivacea. The D. coriacea were most frequently caught by hooks externally attached to different parts of their body. There was no significant difference between the hook type catching and most turtles were still alive when released. The results suggest a greater potential of turtle catching by the American method. Besides the statistic tests have showed less interaction between the Chinese equipment and marine turtles, the catches of this fishing technique could have been underestimated due to miscommunication between the onboard observer and the vessel s crew plus the retrieve of the longline during night time
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a produção de Anthurium andraeanum 'Apalai' submetido a diferentes intensidades de desfolha no Vale do Ribeira, SP. Foram utilizadas mudas micropropagadas dessa espécie, as quais foram plantadas em canteiros construídos sob telado coberto com tela de náilon preta, com malha que proporciona 70% de sombreamento, no espaçamento 0,40x0,40m. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados em parcelas subdivididas, com dezesseis repetições. O efeito da desfolha foi avaliado na parcela e o efeito do tempo após a desfolha na subparcela. As diferentes intensidades de desfolha consistiram em plantas com três, quatro e cinco folhas e plantas sem desfolha, e o tempo após a desfolha, as avaliações realizadas em 2006 e 2007. Ocorreu um aumento na área das folhas individuais em plantas mantidas com quatro e cinco folhas, proporcional à intensidade de desfolha, que pode ser relacionado a uma tentativa de compensação da área foliar perdida. A desfolha com a manutenção de três, quatro ou cinco folhas em plantas de antúrio 'Apalai' é prejudicial para o seu crescimento e produção.