994 resultados para Implante dentário - Infiltração bacteriana
Over the decades, there was an evolution in dentistry, specifically in filling technique, and Buonocore (1955) has been the introducer of Adhesive Era. Thus, this paper aims to review the literature about the current adhesive systems. Was performed a literature review about the 5th and 6th adhesive system generations. The titles and abstracts of published articles were analyzed in PubMed database over the past 5 years. However, there are still different views about the technique used, therefore, because the diversity of these materials, it is impossible to highlight one that presents the best efficiency in all situations, being the responsibility of the professional the knowledge of the techniques and clinical applicability of each material.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the biomechanical interactions in bone tissue between short implants and implant-supported crowns with different heights. Two models were made using the programs InVesalius 3.0, Rhinoceros 4.0 and Solidworks 2010. The models were established from a bone block with the short implant (3.75 x 8.5 mm) with geometry Morse taper connection (MT). The height of the crown (cemented) was set at 10.0 mm and 15.00 mm. The models were processed by programs and 10 NEiNastran Femap 10.0. The force applied was 200N (vertical) and 100N (oblique). The results were plotted on maps Voltage Maximum Principal. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA. The results showed that the increase in crown height, increased stress concentration in the crown of 15 mm under oblique loading (p <0.001), the oblique loading has significantly expanded the area of stress concentration (p <0.001). Conclusion:the increase of the crown increased the stress concentration, being statistically significant for short implants Morse taper. The mesial and distal region had the highest concentration of stresses under oblique loading. The oblique loading was more harmful when compared with axial loading, being statistically significant.
Introduction: much studies regarding risk factors associated with oral cancer. Factors such as smoking and alcohol and solar radiation are well established, but others, such as bacterial influence in the development or progression of a tumor still remain unexplained. Interest in the possible relationship between bacteria and different stages of cancer development has increased since the classification of H. pylori by the WHO as a definite carcinogen. Subsequently, links between infection and the onset of cancer in various sites in the body were discovered. Review of literature: this literature review attempts to show the influence of poor oral hygiene, with consequent bacterial accumulation as a possible important risk factor for the initiation and development of mouth cancer, and correlate the possible mechanisms by which bacteria can initiate or promote carcinogenesis. Conclusion: there is much evidence that bacteria in the oral cavity and periodontopathic are present in tumor tissue, however, still can not affirm that these bacteria initiate or promote carcinogenesis.
The combination of several methods for solving aesthetics in a clinical case can be a complicating factor. The diagnosis and planning of the event held in conjunction with the dental technician expand the possibilities of success. The present case illustrates the aesthetic resolution through the association of implant- and tooth-supported prostheses using metal free ceramic systems. A 38-year old male patient presented with a complex smile. After diagnosis and treatment planning, two ceramic crowns were made, one on tooth 11 and one on the implant region 21, along with a laminated porcelain veneer on the region of 12. Aesthetic needs of the patient are predictable only with a sound diagnosis.
Próteses sobre implantes esteticamente favoráveis estão diretamente relacionadas com a condição dos tecidos moles e duros que as envolvem. A preservação dos tecidos mucogengivais ao redor de implantes dentários instalados na maxila anterior propicia um sorriso harmonioso, com uma estética bastante agradável. No entanto, em alguns casos, isso não ocorre principalmente pela grande reabsorção tecidual na região, na qual deveria ter sido realizado enxerto ósseo, antes mesmo da instalação dos implantes. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma solução reabilitadora estética para essas possíveis falhas durante o planejamento com reabilitações sobre implantes, por meio de gengiva artificial cerâmica.
The association of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures with an osteointegrated implant is a treatment option at hasn't been fully explored by modern rehabilitation dentistry yet. The objective of this study is to evaluate, by means of the bidimensional method of finite elements, the distribution of tension on the structures supporting the distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD), associated to a 10.0 x 3.75 mm osteointegrated implant with an ERA retention system, in alveolar ridges of different shapes. Eight models were created, representing, from a sagittal perspective: Model A (MA) – a half arch with a horizontal ridge without posterior support, with the presence of the lower left canine, and a conventional DERPD, with metallic support in the incisal aspect of this canine, as replacement for the first and second pre-molars and the first and second molars of the lower left half arch; Model B (MB) – similar to MA, but different because of the presence of a 3.75 x 10.00 mm implant with an associated ERA retention system in the posterior region of the DERPD base; Model C (MC) - similar to MA, however with a distally ascending ridge format; Model D (MD) – similar to MC, but different because there is an implant associated to a retention system; Model E (ME) - similar to MA, however with a distally descending ridge format; Model F (MF) – similar to ME, but ditfferent in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system; Model G (MG) – similar to MA, however with a distally descending-ascending ridge format; Model H (MH) – similar to MG, but different in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system. The finite element program ANSYS 9.0 was used to load the models with vertical forces of 50 N, on each cuspid tip. The format of distal descending edge (ME and MF) was that presented worse results, so in the models with conventional RPD as in the models with RPD associated to the implant and ERA system of retention, for the structures gingival mucosa and tooth support. 1) the distally descending ridge presented the most significant stress in the model with the conventional RPD (ME) or with a prosthesis associated to an implant (MF) and 2) the horizontal ridge (MB) provided more relief to the support structures, such as the tooth and the spongy bone, when there was an implant associated to an ERA retention system. The incorporation of the implants with the ERA system retention, in the posterior area of the toothless edge, it promotes larger stability and retention to PPREL, improving the patient's masticatory acting and, consequently, its comfort and function.
The rehabilitation with mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures (DERPD) is complex and the use of implants has been improving the functioning of this approach. The insertion bony level around of the last support tooth is an aggravating factor, since it can harm the longevity of the treatment. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the displacement tendency of a mandibular DERPD associated to an implant, with different insertion bony levels and different connections between the RPD and the support tooth, by finite element analysis. Eight models were made: MA - DERPD, incisal rest, no bony loss; MB - DERPD, distal plate, no bony loss; MC - DERPD, incisal rest, no bony loss, with implant and ERA system; MD - DERPD, distal plate, no bony loss, with implant and ERA system; ME - DERPD, incisal rest, bony loss; MF - DERPD, distal plate, bony loss; MG - DERPD, incisal rest, bony loss, with implant and ERA system; MH - DERPD, distal plate, bony loss, with implant and ERA system. Loads of 50 N in each peak were applied. Displacement maps were obtained and showed that implant favors this association and the bony loss harms the prognostic of the prosthesis. It is concluded that: the introduction of the implant with ERA system reduced the displacement tendency of the tooth and supporting structures; introduction of distal plate reduced the movement tendency of the support tooth; the decrease of the periodontal support didn't influence significantly the displacement tendency of the models with distal plate distal, but it influenced the models with distal incisal rest.
Dental plaque is the principal etiological agent of periodontal disease, one of oral diseases more prevalent in the world. Due existence of relation between periodontal disease and oral hygiene, on the point of periodontal view, it was developed a growing interesting by experimental research and by clinical investigations. The knowledge of problem, its extension, severity, hypothetic cause is so valuable to establish prevention, control and treatment acts. In this form, the use of plaque index becomes more and more often, being valuable the determination of discriminatory power of them. The aim of this work was to describe and analyze principal forms to register of dental plaque aiming to subsidize the researcher and dental surgeon on adoption of most adequate method for their case. Data bases: Medline, Lilacs and BBO were consulted without limit to identify the format of register of each index described on literature. It was observed the use of Oral Hygiene Index on diverse ways like: clinical evaluation of dental plaque, in products evaluation works and dental Office; patients monitoring; instruction about hygiene and oral hygiene technique. It was noted that dental plaque indexes are useful and allows the register of different forms point out the importance of its use on clinical and researches practice.
Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo in vivo foi avaliar a influência da infiltração coronária no reparo apical de dentes de cães que receberam curativo de demora com hidróxido de cálcio e foram mantidos, ou não, em contato com o meio bucal. Métodos: após o preparo biomecânico e preenchimento com pasta de hidróxido de cálcio, 26 canais foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais (Grupo 1 = selamento coronário com material restaurador temporário; Grupo 2 = não selados). Os animais foram sacrificados após 7 dias e os espécimes foram preparados para análise histológica. Resultados: em ambos os grupos, os resultados foram semelhantes, células inflamatórias não estavam presentes no tecido apical ou no cemento. Além disso, observou-se necrose na superfície do terço coronário do coto pulpar em contato com o hidróxido de cálcio, e microrganismos foram observados apenas em contato com resíduos que estavam presentes na câmara pulpar dos espécimes sem selamento, mas não no canal radicular. Conclusão: concluiu-se que o hidróxido de cálcio utilizado como curativo impediu a contaminação do canal radicular e manteve seu mecanismo de ação nos tecidos apicais, mesmo sem selamento coronário, por um período de 7 dias.
Introdução: paciente do sexo masculino, 37 anos de idade. Após a anamnese, foi constatado que o dente 11 apresentava abertura coronária e presença de hidróxido de cálcio com histórico de trauma dentário nesse dente. Radiograficamente, o dente 11 apresentava formação radicular incompleta, paredes dentinárias finas e frágeis, com divergência foraminal associada a imagem radiolúcida periapical. Objetivo: relatar um caso clínico de apicificação, realizado com trocas de curativo de hidróxido de cálcio. Métodos: o tratamento de escolha foi a apicificação, a qual teve início na segunda sessão, após 15 dias, por meio de desbridamento químico-mecânico de todo o canal radicular, com limas tipo K e irrigação com uma solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5%. Em seguida, pasta de hidróxido de cálcio (hidróxido de cálcio, iodofórmio e propilenoglicol) foi aplicada e trocada de 15 em 15 dias, durante 4 meses. O exame radiográfico foi novamente realizado e demonstrou o fechamento completo da abertura foraminal e regressão da radiolucência periapical. O canal radicular foi obturado utilizando-se um cone confeccionado a partir da união de três cones #60 e pela técnica de condensação lateral com Sealapex. Resultados: seis meses após a obturação, exames revelaram tecidos periapicais normais e ausência de sintomas. Conclusão: concluiu-se que o tratamento do traumatismo dentário associado à necrose do tecido pulpar e à lesão periapical, com trocas sucessivas de pasta de hidróxido de cálcio, foi adequado para se obter a regressão da lesão periapical, formação de barreira mineralizada e promoção de saúde ao paciente.
Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo in vitro foi avaliar a infiltração marginal coronária após o preparo para retentor em dentes obturados com três diferentes cimentos, de acordo com o período entre a obturação do canal radicular e o preparo para retentor. Métodos: Noventa dentes humanos recentemente extraídos foram limpos e instrumentados e, então, obturados com Sealapex, Endométhasone ou TopSeal. Brocas Gates-Glidden foram utilizadas para o preparo imediato de 10 dentes de cada cimento até manter 5mm de obturação remanescente. Sessenta raízes obturadas foram incubadas a 37°C em meio úmido por 30 e 60 dias para serem, depois, preparadas para os retentores como descrito anteriormente. A superfície externa de cada raiz foi coberta com Araldite. Os espécimes foram imersos em corante azul de metileno a 2% sob vácuo por 24h, para então poderem ser analisados. A infiltração foi mensurada pelo software Sigma Scan da parte superior da obturação à porção apical alcançada pelo corante. Resultado: o Sealapex e o TopSeal apresentaram menor infiltração após o preparo para retentor do que o Endométhasone. O preparo imediato para o retentor apresentou menor infiltração do que o preparo para o retentor após 30 e 60 dias da obturação do canal radicular.
Introdução: o trauma dentário na infância ocorre com grande frequência, em especial em ambientes escolares. Portanto, é importante que educadores e funcionários das escolas saibam o que fazer frente a essa fatalidade, pois, após sua ocorrência, a rapidez na intervenção do cirurgião-dentista é um dos fatores que determinará o prognóstico de sucesso no tratamento. Objetivo: o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o nível de conhecimento de professores de escolas públicas quanto ao tratamento emergencial em casos de traumatismo dentário. Métodos: quarenta professores de uma escola municipal e de uma creche foram entrevistados. O questionário abordava questões para identificação do perfil dos sujeitos, seu conhecimento acerca de primeiros socorros — incluindo traumas dentários —, qual tipo de traumatismo é mais frequente e quais são as condutas frente a esses traumatismos. Resultados: de um total de 40 entrevistados, 65% receberam treinamento de primeiros socorros, porém, apenas 52% receberam o treinamento do atendimento emergencial dos traumatismos dentários. Quarenta por cento já haviam presenciado casos de acidentes escolares envolvendo dentes, e a maioria dos entrevistados (55%) desconhecia a frequência com que isso ocorre. Um número significativo de pessoas tem dúvidas acerca da conduta correta a ser seguida quando da ocorrência de uma fratura coronária e da avulsão. Conclusão: conclui-se que o conhecimento dos professores sobre a conduta frente ao traumatismo dentário é inadequada. Programas educacionais, palestras explicativas e treinamentos devem ser realizados com esses profissionais, que são os primeiros a ter contato com casos de traumatismos dentários nas escolas.
Introduction: much studies regarding risk factors associated with oral cancer. Factors such as smoking and alcohol and solar radiation are well established, but others, such as bacterial influence in the development or progression of a tumor still remain unexplained. Interest in the possible relationship between bacteria and different stages of cancer development has increased since the classification of H. pylori by the WHO as a definite carcinogen. Subsequently, links between infection and the onset of cancer in various sites in the body were discovered. Review of literature: this literature review attempts to show the influence of poor oral hygiene, with consequent bacterial accumulation as a possible important risk factor for the initiation and development of mouth cancer, and correlate the possible mechanisms by which bacteria can initiate or promote carcinogenesis. Conclusion: there is much evidence that bacteria in the oral cavity and periodontopathic are present in tumor tissue, however, still can not affirm that these bacteria initiate or promote carcinogenesis.
Osseointegrated implants have specific nature distinguish them from natural teeth making them more susceptible to the efforts generated by mastication. The absence of periodontal ligament, which absorbs the masticatory forces and allows the movement of the teeth interfere with the reception of occlusal loads and therefore the predictability of implants. In the boneimplant interface did not occur the phenomena of dissipation of impact, even the movement induced. Thus, during planning and installation of implant prosthesis, the type and characteristics of occlusal pattern adopted should be established with criteria to be no grounds for future failures. In this regard we highlight the occlusal overload generated by several reasons like the presence of premature contacts, interference during motion excursive, deleterious habits and inappropriate extensions on cantilevers. Thus, the objective is to provide a review of the literature regarding the importance of occlusion in oral rehabilitation with implants. Factors to be considered in establishing a favorable occlusion, consistent with prostheses on implants will be described
In part I of this article, the factors related to the establishment of a favourable occlusion for the implant prosthodontics as well as its real importance in this kind of rehabilitation were showed up. However, it is known that the occlusal characteristics adopted in implant prosthodontics show specific patterns which must be different between each other in accordance to the type of prosthesis installed. The objective of the second part of this work is to present to the reader, by a literature review, those characteristics, justifying the reason because they must be associated to specific kind of prosthesis for favor the treatment established.