834 resultados para Hipersensibilidade tardia
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper we intend to understand the functioning of Freudian psychism concerning the constitution of the psychic subject in his relation with knowledge. In order to do that, we will analyze one of the most important writings by Freud: An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. This choice was made because we think that the author synthesizes his thought in that book, whose maturity makes possible for us to access a later elaboration of the functioning and the conceptions we intend to analyze: The regions of Psychic apparatus; The problem of the Psycho-Analysis approach: science and philosophy; and The psychic qualities of the subject.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Cu-Au mine of Chapada is located in the municipality of Alto Horizonte, in the northwestern portion of Goiás state and is inserted in the geological context of the Brasilia Belt, specifically the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, which hosts important deposits of Au and Cu-Au. The rocks found in the study area belong mainly to the Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence of Mara Rosa and are composed of basic to acidic metavolcanic rocks, psammiticpellitic metasedimentary rocks, chemical rocks and also hydrothermal products. Late intrusions occur and are represented by pegmatitic dikes and tonalitic bodies. The ore deposit of the Chapada mine is formed predominantly by the chalcopyrite-pyritemagnetite association, where pyrite is the most abundant mineral. Through the structural mapping of the mining fronts, it was able to recognize three deformational phases (Dn, Dn +1, Dn +2). During the Dn phase, isoclinal recumbent folds were formed, in association with amphibolites facies metamorphism. Later, in phase Dn +1, there was formation of drag folds and intrafolial folds in association with retrograde metamorphism in the greenschist facies. The deformational phase Dn +2, in its turn, was responsible for late symmetrical folding of the foliation, with NS and EW axes, resulting in an interference pattern of the dome-and-basin type
This study aims, by a literature review, to evaluate the effects of the phacoemulsification surgery into the endothelial cells of the cornea, especially on dogs. The phacoemulsification is a surgical technique of cataract surgery, and presents a series of factors pre, trans and post operation that can affect the cornea endothelium. Knowing that the cornea transparency is essential to the preservation of the visual acuity, and that the endothelium cells do not demonstrate an adequate regeneration, it is important to the surgeon to be aware of these factors in order to avoid or to minimize them. Among then can be mentioned: previous diseases, surgical and chemical trauma, intra-ocular lens, uveitis etc. As consequence, a reduction on the number of endothelium cells and edema can be observed, which can lead to a loss of vision by definitive cornea opacity or to late visual recuperation
O transplante de órgãos é um processo em que se transferem tecidos e/ou órgãos sólidos de um doador vivo ou cadavérico para um hospedeiro. A resposta imune aos aloantígenos, antígenos de um membro da mesma espécie, do doador, caracteriza o processo de rejeição de órgãos. As reações de hipersensibilidade são causadas por respostas imunes controladas inadequadamente, como na formação de complexos antígeno-anticorpo circulantes no Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico, ou direcionadas ao tecido do paciente, por resposta de anticorpos, como na Febre Reumática Aguda, e por resposta linfocitária, como na Esclerose Múltipla. A terapia farmacológica para transplantes de órgãos e para reações de hipersensibilidade se baseia na utilização de fármacos imunossupressores, como a prednisona, ciclosporina, anticorpos monoclonais, ácido micofenólico e azatioprina. A talidomida, fármaco com propriedades inibidoras da produção de Fator de Necrose Tumoral Alfa em monócitos, atua como imunossupressor e anti-inflamatório, com atividade de interesse para o tratamento destas condições. Nesse contexto, foi sintetizada, purificada e caracterizada a estrutura química de um novo pró-fármaco planejado para atuar com mecanismo duplo de ação a saber: inibição da inosina 5’-monofosfato desidrogenase e da produção do fator de necrose tumoral alfa.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo de examinar as estratégias de expansão das firmas brasileiras do setor de carnes (bovina, suína e avícola) para além das fronteiras nacionais a partir da literatura sobre internacionalização de empresas. Essa literatura aponta fatores como a origem do capital, o grau de internacionalização da empresa, o setor de atuação, entre outros, como importantes condicionantes que afetam esse processo. No entanto, vários desses fatores não são diretamente aplicáveis aos casos brasileiros, caracterizado por uma internacionalização tardia e, em alguns casos, rápida. Para este estudo foram selecionadas três empresas nacionais do setor de carnes que apresentam diferentes estágios de internacionalização: JBS-Friboi, Marfrig, Brasil-Foods (Perdigão e Sadia). As informações selecionadas sobre cada empresas foram reunidas em dossiês corporativos, e analisadas através de estudos de casos, permitiram examinar e comparar as estratégias globais das empresas. Os resultados permitem concluir que as duas primeiras empresas demonstram uma estratégia agressiva de internacionalização (em certa medida a primeira fazendo o papel de líder e a segunda de seguidora e, por isso, complementares em posicionamento nos diferentes mercados regionais), enquanto a terceira se mantém nas etapas iniciais desse processo, fortemente vinculadas às exportações a partir do Brasil
The Urbanization is a notable process in our society, being part of it since around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia, currently Iraq area. Since the Industrial Revolution, cities had a significant increase in their growth and began to concentrate increasingly labor and capital. Brazil, despite having had a late industrialization, also had a high population growth in cities, especially in the XVIII century, which were not provided with any kind of planning that targets the ordering and implementation of the urban essential apparatus. Therefore, Brazilian cities started to exhibit countless structural and environmental problems. Associated with inadequate infrastructure, the modifications in the urban atmosphere, like increased heat, air pollution and increased rainfall and storm frequency, cause different types of impacts in cities. Among the most worrisome are those from the intense rain, which cause human and material damage. The city of Rio Claro (SP) can be considered an example of this reality. Thereby, the objective of this study was to analyze the impacts on the population originated from rainfall in the urban area during the period 2005-2010, by the mapping of events and analysis of the active atmospheric systems. The information of the events were collected in the Fire Department and the Press and the synoptic maps were obtained in the library of INPE, in Cachoeira Paulista (SP) and in the site of the Navy of Brazil. The data showed that among 247 occurrences, during the six years, 233 occurred in the spring-summer period. Moreover, after finalizing the maps, it was found the locations considered critical regarding the frequency of occurrences, as: Visconde do Rio Claro Avenue and central area of the city, both with a total of 23 occurrences; Jardim Inocoop, with 20; Tancredo Neves Avenue, with 12 and Vila Paulista, with 10 occurrences. Through the graphs, it was found that the most recurrent atmospheric system, during the studied period, is...
The late industrialization, together with other factors, ended up directing much of the rural population to cities, without adequate planning, resulting in high density and irregular settlements in risk areas to low-income population. The man settled in the urban site to break environmental laws that eventually causing an imbalance in the natural environment, causing or exacerbating the shortage in availability of water resources. This situation also happened in Presidente Prudente, especially in the east, the focus of this research. Therefore, this study aims to understand the causes of degradation of waterways in urban areas, focusing on society's relationship with nature and its consequences on environmental quality and quality of life of urban population located in the watershed of stream of Gramado, Presidente Prudente - São Paulo. In this catchment there is the irregular deposition of solid waste in the valley, remnants of old pollution release of domestic sewage and industrial (currently collected and intended for treatment), accelerated processes of erosion in some areas of intensive use of the relief and consequently, the bed siltation of streams that are part of the basin. The quality of urban life was seen through socioeconomic and environmental indicators, which were identified through questionnaires to residents, according to local residence in the landscape, divided into three segments: the tops 60 residents, 90 residents and 112 residents in the areas in valley bottoms. With these data we can relate them to the degradation of the basin and aggregate them to the quality of life of residents. Field studies were needed to visualize the changes that occurred in the watershed over the past three years, with the implementation of works aimed at improvements to the community as the conduit stream of Gramado and construction and operation of Sewage Pumping Stations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of previous active static stretch on the isometric peak torque (PT) and rate of force development (RFD) measured from different time intervals from the beginning of muscle contraction. Participated of this study 15 male individuals, apparently healthy, with ages between 18 and 25 years, without regular physical activity practice. The individuals were submitted in different days to the following tests: 1) Familiarization session to the isokinetic dynamometer; 2) Two maximal isometric concentric contractions for knee extensors in isokinetic dynamometer to determine PT and RFD (Control), and; 3) Two active static stretching exercises for the dominant leg extensors (10 x 30 s for each exercise, with 20 s of rest). After the stretching, the isokinetic test was repeated (Post-Stretching). The conditions 2 and 3 were performed in random order. The RFD was considered as the mean slope of the moment-time curve at time intervals of 0-30, 0-50 and 0-100ms relative to the beginning of muscle contraction. It was verified significant reduction for both maximal RFD and PT after the stretching (p < 0.05). At intervals of 0- 30ms, 0-50ms and 0-100ms, the RFD at the conditions with stretching was similar to the RFD without stretching (p > 0.05). At intervals of 0-150ms and 0-200ms, the RFD obtained at the contraction without stretching was significantly higher that that obtained at the contraction with stretching (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that the static stretching, performed with duration of 600 s diminish isometric PT, maximal RFD and RFD measured at late phase (> 100 ms) of muscle contraction.
Câncer cervical é o segundo tipo mais comum em mulheres no mundo. Estudos apontam que a presença de certos tipos do HPV desempenha um papel central na formação do câncer. Apesar do grande sucesso da prevenção do câncer uterino com vacinas, o uso de produtos naturais para o tratamento de doenças é crescente e de grande importância econômica. Alcalóides guanidínicos isolados de Pterogyne nitens representam uma potencial fonte de novos tratamentos. O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi avaliar a atividade apoptótica induzida em células de carcinoma cervical infectadas (SiHa) e não infectadas pelo HPV (C33-A), tratadas com nitensidinas A e B, isoladas de folhas de Pterogyne nitens Tul. A citotoxicidade dos alcalóides foi avaliada utilizando o método de MTT. Para avaliar quantitativamente a apoptose e necrose celular, foi executado o ensaio de Anexina V por citometria de fluxo. Ambas as substâncias, nitensidinas A e B, apresentaram efeito citotóxico concentração-resposta em ambas as linhagens testadas (SiHa e C33A) e nos dois tempos de tratamento (24 horas e 48 horas). Não foi observada significância estatística quando comparados os perfis de ação citotóxica das duas substâncias em teste (nitensidinas A e B), em nenhuma das linhagens testadas (SiHa e C33A) e em nenhum dos dois tempos de tratamento (24 horas e 48 horas). Ambas as substâncias, nitensidina A e nitensidina B, apresentaram efeito indutor de apoptose precoce e, em menor número, de apoptose tardia/ necrose, em ambas as linhagens testadas (SiHa e C33A) e nos dois tempos de tratamento (24 horas e 48 horas)
Adequate testosterone levels are necessary for the development, growth and maintenance of the male reproductive system. Testosterone deficiency is common in men with diabetes in whom it may contribute to impaired performance, with consequent reduction of the activity of the androgen regulated organs, such as the prostate. However, little attention has been given to the plasma dihydrotestosterone (DHT) level, the most potent androgen, nor to the expression of the androgen receptor (AR), insulin-like growth factor type I (IGF-1) and receptor (IGF-1R) in target tissues. Here, we investigated the effect of type I diabetes mellitus on DHT plasma levels and on prostate AR, IGF-1 and IGF-1R expression during rat pubertal growth. Diabetes was induced in prepubertal male rats through administration of streptozotocin (STZ; 40 mg/kg). Diabetic, diabetic treated with insulin, and age-matched control animals were killed by overdoses of pentobarbital. The ventral prostatic lobe (VP) was dissected, weighed and processed for immunohistochemistry for AR, IGF-1 e IGF-1R; plasma T and DHT levels were also determined. Hyperglycemia at puberty reduced VP weight gain to about 50% and plasma T level to about 80% of the control levels. In contrast there were no changes in plasma DHT levels. Insulin replacement restored the VP weight gain, but not the plasma T levels, which remained 90% below the ones of controls. Immunohistochemistry showed that AR, IGF-1 and IGF-1R expression in the prostate epithelial cells did not change with hyperglycemia or insulin replacement. Thus, the AR expression in the prostate epithelial cells appears to be regulated by DHT, and to a minor extent it also controls glandular growth
The use of pesticides in Brazil has intensified over the years. And since 2009 it was ranked as the largest market for pesticides worldwide. The consequential diffuse contamination of the environment is therefore due to the increasing number of chemicals of different classes, origins and modes of action. Little is known about the action of pesticides on human health in situations of co-exposure. Possible toxic effects are not restricted to agricultural and industrial workers, but also the general population that may be exposed continuously to its residues in food and water. Although these pesticides are mostly present in the environment at low doses, it must be considered that possible cumulative or synergistic effects may occur when there are concurrent or sustained exposure for two or more of these agents, which can lead to late manifestation of subclinical damages, sometimes irreversible. Thus, the specific objective of this study was to assess the effect of carcinogenesis promotion of a mixture of pesticides at low doses and analyze the phenomena of cell proliferation and apoptosis in rat liver. A total of 50 male Lewis rats was separated into 5 groups for 8 weeks in a medium term hepatocarcinogenesis model. The three different classes of pesticides (dieldrin, dicofol, endosulfan, dichlorvos and permethrin), whose residues were detected by ANVISA during the period from 2001 to 2005 in tomatoes cultures, were added to the feed of rats initiated to hepatocarcinogenesis with diethylnitrosamine (DEN- 200mg/kg ip). We used two different mixtures, one with no toxic effects at doses (MEX1) referring to the NOEL (no-observed-effect level) and another at doses LOEL / LEL / LOAEL (Lowest-observed-effect level / Lowest-effect level / Lowest -observed-adverse-effect level), to the installation of adverse effects (MEX2), derived from chronic studies. All animals ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Septic shock remains one of the most common challenges for the small animal practicing, presenting high mortality rates frequently associated with late identification of this syndrome, as well as an inappropriate treatment. In general, disruption of homeostasis occurs with an intense activation of inflammatory cascade, which leads to a damage to endothelial cells and an exposure to these cytokines, which will result in vasodilation and increased capillary permeability. Thus, there is a drop in blood pressure, even after aggressive fluid resuscitation. Therefore, drugs such as vasopressors, which act by increasing systemic vascular resistance, and inotropes, which have an effect on heart pump, should be administered in order to raise blood pressure, ensuring adequate tissue perfusion. The objective of this review was to gather information about the various drugs used in vasopressors/inotropes therapy, trying to explain the role of each one in different situations, in order to increase the survival rate in dogs affected with septic shock