797 resultados para Ileal-pouch anastomosis
Der Druck auf Kosteneinsparungen und Produktivitätszuwachs in Bereichen der Kommissionierung und somit auch der Wunsch nach Rationalisierung durch Automatisierung wachsen stetig. Besonders bei in Beuteln verpackten Artikeln gestaltet sich jedoch eine Automatisierung der Kommissioniervorgänge aufgrund der mechanischen Produkteigenschaften schwierig. Entsprechende Systeme sind erst noch zu entwickeln. Im Systementwicklungsprozess möchte man möglichst frühzeitig Entscheidungen treffen können, um die technisch-wirtschaftlich sinnvollste Lösungsvariante auszuwählen und Entwicklungsaufwand einzusparen. Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Eigenschaften besagter Produkte im Hinblick auf deren automatisierte Handhabung und zeigt einen konstruktionsmethodischen Ansatz zur Bewertung systemtechnischer Lösungsansätze mit zugehörigerer Sensitivitätsanalyse auf.
There is a steadily increasing pressure on cost-savings and productivity growth in sectors of order-picking such that the wish for rationalization by automation is rising. Special problems are faced trying to automatize handling operations of order-picking articles packed in bags. The mechanical properties of the objects and their hard-to-predict shape and position represent obstacles and are complicating handling operations. A systematic approach in system design is required. This article deals with the properties of such products under aspects of difficulties arising in automated handling and points out a useful system development methodology.
OBJECTIVES The impact of diagnostic delay (a period from appearance of first symptoms to diagnosis) on the clinical course of Crohn's disease (CD) is unknown. We examined whether length of diagnostic delay affects disease outcomes. METHODS Data from the Swiss IBD cohort study were analyzed. Patients were recruited from university centers (68%), regional hospitals (14%), and private practices (18%). The frequencies of occurrence of bowel stenoses, internal fistulas, perianal fistulas, and CD-related surgery (intestinal and perianal) were analyzed. RESULTS A total of 905 CD patients (53.4% female, median age at diagnosis 26 (20-36) years) were stratified into four groups according to the quartiles of diagnostic delay (0-3, 4-9, 10-24, and ≥25 months, respectively). Median diagnostic delay was 9 (3-24) months. The frequency of immunomodulator and/or antitumor necrosis factor drug use did not differ among the four groups. The length of diagnostic delay was positively correlated with the occurrence of bowel stenosis (odds ratio (OR) 1.76, P=0.011 for delay of ≥25 months) and intestinal surgery (OR 1.76, P=0.014 for delay of 10-24 months and OR 2.03, P=0.003 for delay of ≥25 months). Disease duration was positively associated and non-ileal disease location was negatively associated with bowel stenosis (OR 1.07, P<0.001, and OR 0.41, P=0.005, respectively) and intestinal surgery (OR 1.14, P<0.001, and OR 0.23, P<0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS The length of diagnostic delay is correlated with an increased risk of bowel stenosis and CD-related intestinal surgery. Efforts should be undertaken to shorten the diagnostic delay.
OBJECTIVE To analyse our results of using a double arterial perfusion strategy to avoid lower body hypothermic circulatory arrest after extensive thoracic aortic surgery. METHODS We analysed the intra- and perioperative courses of 10 patients (median age 58 years, median logistic EuroSCORE 14.6) who underwent extensive thoracic aortic surgery with a double arterial perfusion strategy. The main goal of double arterial perfusion is to separate myocardial and supra-aortic from systemic perfusion. Aortic repair starts at the most distal level of the descending aorta, followed by reinsertion of the supra-aortic vessels, and ends with completion of the proximal anastomosis or by any kind of root repair as needed. RESULTS Seven of 10 patients had prior surgery of the thoracic aorta. Indications for surgery were post-dissection aneurysm in 4 patients, true aneurysm in 3, anastomotic aneurysms in 2 and Type B aortic dissection with pseudo-coarctation in 1. Surgical access was performed through median sternotomy with left hemi-clamshell extension in all cases. There was no in-hospital mortality, but perioperative neurological symptoms occurred in 2 patients. These 2 patients developed delayed stroke (after awaking) after an initial uneventful clinical course, and in 1 of them, neurological symptoms resolved completely during follow-up. The median follow-up was 7 (±13) months. There was no death and no need for additional redo surgery during this observational period. CONCLUSIONS Extensive surgery of the thoracic aorta using a double arterial perfusion technique in order to avoid lower body hypothermic circulatory arrest is an attractive option. Further refinements of this technique may enable the safe and effective simultaneous multisegmental treatment of thoracic aortic pathology in patients who would otherwise have to undergo a two-step surgical approach.
This is a case of atrial tachycardia 2 years after pulmonary transplantation. After excluding right atrial involvement, tachycardia origin was located in a scar region medial to the anastomosis of the left inferior pulmonary donor vein. Tachycardia mechanism was microreentry. Noninvasive electrocardiographic mapping performed before the ablation procedure matched with results of invasive Carto mapping and predicted both tachycardia mechanism and origin. We discuss arrhythmia mechanism found after pulmonary transplantation and benefit of noninvasive electrocardiographic mapping for procedure planning.
BACKGROUND Microvascular anastomosis is the cornerstone of free tissue transfers. Irrespective of the microsurgical technique that one seeks to integrate or improve, the time commitment in the laboratory is significant. After extensive previous training on several animal models, we sought to identify an animal model that circumvents the following issues: ethical rules, cost, time-consuming and expensive anesthesia, and surgical preparation of tissues required to access vessels before performing the microsurgical training, not to mention that laboratories are closed on weekends. METHODS Between January 2012 and April 2012, a total of 91 earthworms were used for 150 microsurgical training exercises to simulate vascular end-to-side microanastomosis. The training sessions were divided into ten periods of 7 days. Each training session included 15 simulations of end-to-side vascular microanastomoses: larger than 1.5 mm (n=5), between 1.0 and 1.5 mm (n=5), and smaller than 1.0 mm (n=5). A linear model with the main variables being the number of weeks (as a numerical covariate) and the size of the animal (as a factor) was used to determine the trend in time of anastomosis over subsequent weeks as well as the differences between the different size groups. RESULTS The linear model shows a significant trend (p<0.001) in time of anastomosis in the course of the training, as well as significant differences (p<0.001) between the groups of animals of different sizes. For microanastomoses larger than 1.5 mm, the mean anastomosis time decreased from 19.3±1.0 to 11.1±0.4 min between the first and last week of training (decrease of 42.5%). For training with smaller diameters, the results showed a decrease in execution time of 43.2% (diameter between 1.0 and 1.5 mm) and 40.9% (diameter<1.0 mm) between the first and last periods. The study demonstrates an improvement in the dexterity and speed of nodes execution. CONCLUSION The earthworm appears to be a reliable experimental model for microsurgical training of end-to-side microanastomoses. Its numerous advantages are discussed here and we predict training on earthworms will significantly grow and develop in the near future. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266 .
Objective: To determine alterations in quantities and distributions of natural antimicrobials following ischemia-reperfusion injury. We hypothesized that these compounds would be upregulated in areas of small intestine where changes in permeability and cellular disruption were likely and where protective mechanisms would be initiated. Methods: Rats with ischemia-reperfusion underwent superior mesenteric artery clamping and reperfusion. Shams were subjected to laparotomy but no clamping. Ileum and jejunum were harvested and sectioned, and subjected to fluorescence deconvolution microscopy for determinations of content and localization of rat beta defensins, 1, 2, 3; rat neutrophil protein-1; and cathelicidin LL-37. Modeling was performed to determine cellular location of antimicrobials. Results: Ischemia-reperfusion increased neutrophil defensin alpha (RNP-1) in jejunum; rat beta defensin 1 was increased 2-fold in ileal mucosa and slightly reduced in jejunal mucosa; rat beta defensin 2 was reduced by ischemia-reperfusion in ileum, but slightly increased in jejunum; rat beta defensin 3 was concentrated in the muscularis externa and myenteric plexus of the jejunum; ischemia-reperfusion did not alter cathelicidin LL-37 content in the small intestine, although a greater concentration was seen in jejunum compared with ileum. Conclusion: Ischemia-reperfusion injury caused changes in antimicrobial content in defined areas, and these different regulations might reflect the specific roles of jejunum versus ileum.
BACKGROUND: Pediatric truncal vascular injuries occur infrequently and have a reported mortality rate of 30% to 50%. This report examines the demographics, mechanisms of injury, associated trauma, and outcome of patients presenting for the past 10 years at a single institution with truncal vascular injuries. METHODS: A retrospective review (1997-2006) of a pediatric trauma registry at a single institution was undertaken. RESULTS: Seventy-five truncal vascular injuries occurred in 57 patients (age, 12 +/- 3 years); the injury mechanisms were penetrating in 37%. Concomitant injuries occurred with 76%, 62%, and 43% of abdominal, thoracic, and neck vascular injuries, respectively. Nonvascular complications occurred more frequently in patients with abdominal vascular injuries who were hemodynamically unstable on presentation. All patients with thoracic vascular injuries presenting with hemodynamic instability died. In patients with neck vascular injuries, 1 of 2 patients who were hemodynamically unstable died, compared to 1 of 12 patients who died in those who presented hemodynamically stable. Overall survival was 75%. CONCLUSIONS: Survival and complications of pediatric truncal vascular injury are related to hemodynamic status at the time of presentation. Associated injuries are higher with trauma involving the abdomen.
Enforced expression of Tbx1 in fetal thymic epithelial cells antagonizes thymus organogenesis Kim T. Cardenas The thymus and parathyroid glands originate from organ-specific domains of 3rd pharyngeal pouch (PP) endoderm. At embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5), the ventral thymus and dorsal parathyroid domains can be identified by Foxn1 and Gcm2 expression respectively. Neural crest cells, (NCCs) play a role in regulating patterning of 3rd PP endoderm. In addition, pharyngeal endoderm influences fate determination via secretion of Sonic hedgehog (Shh), a morphogen required for Gcm2 expression and generation of the parathyroid domain. Gcm2 is a downstream target of the transcription factor Tbx1, which in turn is positively regulated by Shh. Although initially expressed throughout pharyngeal pouch endoderm, Tbx1 expression is excluded from the thymus-specific domain of the 3rd PP by E10.5, but persists in the parathyroid domain. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that Tbx1 expression is non-permissive for thymus fate specification and that enforced expression of Tbx1 in the fetal thymus would impair thymus development. To test this hypothesis, we generated knock-in mice containing a Cre-inducible allele that allows for tissue-specific Tbx1 expression. Expression of the R26iTbx1 allele in fetal and adult thymus using Foxn1Cre resulted in severe thymus hypoplasia throughout ontogeny that persisted in the adult. Thymic epithelial cell (TEC) development was impaired as determined by immunohistochemical and FACS analysis of various differentiation markers. The relative level of Foxn1 expression in fetal TECs was significantly reduced. TECs in R26iTbx1/+ thymi assumed an almost universal expression of Plet-1, a marker associated with a TEC stem/progenitor cell fate. In addition, embryonic R26iTbx1/+ mice develop a perithymic mesechymal capsule that appears expanded compared to control littermates. Interestingly, thymi from neonatal and adult R26iTbx1/+ but not R26+/+ mice were encased in adipose tissue. This thymic phenotype also correlated with a decrease in thymocyte cellularity and aberrant thymocyte differentiation. The results to date support the conclusion that enforced expression of Tbx1 in TECs antagonizes their differentiation and prevents normal organogenesis via both direct and indirect effects.
The objective of the present study was to describe the arthroscopic anatomy of the bovine fetlock joint using one palmar/plantar and three dorsal joint approaches. A comparative anatomic, ultrasonographic and arthroscopic study using 20 cadaveric feet from 13 non-lame adult dairy cows was performed. Arthroscopy was accomplished using a rigid arthroscope to view the synovial cavities with their synovial villi and parts of the following structures: the distal ends of the metacarpal/metatarsal III/IV bones with their trochleae and sagittal ridges, synovial grooves, the articular surfaces of the proximal sesamoid bones, the proximal aspects of the first phalanges, the lateral and medial collateral ligaments, the suspensory ligament and the interdigital ligaments as parts of the interosseus muscle, the cruciate sesamoidean ligaments, the communication site between the lateral and medial pouch in the palmar/plantar area, and dorsally the septum between the lateral and the medial pouch. The technique allowed a good overall view of most relevant structures in the sound cadaver joint. Further investigations are warranted to evaluate the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic applications of these techniques in the treatment of septic arthritis.
Obesity and gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) are two of the major health problems of the industrialized world. Both condition have increased prevalence, pathophysiological and endoscopic studies identified obesity a major risk factor in the development of GERD. Conversely, successful weight reduction improves GERD symptoms and diminishes the use of acid suppressive medication. Bariatric interventions are not all equal when it comes to controlling GERD symptoms, lesions and use of medication. Gastric banding has a variable influence on GERD, while most patients report improved reflux symptoms, up to 20% of patient can develop "de novo" reflux symptoms following gastric banding. Gastric sleeve resection increases reflux symptoms, in particular in patients with an ideal, tubular gastroplasty and those with proximal (fundic) pouch. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass has a positive effect of GERD, reducing symptoms and use of acid suppressive medications. From an esophageal perspective, gastric bypass is the preferred bariatric procedure to treat and prevent GERD in morbidly obese patients.
Genetic predispositions for guttural pouch tympany, recurrent laryngeal neuropathy and recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) are well documented. There is also evidence that exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in horses have a genetic component. The clinical expression of equine respiratory diseases with a genetic basis results from complex interactions between the environment and the genetic make-up of each individual horse. The genetic effects are likely to be due to variations in several genes, i.e. they are polygenic. It is therefore unlikely that single gene tests will be diagnostically useful in these disorders. Genetic profiling panels, combining several genetic factors with an assessment of environmental risk factors, may have greater value, but much work is still needed to uncover diagnostically useful genetic markers or even causative variants for equine respiratory diseases. Nonetheless, chromosomal regions associated with guttural pouch tympany, recurrent laryngeal neuropathy and RAO have been identified. The association of RAO with other hypersensitivities and with resistance to intestinal parasites requires further study. This review aims to provide an overview of the available data and current thoughts on the genetics of equine airway diseases.
Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN) of the distal jejunum and ileum derive from serotonin-producing enterochromaffin (EC) cells. Due to their low proliferation rate and their infiltrative growth, they are often discovered at an advanced disease stage when metastasis has already occurred. The biology of these tumours is different from other NEN of the digestive tract. In order to standardise and improve diagnosis and therapy, the guidelines for the diagnosis and clinical management of jejuno-ileal NEN as well as for the management of patients with liver and other distant metastases from NEN were revised by the European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (ENETS) in 2012. This review focuses on aspects relevant for surgical pathology.
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT) in the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study and to correlate MVT with clinical outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS Abdominal portal phase CT was used to examine patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Two experienced abdominal radiologists retrospectively analyzed the images, focusing on the superior and inferior mesenteric vein branches and looking for signs of acute or chronic thrombosis. The location of abnormalities was registered. The presence of MVT was correlated with IBD-related radiologic signs and complications. RESULTS The cases of 160 patients with IBD (89 women, 71 men; Crohn disease [CD], 121 patients; ulcerative colitis [UC], 39 patients; median age at diagnosis, 27 years for patients with CD, 32 years for patients with UC) were analyzed. MVT was detected in 43 patients with IBD (26.8%). One of these patients had acute MVT; 38, chronic MVT; and four, both. The prevalence of MVT did not differ between CD (35/121 [28.9%]) and UC (8/39 [20.5%]) (p = 0.303). The location of thrombosis was different between CD and UC (CD, jejunal or ileal veins only [p = 0.005]; UC, rectocolic veins only [p = 0.001]). Almost all (41/43) cases of thrombosis were peripheral. MVT in CD patients was more frequently associated with bowel wall thickening (p = 0.013), mesenteric fat hypertrophy (p = 0.005), ascites (p = 0.002), and mesenteric lymph node enlargement (p = 0.036) and was associated with higher rate of bowel stenosis (p < 0.001) and more intestinal IBD-related surgery (p = 0.016) in the outcome. Statistical analyses for patients with UC were not relevant because of the limited population (n = 8). CONCLUSION MVT is frequently found in patients with IBD. Among patients with CD, MVT is associated with bowel stenosis and CD-related intestinal surgery.
PURPOSE Continuous intraoperative norepinephrine infusion combined with restrictive deferred hydration improves surgical field visibility, and significantly decreases intraoperative blood loss and postoperative complications in patients undergoing radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. We determined whether the intraoperative fluid regimen would affect functional results (continence and erectile function) 1 year after orthotopic ileal bladder substitution. MATERIALS AND METHODS We analyzed a subgroup of 93 patients who received an ileal orthotopic bladder substitute. The subgroup was part of a randomized trial in 167 patients initially allocated to continuous norepinephrine administration starting with 2 μg/kg per hour combined with 1 ml/kg per hour initially and 3 ml/kg per hour crystalloid infusion after cystectomy (norepinephrine/low volume group of 51) or a standard crystalloid infusion of 6 ml/kg per hour throughout surgery (42 controls). We prospectively assessed daytime and nighttime continence, and erectile function 1 year postoperatively in the 93-patient subgroup. RESULTS Daytime continence was reported by 44 of 51 patients (86%) in the norepinephrine/low volume group and by 27 of 42 controls (64%) (p = 0.016), and nighttime continence was reported by 38 (75%) and 25 (60%), respectively (p = 0.077). Erectile function recovery was reported by 26 of 33 preoperatively potent patients (79%) in the norepinephrine/low volume group and by 11 of 29 controls (38%) (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS Patients who undergo radical cystectomy and orthotopic bladder substitution with continuous norepinephrine infusion and restrictive hydration during surgery have significantly better daytime continence and erectile function 1 year postoperatively.