945 resultados para Information-Analytical System
In this work, a system using active RFID tags to supervise truck bulk cargo is described. The tags are attached to the bodies of the trucks and readers are distributed in the cargo buildings and attached to weighs and the discharge platforms. PDAs with camera and support to a WiFi network are provided to the inspectors and access points are installed throughout the discharge area to allow effective confirmations of unload actions and the acquisition of pictures for future audit. Broadband radio equipments are used to establish efficient communication links between the weighs and cargo buildings which are usually located very far from each other in the field. A web application software was especially developed to enable robust communication between the equipments for efficient device management, data processing and reports generation to the operating personal. The system was deployed in a cargo station of a Brazilian seashore port. The obtained results prove the effectiveness of the proposed system.
SKAN: Skin Scanner - System for Skin Cancer Detection Using Adaptive Techniques - combines computer engineering concepts with areas like dermatology and oncology. Its objective is to discern images of skin cancer, specifically melanoma, from others that show only common spots or other types of skin diseases, using image recognition. This work makes use of the ABCDE visual rule, which is often used by dermatologists for melanoma identification, to define which characteristics are analyzed by the software. It then applies various algorithms and techniques, including an ellipse-fitting algorithm, to extract and measure these characteristics and decide whether the spot is a melanoma or not. The achieved results are presented with special focus on the adaptive decision-making and its effect on the diagnosis. Finally, other applications of the software and its algorithms are presented.
The leaders` organizations of several different sectors have as characteristic to measure their own performance in a systematic way. However, this concept is still unusual in agricultural enterprises, including the mechanization sector. Mechanization has an important role on the production costs and to know its performance is a key factor for the agricultural enterprise success. This work was generated by the importance that measurement of performance has for the management and the mechanization impact on the production costs. Its aim is to propose an integrated performance measurement system to give support to agricultural management. The methodology was divided in two steps: adjustment of a conceptual model based on Balanced Score Card - BSC; application of the model in a study case at sugar cane mill. The adjustment and the application of the conceptual model allowed to obtain the performance index in a systematic way, that are associated to: costs and deadline ( traditionally used); control and improvement on the quality of operations and support process; environmental preservation; safety; health; employees satisfaction; development of information systems. The adjusted model helped the development of the performance measurement system for the mechanized management systems and the index allows an integrated view of the enterprise, related to its strategic objectives.
No-till (NT) system with crop rotation is one of the most effective strategies to improve agricultural sustainability in tropical and subtropical regions. To control soil acidity in NT, lime is broadcast on the surface without incorporation. The increase in soil pH due to surface liming may decrease zinc (Zn) availability and its uptake by crops. A field experiment was performed in Parana State, Brazil, on a loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox to evaluate Zn bioavailability in a NT system after surface liming and re-liming. Dolomitic lime was surface applied on the main plots in July 1993 at the rates of 0, 2, 4, and 6 Mg ha-1. In June 2000, the main plots were divided in two subplots to study of the effect of surface re-liming at the rates of 0 and 3 Mg ha-1. The cropping sequence was soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] (2001-2 and 2002-3), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (2003), soybean (2003-4), corn (Zea mays L.) (2004-5), and soybean (2005-6). Soil samples were collected at the following depths: 0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20m, 10 years after surface liming and 3 years after surface re-liming. Soil Zn levels were extracted by four extractants: (i) 0.005molL-1 diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) + 0.1molL-1 triethanolamine (TEA) + 0.01molL-1 calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution at pH7.3 (DTPA-TEA), (ii) 0.1molL-1 hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution, (iii) Mehlich 1 solution, and (iv) Mehlich 3 solution. Zinc concentrations in leaves and grains of soybean, wheat, and corn were also determined. Soil pH (0.01molL-1 CaCl2 suspension) varied from 4.4 to 6.1, at the 0- to 0.05-m depth, from 4.2 to 5.3 at the 0.05- to 0.10-m depth, and from 4.2 to 4.8 at the 0.10- to 0.20-m depth, after liming and re-liming. Zinc concentrations evaluated by DTPA-TEA, 0.1molL-1 HCl, Mehlich 1, and Mehlich 3 solutions were not changed as a result of lime rate application. Re-liming increased Zn concentrations extracted by 0.1molL-1 HCl at 0-0.05m deep and by DTPA-TEA at 0.05-0.10m deep. Surface-applied lime promoted a decrease in Zn concentrations of the crops, mainly in grains, because of increased soil pH at the surface layers. Regardless of the liming treatments, levels of Zn were sufficient to soybean, wheat, and corn nutrition under NT.
Purpose Among environmental factors governing innumerous processes that are active in estuarine environments, those of edaphic character have received special attention in recent studies. With the objectives of determining the spatial patterns of soil attributes and components across different mangrove forest landscapes and obtaining additional information on the cause-effect relationships between these variables and position within the estuary, we analyzed several soil attributes in 31 mangrove soil profiles from the state of So Paulo (Guaruja, Brazil). Materials and methods Soil samples were collected at low tide along two transects within the CrumahA(0) mangrove forest. Samples were analyzed to determine pH, Eh, salinity, and the percentages of sand, silt, clay, total organic carbon (TOC), and total S. Mineralogy of the clay fraction (< 2 mm) was also studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, and partitioning of solid-phase Fe was performed by sequential extraction. Results and discussion The results obtained indicate important differences in soil composition at different depths and landscape positions, causing variations in physicochemical parameters, clay mineralogy, TOC contents, and iron geochemistry. The results also indicate that physicochemical conditions may vary in terms of different local microtopographies. Soil salinity was determined by relative position in relation to flood tide and transition areas with highlands. The proportions of TOC and total S are conditioned by the sedimentation of organic matter derived from vegetation and by the prevailing redox conditions, which clearly favored intense sulfate reduction in the soils (similar to 80% of the total Fe is Fe-pyrite). Particle-size distribution is conditioned by erosive/deposition processes (present and past) and probably by the positioning of ancient and reworked sandy ridges. The existing physicochemical conditions appear to contribute to the synthesis (smectite) and transformation (kaolinite) of clay minerals. Conclusions The results demonstrate that the position of soils in the estuary greatly affects soil attributes. Differences occur even at small scales (meters), indicating that both edaphic (soil classification, soil mineralogy, and soil genesis) and environmental (contamination and carbon stock) studies should take such variability into account.
A partial pseudo-ternary phase diagram has been studied for the cethyltrimethylammonium bromide/isooctane:hexanol:butanol/potassium phosphate buffer system, where the two-phase diagram consisting of the reverse micelle phase (L-2) in equilibrium with the solvent is indicated. Based on these diagrams two-phase systems of reverse micelles were prepared with different compositions of the compounds and used for extraction and recovery of two enzymes, and the percentage of enzyme recovery yield monitored. The enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and xylose redutase (XR) obtained from Candida guilliermondii yeast were used in the extraction procedures. The recovery yield data indicate that micelles having different composition give selective extraction of enzymes. The method can thus be used to optimize enzyme extraction processes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the protein folding problem, solvent-mediated forces are commonly represented by intra-chain pairwise contact energy. Although this approximation has proven to be useful in several circumstances, it is limited in some other aspects of the problem. Here we show that it is possible to achieve two models to represent the chain-solvent system. one of them with implicit and other with explicit solvent, such that both reproduce the same thermodynamic results. Firstly, lattice models treated by analytical methods, were used to show that the implicit and explicitly representation of solvent effects can be energetically equivalent only if local solvent properties are time and spatially invariant. Following, applying the same reasoning Used for the lattice models, two inter-consistent Monte Carlo off-lattice models for implicit and explicit solvent are constructed, being that now in the latter the solvent properties are allowed to fluctuate. Then, it is shown that the chain configurational evolution as well as the globule equilibrium conformation are significantly distinct for implicit and explicit solvent systems. Actually, strongly contrasting with the implicit solvent version, the explicit solvent model predicts: (i) a malleable globule, in agreement with the estimated large protein-volume fluctuations; (ii) thermal conformational stability, resembling the conformational hear resistance of globular proteins, in which radii of gyration are practically insensitive to thermal effects over a relatively wide range of temperatures; and (iii) smaller radii of gyration at higher temperatures, indicating that the chain conformational entropy in the unfolded state is significantly smaller than that estimated from random coil configurations. Finally, we comment on the meaning of these results with respect to the understanding of the folding process. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hydrodynamic studies were conducted in a semi-cylindrical spouted bed column of diameter 150 mm, height 1000 mm, conical base included angle of 60 degrees and inlet orifice diameter 25 mm. Pressure transducers at several axial positions were used to obtain pressure fluctuation time series with 1.2 and 2.4 mm glass beads at U/U-ms from 0.3 to 1.6, and static bed depths from 150 to 600 mm. The conditions covered several flow regimes (fixed bed, incipient spouting, stable spouting, pulsating spouting, slugging, bubble spouting and fluidization). Images of the system dynamics were also acquired through the transparent walls with a digital camera. The data were analyzed via statistical, mutual information theory, spectral and Hurst`s Rescaled Range methods to assess the potential of these methods to characterize the spouting quality. The results indicate that these methods have potential for monitoring spouted bed operation.
In this paper, we describe the Vannotea system - an application designed to enable collaborating groups to discuss and annotate collections of high quality images, video, audio or 3D objects. The system has been designed specifically to capture and share scholarly discourse and annotations about multimedia research data by teams of trusted colleagues within a research or academic environment. As such, it provides: authenticated access to a web browser search interface for discovering and retrieving media objects; a media replay window that can incorporate a variety of embedded plug-ins to render different scientific media formats; an annotation authoring, editing, searching and browsing tool; and session logging and replay capabilities. Annotations are personal remarks, interpretations, questions or references that can be attached to whole files, segments or regions. Vannotea enables annotations to be attached either synchronously (using jabber message passing and audio/video conferencing) or asynchronously and stand-alone. The annotations are stored on an Annotea server, extended for multimedia content. Their access, retrieval and re-use is controlled via Shibboleth identity management and XACML access policies.
One of the goals of the ARC funded Eresearch project called Sharing access and analytical tools for ethnographic digital media using high speed networks, or simply EthnoER is to take outputs of normal linguistic analytical processes and present them online in a system we have called the EthnoER online presentation and annotation system, or EOPAS.
Action systems are a construct for reasoning about concurrent, reactive systems, in which concurrent behaviour is described by interleaving atomic actions. Sere and Troubitsyna have proposed an extension to action systems in which actions may be expressed and composed using discrete probabilistic choice as well as demonic nondeterministic choice. In this paper we develop a trace-based semantics for probabilistic action systems. This semantics provides a simple theoretical base on which practical refinement rules for probabilistic action systems may be justified.
Power system real time security assessment is one of the fundamental modules of the electricity markets. Typically, when a contingency occurs, it is required that security assessment and enhancement module shall be ready for action within about 20 minutes’ time to meet the real time requirement. The recent California black out again highlighted the importance of system security. This paper proposed an approach for power system security assessment and enhancement based on the information provided from the pre-defined system parameter space. The proposed scheme opens up an efficient way for real time security assessment and enhancement in a competitive electricity market for single contingency case
The compound eyes of mantis shrimps, a group of tropical marine crustaceans, incorporate principles of serial and parallel processing of visual information that may be applicable to artificial imaging systems. Their eyes include numerous specializations for analysis of the spectral and polarizational properties of light, and include more photoreceptor classes for analysis of ultraviolet light, color, and polarization than occur in any other known visual system. This is possible because receptors in different regions of the eye are anatomically diverse and incorporate unusual structural features, such as spectral filters, not seen in other compound eyes. Unlike eyes of most other animals, eyes of mantis shrimps must move to acquire some types of visual information and to integrate color and polarization with spatial vision. Information leaving the retina appears to be processed into numerous parallel data streams leading into the central nervous system, greatly reducing the analytical requirements at higher levels. Many of these unusual features of mantis shrimp vision may inspire new sensor designs for machine vision
An analytical solution is derived for tidal fluctuations in a coupled coastal aquifer system consisting of a semi-confined aquifer, a thin semi-permeable layer and a phreatic aquifer. Based on the solution, we study the interactions (via leakage) between the confined and unconfined aquifers in response to tides. The results show that, under certain conditions, leakage from the confined aquifer can affect considerably the tidal water table fluctuation in the phreatic aquifer and vice versa. Ignoring these effects could lead to errors in estimating aquifer properties based on tidal signals. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The apposition compound eyes of stomatopod crustaceans contain a morphologically distinct eye region specialized for color and polarization vision, called the mid-band. In two stomatopod superfamilies, the mid-band is constructed from six rows of enlarged ommatidia containing multiple photoreceptor classes for spectral and polarization vision. The aim of this study was to begin to analyze the underlying neuroarchitecture, the design of which might reveal clues how the visual system interprets and communicates to deeper levels of the brain the multiple channels of information supplied by the retina. Reduced silver methods were used to investigate the axon pathways from different retinal regions to the lamina ganglionaris and from there to the medulla externa, the medulla interna, and the medulla terminalis. A swollen band of neuropil-here termed the accessory lobe-projects across the equator of. the lamina ganglionaris, the medulla externa, and the medulla interna and represents, structurally, the retina's mid-band. Serial semithin and ultrathin resin sections were used to reconstruct the projection of photoreceptor axons from the retina to the lamina ganglionaris. The eight axons originating from one ommatidium project to the same lamina cartridge. Seven short visual fibers end at two distinct levels in each lamina cartridge, thus geometrically separating the two channels of polarization and spectral information. The eighth visual fiber runs axially through the cartridge and terminates in the medulla externa. We conclude that spatial, color, and polarization information is divided into three parallel data streams from the retina to the central nervous system. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.