931 resultados para Infection disease


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BACKGROUND: We recently demonstrated that the ubiquitous Enterococcus faecalis ebp (endocarditis- and biofilm-associated pilus) operon is important for biofilm formation and experimental endocarditis. Here, we assess its role in murine urinary tract infection (UTI) by use of wild-type E. faecalis OG1RF and its nonpiliated, ebpA allelic replacement mutant (TX5475). METHODS: OG1RF and TX5475 were administered transurethrally either at an ~1 : 1 ratio (competition assay) or individually (monoinfection). Kidney pairs and urinary bladders were cultured 48 h after infection. These strains were also tested in a peritonitis model. RESULTS: No differences were observed in the peritonitis model. In mixed UTIs, OG1RF significantly outnumbered TX5475 in kidneys (P=.0033) and bladders (P< or =.0001). More OG1RF colony-forming units were also recovered from the kidneys of monoinfected mice at the 4 inocula tested (P=.015 to P=.049), and 50% infective doses of OG1RF for kidneys and bladder (9.1x10(1) and 3.5x10(3) cfu, respectively) were 2-3 log(10) lower than those of TX5475. Increased tropism for the kidney relative to the bladder was observed for both OG1RF and TX5475. CONCLUSION: The ebp locus, part of the core genome of E. faecalis, contributes to infection in an ascending UTI model and is the first such enterococcal locus shown to be important in this site.


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Lyme disease Borrelia can infect humans and animals for months to years, despite the presence of an active host immune response. The vls antigenic variation system, which expresses the surface-exposed lipoprotein VlsE, plays a major role in B. burgdorferi immune evasion. Gene conversion between vls silent cassettes and the vlsE expression site occurs at high frequency during mammalian infection, resulting in sequence variation in the VlsE product. In this study, we examined vlsE sequence variation in B. burgdorferi B31 during mouse infection by analyzing 1,399 clones isolated from bladder, heart, joint, ear, and skin tissues of mice infected for 4 to 365 days. The median number of codon changes increased progressively in C3H/HeN mice from 4 to 28 days post infection, and no clones retained the parental vlsE sequence at 28 days. In contrast, the decrease in the number of clones with the parental vlsE sequence and the increase in the number of sequence changes occurred more gradually in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. Clones containing a stop codon were isolated, indicating that continuous expression of full-length VlsE is not required for survival in vivo; also, these clones continued to undergo vlsE recombination. Analysis of clones with apparent single recombination events indicated that recombinations into vlsE are nonselective with regard to the silent cassette utilized, as well as the length and location of the recombination event. Sequence changes as small as one base pair were common. Fifteen percent of recovered vlsE variants contained "template-independent" sequence changes, which clustered in the variable regions of vlsE. We hypothesize that the increased frequency and complexity of vlsE sequence changes observed in clones recovered from immunocompetent mice (as compared with SCID mice) is due to rapid clearance of relatively invariant clones by variable region-specific anti-VlsE antibody responses.


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Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, in addition to being carcinogenic, is also immunosuppressive. Immunologically, UVB induces suppression locally, at the site of irradiation, or systemically, by inducing the production of a variety of immunosuppressive cytokines. Systemic effects include suppression of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to a variety of antigens (e.g. haptens, proteins, bacterial antigens, or alloantigens). One of the principal mediators of UV-induced immune suppression is the T helper-2 (Th2) cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10); this suggests that UV irradiation induces suppression by shifting the immune response from a Th1 (cellular) to a Th2 (humoral) response. These "opposing" T helper responses are usually mutually exclusive, and polarized Th1 or Th2 responses may lead to either protection from infection or increased susceptibility to disease, depending on the infectious agent and the route of infection.^ This study examines the effects of UVB irradiation on cellular and humoral responses to Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent of Lyme disease (LD) in both immunization and infectious disease models; in addition, it examines the role of T cells in protection from and pathology of Bb infection. Particular emphasis is placed on the Bb-specific antibody responses following irradiation since UVB effects on humoral immunity are not fully understood. Mice were irradiated with a single dose of UV and then immunized (in complete Freund's adjuvant) or infected with Bb (intradermally at the base of the tail) in order to examine both DTH and antibody responses in both systems. UVB suppressed the Th1-associated antibodies IgG2a and IgG2b in both systems, as well as the DTH response to Bb in a dose dependent manner. Injection of anti-IL-10 antibody into UV-irradiated mice within 24 h after UV exposure restored the DTH response, as well as the Th1 antibody (IgG2a and IgG2b) response. In addition, injecting recombinant IL-10 mimicked some of the effects of UV radiation.^ Bb-specific Th1 T cell lines (BAT2.1-2.3) were generated to examine the role of T cells in Lyme borreliosis. All lines were CD4$\sp+,$ $\alpha\beta\sp+$ and proliferated specifically in response to Bb. The BAT2 cell lines not only conferred a DTH response to naive C3H recipients, but reduced the number of organisms recovered from the blood and tissues of mice infected with Bb. Furthermore, BAT2 cell lines protected mice from Bb-induced periarthritis. ^


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Lyme disease is a multisystemic disorder caused by tick-borne infection of humans or other mammalian hosts with Borrelia burgdorferi. If untreated, the spirochetes can persist in the mammalian host for months or years. The mechanisms by which Lyme disease spirochetes evade the immune response have not been determined. In this study, we have identified and characterized an elaborate genetic system in the Lyme disease spirochete B. burgdorferi that promotes extensive antigenic variation of a 34-kDa surface-exposed lipoprotein, VlsE. A 28-kilobase linear plasmid of B. burgdorferi B31 (lp28-1) was found to contain a vmp-like sequence (vls) locus that closely resembles the variable major protein (vmp) system for antigenic variation of relapsing fever organisms. The presence of lp28-1 correlates with the high-infectivity phenotype in B. burgdorferi strains tested. Segments of the 15 non-expressed (silent) vls cassette sequences located upstream of vlsE are able to recombine into the centra vlsE cassette region during infection of C3H/HeN mice, resulting in antigenic variation of the expressed lipoprotein. When compared to parental VlsE, VlsE variants progressively accumulate sequence changes during the period of 4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days post infection in C3H/HeN mice. However, no recombination was detected during the period of 28-day in vitro culture, suggesting in vivo induction of VlsE antigenic variation. Adaptive immune responses do not appear to play a significant role in this induction, since similar recombination events were also observed in immunodeficient SCID mice. The $5\sp\prime$ and $3\sp\prime$ noncassette regions of vlsE are apparently not subject to recombination and sequence variation. The structure and sequence of the silent vls cassette locus is preserved during the process of the VlsE antigenic variation, consistent with a nonreciprocal recombination mechanism. This combinatorial form of antigenic variation could potentially yield millions of VlsE variants in the mammalian host, and thereby contribute to immune evasion, long-term survival, and pathogenesis of B. burgdorferi. ^


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Diarrhea disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in children in developing countries. An estimate of the global mortality caused by diarrhea among children under five years of age was 3.3 million deaths per year. Cryptosporidium parvum was first identified in 1907, but it was not until 1970 that this organism was recognized as a cause of diarrhea in calves. Then it was as late as 1976 that the first reported case of human Cryptosporidiosis occurred. This study was conducted to ascertain the risk factors of first symptomatic infection with Cryptosporidium parvum in a cohort of infants in a rural area of Egypt. The cohort was followed from birth through the first year of life. Univariate and multivariate analyses of data demonstrated that infants greater than six months of age had a two-fold risk of infection compared with infants less than six months of age (RR = 2.17; 95% C.I. = 1.01-4.82). When stratified, male infants greater than six months of age were four times more likely to become infected than male infants less than six months of age. Among female infants, there was no difference in risk between infants greater than six months of age and infants less than six months of age. Female infants less than six months of age were twice more likely to become infected than male infants less than six months of age. The reverse occurred for infants greater than six months of age, i.e., male infants greater than six months of age had twice the risk of infection compared to females of the same age group. Further analysis of the data revealed an increased risk of Cryptosporidiosis infection in infants who were attended in childbirth by traditional childbirth attendants compared to infants who were attended by modern childbirth attendants (nurses, trained midwives, physicians) (RR = 4. 18; 95% C.I. = 1.05-36.06). The final risk factor of significance was the number of people residing in the household. Infants in households which housed more than seven persons had an almost two-fold risk of infection compared with infants in homes with fewer than seven persons. Other risk factors which suggested increased risk were lack of education among the mothers, absence of latrines and faucets in the homes, and mud used as building material for walls and floors in the homes. ^


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Viral infection is known to play a role in type I diabetes, but there is a paucity of information on the role of viruses in type 2 diabetes. This research examined the seroprevalence of selected viruses in a group of predominantly Mexican-American patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Using a case control design, patients with type 2 diabetes were compared with a group of non-diabetic controls. ^ One hundred and thirteen patients, 83 with type 2 diabetes and 30 controls without diabetes, underwent hemodialysis at the same chronic dialysis facility in San Antonio, Texas. AD subjects were tested for IgG, IgM, and neutralizing antibodies against Coxsackie B viruses (CBV), and IgG and IgM antibodies against cytomegalovirus (CMV) and parvovirus B19 (PVB19). Hepatitis B virus antigen (HBVAg), Hepatitis B virus antibody (HBVAb), Hepatitis C virus antibody (HCVAb), and Rubella (IgG) were also measured. A subset of 91 patients, 66 with diabetes and 25 controls, were tested bimonthly for six months. There was a significant difference (P = 0.04) in the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to CMV between patients with type 2 diabetes (98%) and non-diabetic controls (87%) in the initial sample (OR = 6.2, 95% CI:1.1–36.0). A greater seroprevalence of CMV IgG antibodies was observed over the six month period among patients with type 2 diabetes (M) compared to controls (84%). This difference was also statistically (P < 0.03), with a greater odds ratio (OR = 12.4, 95% CI: 1.3–116.9), but with larger confidence interval related to the small number of subjects. However, when adjusted for age by logistic regression analysis there was no difference between the groups (OR = 1). ^ After one sample, there was a greater seroprevalence of HCVAb in the group without diabetes (28%), compared to those with type 2 diabetes (10%) (P = 0.04). This difference was no longer significant when adjusted for patient age. The prevalence of antibodies to PVB19, HBSAg, HBV, and Rubella was not significantly different in patients with type 2 diabetes and controls. There were significantly more vascular complications (P < 0.02) among patients with diabetes. ^ These results indicate that the significant associations observed in this population between viral infection with CMV, HCV, and type 2 diabetes are confounded by age. Accelerated atherosclerosis has been associated with age, diabetes, as well as CMV. Latent infection may be a factor that links these processes. ^


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OBJECTIVE: The study of HIV-1 rapid progressors has been limited to specific case reports. Nevertheless, identification and characterization of the viral and host factors involved in rapid progression are crucial when attempting to uncover the correlates of rapid disease outcome. DESIGN: We carried out comparative functional analyses in rapid progressors (n = 46) and standard progressors (n = 46) early after HIV-1 seroconversion (≤1 year). The viral traits tested were viral replicative capacity, co-receptor usage, and genomic variation. Host CD8 T-cell responses, humoral activity, and HLA immunogenetic markers were also determined. RESULTS: Our data demonstrate an unusual convergence of highly pathogenic HIV-1 strains in rapid progressors. Compared with standard progressors, rapid progressor viral strains show higher in-vitro replicative capacity (81.5 vs. 67.9%; P = 0.025) and greater X4/DM co-receptor usage (26.3 vs. 2.8%; P = 0.006) in early infection. Limited or absent functional HIV-1 CD8 T-cell responses and neutralizing activity were measured in rapid progressors. Moreover, the increase in common HLA allele-restricted CD8 T-cell escape mutations in rapid progressors acts as a signature of uncontrolled HIV-1 replication and early impairment of adaptive cellular responses. CONCLUSION: Our data support a dominant role for viral factors in rapid progressors. Robust HIV-1 replication and intrinsic viral properties limit host adaptive immune responses, thus driving rapid disease progression.


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The free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri is the aetiological agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a disease leading to death in the vast majority of cases. In patients suffering from PAM, and in corresponding animal models, the brain undergoes a massive inflammatory response, followed by haemorrhage and severe tissue necrosis. Both, in vivo and in vitro models are currently being used to study PAM infection. However, animal models may pose ethical issues, are dependent upon availability of specific infrastructural facilities, and are time-consuming and costly. Conversely, cell cultures lack the complex organ-specific morphology found in vivo, and thus, findings obtained in vitro do not necessarily reflect the situation in vivo. The present study reports infection of organotypic slice cultures from rat brain with N. fowleri and compares the findings in this culture system with in vivo infection in a rat model of PAM, that proved complementary to that of mice. We found that brain morphology, as present in vivo, is well retained in organotypic slice cultures, and that infection time-course including tissue damage parallels the observations in vivo in the rat. Therefore, organotypic slice cultures from rat brain offer a new in vitro approach to study N. fowleri infection in the context of PAM.


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OBJECTIVE: Altered microbiota composition, changes in immune responses and impaired intestinal barrier functions are observed in IBD. Most of these features are controlled by proteases and their inhibitors to maintain gut homeostasis. Unrestrained or excessive proteolysis can lead to pathological gastrointestinal conditions. The aim was to validate the identified protease IBD candidates from a previously performed systematic review through a genetic association study and functional follow-up. DESIGN: We performed a genetic association study in a large multicentre cohort of patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and UC from five European IBD referral centres in a total of 2320 CD patients, 2112 UC patients and 1796 healthy controls. Subsequently, we did an extensive functional assessment of the candidate genes to explore their causality in IBD pathogenesis. RESULTS: Ten single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in four genes were significantly associated with CD: CYLD, USP40, APEH and USP3. CYLD was the most significant gene with the intronically located rs12324931 the strongest associated SNP (pFDR=1.74e-17, OR=2.24 (1.83 to 2.74)). Five SNPs in four genes were significantly associated with UC: USP40, APEH, DAG1 and USP3. CYLD, as well as some of the other associated genes, is part of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). We therefore determined if the IBD-associated adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) can modulate the UPS functioning. Infection of intestinal epithelial cells with the AIEC LF82 reference strain modulated the UPS turnover by reducing poly-ubiquitin conjugate accumulation, increasing 26S proteasome activities and decreasing protein levels of the NF-κB regulator CYLD. This resulted in IκB-α degradation and NF-κB activation. This activity was very important for the pathogenicity of AIEC since decreased CYLD resulted in increased ability of AIEC LF82 to replicate intracellularly. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal the UPS, and CYLD specifically, as an important contributor to IBD pathogenesis, which is favoured by both genetic and microbial factors.


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Cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remain at risk for complications following sustained virological response (SVR). Therefore, we aimed to evaluate treatment efficacy with the number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent clinical endpoints. Mortality and cirrhosis-related morbidity were assessed in an international multicentre cohort of consecutively treated patients with HCV genotype 1 infection and cirrhosis. The NNT to prevent death or clinical disease progression (any cirrhosis-related event or death) in one patient was determined with the adjusted (event-free) survival among patients without SVR and adjusted hazard ratio of SVR. Overall, 248 patients were followed for a median of 8.3 (IQR 6.2-11.1) years. Fifty-nine (24%) patients attained SVR. Among patients without SVR, the adjusted 5-year survival and event-free survival were 94.4% and 80.0%, respectively. SVR was associated with reduced all-cause mortality (HR 0.15, 95% CI 0.05-0.48, P = 0.002) and clinical disease progression (HR 0.16, 95% CI 0.07-0.36, P < 0.001). The NNT to prevent one death in 5 years declined from 1052 (95% CI 937-1755) at 2% SVR (interferon monotherapy) to 61 (95% CI 54-101) at 35% SVR (peginterferon and ribavirin). At 50% SVR, which might be expected with triple therapy, the estimated NNT was 43 (95% CI 38-71). The NNT to prevent clinical disease progression in one patient in 5 years was 302 (95% CI 271-407), 18 (95% CI 16-24) and 13 (95% CI 11-17) at 2%, 35% and 50% SVR, respectively. In conclusion, the NNT to prevent clinical endpoints among cirrhotic patients with HCV genotype 1 has declined enormously with the improvement of antiviral therapy.


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In the developed world, the majority of new and existing hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections occur among people who inject drugs (PWID). The burden of HCV-related liver disease in this group is increasing, but treatment uptake among PWID remains low. Among PWID, there are a number of barriers to care that should be considered and systematically addressed, but these barriers should not exclude PWID from HCV treatment. Furthermore, it has been clearly demonstrated that HCV treatment is safe and effective across a broad range of multidisciplinary healthcare settings. Given the burden of HCV-related disease among PWID, strategies to enhance HCV assessment and treatment in this group are urgently needed. These recommendations demonstrate that treatment among PWID is feasible and provides a framework for HCV assessment, management, and treatment. Further research is needed to evaluate strategies to enhance assessment, adherence, and SVR among PWID, particularly as new treatments for HCV infection become available.


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Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are contagious liver diseases caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the hepatitis C virus (HCV), respectively. In particular, chronic infection with HBV or HCV is a major public health problem throughout Europe. The majority of persons chronically infected (65%-75%) are not aware of their infection status until symptoms of advanced liver disease appear. In addition, the peak in the number of patients suffering from advanced stages of the disease, such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, has not yet been reached. In order to reduce the current and future morbidity and mortality associated with chronic HBV or HCV infection, the timely detection of chronically infected persons, with follow-up and case management, is crucial. However, the current screening strategies in Europe and Switzerland have to be considered as inadequate to detect the majority of chronically infected persons. Hence, we emphasise the importance of an alternative approach: the healthcare provider initiated identification of HBV or HCV infection in defined risk groups. This entails determining whether a person is not only at risk of being chronically infected, but also at risk of becoming infected with HBV or HCV and, if necessary, testing for HBV or HCV infection.


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Objective. To identify current outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy practice patterns and complications. Methods. We administered an 11-question survey to adult infectious disease physicians participating in the Emerging Infections Network (EIN), a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-sponsored sentinel event surveillance network in North America. The survey was distributed electronically or via facsimile in November and December 2012. Respondent demographic characteristics were obtained from EIN enrollment data. Results. Overall, 555 (44.6%) of EIN members responded to the survey, with 450 (81%) indicating that they treated 1 or more patients with outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) during an average month. Infectious diseases consultation was reported to be required for a patient to be discharged with OPAT by 99 respondents (22%). Inpatient (282 [63%] of 449) and outpatient (232 [52%] of 449) infectious diseases physicians were frequently identified as being responsible for monitoring laboratory results. Only 26% (118 of 448) had dedicated OPAT teams at their clinical site. Few infectious diseases physicians have systems to track errors, adverse events, or "near misses" associated with OPAT (97 [22%] of 449). OPAT-associated complications were perceived to be rare. Among respondents, 80% reported line occlusion or clotting as the most common complication (occurring in 6% of patients or more), followed by nephrotoxicity and rash (each reported by 61%). Weekly laboratory monitoring of patients who received vancomycin was reported by 77% of respondents (343 of 445), whereas 19% of respondents (84 of 445) reported twice weekly laboratory monitoring for these patients. Conclusions. Although use of OPAT is common, there is significant variation in practice patterns. More uniform OPAT practices may enhance patient safety.


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Psychological and social factors have a deep impact on the treatment of HIV-infection, from the readiness to start antiretroviral therapy to treatment adherence over time. Among psychological factors, anxiety may affect HIV-infected persons in all stages of disease, from the disclosure of HIV diagnosis to the decision to start and maintain treatment. This is a lifelong challenge for both patients and doctors. Psychiatric comorbidities (depression, addiction) may enhance negative psychological effects of HIV. Among social factors, stigma and discrimination may occur in families and at work, leading to a loss of social support resulting in isolation and poverty. This may prevent HIV-positive individuals from seeking medical care. These aspects are particularly important in some groups of patients as injecting drug users and migrants. Acknowledgment and consideration of psychosocial factors are therefore essential for the long term success of antiretroviral therapy.


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Since October 2011, the enzymatic lysis of Dupuytren's cord was introduced in Switzerland (Xiapex(®), Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer). Here we present our first university experience and underline the major role of ultrasound during the injection. Between December 2011 and February 2013, 52 injections were performed to eliminate 43 Dupuytren's cords in 33 patients. The mean age of the patients was 64.4 ± 8.5 years. Complications were documented for each patient. Before, directly after and after a minimum of 6 months post-injection, the contracture of the treated joint was measured with use of a goniometer. The DASH score was evaluated after a minimum of 6 months and the patients were asked to subjectively evaluate the outcome of the treatment (very good, good, mild, poor) and whether they would reiterate it if necessary. Four skin defects, one lymphangitis, and one CRPS were responsible for a complication rate of 18%. There was no infection and no tendon rupture in the series. The mean MCP joint contracture was respectively 36.8 ± 27.4°, 3.5 ± 7.8° (gain of mobility compared to the preoperative situation 33.3°, P<0.001), and 8.4 ± 13.9° (gain 28.4°, P<0.001) respectively before, just after and at the long-term clinical control. The mean PIP joint contracture was respectively 36.5 ± 29.1°, 5.9 ± 6.7° (gain 30.6°, P<0.001), and 15.1 ± 13.8° (gain 21.4°, P<0.001) respectively before injection, just after and at the long-term clinical control. The DASH score decreased from 24 ± 14 to 7 ± 9 (P<0.001). Eighty-one per cent of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied of the treatment. All but two would reiterate the treatment if necessary. Ultrasound is able to target the injection of collagenase in order to reduce complications. The short-term results of this non-invasive therapy are very promising however comparison with conventional procedures is difficult as the long-term results are lacking.