906 resultados para Interhemispheric Facilitation


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Despite of the proven efficacy of the Pap test, Asian populations still have low Pap screening compliance. The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate factors that influencing women's decision to obtain a Pap test, and to describe the development and evaluation of a cervical cancer educational program promoting the Pap screening behavior among women in Taiwan. ^ The first study examined factors associated with Pap screening compliance. Psychometric properties of measurement instruments were also assessed. The scale reliabilities were as the follows: Cronbach alpha 0.70 for knowledge scale, 0.88 for pros scale, 0.68 for cons scale, and 0.72 for perceived norms scale. Results from multiple logistic regression analysis, after adjusted for marital status, showed women who compliant to Pap screening guidelines had significantly higher knowledge, higher perceived benefits (pros), lower perceived barriers (cons), and higher perceived norms to receive a Pap test. ^ The second study described the development of a program called “Love yourself before you take care of your family”, designed to increase Pap screening behavior among women in Taiwan. The development of this program was guided by Intervention Mapping (IM), an innovative process of intervention design. The program used methods such as information transmission, modeling, persuasion, and facilitation. Strategies included direct mail campaigns, role model stories with women's testimonials, and phone intervention. ^ The third study examined the effectiveness of a randomized trial of the carefully-designed intervention (N = 424). Participants were female family members of inpatients admitted to one of the major teaching hospitals in Taiwan during August and September 1999. Women in the intervention group reported a higher rate of receiving a Pap test than women in the control group (50% versus 32%) after a three-month intervention (p = 0.002). Women in the intervention group showed increased knowledge (p = .016), perceived pros (p = 0.008), and susceptibility (p = .011) between baseline and follow-up. They also showed higher perceived pros of Pap tests than women in control group at follow-up (p = .031). This result suggested that program development based on theories and evidences could maximize the intervention impact for a specific target population. ^


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Neuronal outgrowth has been proposed in many systems as a mechanism underlying memory storage. For example, sensory neuron outgrowth is widely accepted as an underlying mechanism of long-term sensitization of defensive withdrawal reflexes in Aplysia. The hypothesis is that learning leads to outgrowth and consequently to the formation of new synapses, which in turn strengthen the neural circuit underlying the behavior. However, key experiments to test this hypothesis have never been performed. ^ Four days of sensitization training leads to outgrowth of siphon sensory neurons mediating the siphon-gill withdrawal response in Aplysia . We found that a similar training protocol produced robust outgrowth in tail sensory neurons mediating the tail siphon withdrawal reflex. In contrast, 1 day of training, which effectively induces long-term behavioral sensitization and synaptic facilitation, was not associated with neuronal outgrowth. Further examination of the effect of behavioral training protocols on sensory neuron outgrowth indicated that this structural modification is associated only with the most persistent forms of sensitization, and that the induction of these changes is dependent on the spacing of the training trials over multiple days. Therefore, we suggest that neuronal outgrowth is not a universal mechanism underlying long-term sensitization, but is involved only in the most persistent forms of the memory. ^ Sensory neuron outgrowth presumably contributes to long-term sensitization through formation of new synapses with follower motor neurons, but this hypothesis has never been directly tested. The contribution of outgrowth to long-term sensitization was assessed using confocal microscopy to examine sites of contact between physiologically connected pairs of sensory and motor neurons. Following 4 days of training, the strength of both the behavior and sensorimotor synapse and the number of appositions with follower neurons was enhanced only on the trained side of the animal. In contrast, outgrowth was induced on both sides of the animal, indicating that although sensory neuron outgrowth does appear to contribute to sensitization through the formation of new synapses, outgrowth alone is not sufficient to account for the effects of sensitization. This indicates that key regulatory steps are downstream from outgrowth, possibly in the targeting of new processes and activation of new synapses. ^


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Heterosynaptic plasticity has received considerable attention as a means to induce and maintain cell-wide, as opposed to synapse-specific, learning-related modifications. Modulatory neurotransmitters are thought to provide the attentional and motivational state for memory formation. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of most of these modulators on synaptic plasticity and learning remain unclear. A well established system for the study of heterosynaptic plasticity is the Aplysia sensorimotor synapse, which is subject regulation by at least two neuromodulators, serotonin (5-HT) and FMRFa. ^ 5-HT engages multiple second messenger cascades to induce short- and long-term facilitation (STF and LTF, respectively) of synaptic transmission. One mechanism proposed to be involved in STF is mobilization of synaptic vesicles from a storage pool to a releasable pool. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined the involvement of the protein synapsin, a central element in the regulation of the storage pool of vesicles in nerve terminals, in STF. 5-HT induced phosphorylation of synapsin and modified its subcellular distribution via PKA and p42/44 MAPK. Electrophysiological experiments and computer simulations suggested that synapsin can support heterosynaptic plasticity by regulating vesicle mobilization. ^ FMRFa induce short- and long-term synaptic depression in Aplysia . Long-term depression (LTD) correlates with morphological changes, the mechanisms of which remain elusive. LTD is also transcription- and translation-dependent, but little is known about the genes expressed and their regulation. We investigated the role of protein degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the regulation of one of its components, ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (ap-uch), in LTD. LTD was sensitive to inhibition of the proteasome and was associated with upregulation of ap-uch mRNA and protein. This upregulation appeared to be mediated by the transcription factor CREB2, which is generally regarded as a transcription repressor. These results suggest that proteasome-mediated protein degradation is engaged in LTD and that CREB2 may act as a transcription activator under certain conditions. ^ These and additional studies on the interaction of the 5-HT and FMRFa-activated pathways suggest that different neuromodulators, by activating several and sometimes overlapping signaling cascades, can exercise bidirectional control on synaptic gain and information processing.^


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In the Practice Change Model, physicians act as key stakeholders, people who have both an investment in the practice and the capacity to influence how the practice performs. This leadership role is critical to the development and change of the practice. Leadership roles and effectiveness are an important factor in quality improvement in primary care practices.^ The study conducted involved a comparative case study analysis to identify leadership roles and the relationship between leadership roles and the number and type of quality improvement strategies adopted during a Practice Change Model-based intervention study. The research utilized secondary data from four primary care practices with various leadership styles. The practices are located in the San Antonio region and serve a large Hispanic population. The data was collected by two ABC Project Facilitators from each practice during a 12-month period including Key Informant Interviews (all staff members), MAP (Multi-method Assessment Process), and Practice Facilitation field notes. This data was used to evaluate leadership styles, management within the practice, and intervention tools that were implemented. The chief steps will be (1) to analyze if the leader-member relations contribute to the type of quality improvement strategy or strategies selected (2) to investigate if leader-position power contributes to the number of strategies selected and the type of strategy selected (3) and to explore whether the task structure varies across the four primary care practices.^ The research found that involving more members of the clinic staff in decision-making, building bridges between organizational staff and clinical staff, and task structure are all associated with the direct influence on the number and type of quality improvement strategies implemented in primary care practice.^ Although this research only investigated leadership styles of four different practices, it will offer future guidance on how to establish the priorities and implementation of quality improvement strategies that will have the greatest impact on patient care improvement. ^


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Visual cortex of macaque monkeys consists of a large number of cortical areas that span the occipital, parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes and occupy more than half of cortical surface. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the contributions of many occipital areas to visual perceptual processing, much less is known concerning the specific functional contributions of higher areas in the temporal and frontal lobes. Previous behavioral and electrophysiological investigations have demonstrated that the inferotemporal cortex (IT) is essential to the animal's ability to recognize and remember visual objects. While it is generally recognized that IT consists of a number of anatomically and functionally distinct visual-processing areas, there remains considerable controversy concerning the precise number, size, and location of these areas. Therefore, the precise delineation of the cortical subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex is critical for any significant progress in the understanding of the specific contributions of inferotemporal areas to visual processing. In this study, anterograde and/or retrograde neuroanatomical tracers were injected into two visual areas in the ventral posterior and central portions of IT (areas PITv and CITvp) to elucidate the corticocortical connections of these areas with well known areas of occipital cortex and with less well understood regions of inferotemporal cortex. The locations of injection sites and the delineation of the borders of many occipital areas were aided by the pattern of interhemispheric connections, revealed following callosal transection and subsequent labeling with HRP. The resultant patterns of connections were represented on two-dimensional computational (CARET) and manual cortical maps and the laminar characteristics and density of the projection fields were quantified. The laminar and density features of these corticocortical connections demonstrate thirteen anatomically distinct subdivisions or areas distributed within the superior temporal sulcus and across the inferotemporal gyrus. These results serve to refine previous descriptions of inferotemporal areas, validate recently identified areas, and provide a new description of the hierarchical relationships among occipitotemporal cortical areas in macaques. ^


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Background: Resistance to targeted anti-angiogenic therapy is a growing clinical concern given the disappointing clinical impact of anti-angiogenic. Platelets represent a component of the tumor microenvironment that are implicated in metastasis and represent a significant reservoir of angiogenic regulators. Thrombocytosis has been shown to be caused by malignancy and associated with adverse clinical outcomes, however the causal connections between these associations remain to be identified. Materials and Methods: Following IRB approval, patient data were collected on patients from four U.S. centers and platelet levels through and after therapy were considered as indicators of recurrence of disease. In vitro effects of platelets on cancer cell proliferation, apoptosis, and migration were examined. RNA interference was used to query signaling pathways mediating these effects. The necessity of platelet activation for in vitro effect was analyzed. In vivo orthotopic models were used to query the impact of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia on the efficacy of cytotoxic chemotherapy, the effect of aspirin on thrombocytosis and cancer, and platelet effect on anti-angiogenic therapy. Results: Platelets were found to increase at the time of diagnosis of ovarian cancer recurrence in a pattern comparable to CA-125. Platelet co-culture increased proliferation, increased migration, and decreased apoptosis in all cell lines tested. RNA interference implicated platelet derived growth factor alpha (PDGFRA) and transforming growth factor beta-receptor 1 (TGFBR1) signaling. Biodistribution studies suggested minimal platelet sequestration of taxanes. Blockade of platelet activation blocked in vitro effects. In vivo, thrombocytosis blocked chemotherapeutic efficacy, thrombocytopenia increased chemotherapeutic efficacy, and aspirin therapy partially blocked the effects of thrombocytosis. In vivo, withdrawal of anti-angiogenic therapy caused loss of therapeutic benefit with evidence of accelerated disease growth. This effect was blocked by use of a small-molecule inhibitor of Focal Adhesion Kinase. Anti-angiogenic therapy was also associated with increased platelet infiltration into tumor that was not seen to the same degree in the control or FAK-inhibitor-treated mice. Conclusions: Platelets are active participants in the growth and metastasis of tumor, both directly and via facilitation of angiogenesis. Blocking platelets, blocking platelet activation, and blocking platelet trafficking into tumor are novel therapeutic avenues supported by this data. Copyright © 2012 Justin Neal Bottsford-Miller, all rights reserved.


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The association between increases in cerebral glucose metabolism and the development of acidosis is largely inferential, based on reports linking hyperglycemia with poor neurological outcome, lactate accumulation, and the severity of acidosis. We measured local cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (lCMRglc) and an index of brain pH--the acid-base index (ABI)--concurrently and characterized their interaction in a model of focal cerebral ischemia in rats in a double-label autoradiographic study, using ($\sp{14}$C) 2-deoxyglucose and ($\sp{14}$C) dimethyloxazolidinedione. Computer-assisted digitization and analysis permitted the simultaneous quantification of the two variables on a pixel-by-pixel basis in the same brain slices. Hemispheres ipsilateral to tamponade-induced middle cerebral occlusion showed areas of normal, depressed and elevated glucose metabolic rate (as defined by an interhemispheric asymmetry index) after two hours of ischemia. Regions of normal glucose metabolic rate showed normal ABI (pH $\pm$ SD = 6.97 $\pm$ 0.09), regions of depressed lCMRglc showed severe acidosis (6.69 $\pm$ 0.14), and regions of elevated lCMRglc showed moderate acidosis (6.88 $\pm$ 0.10), all significantly different at the.00125 level as shown by analysis of variance. Moderate acidosis in regions of increased lCMRglc suggests that anaerobic glycolysis causes excess protons to be generated by the uncoupling of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis. ^


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The present work examines the role of cAMP in the induction of the type of long-term morphological changes that have been shown to be correlated with long-term sensitization in Aplysia.^ To examine this issue, cAMP was injected into individual tail sensory neurons in the pleural ganglion to mimic, at the single cell level, the effects of behavioral training. After a 22 hr incubation period, the same cells were filled with horseradish peroxidase and 2 hours later the tissue was fixed and processed. Morphological analysis revealed that cAMP induced an increase in two morphological features of the neurons, varicosities and branch points. These structural alterations, which are similar to those seen in siphon sensory neurons of the abdominal ganglion following long-term sensitization training of the siphon-gill withdrawal reflex, could subserve the altered behavioral response of the animal. These results expose another role played by cAMP in the induction of learning, the initiation of a structural substrate, which, in concert with other correlates, underlies learning.^ cAMP was injected into sensory neurons in the presence of the reversible protein synthesis inhibitor, anisomycin. The presence of anisomycin during and immediately following the nucleotide injection completely blocked the structural remodeling. These results indicate that the induction of morphological changes by cAMP is a process dependent on protein synthesis.^ To further examine the temporal requirement for protein synthesis in the induction of these changes, the time of anisomycin exposure was varied. The results indicate that the cellular processes triggered by cAMP are sensitive to the inhibition of protein synthesis for at least 7 hours after the nucleotide injection. This is a longer period of sensitivity than that for the induction of another correlate of long-term sensitization, facilitation of the sensory to motor neuron synaptic connection. Thus, these findings demonstrate that the period of sensitivity to protein synthesis inhibition is not identical for all correlates of learning. In addition, since the induction of the morphological changes can be blocked by anisomycin pulses administered at different times during and following the cAMP injection, this suggests that cAMP is triggering a cascade of protein synthesis, with successive rounds of synthesis being dependent on successful completion of preceding rounds. Inhibition at any time during this cascade can block the entire process and so prevent the development of the structural changes.^ The extent to which cAMP can mimic the structural remodeling induced by long-term training was also examined. Animals were subjected to unilateral sensitization training and the morphology of the sensory neurons was examined twenty-four hours later. Both cAMP injection and long-term training produced a twofold increase in varicosities and approximately a fifty percent increase in the number of branch points in the sensory neuron arborization within the pleural ganglion. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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A portable Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS), model EM27/SUN, was deployed onboard the research vessel Polarstern to measure the column-average dry air mole fractions of carbon dioxide (XCO2) and methane (XCH4) by means of direct sunlight absorption spectrometry. We report on technical developments as well as data calibration and reduction measures required to achieve the targeted accuracy of fractions of a percent in retrieved XCO2 and XCH4 while operating the instrument under field conditions onboard the moving platform during a 6-week cruise on the Atlantic from Cape Town (South Africa, 34° S, 18° E; 5 March 2014) to Bremerhaven (Germany, 54° N, 19° E; 14 April 2014). We demonstrate that our solar tracker typically achieved a tracking precision of better than 0.05° toward the center of the sun throughout the ship cruise which facilitates accurate XCO2 and XCH4 retrievals even under harsh ambient wind conditions. We define several quality filters that screen spectra, e.g., when the field of view was partially obstructed by ship structures or when the lines-of-sight crossed the ship exhaust plume. The measurements in clean oceanic air, can be used to characterize a spurious air-mass dependency. After the campaign, deployment of the spectrometer alongside the TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network) instrument at Karlsruhe, Germany, allowed for determining a calibration factor that makes the entire campaign record traceable to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standards. Comparisons to observations of the GOSAT satellite and concentration fields modeled by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) demonstrate that the observational setup is well suited to provide validation opportunities above the ocean and along interhemispheric transects.


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Este trabajo informa sobre aspectos ecológicos de la estructura y hábitat de poblaciones de Gymnocalycium schickendantzii (F. A. C. Weber) Britton & Rose var., un cactus endémico de Argentina. En Mendoza vive en los desiertos áridos del centro-este en matorrales de Larrea cuneifolia más Zuccagnia punctata. Las variaciones de densidad de poblaciones de este cactus, a nivel de muestra, dependen de la facilitación y protección ofrecida por las plantas nurses. El recuento de los individuos desarrollados bajo los arbustos determinó: una alta proporción de la población dentro de estados juveniles (67,3%) y maduros (21,8%), la poca cantidad de plántulas (9,9%) y la casi ausencia de plantas adultas (1,0%). La incorporación del cactus está condicionada a la altura y cobertura de las plantas nurses que regulan los valores de temperaturas y fertilidad bajo sus copas. En este sentido Larrea cuneifolia, Tricomaria usillo y Zuccagnia punctata son las nurses más aceptadas. Se encontró que las variaciones de los porcentajes de densidad de cactus vivos fueron altamente significativas. Esta población está amenazada potencialmente por actividades humanas: explotación petrolera, ganadera, etc. Los resultados, que muestran la variación natural del establecimiento de la población de Gymnocalycium, podrían ser de utilidad para su manejo y conservación.


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In the Monte Biogeographic Province, located in the arid region of Argentina, the presence of Prosopis flexuosa DC. produces spatial heterogeneity through edaphic modifications and microclimate changes. This results in vegetation patches differing in species composition and abundance. However, this interaction can be modified by the occurrence of gradients of biotic stress or disturbance intensity. In particular, grazing has been observed to enhance or reduce vegetation heterogeneity. Such complex of interactions could determine forage availability for cattle in one of the driest areas of the Monte Desert. We assessed the effect of Prosopis on understory species and analyzed whether the outcomes of this interaction differed with distance to watering points, as a proxy of grazing intensity, in the Northeast of Mendoza Province, Argentina. We used a two-way factorial design including the following factors: 1) microsite (under the cover of P. flexuosa trees and in intercanopy microsites) and 2) distance to watering points ("near the watering point", 500-700 m away, and "far from the watering point", 3-4 km away). Cover of each species, total cover, bare soil, and litter were recorded, and plant diversity, richness, and evenness were estimated with the modified Point Quadrat method. Results showed that P. flexuosa cover, distance from watering points, and the interaction between them determined species composition, abundance and spatial distribution of understory species, and were, consequently, a determining factor for forage availability. The presence of P. flexuosa enhances carrying capacity by supporting higher abundance of grasses under its canopy. Near watering points, high grazing intensity appears to disrupt the patches formed under P. flexuosa canopies, reducing the differences between microsites.


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In deserts, seedling emergence occurs only after precipitation threshold has been exceeded, however, the presence of trees modifies microenvironmental conditions that might affect the effectiveness of a water pulse. In the Monte desert, Prosopis flexuosa trees generate different micro-environmental conditions that might influence grass seedlings establishment. The objective of this work was: a) to know the effective minimum water input event that triggers the emergence of native perennial grass seedlings; b) to relate this fact with the effect of the shade of P. flexuosa canopy and the seasonal temperatures. Three important forage species of the Monte were studied: Pappophorum caespitosum and Trichloris crinita, with C4, and Jarava ichu, with C3 metabolism. Each season, seeds of these species were sown in pots placed at two light conditions: shade (similar to P. flexuosa cover) and open area, and with seven irrigation treatments (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 2*10 and 3*10 mm). J. ichu did not emerge in any of the treatments. Significant seedling emergence was registered for P. caespitosum and T. crinita in shade conditions with 40 mm irrigation treatment in summer. Since 40 mm precipitation events are infrequent in the Monte, seedling emergence for these species would be restricted to exceptional rainy years. The facilitating effect of P. flexuosa shade would be important during the hot season.


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Changes in Atlantic deep water circulation were reconstructed by comparing the benthic foraminiferal delta13C record at ODP Site 1090 in the South Atlantic with similar records from the North Atlantic (Sites 982, 607, 925, 929) and deep Pacific (Site 849) oceans. Important deep water circulation changes occurred in the early Pleistocene at 1.55 Myr and during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition at 0.9 Myr. At 1.55 Myr, glacial delta13C values in the Southern Ocean became significantly lower than those in the deep Pacific, establishing a pattern that persisted throughout the late Pleistocene. We propose that the lowering of delta13C values of Southern Component Water (SCW) at this time resulted from expansion of sea ice and reduced ventilation of deep water during glacial periods after marine isotope stage 52. Accompanying this change in Southern Ocean deep water circulation was enhanced interhemispheric coupling between the North and South Atlantic after 1.55 Myr. At ~0.9 Myr, the magnitude of glacial-to-interglacial variabilityin delta13C increased and shifted to a longer frequency (100 kyr) along with oceanic delta18O (ice volume). Calculation of percent Northern Component Water (NCW) using Site 1090 as the SCW end member yielded 20-30% less reduction of NCW during glacial periods of the late Pleistocene. Also, a trend toward reduced glacial suppression of NCW during the past 400 kyr is not evident. The apparent decoupling of ice volume and deep water circulation reported previously maybe an artifact of using a Pacific, rather than a Southern Ocean, carbon isotopic record to calculate past mixing ratios of NCW and SCW.


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Evidence from geologic archives suggests that there were large changes in the tropical hydrologic cycle associated with the two prominent northern hemisphere deglacial cooling events, Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1; ~19 to 15 kyr BP; kyr BP = 1000 yr before present) and the Younger Dryas (~12.9 to 11.7 kyr BP). These hydrologic shifts have been alternatively attributed to high and low latitude origin. Here, we present a new record of hydrologic variability based on planktic foraminifera-derived d18O of seawater (d18Osw) estimates from a sediment core from the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean, and using 12 additional d18Osw records, construct a single record of the dominant mode of tropical Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) hydrologic variability. We show that deglacial hydrologic shifts parallel variations in the reconstructed interhemispheric temperature gradient, suggesting a strong response to variations in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and the attendant heat redistribution. A transient model simulation of the last deglaciation suggests that hydrologic changes, including a southward shift in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which likely occurred during these northern hemisphere cold events, coupled with oceanic advection and mixing, resulted in increased salinity in the Indonesian region of the IPWP and the eastern tropical Pacific, which is recorded by the d18Osw proxy. Based on our observations and modeling results we suggest the interhemispheric temperature gradient directly controls the tropical hydrologic cycle on these time scales, which in turn mediates poleward atmospheric heat transport.


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The demand for an alternative and a high potency sweetener to substitute sugar increases year in year out, more so as a high percentage of the world population becomes increasingly diabetic. The alternative natural sweetener at hand has been Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, a plant species, native to Paraguay and a member of the family compositae. Stevia is usually propagated by stem cuttings due to low percentage (10 %) seed germination, thus limiting large scales cultivation. To cultivate this crop en mass therefore, there is need to evolve efficient rooting techniques. Influences of irradiation from light, and hormones on rooting have been reported. The rooting efficacy in stem cuttings of this crop under varying light wavelengths, dark and hormone factors was investigated. Evaluated parameters include- (i) day of root emergent, (ii) percentage of rooted cuttings, (iii) average number, (iv) length and (v) width, of roots. Analysis of variance at p<.05 revealed that the number, length and width, of roots differed significantly in each case at p<0.000. Light irradiation was highly effective and a necessary factor for rooting in stems cuttings of this crop. The red light-IBA combined factors served best in stem micro-cutting practice and facilitation of effective mass cultivation in stevia crop.