975 resultados para Intravesical chemotherapy
Growth inhibition in vitro tests were used to study the susceptibility to pentostam of different Leishmania strains involved in cutaneous and mucocutaneos leishmaniasis - one glucantime sensitive strain, three naturally glucantime resistant strains and one glucantime resistant line developed by in vitro drug exposure. Contrasting with the high degree , of glucantime resistance, all strains were sensitive to pentostam. These differences suggest that there is some relationship between chemical structure and in vitro activity for these antimonial compounds. These data justify a clinical re-evaluation to compare therapeutic efficacy of glucantime and pentostam in the treatment of leishmaniasis.
Tide prevalence of intestinal parasitosis ivas investigated in a primaiy school located in Rubiâo Júnior, a peri-urban district of Botucatu, São Paulo slate, Brazil, in order to assess the effect of treatment and practical measures of prophylaxis in the control of parasitic infections among 7-to- 18-year-old school children of a low socio-economic status. The first series of parasitological examinations included 219 school children, ef which 123 (56.1 %) were found to be infected with one or more parasite species. Eighty- four children canying pathogenic parasites were submitted to various anti-parasitic treatment schedules. We re-evaluated 15 (89 %) students after 4 to 6 months post- chemotherapy. The results indicate that the combination of treatment with prophylactic measures has been successful in the control of parasitic infections, since reinfection rates were generally low (< 5-3 %), except for Giardia lamblia infections (18.6 %), and a marked reduction oti the prevalence rates was obsewed with a significant percentage of cure (> 73-1 %) in children infected with most parasite species. The reasons for the apparent failure in the control of infections caused by Hymenolepis nana and Strongyloides stercoralis are discussed.
Dissertation to obtain master degree in Biotechnology
Two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols showed low sensitivity (36% and 53% for TB AMPLICOR and MPB64 nested PCR, respectively), when compared with classic microbiological methods (73% and 54% for Ziehl-Neelsen staining and culture, respectively), in the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in 91 patients in southeastern Brazil. Only three PCR-positive, microbiologically negative patients were found. Analysis of sequential cerebrospinal fluid samples by nested PCR detected Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA up to 29 days after the introduction of antituberculosis chemotherapy.
The sensitivity of the larval stages of Schistosoma mansoni to chemotherapy with praziquantel and oxamniquine was tested in mice during primary and secondary infections and after different intervals from cercarial exposure. Worm recovery by perfusion of the porto-mesenteric system, followed by counting and a morphometric study of the parasite, allowed the conclusion that the relative resistance of the larval stages of S. mansoni to schistosomicide drugs, demonstrated in primary infections, also persists when the host is already infected. This indicates that a therapeutic failure may result when an infected host is treated some time after being re-infected, because of the presence of migrating, drug-resistant, immature forms of the parasite.
Benznidazole is recommended in Brazil for the treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in acute and early chronic phases of Chagas' disease. Observations by others have indicated a higher incidence of neoplasias in immunosuppressed patients, presenting Chagas' disease reactivation, submitted to treatment with benznidazole. In the present study, we investigated whether there is a potentiation in the generation of lymphomas in chronically infected mice, treated with immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole. For this, 142 Swiss mice chronically infected with the 21 SF strain of T. cruzi and 72 normal Swiss mice were used. Both infected and normal mice were divided into experimental groups and submitted to one of the following treatment regimens: benznidazole alone; immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine, betamethasone and cyclosporin); a combination of immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole; and untreated controls. In the infected group treated with benznidazole, one mouse developed a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This finding has been interpreted as a spontaneous tumor of mice. The study of the chronically infected mice treated with the combination of immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole demonstrated an absence of lymphomas or other neoplasias. These findings support the indication of benznidazole, as the drug of choice, for immunosuppressed patients that develop a reactivation of Chagas' disease.
Lesions involving the intra-hepatic biliary ducts in schistosomiasis have been reported in the literature, both in mice and man, but there are no data concerning their quantitative, evolutionary or post curative chemotherapeutic aspects on record. In order to obtain such data an investigation on this subject was attempted. Mice infected with 50 Schistosoma mansoni cercariae were submitted to a liver biopsy at the 9th week post-infection, and treated with 400mg/bw praziquantel immediately afterwards. Infected and non-infected controls were submitted to the same procedures. By 19 weeks from cercarial exposure all surviving animals were sacrificed. The biliary ducts were counted on histological sections and the results were expressed as biliary ducts/portal spaces. This quantitative evaluation was compared with that from normal controls and revealed hyperplasia as the main biliary duct change (p<0.007) in schistosomiasis. Hyperplastic changes underwent only mild partial and not statistically significant regression after specific chemotherapy (p>0.05). Infected and untreated animals presented ductal changes that did not differ from those of the treated group. Measurements of serum bilirrubin (total and direct), and gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (gamma-GT) did not reveal significant differences when animals from the several groups were compared. Thus, bile ducts exhibit a proliferative response in relation to neighboring S. mansoni injury to portal areas, but although these lesions are histopathologically impressive, they lack a functional or prognostic significance.
Abdominal ultrasound can be a useful tool for diagnosing periportal fibrosis related to Schistosoma mansoni infection, and also for planning and monitoring the evolution of hepatic morbidity following control measures. We evaluated the standardized ultrasound methodology proposed by the World Health Organization for detecting periportal fibrosis and portal hypertension, among patients from an endemic area in Venezuela, and the impact of praziquantel treatment 3-5 years later. After chemotherapy, complete reversal of periportal lesions was observed in 28.2% of the cases and progression of the disease in 5.1%. Improvement in the hepatic disease started with a reduction in the periportal thickening followed by a decrease in the size of the left hepatic lobe, spleen and mesenteric and spleen veins. Ultrasound confirmed the clinical findings after chemotherapy among the patients with reversal of the disease. However, in patients with more advanced disease, these findings were contradictory. There was no correlation between evolution of the disease seen on ultrasound and age, intensity of infection or serological findings.
Seven cases of patients with ectopic schistosomiasis from the State of Sergipe, Brazil, are presented (five involving skin, one ovarian and one adrenal). Data were collected from surveying the clinical records and anatomopathological reports in the files of the dermatology and pathology clinics of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Sergipe, from 1995 to 2005. The patients' mean age at diagnosis was 21.1 years. In the dermatological cases, full cures were achieved after treatment with oxamniquine. In the ovarian case, there was an association with embryonic carcinoma: this patient underwent surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy and praziquantel treatment, with satisfactory evolution. The adrenal case was associated with adenoma.
RESUMO: Introdução. O cancro de bexiga é uma patologia comum que representa o 6° e o 5° cancro mais incidente em Portugal e na Itália, respetivamente. Em mais de metade dos casos ocorre reincidência durante o primeiro ano, requerendo acompanhamento clínico ao longo da vida. A instilação intravesical de Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) (uma estirpe atenuada do Mycobacterium bovis) representa uma imunoterapia eficaz no combate ao cancro de bexiga, no entanto, muitos aspetos da interação de BCG com as células tumorais bem como com as células do sistema imunitário permanecem por desvendar. As células tumorais de bexiga expressam frequentemente as formas sialiladas dos antigénios de Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF), i.e., sialil-T (sT) e sialil-Tn (sTn). Contudo ainda se desconhece o significado da sua expressão na malignidade tumoral e se afeta a eficácia da terapêutica BCG. Objetivo do estudo. Investigar o papel dos antigénios sT e sTn no fenótipo maligno de células de cancro de bexiga bem como na resposta mediada pelo sistema imunitário à terapia com BCG. Metodologia. Para tal, foram utilizadas as linhas celulares de cancro da bexiga HT1376 e MCR, geneticamente modificadas por transdução com vetores codificantes para as sialiltransferases ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, de forma a expressar homogeneamente os antigénios sT ou sTn respetivamente. Estes modelos celulares foram estudados após confronto com BCG. O nível de BCG internalizado foi avaliado por citometria de fluxo. O perfil global de expressão genética dos modelos celulares antes e após incubação com BCG foi analisado pela tecnologia de microarray. O perfil de citocinas secretadas pelos modelos celulares após incubação com BCG, bem como de macrófagos estimulados pelo secretoma de células de cancro de bexiga que por sua vez foram estimuladas previamente por BCG, foi estudado pelo sistema multiplex de “imuno-esferas”. Resultados. A análise do transcritoma dos modelos celulares revelou que grupos de genes envolvidos em funções específicas foram modulados em paralelo nos dois modelos celulares, após transdução, independentemente da sialiltransferase expressa. Ou seja, em células que expressavam a sialiltransferase ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, os genes envolvidos na regulação da segregação cromossómica e na reparação do DNA foram consistentemente regulados negativamente. Genes descritos na literatura como marcadores para o cancro de bexiga foram também modulados. A incubação com BCG resultou numa tendência ao aumento da expressão de genes relevantes na preservação e estabilidade genómica e menor malignidade, no entanto, apenas em células que expressavam sT ou sTn. Entre as dez citocinas testadas, apenas a IL-6 e IL-8 foram expressas pelas linhas celulares de cancro da bexiga, com indução destas após estimulação com BCG, e principalmente em células que expressavam ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1. Em macrófagos, citocinas inflamatórias, tais como IL-1β, IL-6 e TNFα, e a citocina anti-inflamatória IL-10, foram induzidas apenas pelo secretoma de células de cancro da bexiga confrontadas com BCG, com maior relevância quando estas expressavam ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, prevendo a estimulação de macrófagos semelhantes aos de tipo M1 e uma melhor resposta à terapia com BCG. Conclusões. O efeito geral da expressão destas sialiltransferases e dos produtos enzimáticos sT ou sTn nas células de cancro de bexiga conduz a um fenótipo de maior malignidade. Contudo, a maior avidez de estas na produção de citocinas inflamatórias após confronto com BCG, bem como a maior capacidade de estimulação de macrófagos, predirá uma resposta à terapia com BCG mais eficaz em tumores que expressem os antigénios de TF sialilados. Tais conclusões são totalmente concordantes com os nossos mais recentes dados clínicos obtidos em colaboração, que mostram que em doentes com cancro de bexiga que expressam sTn respondem melhor a terapia BCG. ----------ABSTRACT: Background. Bladder cancer is a common malignancy representing the 6th and the 5th most incident cancer in Portugal and in Italy, respectively. More than half of the cases relapse within one year, requiring though a lifelong follow-up. Intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) (an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis) represents an effective immunotherapy of bladder cancer, although many aspects of the interaction of BCG with cancer cells and host immune cells remain obscure. Bladder cancer cells often express the sialylated forms of the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF), i.e., sialil-T (sT) e sialil-Tn (sTn). However, it’s still unknown the sense of such expression in tumour malignancy and in the BCG therapy efficacy. Aim of the study. To investigate the role of the sT and sTn antigens on the malignant phenotype of bladder cancer cells and the immune mediated response to BCG therapy. Experimental. We have utilized populations of the bladder cancer cell lines HT1376 and MCR, genetically modified by transduction with the sialyltransferases ST3GAL1 or ST6GALNAC1 to express homogeneously sT or sTn antigens. The level of BCG internalized was assessed by flow cytometry. The whole gene expression profile of BCG-challenged or unchallenged bladder cancer cell lines was studied by microarray technology. The profile of cytokines secreted by BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells and that of macrophages challenged by the secretome of BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells was studied by multiplex immune-beads assay. Results. Transcriptome analysis of the sialyltransferase-transduced cells revealed that groups of genes involved in specific functions were regulated in parallel in the two cell lines, regardless the sialyltransferase expressed. Namely, in sialyltransferase-expressing cells, genes involved in the proper chromosomal segregation and in the DNA repair were consistently down-regulated, while genes reported in literature as markers for bladder cancer were modulated. BCG-challenging induced a tendency to up-regulation of the genes preserving genomic stability and reducing malignancy, but only in cells expressing either sT or sTn. Among the ten cytokines tested, only IL-6 and IL-8 were expressed by bladder cancer cell lines and up-regulated by BCG-challenging, mainly in sialyltransferases-expressing cells. In macrophages, inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα, and the antinflammatory IL-10 were induced only by the secretome of BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells, particularly when expressing either sialyltransferase, predicting the stimulation of M1-like macrophages and a better response to BCG therapy. Conclusions. The general effect of the expression of the two sialyltransferases and their products in the bladder cancer cells is toward a more malignant phenotype. However, the stronger ability of sialyltransferase expressing cells to produce inflammatory cytokines upon BCG-challenging and to stimulate macrophages predicts a more effective response to BCG in tumours expressing the sialylated TF antigens. This is fully consistent with our recent clinical data obtained in collaboration, showing that patients with bladder cancer expressing sTn respond better to BCG therapy.
Saprophytic fungi are being increasingly recognized as etiologic agents of mycoses in immunosuppressed patients. We report a case of subcutaneous infiltration by Aureobasidium pullulans, likely due to traumatic inoculation, in a neutropenic patient during chemotherapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The patient was treated with amphotericin B deoxycholate but was subsequently switched to itraconazole, which improved the lesion. This case highlights the importance of considering unusual fungal infections in critically ill patients such as those who are immunosuppressed due to chemotherapy. Diagnostic techniques and effective antifungal therapy have improved the prognosis of these cases.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
Leishmaniasis is one of the six major tropical diseases targeted by the World Health Organization. It is a life-threatening disease of medical, social and economic importance in endemic areas. No vaccine is yet available for human use, and chemotherapy presents several problems. Pentavalent antimonials have been the drugs of choice to treat the disease for more than six decades; however, they exhibit high toxicity and are not indicated for children, for pregnant or breastfeeding women or for chronically ill patients. Amphotericin B (AmpB) is a second-line drug, and although it has been increasingly used to treat visceral leishmaniasis (VL), its clinical use has been hampered due to its high toxicity. This review focuses on the development and in vivo usage of new delivery systems for AmpB that aim to decrease its toxicity without altering its therapeutic efficacy. These new formulations, when adjusted with regard to their production costs, may be considered new drug delivery systems that promise to improve the treatment of leishmaniasis, by reducing the side effects and the number of doses while permitting a satisfactory cost-benefit ratio.
Multidrug resistance is a major problems associated with cancer chemotherapy. Efflux transports is one of the numerous mechanisms involved in multidrug resistance. P-glycoprotein is a transmembrane protein, responsible for drug efflux, which decreases drugs intracellular bioavailability, consequently decreasing their efficacy against cancer. Cancer growth and dissemination depends on the expression of transcriptional factors such as, Twist. Among other features, this protein is related with cells chemoresistance possible by regulation of multidrug resistance pathways including the P-glycoprotein expression. The herein study proposes to demonstrate if paclitaxel entrapped nanoparticles is an effective system in evading multidrug resistance mechanisms and if functionalization of a specific antibody against cancer stem cells receptors (anti-CD44v6) has the capability to target selectively these cells increasing nanoparticles efficacy. Therefore solid lipid nanoparticles were prepared and a breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-436) was exposed to them in order to assess unloaded nanoparticles cytotoxic effects, increased pharmacologic efficacy of loaded nanoparticles relative to the free drug and their ability to evade multidrug resistance. The proposed solid lipid nanoparticles system proved to be capable of efficiently evading multidrug resistance mechanisms; however no improvement was added when these nanoparticles were functionalized with the antibody in the in vitro studies. However, the nanoparticles system is effective against multidrug resistance mechanisms.
The authors report a case of primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the diaphragm, an extremely rare presentation with only 14 cases reported in the literature. An 18-year-old male presented 2 spontaneous occurrences of pneumothorax. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance showed a tumoral mass on the right diaphragmatic surface, and after biopsy, the diagnosis was compatible with spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma. Because the visceral pleura was invaded by the tumoral mass, a right pleuropneumonectomy was performed. The patient received adjuvant chemotherapy, and there was no evidence of disease 15 months after the operation. Based on the Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group (IRSG) criteria, which consider the extent of the disease and its surgical resectability, rhabdomyosarcomas can be classified into 4 groups. In clinical group I, which was the classification of our patient, the tumor is localized and completely resectable, which implies a good prognosis. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare tumor, and a good outcome may result if it is completely resected.