957 resultados para Habitação estudantil


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A city is a place, is a housing, is the birthing place of economics. A city is made of routes, is made of people, by people and must also be structured for people. However, with the consolidation of a neoliberal economic system where ownership and economic generation prevail over the citizen's rights and the needs of those who have less, the city becomes a space of buying, exchange and increasingly commercial. The city of São Paulo is part of this context and is the result of the transformation process driven by real estate speculation, and the presented study area, the surroundings of the Municipal Market of São Paulo, is a new area in transformation. This work has the goal to bring a historical perspective and current status of the locality, with their revitalization projects, landscape changes and changes in housing, audience and resident citizens


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Nos últimos oito anos, o Brasil apresenta elevada atividade econômica e, destacadamente, os setores da construção civil e do crédito imobiliário demonstram elevado crescimento. Entretanto, diferentemente da recente dinâmica do setor e da economia brasileira, a história do setor da habitação no país é marcada por dificuldades de acesso ao crédito imobiliário para a aquisição e construção de moradias, situação a qual resultou no elevado déficit habitacional existente, nas desigualdades e outros fatores excludentes que a própria situação impõe, principalmente, pelo desenvolvimento do mercado de crédito imobiliário não ter sido capaz de acompanhar o crescimento da população e a urbanização brasileira nas últimas décadas. Este trabalho procura detalhar os diferentes momentos do crédito imobiliário no país o qual, por sua vez, teve inicio em meados dos anos 60 através de iniciativas públicas na estruturação do Sistema Financeiro de Habitação. Posteriormente, durante a década de 70, houve elevada expansão do financiamento de aquisição e construção de moradias no país, contudo, em decorrência dos desequilíbrios macroeconômicos e do próprio sistema que se acentuaram final dos anos 70 e início dos 80, a atividade de crédito imobiliário apresentou retração nas décadas posteriores, ou seja, durante a década de 80 e 90. Paralelamente ao financiamento habitacional, a década de 90 foi marcada pela execução de reformas macroeconômicas que, posteriormente, possibilitaram o controle inflacionário e a maior previsibilidade econômica no país. Adicionalmente, no final da década, estruturou-se um novo sistema denominado Sistema de Financiamento juntamente com a adoção do Regime de Metas de Inflação e a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. As reformas recentes e a estabilidade econômica proporcionaram o favorável e recente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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In the last few decades, Brazil has experienced an accelerated urbanization process in which many cities have grown in a disorderly way occupying environmentally fragile areas unsuitable for habitation. Anthropogenic actions such as high levels of impermeable soil, structural changes in watercourses, lack of riparian vegetation, illegal presence of trash and rubbish along the river banks added to irregular settlements in floodplains result in the rise of high risk areas. When accompanied by intense and prolonged rainfall phenomena, those areas have been the scenery of serious accidents such as floods. This study aims to classify the level of the risk of floods in the neighborhood of Jardim Inocoop, in the town of Rio Claro, São Paulo countryside, Brazil. One of the main technical support to tackle this issue is the identification and classification of the risks. In order to classify the risk level of flood in this case study, the methodology adopted was developed by the Ministry of Cities and Technology Research Institute, and take into account the arrangement of the hydrological scenario, vulnerability of households and dangerous process according to the distance of the houses from the axis of drainage. Therefore, the risk levels adopted to classify are listed below: very high (MA), high risk (A), moderate (M) and low risk (B). In conclusion, it is imperative to develop prevention plans in order to avoid or to minimize the damages caused by natural disasters. Therefore, the zoning of the risk sceneries remains as an important issue once it helps to identify the areas with high level risk of flood. Consequently, the occupation must be regulated where there is low or absent risk and it must be often forbidden where the high risk of flood is detected. Thus, the present study remains as an attempt to notify the risk of floods through its spatialization on a map, remainig...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A pesquisa propõe-se a listar, relacionar e analisar a partir de documentos, manuscritos e relatos orais, de que forma se constituíram os meios e modos de habitação das vilas ferroviárias em Bauru até meados do século XX. Como a ferrovia trouxe consigo uma infra-estrutura necessária ao seu funcionamento, busca-se estabelecer as relações entre a chegada da ferrovia e a cidade de Bauru, e de que forma essa estrutura interferiu na lógica urbanizadora. Assim, pretende-se resgatar a memória da cidade de Bauru relacionando-a a chegada da ferrovia, através do período que compreende os primeiros cinqüenta anos do século vinte abrangendo a chegada dos três ramais ferroviários que serviram à cidade, sua ascensão (fase na qual encontram-se a maioria dos edifícios estudados) e o seu declínio. Para ser implantada em uma cidade, a ferrovia precisava ter uma infra-estrutura básica, necessária ao seu funcionamento, como os armazéns, as estações, as oficinas, os pátios, inclusive as moradias construídas para os funcionários. Esse conjunto é denominado “complexo ferroviário”. Durante o presente trabalho, tem por objetivo aprofundar-se nos estudos das residências construídas pelas companhias ferroviárias. Segundo Eva Blay, vila é o conjunto de casas construídas no interior de um terreno. Mas será que todas as vilas construídas pela mesma Companhia ferroviária possuem o mesmo padrão arquitetônico? Ou o mesmo padrão de loteamento? Como era a arquitetura das casas nas vilas? Através de pesquisas, procuramos responder a esses e outros questionamentos. Como estão hoje as vilas? Quem são seus moradores?Aconteceram alterações na arquitetura das vilas?


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This article discusses, in general matters, the economic and social motivations, the organization and development of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida, made in 2009, by Federal Government of Brazil. The objective of this work was to analyse the Brazilian economic and housing context, and the program relation with the Subprime international crisis, which has been started at United States in 2008, as well as analysing and discussing the logistics and the program accessibility. The MCMV program, part of the PAC – Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento – has the intention to combat the economic crisis that had been installed and also minimize the deficit housing of the country. From PAC's initial estimate, US$250 Bi, it has been spent US$129 Bi and it has already been approved more than US$125 Bi designated for the second stage of the program, whose the estimate of PAC2 is about one trillion and a half of brazilian reais. One million homes were built between 2009 and 2012, and the goal for 2014 is two million and a half of new residences. If comparing the current program with the oldest programs, progress were observed ,however, problems and inconsistences are clearly seen: in the real concernment, the truly beneficiary, and contradiction between a social and economic program to urban demands, among other situational factors. It’s also evident, the incentivation for a new residential and closed neighbourhoods, thereby adding to the fragmentation of the urban space, beyond of the exclusion socioespacial caused financing of residences in farest allotments. The capitalist production of the space it’s clearly thriving in analysis of thisfinancing package of the urban habitation, where the biggest glebas rise between central neighbourhood and the newest generated suburb, they evidence the negligence of the authorities in well managing the space, not executing the application of urban instruments of planning the social function, and...


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Não disponível


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Não disponível


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Neste projeto criou-se pequenos espaços localizados na região central de Bauru [Calçadão na Rua Batista de Carvalho], propondo um design estruturado nas condições ambientais, morfológicas e valorizando edificações históricas. Pretendeu-se introduzir uma linguagem formal diversificada. Esta proposta de renovação urbana da área implica em uma reestruturação urbana de maior amplitude, sendo apenas um item dos vários necessários para a transformação da área. O sistema de mudanças envolve a inclusão de habitação nos prédios ociosos e/ou degradados através de políticas públicas. Para a proposição, foram selecionados - para a demolição - lotes desprovidos de valor histórico-arquitetônico e de menor valor comercial (geralmente de um pavimento). Pretendeu-se transformá-los em quintais para a nova população residente e para os citadinos que usufruem a área no seu cotidiano. Os materiais e métodos usados para a elaboração do projeto foram: fotografias, fotos aéreas, teses de graduação e mestrado, fotos de satélites, imagens antigas, bem como o levantamento “in loco”. Assim, o corredor comercial em questão será (re)1qualificado a partir da implantação do projeto com destaque ao tratamento paisagístico, voltado à integração da área, a criação de uma unidade paisagística e a imagem da região em questão


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Uma grande parte da população brasileira reside hoje em locais considerados inadequados, seja pela ilegalidade ou pelo risco contínuo de catástrofes. Todo ano são noticiadas novas tragédias decorrentes dessas ocupações irregulares, exigindo tomadas de providências emergenciais e preventivas por parte dos responsáveis pela gestão do espaço público. A compreensão desse problema exige uma análise histórica da formação desses aglomerados urbanos, ou favelas, verificando os motivos que impedem ou desestimulam a elaboração de leis rígidas e aplicáveis para esses casos, bem como a elaboração de diretrizes de planejamento e projetos que possam ser implantados para solucionar estas questões nos locais necessitados


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This work approaches the main eco-efficient techniques and materials that can be used to ensure the proper functioning of the habitat with the main objective of preserving energy and reducing the ecological impact. The harnessing of energy to run a house using materials in a correct way makes it possible to achieve the goals related to its rational use. So, the more consolidated techniques need to be studied separately to determine the global effect on housing. The results obtained, with the aid of standard NBR15220 ABNT, were a series of ecotécnicas that can be used in 8 relatively homogeneous zones. This study was made to create a public awareness of the current environmental problems that society is facing nowadays and the urgent need to practice responsible use of energy


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The Integrated Project developed here proposes the application of sustainable technologies to reduce costs and rational use of water and electricity in housing. The reduced consumption of resources and expenditures intended to ensure that families have financial ability to maintain their homes thus avoiding default and legal problems. The object of study that enabled the development of this work is the Housing Interlagos in São José dos Campos. Was analyzed the type of residence of the housing, the demographic characteristics of the region and the socioeconomic conditions of the borrowers, and from these data, was proposed solutions for sustainable housing


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The city of São Paulo has, since the beginning of the expansion of its urban sprawl, represented relations of conflicts and contradictions between society and nature. Once the way society relates to nature is defined by how the social agents themselves correlate in certain social and historical contexts, the ways of interaction between the social and natural elements will be different according to the forms of production and appropriation of the urban space. Even more evident is the case of the great national metropolis, given its demographic dimensions and historical conditions, the process of urban expansion follows a logic where spaces of better quality for housing are occupied by those of better financial conditions. Thus, although there are exceptions, the poorest people live in places less desirable, in less resilient environments of lower environmental quality, relating to nature and its phenomena with greater risks. These risks are reflected here as recurring flooding, mudslides and landslides for which the rain is constantly blamed. So we have a situation where it is clear that a weather phenomenon differently interacts with different social groups. In this context, the study was conducted to compare extreme events occurred in two regions of São Paulo: the Freguesia do O, in the north side, and M'Boi Mirim, in the south side. Both are regions with large number of risk areas and are in the same urban climate unit. However, they present different conditions of social vulnerability. With the investigation of each extreme rain event occurred in the two regions, in the period of 2000-2010, supplemented by field research, we tried to observe how far the rain, with his intensity and volume, can, in fact, be related to the accidents.


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This paper has it is hypotesis on the government program “My Home, My Life” and the assumption that it is a public politic attached to the market logic of financialization of the housing. It is understood that this program encourage capital for the main constructors and incorporated of brazilian heritage elite. It also served as well to promote more rentability to international capital and intensified the sociospacial segregration process as real state speculation has been potencialized. This work aims to present and discuss the program contradictions that have been sustained on the speech of wide subsidy offer and habitance construcution for low income workers - month income until three minimum salaries. Documents have shown that in the first phase of the program, habitance construction for this sector of population corresponded only to 5,5% of total habitation deficit. Businessmen on residance civil construction and public politic representatives have confirmed that the program interests are linked to financial market logic.The real benefits are not for low income workers, but for real state agents through extraordinaty profits of land and the so called new medium workers class(worker class C).We will search for embasement on the country history through the different governments and housing policies, in value theory and the concept of land income to understand the financialization process of the housing. We will also analyse oficial documents and the agents speech involved in real state market to show program contradictions and whose the real benefts are for


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The research shows that increasing the consumption of energy by households is growing rapidly and without adequate planning, due to population growth and therefore an increase in energy consumption. With the current concerns of sustainability and energy efficiency by industry, there is the need to prove to population that there are many ways to incorporate sustainable practices to their daily lives, starting from by their own residence. The quality certification of the energy efficiency level in residential buildings, shows how one can influence and improve housing issues on sustainable actions as rooted in our country