710 resultados para Hydro-Cy3
The Everglades R-EMAP project for year 2005 produced large quantities of data collected at 232 sampling sites. Data collection and analysis is an on-going long-term activity conducted by scientists of different disciplines at irregular intervals of several years. The data sets collected for 2005 include bio-geo-chemical (including mercury and hydro period), fish, invertebrate, periphyton, and plant data. Each sampling site is associated with a location, a description of the site to provide a general overview and photographs to provide a pictorial impression. The Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Center(GISRSC) at Florida International University (FIU) has designed and implemented an enterprise database for long-term storage of the project�s data in a central repository, providing the framework of data storage for the continuity of future sampling campaigns and allowing integration of new sample data as it becomes available. In addition GISRSC provides this interactive web application for easy, quick and effective retrieval and visualization of that data.
The study analyzed hydro-climatic and land use sensitivities of stormwater runoff and quality in the complex coastal urban watershed of Miami River Basin, Florida by developing a Storm Water Management Model (EPA SWMM 5). Regression-based empirical models were also developed to explain stream water quality in relation to internal (land uses and hydrology) and external (upstream contribution, seawater) sources and drivers in six highly urbanized canal basins of Southeast Florida. Stormwater runoff and quality were most sensitive to rainfall, imperviousness, and conversion of open lands/parks to residential, commercial and industrial areas. In-stream dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus in the watersheds were dictated by internal stressors while external stressors were dominant for total nitrogen and specific conductance. The research findings and tools will be useful for proactive monitoring and management of storm runoff and urban stream water quality under the changing climate and environment in South Florida and around the world.
Depuis plus de trente ans, nos pratiques démocratiques évoluent au rythme de liens grandissants entre les instances décisionnelles et la société civile. Les exemples de démarches participatives s’accumulent et leurs formes sont de plus en plus diverses. Au cours des dernières années, les démarches en amont sont de plus en plus présentes dans le paysage participatif et les organisations sont plus nombreuses que jamais à faire le pari de l’amont. C’est le cas d’Hydro-Québec avec ses les tables d’information et d’échange (TIE). Ces tables, existantes depuis la fin des années 1990 et dirigées par le maître d’ouvrage, regroupent plusieurs acteurs du milieu. Elles se tiennent dès le début du processus de planification. L’Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) a elle aussi faut le saut en amont en adaptant ses méthodes pour intervenir plus tôt dans le processus pour certains mandats. À travers deux études de cas, une portant sur les TIE du complexe hydroélectrique de la Romaine, et l’autre sur la consultation de l’OCPM sur la planification détaillée du secteur de Griffintown, ce mémoire explore les effets de la participation en amont sur les projets et sur ces acteurs.
Cette étude visait à documenter les perceptions et les croyances sur l’hygiène des mains chez des infirmières de deux hôpitaux de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Le modèle PRECEDE-PROCEED a guidé les travaux et permis de centrer l’analyse sur les facteurs prédisposants et les facteurs facilitants, éléments favorisant l’adoption des comportements de santé. Le devis utilisé est de type descriptif corrélationnel. Un échantillon de convenance incluant 74 infirmières recrutées dans les deux hôpitaux a été assemblé. Les données ont été recueillies au moyen d’un questionnaire auto-administré composé de 34 questions, tirées d’outils repérés dans la recension des écrits. Les questions portaient sur les connaissances, les perceptions au regard de l’hygiène des mains et l’accès aux infrastructures facilitant l’adoption de ce comportement. La collecte des données s’est déroulée à Kinshasa, capitale de la RDC. Les résultats révèlent d’importantes lacunes dans les connaissances. Les perceptions relatives aux normes sociales sont ressorties comme davantage favorables. Les résultats révèlent également des lacunes en ce qui a trait aux facteurs facilitants, notamment dans l’utilisation de la friction hydro-alcoolique. Par ailleurs, les infirmières les plus instruites et les plus expérimentées étaient plus nombreuses à percevoir l'importance de la pratique d’hygiène des mains. La discussion aborde quelques pistes en termes d’actions à entreprendre pour améliorer les comportements d’hygiène chez les infirmières dans les pays en développement telle la RDC.
Hydroelectric systems are well-known for large scale power generation. However, there are virtually no studies on energy harvesting with these systems to produce tens or hundreds of milliwatts. The goal of this work was to study which design parameters from large-scale systems can be applied to small-scale systems. Two types of hydro turbines were evaluated. The first one was a Pelton turbine which is suitable for high heads and low flow rates. The second one was a propeller turbine used for low heads and high flow rates. Several turbine geometries and nozzle diameters were tested for the Pelton system. For the propeller, a three-bladed turbine was tested for different heads and draft tubes. The mechanical power provided by these turbines was measured to evaluate the range of efficiencies of these systems. A small three-phase generator was developed for coupling with the turbines in order to evaluate the generated electric power. Selected turbines were used to test battery charging with hydroelectric systems and a comparison between several efficiencies of the systems was made. Keywords
Dans le souci d’améliorer le réseau de distribution de l'énergie électrique, tout en maintenant l'intégrité de certains sites urbains protégés, plusieurs municipalités du Québec ont choisi d’enfouir leurs fils électriques. Ce type d’installation requiert des chambres de raccordement souterraines afin de réaliser l’entretien du réseau et le câblage. Ces chambres sont typiquement placées à tous les 300 mètres du réseau et sont généralement recouvertes d’épaisseurs de remblai allant de 0,6 m à 1m. L’un des principaux problèmes affectant l’état structural de ces chambres est la dégradation du béton de la surface externe de celles-ci. Dans certains cas, la dégradation peut atteindre une portion non négligeable de l’épaisseur de la dalle, jusqu’à en causer l’effondrement. En plus de présenter un danger pour la population, ces effondrements entraînent des coûts d’entretien élevés pour les propriétaires d’ouvrages. En outre, ces chambres sont difficiles à inspecter par l’intérieur. Cette problématique est d’autant plus importante étant donné la grande quantité de chambres de raccordement souterraines construites par le passé. Dans ce contexte, Hydro-Québec a lancé un programme de recherche visant à faire l'évaluation par des techniques de contrôle non destructif de l’état du béton du toit des chambres de raccordement souterraines. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit cette étude. Le but de notre projet est d'évaluer les capacités de la technique du Géoradar à détecter l’endommagement du béton et, si possible, déterminer l’étendue en profondeur des dégradations dans le béton de ces dalles en béton armé enterrées. Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente la méthode proposée pour atteindre cet objectif. Des simulations numériques ont été réalisées, dans un premier temps, pour établir les limites de l'application Géoradar dans le cadre de notre problématique. Les résultats obtenus ont ensuite été confrontés à des essais réalisés sur des dalles réelles enterrées. Les travaux ont permis de montrer sans équivoque qu'avec le Géoradar, il est possible de déceler la dégradation au niveau des dalles enterrées, lorsque celles-ci se situaient à une profondeur maximale de 75 cm sous un sol de type sableux. Mais, il est encore difficile de pouvoir estimer l’étendue en profondeur de la dégradation, sans connaître l'état initial des dalles.
Biofilm bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics than planktonic cells. Propolis possesses antimicrobial activity. Generally, nanoparticles containing heavy metals possess antimicrobial and antibiofilm properties. In this study, the ability of adherence of Methicillin Resistant Strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to catheters treated with magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs), produced by three methods and functionalized with oleic acid and a hydro-alcoholic extract of propolis from Morocco, was evaluated. The chemical composition of propolis was established by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and the fabricated nanostructures characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Mossbauer spectroscopy and Fourrier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The capacity for impairing biofilm formation was dependent on the strain, as well as on the mode of production of MNPs. The co-precipitation method of MNPs fabrication using Fe(3+) and Na₂SO₃ solution and functionalized with oleic acid and propolis was the most effective in the impairment of adherence of all MRSA strains to catheters (p < 0.001). The adherence of the strain MRSA16 was also significantly lower (p < 0.001) when the catheters were treated with the hybrid MNPs with oleic acid produced by a hydrothermal method. The anti-MRSA observed can be attributed to the presence of benzyl caffeate, pinocembrin, galangin, and isocupressic acid in propolis extract, along with MNPs. However, for MRSA16, the impairment of its adherence on catheters may only be attributed to the hybrid MNPs with oleic acid, since very small amount, if any at all of propolis compounds were added to the MNPs.
Hydroelectric systems are well-known for large scale power generation. However, there are virtually no studies on energy harvesting with these systems to produce tens or hundreds of milliwatts. The goal of this work was to study which design parameters from large-scale systems can be applied to small-scale systems. Two types of hydro turbines were evaluated. The first one was a Pelton turbine which is suitable for high heads and low flow rates. The second one was a propeller turbine used for low heads and high flow rates. Several turbine geometries and nozzle diameters were tested for the Pelton system. For the propeller, a three-bladed turbine was tested for different heads and draft tubes. The mechanical power provided by these turbines was measured to evaluate the range of efficiencies of these systems. A small three-phase generator was developed for coupling with the turbines in order to evaluate the generated electric power. Selected turbines were used to test battery charging with hydroelectric systems and a comparison between several efficiencies of the systems was made. Keywords
Es necesario que los gerentes sean líderes y establezcan relaciones sólidas con los empleados, para luego establecer las mismas con socios potenciales. Para lograr este objetivo, Con el fin de cumplir este objetivo, el uso de estrategias y técnicas de negociación es crucial, así como la importancia de la conciencia cultural y de la diversidad. La globalización no sólo ha movido a los mercados sino también a las personas, la inmigración es un fenómeno fuerte hoy en día y varios países, como Canadá, han sido inclusivos y han apoyado a estos nuevos ciudadanos. Las empresas de Canadá, sin importar la industria, han asumido el reto de integrar una fuerza laboral diversa con el propósito de adquirir nuevos conocimientos y crecer a nivel nacional, pero sobre todo en el ámbito internacional. Igualmente, es esencial tener en cuenta las ventajas y limitaciones del multiculturalismo dentro de la empresa y específicamente en las negociaciones interculturales.
Este trabalho introduz a teoria da instrumentação virtual descrevendo os principais componentes desta. É detalhada a implementação de um instrumento virtual e uma base de dados associada que permitem obter uma estimativa de variáveis ambientais para qualquer ponto do globo e qualquer altura do ano. Este instrumento - Environment simulator – permite fornecer dados ambientais necessários a simulação da radiação solar. Para explicar a implementação da plataforma de apoio introduzem-se noções relativas à radiação solar, à relação entre o planeta Terra e o sol. É considerada a radiação solar espectral bem como os principais componentes óticos atmosféricos que com ela interagem. Apresentam-se formulações e aproximações dos coeficientes de extinção e dispersão na atmosfera que levam ao cálculo da radiação solar espectral direta, difusa e global. Por fim, validam-se os resultados através da comparação com valores registados durante a campanha de observações ALEX2014.
In order to access the effect of the lakes in the atmospheric electrical field, measurements have been carried out near a large man-made lake in southern Portugal, the Alqueva reservoir, during the ALqueva hydro-meteorological EXperiment 2014. The purpose of these conjoint experiments was to study the impact of the Alqueva reservoir on the atmosphere, in particular on the local atmospheric electric environment by comparing measurements taken in the proximity of the lake. Two stations 10 km apart were used, as they were located up- and down-wind of the lake (Amieira and Parque Solar, respectively), in reference to the dominant northwestern wind direction. The up-wind station shows lower atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) values than the ones observed in the down-wind station between 12 and 20 UTC. The difference in the atmospheric electric PG between the up-wind and the down-wind station is ~30 V/m during the day. This differential occurs mainly during the development of a lake breeze, between 10 and 18 UTC, as a consequence of the surface temperature gradient between the surrounding land and the lake water. In the analysis presented, a correlation is found between the atmospheric electric PG differences and both wind speed and temperature gradients over the lake, thus supporting the influence of the lake breeze over the observed PG variation in the two stations. Two hypotheses are provided to explain this observation: (1) The air that flows from the lake into the land station is likely to increase the local electric conductivity through the removal of ground dust and the transport of cleaner air from higher altitudes with significant light ion concentrations. With such an increase in conductivity, it is expected to see a reduction of the atmospheric electric PG; (2) the resulting air flow over the land station carries negative ions formed by wave splashing in the lake's water surface, as a result of the so-called balloelectric effect. These negative ions will form a space-charge density (SCD) that can reduce the atmospheric electric PG. A formulation is derived here in order to estimate the local SCD.
The increasing integration of renewable energies in the electricity grid contributes considerably to achieve the European Union goals on energy and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions reduction. However, it also brings problems to grid management. Large scale energy storage can provide the means for a better integration of the renewable energy sources, for balancing supply and demand, to increase energy security, to enhance a better management of the grid and also to converge towards a low carbon economy. Geological formations have the potential to store large volumes of fluids with minimal impact to environment and society. One of the ways to ensure a large scale energy storage is to use the storage capacity in geological reservoir. In fact, there are several viable technologies for underground energy storage, as well as several types of underground reservoirs that can be considered. The geological energy storage technologies considered in this research were: Underground Gas Storage (UGS), Hydrogen Storage (HS), Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), Underground Pumped Hydro Storage (UPHS) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES). For these different types of underground energy storage technologies there are several types of geological reservoirs that can be suitable, namely: depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs, aquifers, salt formations and caverns, engineered rock caverns and abandoned mines. Specific site screening criteria are applicable to each of these reservoir types and technologies, which determines the viability of the reservoir itself, and of the technology for any particular site. This paper presents a review of the criteria applied in the scope of the Portuguese contribution to the EU funded project ESTMAP – Energy Storage Mapping and Planning.
El agua junto a las variaciones climáticas, encabezan discursos políticos y científicos globales en los que resurgen los debates sobre los conflictos acerca de este recurso, la geopolítica del agua, la gestión, la contaminación y la polución. Ante este panorama el IPCC (Panel Intergubernamental del Cambio Climático), la Organización Mundial de Meteorología (OMM),el Programa de la Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) y distintas organizaciones medioambientales hanenfocado sus intereses científicos en estudios en los cuales se utilicen indicadores hidroclimáticos. En este contexto, este artículo analiza la evolución hidroclimática reciente en dos cuencas principales de la isla de Puerto Rico, utilizando como indicadores las temperaturas, las precipitaciones y los caudales de distintas estaciones de NOAA y el USGS. Inicialmente analizamos cada estación individualmente y luego se hizo un análisis conjunto de la cuenca. Con los resultados obtenidos,en ninguna de las cuencas se pudo establecer tendencias claras en cuanto a la precipitación total anual. Aunque algunas estaciones mostraron tendencias positivas y otras regresivas, ninguna alcanzó valores estadísticamente significativos que permita rechazar la hipótesis nula de no tendencia. Nuestro análisis indica también que en una cuenca la temperatura media anual mostró un ligero aumento, mientras que en la otra la temperatura manifestó descendió. Por otro lado, el volumen de agua anual que discurre por las cuencas ha disminuido en ambos ríos donde se pudo rechazar la hipótesis nula de no tendencia con el análisis de Mann-Kendall. No obstante, existen otros factores que no fueron objeto de estudio en este análisis y que tienen impactos sobre los recursos hídricos, así como los distintos mosaicos paisajísticos que componen una cuenca hidrográfica.Palabras Claves: recursos hídricos, tendencias hidroclimáticas, cambio climático.ABSTRACTToday, water resources and climatic oscillations dominate all political and scientific discourses where the principal debate is focused on water management, water pollution and the geopolitics of this resource. Against this background, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change), WMO(World Meteorology Organization), the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and other environmental organizations have focused their scientific research on hydro-climatic evolution. In this context, this article examines recent developments in hydro-climatic evolution on two mainrivers in Puerto Rico, using temperature, rainfall, stream-flow and discharge data from NOAA climatic stations and USGS hydrological stations. Initially, we analyze data from each individual station and then make an integrated analysis of the basins. With the obtained results, in none of the basins was it possible to establish clear trends as to total annual precipitation. Though some stations showed positive trends and others regressive, none reached statistically significant values.Our analysis also indicates that in one basin the annual average temperature showed a slight increase, whereas in the other basin a temperature decrease was confirmed. On the other hand, the volume of annual discharge from both rivers showed a decrease. However, there are other factors that were not considered in this analysis, such as land use, that impact water resources and the various landscape mosaics comprising a watershed.Key Words: water resources, hydro-climatic evolution, climate change
La microcuenca del río Poás (ubicada entre el volcán Barva y el volcán Poás, hasta la confluencia con el río Grande cerca de la ciudad de Alajuela) posee un alto potencial para la formación de acuíferos de alta calidad. Por este motivo sus recursos naturales deben utilizarse adecuadamente. La mejor manera de lograr lo anterior es mediante la planificación del uso de la tierra. En esta investigación se plantea para ello el ordenamiento territorial y el manejo de cuencas. Para este propósito se realiza una zonificación mediante la cual se identifican las siguientes zonas: sin restricción de uso, uso restringido y uso muy restringido. La mayor parte de la m icrocuenca (64,6%) se encuentra en la categoría de “sin restricción de uso”. Sin embargo. se hace necesaria la intervención con rapidez en sectores ubicados en la parte alta de la microcuenca que se clasifican de “uso muy restringido”. En relación con el recurso hídrico, en la microcuenca en los últimos 14 años y de acuerdo con la metodología aplicada, se ha elevado la producción hídrica, específicamente en la escorrentía y la ganancia. En general aumentó en 1,6%.Abstract:The Poas river micro watershed (located between the Barva and Poas volcanoes reaching the confluence of the Grande river near the city of Alajuela) has high potential for developing high quality aquifers, thus, its natural resnurces should be utilized adequately. This is best done by proper land use planning. In this study guidelines are presented for land use planning and watershed management. Land use is zoned or classified for the following uses:unrestricted use, restricted use, and highly restricted use. Most of the micro watershed (64.6 percent) is classified or zoned as ‘unrestricted use.’ However, urgent intervention is needed in demand and the possibility to export it. However, it is also possible to see the negative impaci of the project, such as: indigenous territories and a pan of the Interamerican Road being flooding, population displacement and the environmental ¡mpact on the Terraba-Sierpe mangrove. This diversity and incompatibility of factors and interest make a complex scenario that potentializes diverse conflicts.
This Ph.D. project aimed to the development and improvement of analytical solutions for control of quality and authenticity of virgin olive oils. According to this main objective, different research activities were carried out: concerning the quality control of olive oil, two of the official parameters defined by regulations (free acidity and fatty acid ethyl esters) were taken into account, and more sustainable and easier analytical solutions were developed and validated in-house. Regarding authenticity, two different issues were faced: verification of the geographical origin of extra virgin (EVOOs) and virgin olive oils (VOOs), and assessment of soft-deodorized oils illegally mixed with EVOOs. About fatty acid ethyl esters, a revised method based on the application of off-line HPLC-GC-FID (with PTV injector), revising both the preparative phase and the GC injector required in the official method, was developed. Next, the method was in-house validated evaluating several parameters. Concerning free acidity, a portable system suitable for in-situ measurements of VOO free acidity was developed and in-house validated. Its working principle is based on the estimation of the olive oil free acidity by measuring the conductance of an emulsion between a hydro-alcoholic solution and the sample to be tested. The procedure is very quick and easy and, therefore, suitable for people without specific training. Another study developed during the Ph.D. was about the application of flash gas chromatography for volatile compounds analysis, combined with untargeted chemometric data elaborations, for discrimination of EVOOs and VOOs of different geographical origin. A set of 210 samples coming from different EU member states and extra-EU countries were collected and analyzed. Data were elaborated applying two different classification techniques, one linear (PLS-DA) and one non-linear (ANN). Finally, a preliminary study about the application of GC-IMS (Gas Chromatograph - Ion Mobility Spectrometer) for assessment of soft-deodorized olive oils was carried out.