713 resultados para Gurnee, Lucien.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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At head of title: Anales del Museo nacional de historia natural de Buenos Aires, t. XXVII, p. 441 a 513.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Oeuvres de Bouchard": 1 p. following p. 181.


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Along with other diseases that can affect binocular vision, reducing the visual quality of a subject, Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is of peculiar interest. CN is an ocular-motor disorder characterized by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations and, while identified more than forty years ago, its pathogenesis is still under investigation. This kind of nystagmus is termed congenital (or infantile) since it could be present at birth or it can arise in the first months of life. The majority of CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, the image of a given target can still be stable during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recordings are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyze nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency. Use of eye movement recording, opportunely processed, allows computing "estimated visual acuity" predictors, which are analytical functions that estimate expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Hence, it is fundamental to develop robust and accurate methods to measure both those parameters in order to obtain reliable values from the predictors. In this chapter the current methods to record eye movements in subjects with congenital nystagmus will be discussed and the present techniques to accurately compute foveation time and eye position will be presented. This study aims to disclose new methodologies in congenital nystagmus eye movements analysis, in order to identify nystagmus cycles and to evaluate foveation time, reducing the influence of repositioning saccades and data noise on the critical parameters of the estimation functions. Use of those functions extends the information acquired with typical visual acuity measurement (e.g., Landolt C test) and could be a support for treatment planning or therapy monitoring. © 2010 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Following the launch of the "Marion Dufresne 1", first supply ship of the Terres Australes and Antarctiques Françaises and part time oceanographic vessel in the Indian Ocean, a new marine geology program was developped at the Laboratoire de Géologie, MNHN. The first oceanographic cruise of the "Marion Dufresne 1" started in 1973 in the Southwestern Indian Ocean (OSIRIS I cruise). Forty piston-cores recovered nearly 200 m of sediments consisting in the first of the 450 cores of the Indian Ocean collection now deposited at the Museum. L. Leclaire being Director from 1980 to 1991, a multidisciplinary team (including sedimentologists and micropaleontologists) was involved in many oceanographic cruises in the Indian Ocean. Marine sedimentology was developped during annual cruises programs in collaboration with geophysicists, geochemists, and biologists. In 1995, the "Marion Dufresne 2" replaced the initial "Marion Dufresne 1".


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Aim : To evaluate and to standardize surface electromyography (sEMG) normalization procedures for respiratory muscles by comparing muscle activation during Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contraction (MVIC) and Maximal Respiratory Pressures (MIP, MEP and sniff test). Methods: Healthy subjects were evalua ted regarding demographics, spirometry and sEMG during the five maneuvers: sniff test, MIP , MEP and Maximal Voluntary Isometric C ontraction (MVIC) of RA, SCM and SC A . For electrode placement, skin was prepared with abrasion, followed by shaving in the foll owing regions for acquisition of el ectromyographic signals: (1) SC M: lower third of the distance between the mastoid process and t he sternoclavicular joint; (2) SC A : 5 cm to the right from the sternoclavicular joint and at this point, up to 2 cm; and (3 ) RA: the level of umbilicus, 4 cm to the right. In electromyographic variables analysis , the data normality was assessed by Shapiro - Wilk test. Comparisons among studied maneuvers were performed by Friedman Test and Dunn’s post - hoc for multiple comparisons a mong inspiratory maneuvers, and Mann Whitney test for expiratory maneuvers. Subgroups differences between genders were performed by Student's t test or Mann - Whitney test according to data normality. Results: 35 subjects participated in the study, b ut 5 we re excluded (BMI> 25 kg/ m²). Sample consisted of 30 subjects (1 5 women), mean age 27.3±7.43 years, BMI 22.2 ± 1.69 kg/m² and spirometric indices within normal limits. Specific MVIC for SCM, SCA and RA showed the highest RMS. When we grouped sample into gender we found no difference among RMS values for the studied SCM maneuvers, while for SCA, MVIC SCM / SCA was the one with the highest RMS and for RA, MVIC RA in men. Once considering women, MVIC SCM/SCA showed the highest RMS for SCM, SCA and MVIC RA showed t he highest value for RA. Conclusion: MVIC for SCM, SCA and RA muscles showed the highest RMS values. When comparing RMS between the studied groups, there was no significant difference between men and women.


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The high-intensity interval exercise has been described as an option for increasing physical activity and its use also being suggested in the therapeutic management of many conditions such as diabetes mellitus and heart failure. However, the knowledge of its physiological effects and parameters that can assure greater safety for interval exercise prescription; especially its effect on short- and medium-term (24 hours after exercise) exercise recovery, need to be clarified. This study objective was to evaluate the effect of continuous and interval aerobic exercise on the cardiac autonomic control immediate and medium term (24 hours), by assessing heart rate variability (HRV). The present study is a randomized crossover clinical trial in which healthy young individuals with low level of physical activity had the VFC 24 hours measured by a heart rate sensor and portable accelerometer (3D eMotion HRV, Kuopio, Finland) before and after continuous aerobic exercise (60-70% HR max, 21 min.) and interval exercise (cycle 1 min. 80-90% HR max, 2 min. at 50-60% HR max, duration 21 min.). HRV was measured in the time and frequency domain and the sympathovagal balance determined by the ratio LF / HF. Nonlinear evaluation was calculated by Shannon entropy. The data demonstrated delayed heart rate recovery immediate after exercise and lower HR after 24 hours compared to pre intervention values, especially in the interval exercise group. There was a tendency to higher predominance and representatives index values of sympathetic stimulation during the day in interval exercise group; however, without statistical significance. The study results help to clarify the effects of interval exercise on the 24 hours following interval exercise, setting parameters for prescription and for further evaluation of groups with metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.


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"During the colonial period in the 1920's, European interest in collecting African art stimulated a transnational trade between Africa and the West. Today this multi-million dollar trade lies largely in the hands of Muslim merchants. This is a story about Gabai Baare, a merchant who brings 'wood' from West Africa to sell in the United States. It is a story about the meaning of art"--Opening credits.


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The purpose of this article has been made through a Marxist analysis of the US film "Captain Phillips" (PaulGreengrass, 2013), based on a true story. I have found how the evolution of capitalism in the West continuesto consolidate the belief reified in a historical and geographical superiority of the political and socioeconomicwestern models regarding Africa and Asia lowers models. At the same time, through categories like dialecticalmaterialism, criticism of diffusionist theory and application of cognitive mapping to large geopoliticalspaces located in most poor areas of the world, I have realized a remark about currently being articulatingthe political unconscious of working class in rich countries and the poor in poor countries, establishing arelationship between the ideological representation that takes an individual from his historical reality (ona scale that moves from local to global), and how he has developed a mental ability to escape of the responsibilityto make a critical review of what's happening around him in all areas. Finally, through physicalspace captured in the film, I have realized a materialist critique of globalized business process that takesplace through the carriage of goods, outlining spatial and cognitively limits of the mentality of our time, bothamong "winners"as among the "losers", based on the spatial movement of capital.


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We aspire to shape the Constantine’s personality in particular by analyzing his loving relationship, first with Minervina and then with Fausta, and not forgetting the bond with his mother Helena, hence the reference to uxor, mater and concubina in our title. We will analyze if these women exercised any influence on the composition of his production rules and, if so, to what extent they were able to determine the historical development of the following decades. From this point of view we must consider in general the emperor had to combine their political claims and government with these relationships, showing great skill in handling times and ways, always putting the first to the second.


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With the development of information technology, the theory and methodology of complex network has been introduced to the language research, which transforms the system of language in a complex networks composed of nodes and edges for the quantitative analysis about the language structure. The development of dependency grammar provides theoretical support for the construction of a treebank corpus, making possible a statistic analysis of complex networks. This paper introduces the theory and methodology of the complex network and builds dependency syntactic networks based on the treebank of speeches from the EEE-4 oral test. According to the analysis of the overall characteristics of the networks, including the number of edges, the number of the nodes, the average degree, the average path length, the network centrality and the degree distribution, it aims to find in the networks potential difference and similarity between various grades of speaking performance. Through clustering analysis, this research intends to prove the network parameters’ discriminating feature and provide potential reference for scoring speaking performance.


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La participation n'est certes pas une idée nouvelle bien qu’elle soit de plus en plus à la mode particulièrement dans notre monde de l'éducation. L'homme des cavernes participait à la vie du clan, tout comme les jeux olympiques ont amené la participation de nombreux athlètes et les légions romaines ont nécessité la participation de milliers de légionnaires. Tout au long de l'histoire de l'homme, la participation s'est manifestée par nécessité ou par intérêt. Elle a donc pu revêtir de nombreuses formes, se manifester de moultes façons et apporter toute une gamme de résultats. Notre monde moderne où les groupes se multiplient des plus petits aux plus grands, pour des fins multiples allant du travail, en passant par les activités sociales, pour aller jusqu'aux loisirs, ne peut que promouvoir la mode de la participation. Face à cette multitude d'occasions de participer, il est facile d’entrevoir les innombrables avenues que la participation peut emprunter : que ce soit la simple participation d'un spectateur à un événement ou la participation plus complexe à la gestion d'une multinationale ou d’un ministère. Dans ce dédale des voies participatives, il importe pour chacun de bien définir son rôle précis à l'acte participatif en tenant compte de ses droits et devoirs. Le sportif qui paie ses billets pour la saison de hockey a-t-il voix au chapitre quand il s'agit d’un échange de joueur? Le syndiqué du Québec a-t-il un pouvoir d’influence sur les idéologies et les luttes que poursuit son syndicat? De quelle façon le payeur de taxe peut-il se prononcer sur l'administration de son gouvernement après qu'il a élu ses représentants? Et les questions sur l'implication de chacun au domaine participatif pourraient pleuvoir à torrents avant de faire place à l'éclat sécurisant des réponses rassurantes. C'est pourtant un de ces rayons de soleil que nous tenterons de laisser filtrer à travers les pages qui suivent. Ainsi nous ne nous attarderons pas à étudier la participation dans son entier allant de la vie familiale jusqu'à la vie planétaire. Nous nous attacherons plutôt à cerner la participation dans ce qu'elle a de grandiose pour les directeurs d'école dans la gestion de leur commission scolaire. La loi 71 a lancé la mode de la participation à ce niveau et nous tenterons d'en saisir les différentes facettes pour une application concrète. Pour ce faire, nous scruterons la participation dans sa définition et ses mécanismes en appliquant le tout à la gestion scolaire pour le directeur d'école.