989 resultados para Hunt, Alfred William, 1830-1896.


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Nesta tese abordamos alguns aspectos das inter-relações entre conhecimento, ética e valores dentro da atividade científica segundo as ideias do matemático-filósofo vitoriano William Clifford. O nosso tema geral coloca em jogo o envolvimento da produção, da avaliação e da transmissão de conhecimento científico com os comportamentos, as responsabilidades e os traços de caráter do investigador. Nosso objetivo é oferecer uma introdução ao pensamento e a algumas produções intelectuais de Clifford, um autor pouco familiar ao público filosófico brasileiro, bem como uma descrição comentada de seu escrito mais famoso, intitulado A Ética da Crença. Mediante esse objetivo, extraímos suas concepções a respeito das características e consequências éticas do empreendimento científico. As questões que orientam a tese são as seguintes: de que maneira a produção de conhecimento estaria condicionada à personalidade e ao comportamento ético de quem se lança àquela prática? Em que medida essa prática promove o cultivo de características pessoais socialmente desejáveis e favoráveis? Quais as conseqüências para a sociedade dessa inter-relação entre o caráter do investigador e os valores epistêmicos que estes colocam em ação e, sem os quais parece não ser possível a obtenção de conhecimento confiável?


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A multidimensionalidade e a consistência empírica da violência convidam aos questionamentos, debates e reflexões acerca desse fenômeno. A violência intrafamiliar contra a criança consiste em formas agressivas de membros da família se relacionarem adotando essa prática como solução de conflitos e estratégia para a correção e educação das crianças. Objeto de estudo: a violência intrafamiliar à criança na perspectiva de familiares. Objetivos: Identificar os atos considerados violentos contra a criança na perspectiva de familiares; descrever as implicações desses atos violentos na vida da criança sob a ótica de familiares; conhecer quais as atitudes que os familiares consideram importantes para a prevenção da violência contra a criança e discutir a violência intrafamiliar à criança na perspectiva de familiares a luz da fenomenologia sociológica de Alfred Schutz. Descrição metodológica: Trata-se de estudo de natureza qualitativo desenvolvido em um ambulatório de pediatria de um hospital universitário do município do Rio de Janeiro, com a participação de 12 familiares. Para a interpretação do material empírico foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo de Bardin na modalidade temática. O referencial teórico da fenomenologia sociológica de Alfred Schutz sustentou a discussão dos resultados. Resultados: Emergiram 6 (seis) categorias analíticas, a saber: Violência nas relações familiares; Palavras que ferem; Formas silenciosas de descuido e descaso para com a vida do outro; Violência gera violência; Implicações da violência intrafamiliar na vida da criança; Falar com a criança para evitar a violência. Os familiares a partir de uma relação anônima entendem a violência intrafamiliar contra a criança na perspectiva de um constructo teórico, na qual se situam como espectadores e não como perpetradores dos atos violentos. Para eles, os castigos físicos, a violência psicológica, a negligência e o abandono praticados pelas pessoas são considerados violência intrafamiliar contra a criança. Práticas como palmadinhas e tapinhas foram descritas como forma de correção e educação da criança. No se refere às implicações dos atos violentos na vida da criança apontaram aquelas que podem levar marcas profundas na memória da criança vitimizada, bem como em sua vida sócio-afetiva. O estudo possibilitou a aproximação ao conhecimento de uma realidade que afeta inúmeras crianças, onde os familiares sinalizaram que a melhor maneira de se prevenir a violência intrafamiliar é por meio do estabelecimento de uma conversa esclarecedora com a criança, abordando os assuntos pertinentes para cada ocasião com que se deparam. A inserção dessa temática desde os cursos de graduação para profissionais que lidam com a criança e sua família poderá ampliar os estudos neste campo e subsidiar a formação desses profissionais para lidar de forma adequada com o fenômeno da violência intrafamiliar.


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William Francis Thompson (1888–1965) was a preeminent fishery scientist of the early to mid twentieth century. Educated at Stanford University in California (B.A. 1911, Ph.D. 1930), Thompson conducted pioneering research on the Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, from 1914 to 1917 for the British Columbia Provincial Fisheries Department. He then directed marine fisheries research for the State of California from 1917 to 1924, was Director of Investigations for the International Fisheries Commission from 1924 to 1939, and Director of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission from 1937 to 1942. He was also Director of the School of Fisheries, University of Washing-ton, Seattle, from 1930 to 1947. Thompson was the founding director in 1947 of the Fisheries Research Institute at the University of Washington and served in that capacity until his retirement in 1958. He was a dominant figure in fisheries research of the Pacific Northwest and influenced a succession of fishery scientists with his yield-based analysis of fishery stocks, as opposed to studying the fishes’environment. Will Thompson was also a major figure in education, and many of his former students attained leadership positions in fisheries research and administration.


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William Francis Thompson (1888–1965), as a temporary employee of the British Columbia Provincial Fisheries Department, was assigned in 1914 to under-take full-time studies of the Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis. The fishery was showing signs of depletion, so Thompson undertook the inquiry into this resource, the first intensive study on the Pacific halibut. Three years later, Thompson, working alone, had provided a basic foundation of knowledge for the subsequent management of this resource. He published seven land-mark papers on this species, and this work marked the first phase of a career in fisheries science that was to last nearly 50 years.


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William Francis Thompson (1888–1965), an early fishery biologist, joined the California Fish and Game Commission in 1917 with a mandate to investigate the marine fisheries of the state. He initiated studies on the albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga, and the Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax, as well as studies on other economically important marine organisms. Thompson built up a staff of fishery scientists, many of whom later attained considerable renown in their field, and he helped develop, and then direct, the commission’s first marine fisheries laboratory. During his tenure in California, he developed a personal philosophy of research that he outlined in several publications. Thompson based his approach on the yield-based analysis of the fisheries as opposed to large-scale environmental studies. He left the state agency in 1925 to direct the newly formed International Fisheries Commission (now the International Pacific Halibut Commission). William Thompson became a major figure in fisheries research in the United States, and particularly in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, during the first half of the 20th cent


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William Francis Thompson (1888–1965), as a temporary employee of the British Columbia Provincial Fisheries Department, was assigned in 1914 to under-take full-time studies of the Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis. The fishery was showing signs of depletion, so Thompson undertook the inquiry into this resource, the first intensive study on the Pacific halibut. Three years later, Thompson, working alone, had provided a basic foundation of knowledge for the subsequent management of this resource. He published seven land-mark papers on this species, and this work marked the first phase of a career in fisheries science that was to last nearly 50 years.


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Length and weight relationship of Decapterus russelli (Ruppell, 1830) is worked out to be W = 0.00312 L³ which indicates the isometric growth of the fish. Study on food and feeding habits revealed that the species is carnivorous, pelagic, feeding primarily on small crustaceans and small fish species, viz. Acetes indicus, ostracods, Apogon sp., Leiognathus sp., sciaenids, Netnipterus japonicas, Myctophid sp., Trichiurus sp., Therapon sp., D.russelli and occasionally on prawns. It is a selective feeder on Aeetes indicus.


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Investigations on food and feeding of Johnieops sina indicated that it feeds mainly on penaeid prawns, Acetes spp. and fishes. Penaeid prawns were found to be its preferred food item. The spawning activity was observed throughout the year with two peaks in February and August, supported by prominent peaks of gonadosomatic index in the same months. The minimum size at first maturity for females was 153 mm. The absolute fecundity ranged from 28,495 to 135,346 eggs for the ovaries weighing 1.30 to 9.49 g.


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William Hope Hodgson has generally been understood as the author of several atmospheric sea-horror stories and two powerful but flawed horror science fiction novels. There has been no substantial study analysing the historical and cultural context of his fiction or its place in the Gothic, horror, and science fiction literary traditions. Through analysing the theme of borderlands, this thesis contextualises Hodgson’s novels and short stories within these traditions and within late Victorian cultural discourse. Liminal other world realms, boundaries of corporeal monstrosity, and the imagined future of the world form key elements of Hodgson’s fiction, reflecting the currents of anxiety and optimism characterising fin-de-siècle British society. Hodgson’s early career as a sailor and his interest in body-building and physical culture colour his fiction. Fin-de-siècle discourses of evolution, entropy, spiritualism, psychical research, and the occult also influence his ideas. In The House on the Borderland (1908) and The Night Land (1912), the known world brushes against other forms of reality, exposing humanity to incomprehensible horrors. In The Ghost Pirates (1909), the sea forms a liminal region on the borderland of materiality and immateriality in which other world encounters can take place. In The Night Land and The Boats of the ‘Glen Carrig’ (1907), evolution gives rise to strange monstrous forms existing on the borderlines of species and identity. In Hodgson’s science fiction—The House on the Borderland and The Night Land—the future of the earth forms a temporal borderland of human existence shaped by fin-de-siècle fears of entropy and the heat-death of the sun. Alongside the work of other writers such as H. G. Wells and Arthur Machen, Hodgson’s four novels respond to the borderland discourses of the fin de siècle, better enabling us to understand the Gothic literature of the period as well as Hodgson’s position as a writer who offers a unique imaginative perspective on his contemporary culture.


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Pykett, Lyn. 'The Newgate Novel and Sensation Fiction 1830-1868', In: The Cambridge Companion to Crime fiction (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp.19-39 RAE2008


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Raybould, Marilynne, and Sims-Williams, Patrick, The geography of Celtic personal names in the Latin inscriptions of the Roman Empire (Aberystwyth: CMCS publications, 2007) RAE2008