987 resultados para IAS 14 Segment Reporting
Weekly report of the Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network produced by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Weekly report of the Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network produced by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
Kirje 14.8.1968
The Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network (IISN) tracks the overall activity, age groups impacted, outbreaks, type and strain, and severity of seasonal influenza. In the 2006-2007 season the network had more than 90 reporting sites that included physicians, clinics, hospitals, schools and long term care facilities (Appendix A). Other non-network reporters who contributed influenza data included medical clinics, hospitals, laboratories, local public health departments and neighboring state health departments. 010203040506070424548495051521234567891011121314MMWR weekNumber of cases2006-20072005-2006 The 2006-2007 influenza season in Iowa began earlier than any previously recorded data indicates, however, the season’s peak occurred much later in the season. In addition to early cases, this season was also unusual in that all three anticipated strains (AH1N1, AH3N2, and B) were reported by the first of December (Appendix B). The first laboratory-confirmed case in the 2005-2006 season was identified December 5, 2005; the first case for the 2006-2007 season was on November 2, 2006. The predominant strain for 2005-2006 was influenza AH3, but for 2006-2007 both influenza AH1 and B dominated influenza infections. However improvements in influenza specimen submission to the University Hygienic Laboratory may have also played a role in early detection and overall case detection. In summary, all influenza activity indicators show a peak between the MMWR weeks 5 and 9 (i.e. February 14- March 4). Children from five years to eight years of age were impacted more than other age groups. There were few influenza hospitalizations and fatalities in all age groups.
Aim: The aim of this research is to assess the associations between subjective pubertal timing (SPT) and onset of health-compromising behaviours among girls reporting an on-time objective pubertal timing (OPT). Methods: Data were drawn from the Swiss SMASH 2002 survey, a self-administered questionnaire study conducted among a nationally representative sample of 7548 adolescents aged 16-20 years. From the 3658 girls in the initial sample, we selected only those (n = 1003) who provided information about SPT and who reported the average age at menarche, namely 13, considering this as an on-time OPT. Bivariate and logistic analyses were conducted to compare the early, on-time and late SPT groups in terms of onset of health-compromising behaviours. Results: A perception of pubertal precocity was associated with sexual intercourse before age 16 [adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 2.10 (1.30-3.37)] and early use of illegal drugs other than cannabis [AOR: 2.55 (1.30-5.02)]. Conversely, girls perceiving their puberty as late were less likely to report intercourse before age 16 [AOR: 0.30 (0.12-0.75)]. Conclusion: Faced with an adolescent girl perceiving her puberty as early, the practitioner should investigate the existence of health-compromising behaviours even if her puberty is or was objectively on-time.
Introduction: Population ageing challenges Emergency Departments (ED) with a population shift toward higher age groups. People over 65 years are heterogenous with respect to polymorbidity and functional capacity. Complex situations become more prevalent among patients aged 85+, the fastest growing segment of the elderly population (+72% between 2010 and 2030). Objectives: To identify the trend of ED admission rates for patients aged 85+ and to compare the characteristics of their ED visits with the one of patients aged 65-84. Method: Retrospective analysis of 56162 ED admissions of patients aged 65+ at the University of Lausanne Medical Center (CHUV), from 2005 to 2010. All visits of patients aged 65+ at the time of admission were considered. Analyses focus on demographic characteristics, living arrangement, hospital admission, and median Length of Stay (LOS) in the ED. Data from 2010 were examined for the degree of emergency (DE), the main reason for visiting the ED (Swiss triage scale) and readmission at 30 days. Results: Between 2005 and 2010, ED visits of patients aged 65 years and over increased from 8228 to 10390/year (with a slight decrease of women from 56% to 54%). This is an increment of +26% i.e. 5.9 patients/day more. Patients aged 85+ increased by +46% vs +20% for the 65-84. ED visits of people aged 18-64 years raised by +20%. Among patients over 65 years, the proportion of patients aged 85 and more increased from 23% in 2005 to 27% in 2010. In 2010, 85+ patients were more likely than 65-84 patients to come from a NH setting (13% vs 4%), to be hospitalised (70% vs 59%) and to stay longer in the ED (median LOS 9 hours vs 7 hours). Readmission to ED within 30 days after discharge did not differ (85+: 14% vs 65-84: 12%) (similar proportions in 2005). In 2010, the first reason for patients 85+ to visit ED was fall/injury (27% vs 18% by 65-84), whereas the main cause for patients aged 65-84 years was a cardiovascular disorder (18% vs 16% by 85+). The part of high emergency cases was similar for patients 85+ and 65-84 (42%). Conclusion: Among aged patients those aged 85 and over are the fastest growing group admitted to ED. Compared to their younger counterparts, their reason to visit ED and their pattern of health services utilization differ due to specific epidemiological conditions. ED addressing specific needs of geriatric patients would improve their care and lead to a better use of available resources.
Introduction :¦Le syndrome de Brugada (SB) se définit par une élévation du segment ST dans les dérivations précordiales droites (V1-V3) associée à une incidence élevée de mort subite par arythmies chez des patients sans cardiopathie structurelle. La prévention de la mort subite repose sur la pose d'un défibrillateur automatique implantable (DAI).¦Matériel et méthode :¦Cette étude est une analyse rétrospective de tous les patients avec SB implantés d'un DAI au CHUV entre 1998 et 2010. Le profil des patients, les complications, ainsi que les thérapies appropriées et inappropriées délivrées par le défibrillateur ont été évaluées. Une thérapie appropriée est définie par l'action appropriée du DAI (choc ou stimulation anti-tachycardie = ATP) en réponse à une TV ou une FV correctement détectée. La thérapie inappropriée est définie comme une thérapie délivrée par l'appareil en l'absence d'une arythmie ventriculaire.¦Résultats :¦Durant la période étudiée (01.01.1998 - 31.12.2010) nous avons collecté au total 23 patients soit 19 hommes (83%) et 4 femmes (17%) âgés de 12 à 60 ans (41 13 ans). Le rapport hommes/femmes est de 4.75. Le suivi quant à lui porte sur 21 patients: un patient, après échec de primo-implantation au CHUV, a été implanté d'un défibrillateur dans un autre canton et un second patient a été perdu de vue entre l'implantation et le premier contrôle prévu. Le suivi moyen des 21 patients restants est de 8432 mois (37-149 mois, médiane : 78 mois). Il y a eu au total 45 thérapies délivrées : 12 appropriées (8 chocs; 4 ATP) et 33 inappropriées. 18% des patients ont eu ≥ 1 thérapie appropriée alors que 43% ont eu ≥ 1 choc inapproprié. 14 des 23 patients (61%) ont eu ≥ 1 complication (9 avec chocs inappropriés, 7 avec complications opératoires après primo-implantations ou ré-interventions, 6 avec dysfonction de sonde ventriculaire et 1 avec explantation).¦Conclusion :¦Le profil de ce petit collectif de patients avec SB implantés d'un DAI au CHUV est comparable à celui décrit dans la littérature. Durant un suivi moyen de 7 ans après la primo-implantation, l'incidence d'arythmies ventriculaires malignes est faible, avec un taux annuel de 2.6%. Le taux de complication est quant à lui élevé (8.7%/an). Près des trois-quarts des thérapies délivrées par le DAI sont inappropriées et les patients avec thérapies inappropriées sont 2.4x plus fréquents que les patients avec thérapies appropriées.
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
We report that caveolin-1, one of the major structural protein of caveolae, interacts with TCP-1, a hetero-oligomeric chaperone complex present in all eukaryotic cells that contributes mainly to the folding of actin and tubulin. The caveolin-TCP-1 interaction entails the first 32 amino acids of the N-terminal segment of caveolin. Our data show that caveolin-1 expression is needed for the induction of TCP-1 actin folding function in response to insulin stimulation. Caveolin-1 phosphorylation at tyrosine residue 14 induces the dissociation of caveolin-1 from TCP-1 and activates actin folding. We show that the mechanism by which caveolin-1 modulates TCP-1 activity is indirect and involves the cytoskeleton linker filamin. Filamin is known to bind caveolin-1 and to function as a negative regulator of insulin-mediated signaling. Our data support the notion that the caveolin-filamin interaction contributes to restore insulin-mediated phosphorylation of caveolin, thus allowing the release of active TCP-1.
Survey of School Library Media Centers in Iowa.