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The present study evaluated the effectiveness of electrotactile tongue biofeedback (BrainPort (R)) as a sensory substitute for the vestibular apparatus in patients with bilateral vestibular loss (BVL) who did not have a good response to conventional vestibular rehabilitation (VR). Seven patients with BVL were trained to use the device. Stimulation on the surface of the tongue was created by a dynamic pattern of electrical pulses and the patient was able to adjust the intensity of stimulation and spatially centralize the stimulus on the electrode array. Patients were directed to continuously adjust head orientation and to maintain the stimulus pattern at the center of the array. Postural tasks that present progressive difficulties were given during the use of the device. Pre- and post-treatment distribution of the sensory organization test (SOT) composite score showed an average value of 38.3 +/- 8.7 and 59.9 +/- 11.3, respectively, indicating a statistically significant improvement (p = 0.01). Electrotactile tongue biofeedback significantly improved the postural control of the study group, even if they had not improved with conventional VR. The electrotactile tongue biofeedback system was able to supply additional information about head position with respect to gravitational vertical orientation in the absence of vestibular input, improving postural control. Patients with BVL can integrate electrotactile information in their postural control in order to improve stability after conventional VR. These results were obtained and verified not only by the subjective questionnaire but also by the SOT composite score. The limitations of the study are the small sample size and short duration of the follow-up. The current findings show that the sensory substitution mediated by electrotactile tongue biofeedback may contribute to the improved balance experienced by these patients compared to VR. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Difficulties in emotion processing and poor social function are common to bipolar disorder (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) depression, resulting in many BID depressed individuals being misdiagnosed with MDD. The amygdala is a key region implicated in processing emotionally salient stimuli, including emotional facial expressions. It is unclear, however, whether abnormal amygdala activity during positive and negative emotion processing represents a persistent marker of BD regardless of illness phase or a state marker of depression common or specific to BID and MDD depression. Methods: Sixty adults were recruited: 15 depressed with BID type 1 (BDd), 15 depressed with recurrent MDD, 15 with BID in remission (BDr), diagnosed with DSM-IV and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Research Version criteria; and 15 healthy control subjects (HC). Groups were age- and gender ratio-matched; patient groups were matched for age of illness onset and illness duration; depressed groups were matched for depression severity. The BDd were taking more psychotropic medication than other patient groups. All individuals participated in three separate 3T neuroimaging event-related experiments, where they viewed mild and intense emotional and neutral faces of fear, happiness, or sadness from a standardized series. Results: The BDd-relative to HC, BDr, and MDD-showed elevated left amygdala activity to mild and neutral facial expressions in the sad (p < .009) but not other emotion experiments that was not associated with medication. There were no other significant between-group differences in amygdala activity. Conclusions: Abnormally elevated left amygdala activity to mild sad and neutral faces might be a depression-specific marker in BID but not MDD, suggesting different pathophysiologic processes for BD versus MDD depression.
Background: The risks for depression broadly include biological and environmental factors. Furthermore, having a family member suffering from major depression is also likely to have consequences for the family environment. Further research aimed at understanding the effects of having a child with major depression on family interaction patterns is warranted. Methods: We studied 31 families with an 8- to 17-year-old child (mean age +/- SD = 12.9 +/- 2.7 years) who met the DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) and 34 families with no mentally ill children (mean age 8 SD = 12.6 +/- 2.9 years) or parents. Children and their parents were assessed with the K-SADS-PL (Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia - Present and Lifetime Version) interview. Parents completed the Moos Family Environment Scale (FES) to assess their perceptions of current family functioning. Data were analyzed using the nonparametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. Results: Families of MDD children showed significantly different patterns of family functioning on FES subscales representing relationships and personal growth dimensions. The families with MDD children showed higher levels of conflict (p < 0.001) and lower levels of cohesion (p < 0.001), expressiveness (p = 0.003) and active-recreational orientation (p = 0.02) compared to the families without mentally ill children. Conclusion: Families with MDD children show a lower degree of commitment, provide less support to one another, provide less encouragement to express feelings and have more conflicts compared to families with no mentally ill children or parents. Interventions aimed at improving family dynamics may be beneficial to MDD children and their families. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Background: Recurrent 15q13.3 microdeletions were recently identified with identical proximal (BP4) and distal (BP5) breakpoints and associated with mild to moderate mental retardation and epilepsy. Methods: To assess further the clinical implications of this novel 15q13.3 microdeletion syndrome, 18 new probands with a deletion were molecularly and clinically characterised. In addition, we evaluated the characteristics of a family with a more proximal deletion between BP3 and BP4. Finally, four patients with a duplication in the BP3-BP4-BP5 region were included in this study to ascertain the clinical significance of duplications in this region. Results: The 15q13.3 microdeletion in our series was associated with a highly variable intra-and inter-familial phenotype. At least 11 of the 18 deletions identified were inherited. Moreover, 7 of 10 siblings from four different families also had this deletion: one had a mild developmental delay, four had only learning problems during childhood, but functioned well in daily life as adults, whereas the other two had no learning problems at all. In contrast to previous findings, seizures were not a common feature in our series (only 2 of 17 living probands). Three patients with deletions had cardiac defects and deletion of the KLF13 gene, located in the critical region, may contribute to these abnormalities. The limited data from the single family with the more proximal BP3-BP4 deletion suggest this deletion may have little clinical significance. Patients with duplications of the BP3-BP4-BP5 region did not share a recognisable phenotype, but psychiatric disease was noted in 2 of 4 patients. Conclusions: Overall, our findings broaden the phenotypic spectrum associated with 15q13.3 deletions and suggest that, in some individuals, deletion of 15q13.3 is not sufficient to cause disease. The existence of microdeletion syndromes, associated with an unpredictable and variable phenotypic outcome, will pose the clinician with diagnostic difficulties and challenge the commonly used paradigm in the diagnostic setting that aberrations inherited from a phenotypically normal parent are usually without clinical consequences.
Experience with laparoscopic liver resections has increased in recent years, and so have the number of patients operated on by minimally invasive techniques. Specimen extraction is an important step of laparoscopic liver resection. The size of the specimen, is Usually a limitation for the use Of laparoscopy. The aim of this paper is to describe a new technique combining Pfannenstiel suprapubic incision and obstetric forceps to remove a large specimen from laparoscopic liver resections. The present technique allows an expeditious extraction of intact specimens, even huge ones, through a standard suprapubic Pfannenstiel incision. This technique has additional functional and cosmetic advantages over other techniques of specimen retrieval. We believe that the described technique is feasible, can be easily and rapidly performed, and facilitates laparoscopic liver resection by reducing the technical difficulties for specimen removal and may also be used in other abdominal laparoscopic interventions that deal with large surgical specimens.
Introduction: Autoinflammatory diseases are very rare diseases presenting within a wide clinical spectrum. Recognition of the main clinical features are challenging due to overlapping or mimicking with autoimmune diseases. Discussion: A case series is reviewed to illustrate typical and atypical features and the difficulties of these diagnoses in the low prevalence areas-a typical unrecognized case of familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) in a youngster, an atypical adult case with overlapping of IMF with Behcet disease, and an early presentation of FMF in infant presenting with inflammatory colitis, as well as the overlapping features within the cryopirin diseases spectrum in an 8-year-old boy who presented with systemic onset arthritis. Conclusion: These cases may represent examples of a very puzzling relationship among disorders of innate and adaptive immune systems and inflammation.
Background: We studied the characteristics of family functioning in bipolar children and healthy comparison children. We hypothesized that the family environment of bipolar children would show greater levels of dysfunction as measured by the Family Environment Scale (FES). Methods: We compared the family functioning of 36 families that included a child with DSM-IV bipolar disorder versus 29 comparison families that included only healthy children. All subjects and their parents were assessed with the K-SADS-PL interview. The parents completed the FES to assess their current family functioning. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to compare the family environment of families with and without offspring with bipolar disorder. Results: Parents of bipolar children reported lower levels of family cohesion (p<0.001), expressiveness (p=0.005), active-recreational orientation (p<0.001), intellectual-cultural orientation (p=0.04) and higher levels of conflict (p<0.001) compared to parents with no bipolar children. Secondary analyses within the bipolar group revealed lower levels of organization (p=0.03 1) and cohesion (p=0.014) in families where a parent had a history of mood disorders compared to families where parents had no history of mood disorders. Length of illness in the affected child was inversely associated with family cohesion (r=-0.47, p=0.004). Limitations: Due to the case-control design of the study, we cannot comment on the development of these family problems or attribute their cause specifically to child bipolar disorder. Conclusion: Families with bipolar children show dysfunctional patterns related to interpersonal interactions and personal growth. A distressed family environment should be addressed when treating children with bipolar disorder. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Sciatic Functional Index (SFI) is a quite useful tool for the evaluation of functional recovery of the sciatic nerve of rats in a number of experimental injuries and treatments. Although it is an objective method, it depends on the examiner`s ability to adequately recognize and mark the previously established footprint key points, which is an entirely subjective step, thus potentially interfering with the calculations according to the mathematical formulae proposed by different authors. Thus, an interpersonal evaluation of the reproducibility of an SFI computer-aided method was carried out here to study data variability. A severe crush injury was produced on a 5 mm-long segment of the right sciatic nerve of 20 Wistar rats (a 5000 g load directly applied for 10 min) and the SH was measured by four different examiners (an experienced one and three newcomers) preoperatively and at weekly intervals from the 1st to the 8th postoperative week. Three measurements were made for each print and the average was calculated and used for statistical analysis. The results showed that interpersonal correlation was high (0.82) in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th weeks, with an unexpected but significant (p < 0.01) drop in the 6th week. There was virtually no interpersonal correlation (correlation index close to 0) on the 1st and 2nd weeks, a period during which the variability between animals and examiners (p =0.24 and 0.32, respectively) was similar, certainly due to a poor definition of the footprints. The authors conclude that the SFI method studied here is only reliable from the 3rd week on after a severe lesion of the sciatic nerve of rats. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vomiting after feeding is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and of eosinophilic esophagitis (EE), which are considered to be a cause of infant feeding disorder. The objective of the present study was to evaluate swallowing in children with feeding disorder manifested by vomiting after feeding. Using clinical and videofluoroscopic methods we studied the swallowing of 37 children with vomiting after feeding (mean age = 15.4 months), and of 15 healthy children (mean age = 20.5 months). In the videofluoroscopic examination the children swallowed a free volume of milk and 5 ml of mashed banana, both mixed with barium sulfate. We evaluated five swallows of liquid and five swallows of paste. The videofluoroscopic examination was recorded at 60 frames/s. Patients had difficulty during feeding, pneumonia, respiratory distress, otitis, and irritability more frequently than controls. During feeding, children with vomiting, choke were irritable, and refused food more frequently than controls, and during the videofluoroscopic examination the patients had more backward movement of the head than controls for both the liquid and paste boluses. There was no difference in the timing of oral swallowing transit, pharyngeal swallowing transit, or pharyngeal clearance between patients and controls. We conclude that children with vomiting after feeding may have difficulties in accepting feeding, although they have no alteration of oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing.
Behavioral problems in preschool children are one of the most frequent motives for seeking psychological care by parents and caregivers. Instruments are considered necessary, created from a Social Skills Training theoretical-practical perspective, which may systematically assist the identification of social skills and behavioral deficits. helping professionals in the prevention and/or reduction of behavioral problems. The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric validity and reliability of an instrument for evaluation of Socially Skilled Responses. from a teacher`s perspective (QRSH-PR). For this purpose, 260 preschool children were evaluated. differentiated in subgroups without and without behavioral difficulties, based on the Child Behavior Scale (Escala de Comportamento Infantil/ECI-Professor). Studies were conducted for construct. discrimination. concurrent and predictive validity. The Cronbach Alpha was calculated to evaluate internal consistency. The obtained results pointed to positive indicators in reference to construct, discrimination, and predictive validity, and even for good internal consistency. indicating that the items consistently measure the construct of social skills, and differentiated children with and without behavioral problems. The questionnaire is considered to be gauged for evaluation of socially skilled responses from preschool children. and applicable in educational and clinical environments.
Low birth weight and preterm birth, and social disadvantage may negatively affect mental health of children, but findings have been inconsistent. To assess the influence of perinatal and social factors on mental health problems in children aged 7-9 years. A random sample of 805 births in So Luis, Brazil was studied in 1997/1998 and again in 2005/2006. Perinatal, socioeconomic and demographic variables were assessed within 24 h after delivery. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used to assess mental health problems in the children. Simple and multiple Poisson regressions were used for statistical analysis. The overall prevalence of mental health problems in the total sample was 47.7%. The prevalences of emotional and conduct problems were 58.2 and 48.8%, respectively. Only paternal age (< 20 years) was associated with mental health problems as measured by the full SDQ scale (prevalence ratio PR = 1.27). Children born to single mothers (PR = 1.31) and those with birth weight from 1,500 to 2,499 g (PR = 1.18) and from 2,500 to 2,999 g (PR = 1.17) had a higher risk of emotional problems, but those from low income families had a lower risk (PR = 0.80). Children with a father of less than 20 years had a higher risk of having problems with their peers (PR = 1.75). A maternal education of 9 years or over was inversely associated with peer (PR = 0.70) and conduct problems (PR = 0.73). Girls had a lower risk of conduct (PR = 0.77) and hyperactivity problems (PR = 0.68). A maternal education of 4 years or less increased the risk of hyperactivity (PR = 1.48). Socioeconomic and demographic conditions were better predictors of mental health problems in children than birth weight or preterm birth. However, since most effect sizes were small most mental health problems were, unexplained by the variables in the study.
Objective: To study the prevalence of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux in infants with Robin sequence who had severe respiratory obstruction treated with nasopharyngeal intubation and to evaluate the efficacy of nonsurgical treatment. Design: Longitudinal prospective study. Setting: Hospital de Reabilitacao de Anomalias Craniofaciais, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Patients: Twenty infants with severe isolated Robin sequence treated with nasopharyngeal intubation. Interventions: We performed 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring on each child at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. Respiratory and feeding status were evaluated. We considered abnormal gastroesophageal reflux as reflux index values above the 95th percentile of the Vandenplas reference for normal children. Results: The prevalence of reflux index above the 95th percentile at the first exam was 6/20, a value significantly higher than the reference (5/103, p < .01). At the second and third exams, reflux index values were decreased. Ninety percent of the infants showed improvement of respiratory difficulty and developed oral feeding capacity. Conclusions: The prevalence of abnormal gastroesophageal reflux is higher in infants with severe cases of Robin sequence than in normal infants. Nonsurgical procedures improved respiratory and feeding difficulties of most of these infants.
Dps, found in many eubacterial and archaebacterial species, appears to protect cells from oxidative stress and/or nutrient-limited environment. Dps has been shown to accumulate during the stationary phase, to bind to DNA non-specifically, and to form a crystalline structure that compacts and protects the chromosome. Our previous results have indicated that Dps is glycosylated at least for a certain period of the bacterial cell physiology and this glycosylation is thought to be orchestrated by some factors not yet understood, explaining our difficulties in standardizing the Dps purification process. In the present work, the open reading frame of the dps gene, together with all the upstream regulatory elements, were cloned into a PCR cloning vector. As a result, the expression of dps was also controlled by the plasmid system introduced in the bacterial cell. The gene was then over-expressed regardless of the growth phase of the culture and a glycosylated fraction was purified to homogeneity by lectin-immobilized chromatography assay. Unlike the high level expression of Dps in Salmonella cells, less than 1% of the recombinant protein was purified by affinity chromatography using jacalin column. Sequencing and mass spectrometry data confirmed the identity of the dps gene and the protein, respectively. In spite of the low level of purification of the jacalin-binding Dps, this work shall aid further investigations into the mechanism of Dps glycosylation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hemophilia A is an X-linked, inherited, bleeding disorder caused by the partial or total inactivity of the coagulation factor VIII (FVIII). Due to difficulties in the direct recognition of the disease-associated mutation in the F8 gene, indirect diagnosis using polymorphic markers located inside or close to the gene is used as an alternative for determining the segregation of the mutant gene within families and thus for detecting carrier individuals and/or assisting in prenatal diagnosis. This study characterizes the allelic and haplotype frequencies, genetic diversity, population differentiation and linkage disequilibrium of five microsatellites (F8Int1, F8Int13, F8Int22, F8Int25.3 and IKBKG) in samples of healthy individuals from Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Pernambuco and of patients from Sao Paulo with haemophilia A to determine the degree of informativeness of these microsatellites for diagnostic purposes. The interpopulational diversity parameters highlight the differences among the analyzed population samples. Regional differences in allelic frequencies must be taken into account when conducting indirect diagnosis of haemophilia A. With the exception of IKBKG, all of the microsatellites presented high heterozygosity levels. Using the markers described, diagnosis was possible in 10 of 11 families. The F8Int22, F8Int1, F8Int13, F8Int25.3 and IKBKG microsatellites were informative in seven, six, five and two of the cases, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of using these microsatellites in prenatal diagnosis and in carrier identification in the Brazilian population.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare 2 different interventions, global postural reeducation (GPR) and static stretching exercises (SS), in the treatment of women with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Methods: A total of 28 subjects with TMDs were randomized into 2 treatment groups: GPR, where therapy involved muscle global chain stretching, or SS, with conventional static stretching; but only 24 completed the study. Eight treatment sessions lasting 40 minutes each (weekly) were performed. Assessments were conducted at baseline, immediately after treatment end, and 2 months later. Measurements included pain intensity at the temporomandibular joint, headache, cervicalgia, teeth clenching, ear symptoms, restricted sleep, and difficulties for mastication, using a visual analogue scale. In addition, electromyographic activity and pain thresholds were measured at the masseter, anterior temporalis, stemocleidomastoid, and upper trapezius muscles. Two-way analysis of variance with Tukey post hoc test was used for between-group comparisons. Significance level was .05. Results: Comparing the pain assessments using the visual analogue scale, no significant differences were seen with the exception of severity of headaches at treatment end (GPR, 3.92 +/- 2.98 cm; SS, 1.64 +/- 1.66 cm; P < .024). In addition, no significant differences were seen for pain thresholds and for electromyographic activity (P > .05). Conclusions: For the subjects in this study, both GPR and SS were similarly effective for the treatment of TMDs with muscular component. They equally reduced pain intensity, increased pain thresholds, and decreased electromyographic activity. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2010;33:500-507)