957 resultados para Herr, Matt
Q&A: Tashia Bradley on Kentucky, Tortola, The Pugh Center mission, and the mild winter she brought with her to Maine Weather Report: Senior speaks at meteorological meeting, challenges historians' take on the history of forecasting Finding Community: Projects for Peace documentary explores a different, and for many, more rewarding way of life Literary Peaks: At Whitefish Review, Colby trio (plus one) gives art and literature a mountain home Sadoff Invites Us To Love Life Despite Hardship and Injustice (Review) Marketing Experts Say Plain Talk Beats Social Media Considering Life's Stepping Stones: For Debra Spark's characters, it's the journey, not the destination (Review) Finding Home Amid Myth and Mystery (Review) Recent Releases Concussion Impact: Colby-based project helps Maine schools reduce sports injuries Quiet Powerhouse: Rachael Mack ends career with 1,241 points, leads team turnaround Sports Shorts The Nation's Fastest: Dominique Kone '13 wins NCAA DIII 60-meter dash, coming back from 2011 injury
Designers respond to issues and synthesize ideas from throughout the day as voices from the field who directly encounter the need for recently graduated students to possess the ability to investigate and interrogate materials.
A homocistinúria é um erro inato do metabolismo caracterizado, bioquimicamente, pela deficiência da enzima cistationina-β-sintase, resultando no acúmulo tecidual de homocisteína. Os pacientes afetados apresentam sintomas neurológicos e vasculares característicos, como retardo mental e arteriosclerose, cuja fisiopatologia é desconhecida. No presente trabalho, avaliamos os efeitos in vitro e in vivo da homocisteína sobre alguns parâmetros bioquímicos. Primeiramente, observamos o efeito in vitro da exposição de homogeneizados de córtex parietal de ratos ao ácido fólico, avaliando a inibição causada pela homocisteína sobre a atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase de membranas plasmáticas. Nos estudos in vivo, investigamos o efeito do pré-tratamento com ácido fólico sobre a inibição das enzimas Na+,K+-ATPase e butirilcolinesterase em córtex parietal e em soro de ratos submetidos à hiperhomocisteinemia aguda, respectivamente. Considerando que a Na+,K+-ATPase é suscetível ao ataque de radicais livres, nós determinamos o efeito da hiperhomocisteinemia aguda sobre alguns parâmetros de estresse oxidativo, como a formação de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico e o conteúdo total de grupos tióis em córtex parietal de ratos. Finalmente, investigamos o efeito do ácido fólico sobre a redução da atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase em córtex parietal e sobre o aumento do índice de dano ao DNA em sangue total de ratos submetidos à hiperhomocisteinemia crônica. Nossos resultados mostraram que a homocisteína in vitro reduz, significativamente, a atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase e que o ácido fólico previne esse efeito. Estudos cinéticos com o substrato ATP revelaram que a homocisteína inibe de forma não-competitiva a enzima Na+,K+-ATPase. Os estudos in vivo confirmaram que a hiperhomocisteinemia aguda diminui as atividades das enzimas Na+,K+-ATPase e butirilcolinesterase e que o pré-tratamento com ácido fólico também previne os efeitos causados pela homocisteína. Por outro lado, a hiperhomocisteinemia aguda não alterou os parâmetros de estresse oxidativo analisados. A hiperhomocisteinemia crônica inibiu a Na+,K+-ATPase em córtex parietal e aumentou o índice de dano ao DNA em sangue total de ratos e, novamente, o tratamento com ácido fólico previne tais efeitos. Esses resultados, em conjunto, revelam os efeitos da homocisteína sobre alguns parâmetros bioquímicos e colaboram com o entendimento da fisiopatologia da homocistinúria. Além disso, os resultados sugerem que o ácido fólico, já utilizado por alguns pacientes homocistinúricos, poderá ser uma importante ferramenta terapêutica utilizada na prevenção dos efeitos neurológicos e vasculares da homocisteína.
This article is a reflection on the possibilities for the linking and or connection of words in Brazilian Portuguese lyric diction with the intention of contributing this as a tool for singers, singing and diction teachers working with BP. The proposal came from a study of the norms for the Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation 1938 and 1958 rules, which addressed the issue, in conjunction with the analysis of the current norms, published in 2007.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Current evidence of phenological responses to recent climate change is substantially biased towards northern hemisphere temperate regions. Given regional differences in climate change, shifts in phenology will not be uniform across the globe, and conclusions drawn from temperate systems in the northern hemisphere might not be applicable to other regions on the planet. We conduct the largest meta-analysis to date of phenological drivers and trends among southern hemisphere species, assessing 1208 long-term datasets from 89 studies on 347 species. Data were mostly from Australasia (Australia and New Zealand), South America and the Antarctic/subantarctic, and focused primarily on plants and birds. This meta-analysis shows an advance in the timing of spring events (with a strong Australian data bias), although substantial differences in trends were apparent among taxonomic groups and regions. When only statistically significant trends were considered, 82% of terrestrial datasets and 42% of marine datasets demonstrated an advance in phenology. Temperature was most frequently identified as the primary driver of phenological changes; however, in many studies it was the only climate variable considered. When precipitation was examined, it often played a key role but, in contrast with temperature, the direction of phenological shifts in response to precipitation variation was difficult to predict a priori. We discuss how phenological information can inform the adaptive capacity of species, their resilience, and constraints on autonomous adaptation. We also highlight serious weaknesses in past and current data collection and analyses at large regional scales (with very few studies in the tropics or from Africa) and dramatic taxonomic biases. If accurate predictions regarding the general effects of climate change on the biology of organisms are to be made, data collection policies focussing on targeting data-deficient regions and taxa need to be financially and logistically supported. © 2013 Chambers et al.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
In active learning, a machine learning algorithmis given an unlabeled set of examples U, and is allowed to request labels for a relatively small subset of U to use for training. The goal is then to judiciously choose which examples in U to have labeled in order to optimize some performance criterion, e.g. classification accuracy. We study how active learning affects AUC. We examine two existing algorithms from the literature and present our own active learning algorithms designed to maximize the AUC of the hypothesis. One of our algorithms was consistently the top performer, and Closest Sampling from the literature often came in second behind it. When good posterior probability estimates were available, our heuristics were by far the best.
It is generally observed that whenever there are cases of disease outbreaks and food recalls, such as the case of the 2003 Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE) outbreak, cattle and beef prices fall. Given these incidents, there is the question of which part of the marketing chain is the most affected. For those who produce live cattle, such as feedlot operators, the question is ‘what effect these events have on price and demand for beef and cattle?’ Similarly, how do the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) recalls and diseases such as Mad Cow Disease outbreaks affect the beef marketing margins at all levels in the U.S. beef marketing chain? Identifying these effects along the marketing chain provides insight into which level along that channel is the most vulnerable to these events. In addition, this information helps to assess the impact of such events on the industry, providing a basis for policy formulation.
Mortar panels painted with three different white acrylic coatings were exposed to the environment in urban (So Paulo) and rural (Pirassununga) sites in Brazil for 7 years. After this time, all panels were almost equally discoloured, and paint detachment was observed to only a small degree. The biofilms were composed mainly of cyanobacteria and filamentous fungi, principal genera being Gloeocapsa and Chroococcidiopsis of the cyanobacteria, and Cladosporium and Alternaria of the fungi. Two of the three paints in Pirassununga became covered by a pink film that contained red-encapsulated Gloeocapsa and clay particles. The third, an 800% elastomeric matt formulation, became discoloured with a grey, only slightly pink, film, although the same cyanobacteria were present. The levels of paint detachments from all films in both locations were low, with rating range of 0-1 of a maximum 5 (100% detachment). After high-pressure water jetting, paint detachments increased at both locations, up to 2 in Pirassununga and 3 in So Paulo. Discoloration decreased; L*A*B* analysis of surface discoloration showed that Delta E (alteration in colour from the original paint film) changed from 28-39 before cleaning to 13-16 afterwards. The pink coloration was not entirely removed from Pirassununga samples, suggesting that cyanobacterial cells are difficult to detach, and microscopic analysis of the biofilms confirmed that Gloeocapsa was still present as the principal contaminant on all surfaces, with Chroococcidiopsis being present as the second most common. Almost no fungi were detected after water jet application.
Retrospective review was performed of children aged <3 years with epileptic spasms at our center from 2004-2010. Short-term (<6 months) and long-term (>= 6 months) outcomes were assessed. We included 173 children (104 boys; median age of onset, 6.8 months) with epileptic spasms of known (62%) and unknown (38%) etiology. Treatments included adrenocorticotropic hormone (n = 103), vigabatrin (n = 82), phenobarbital (n = 34), and other agents (n = 121). Short-term treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone and vigabatrin provided better epileptic spasm control in groups with known and unknown etiology than other agents. At follow-up (6-27 months), 54% of children manifested seizures, and 83% manifested developmental delay. Known etiology was a predictor of poor developmental outcome (P = 0.006), whereas bilateral/diffuse brain lesions predicted both poor development and seizures (P = 0.001 and 0.005, respectively). Initial presentations of epileptic spasms with hypotonia or developmental delay most strongly predicted both seizures and neurodevelopmental outcomes (P < 0.001). In a child presenting with epileptic spasms with developmental delay or hypotonia, no specific treatment may offer superior benefit. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Nanopartikuläre Wirkstofftransportsysteme besitzen ein großes Potential für therapeutische Anwendungen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene grundlegende Aspekte, die für das erweiterte biologische Verständnis und die Entwicklung weiterer zielgerichteter Strategien zur Pharmakotherapie mit Nanopartikeln und –kapseln notwendig sind, näher untersucht. Experimente zur zellulären Aufnahmefähigkeit (in vitro und ex vivo) wurden mit verschiedenen Nanopartikeln und –kapseln aus diversen Monomeren und biokompatiblen Makromolekülen in immortalisierten Zellkulturlinien, humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen und Leukozyten durchgeführt und durchflusszytometrisch sowie mittels konfokaler Laser-Raster-Mikroskopie analysiert. Die Einflüsse der Oberflächenfunktionalisierungen der nanopartikulären Systeme, deren toxikologische Effekte sowie der Einfluss von adsorbiertem bovinem Serumalbumin auf funktionalisierten Polystyrol-Nanopartikeln wurden in Bezug auf die zelluläre Aufnahme untersucht.Um die multiplen Wechselwirkungen der Nanopartikel mit Bestandteilen des humanen peripheren Vollblutes zu untersuchen, wurde erfolgreich ein durchflusszytometrisches Analyseverfahren in antikoaguliertem peripherem Vollblut (ex vivo) entwickelt. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass der Einfluss von Calcium-komplexierenden Antikoagulanzien zu einer Verringerung und nicht Li-Heparin zu einer Verstärkung der zellulären Aufnahme von funktionalisierten Polystyrol-Nanopartikeln in diversen Leukozyten führt.Für Folsäure-gekoppelte Hydroxyethylstärke-Nanokapseln (Synthese Frau Dr. Grit Baier) konnte ein größenabhängiger selektiver, Folatrezeptor α vermittelter, zellulärer Aufnahmeweg in HeLa-Zellen nachgewiesen werden.Hydrolysierbare, nicht zytotoxische Polyester-Nanopartikel aus Poly(5,6-Benzo-2-methylen-1,3-dioxepan) (Synthese Herr Dr. Jörg Max Siebert) mit eingebettetem Paclitaxel zeigten in HeLa-Zellen eine vergleichbare pharmakologische Wirkung wie kommerziell erhältliche Paclitaxel-Formulierungen.Die in dieser Arbeit eingesetzten Nanopartikel und Nanokapseln besitzen ein vielfältiges Potential als Wirkstofftransportsysteme. Es zeigte sich, dass Unterschiede bei der Größe, der Größenverteilung, des Polymers sowie der Oberflächenfunktionalisierung der Nanopartikel bedeutende Unterschiede der Zellaufnahme in diversen Zellkulturlinien (in vitro) und Leukozyten in peripherem Vollblut (ex vivo) zur Folge haben.