737 resultados para Guabiroba - Semente
O presente trabalho avaliou a influência do uso da semente de sacha-inchi sobre o desempenho zootécnico e as relações corporais de juvenis de tambaqui.
The brazilian-plum (Spondias tuberosa, His) is a tropical fruit tree that has been consolidated in the market for agribusiness processing, due to its characteristic flavor of fruit. Accordingly, studies to optimize the propagation of plants are necessary for production of seedlings with agronomic and quality assurance measures. This study aimed at determining the efficient techniques for uniform seed germination, as brazilian-plum seed present mechanical dormancy, and establish optimal culture media for multiplication of shoots from the in vitro micropropagation. Firstly, in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, was evaluated the influence of different methods of breaking dormancy in the emergence of seedlings of brazilian-plum and speed of germination (IVG) of seeds. After 60 days of cultivation, it was found that splay in the distal portion of the seed was the best treatment, with rates of 85.33% in germinability and 3.415 of IVG, compared with the treatment of seed-soaking in water for 12h + humus and the control group. Subsequently, new sources of seedling explants were obtained in studies of tissue culture. Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology that the university, was used stem apex, nodal segments and internodes in search of decontamination with various concentrations of calcium hypochlorite [Ca(OCl)2] and micropropagation, inoculating them in half WPM (1980) with various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). We used 10 sample units with three replications for different concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2], BAP and explants type. After thirty days, which was observed for the control of contamination, during the establishment in vitro, concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2] between 0.5% and 2.0% were effective in combating exogenous contamination of the apex. In nodal segments and internodes, concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2] between 1.0% and 2.0% and 1.5% and 2.0% were respectively, sufficient to reduce the percentage of losses in these infestations explants. For micropropagation, the culture medium supplemented with 0.1 mg.L-1 BAP promotes better development of multiple shoots per explants from nodal segment. However, success does not get to shoot training in internodal segment
desenvolvimento de novas cultivares de uvas sem sementes é uma das prioridades dos programas de melhoramento de uvas de mesa do mundo. Em trabalho anterior o nosso grupo detectou um QTL (quantitative trait locus) para ausência de sementes no cromossomo 18 no locus SDI (seed development inhibitor). Evidências adicionais demonstraram que o gene VvAGL11, localizado neste locus, possui papel fundamental na morfogênese de sementes em videira. O objetivo deste trabalho foi genotipar acessos apirêincos e pirênicos com nove marcadores do tipo SNP e INDEL únicos para o alelo associado a ausência de sementes em Vitis vinifera e verificar se a metodologia de genotipagem baseada em KASP? tem potencial de uso em seleção assistida.
RESUMO: Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção e distribuição da biomassa da parte aérea de diferentes genótipos de pinhão-manso no semiárido brasileiro, foi implantado um experimento na Fazenda Gabriela, localizada no município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista, Pernambuco. O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos casualizados, com dez tratamentos (genótipos de pinhão-manso) e três repetições, em parcelas lineares de seis plantas, com bordadura simples e espaçamento de 3,0 x 2,0 m. Foram aplicadas uma adubação correspondente a 150 g de NPK (06:24:12) por cova no plantio e duas adubações de cobertura com 150 g.planta-1 de NPK (10:10:10) aos seis e aos doze meses de idade. As plantas foram irrigadas semanalmente por gotejamento com uma aplicação média de 20 litros de água por planta durante o período de estiagem da região. Aos 24 meses de idade, foi medida a altura total das plantas, o diâmetro médio das bifurcações a 1,30 m da superfície do solo e o número de bifurcações a 0,5 m de altura. Foram feitas 26 colheitas semanais de frutos/sementes. Os frutos foram colhidos maduros, antes de sua queda ao chão, durante sete meses. Os genótipos apresentaram elevada uniformidade agronômica, exceto para a variável número de bifurcações, onde o genótipo 1701 foi superior aos genótipos 1501, 1602, 1703 e 1601. A produção de biomassa dos genótipos em condições irrigadas no semiárido é elevada e a distribuição da biomassa dos genótipos nos diferentes componentes seguiu a ordem decrescente: raiz>frutos>galhos grossos>folhas>casca>galhos finos. ABSTRACT: In order to assess production and distribution of biomass shoots of different genotypes of Jatropha curcas under irrigation in the semiarid region of Pernambuco, Brazil, an experiment was established in Gabriela Farm, in the municipality of Santa Maria da Boa Vista-PE. The experimental design was randomized blocks with ten treatments (genotypes of Jatropha curcas), and three replications in row plots of six plants, with a single border and spacing of 3.0 x 2.0 m. Plants were fertilized with 150 g of NPK (06:24:12) at planting time, and a topdressing with 150 g.planta-1 NPK (10:10:10) applied at six and twelve months of age. The plants were irrigated weekly using a dripping system with an average water application of 20 l.plant-1 during the dry period of the region. At 24 months of age, the overall height of the plants, the average diameter of bifurcations at 1.30m from the soil level and the number of bifurcations at 0.5 m of height were evaluated. Twenty six fruit/ seed harvests were done weekly. Fruits were harvested ripe, before falling on the ground, for seven months. To determine dry biomass, the plants were cut at 0.30 m from soil level. The genotypes showed high agronomic uniformity, except for the variable number of bifurcations, where the genotype 1701 was superior to the genotypes 1501, 1602, 1703 and 1601. Biomass production of genotypes in irrigated conditions in the semiarid region is high and the distribution of biomass followed the decreasing order: root>fruit>thick branches>leaves>bark>thin branches.
Conhecida popularmente por azul rasteira, Evolvulus cordatus é uma espécie endêmica do Brasil e apresenta potencial ornamental. Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar a germinação de sementes e o desenvolvimento de plântulas dessa espécie, visando à produção de mudas. Para o teste de germinação, utilizou-se 300 sementes coletadas na Embrapa Semiárido e na Serra da Santa, que foram separadas por coloração, totalizando 200 sementes amarelas e 100 de coloração preta, de cada procedência. As sementes foram mantidas em germinador com temperatura de 25 oC. Após o aparecimento dos cotilédones, as plântulas foram transplantadas para recipientes descartáveis e acompanhadas para verificar o tempo da emissão de folhas, flores e frutos. Os resultados desses testes mostraram que as sementes de coloração preta não germinaram, independente do local de coleta. Em relação às de coloração amarela, a porcentagem de germinação variou de 4% e 31%, para as sementes procedentes da Embrapa Semiárido e da Serra da Santa, respectivamente. A emissão do primeiro par de folhas foi registrada, em média, 17,13 ± 6,62 dias após o transplantio das plântulas. As sementes de coloração amarela apresentaram-se viáveis e são indicadas para a produção de mudas, embora tenham apresentado comportamento germinativo desuniforme.
The water availability for flood irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) is decreasing worldwide. Therefore, developing technologies to allow growing rice in aerobic condition, such as a no-tillage system (NTS) can contribute to produce upland rice grains without yield losses and also in saving more water. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of soil management, seed treatment and compaction on the sowing furrow on grain yield of upland rice genotypes. We made two trials, one in an NTS and another using conventional tillage, CT (one plowing and two diskings). The field experiments were performed in the Central Region of Brazil in Cerrado soils. For each trial, the experimental design was a randomized block design in a factorial scheme, with three replications. The treatments consisted of a combination of 10 genotypes with 2 compaction pressures on the sowing furrow (25 kPa and 126kPa) and 2 types of seed treatment (with and without pesticide). Under CT, the seed treatment did not contribute to increase upland rice grain yields. However, under NTS the grain yield of some genotypes [BRS Esmeralda (from 723 to 1,766 kg ha-1), BRS Pepita (from 930 to 1,874 kg ha-1), AB072044 (from 523 to 1,579 kg ha-1), and AB072085 (from 632 to 1,636 kg ha-1) at 25 kPA soil compaction pressure, and Sertaneja (from 994 to 2,167 kg ha-1), BRS Pepita (from 1,161 to 2,100 kg ha-1), and AB072085 (from 958 to 2,213 kg ha-1), at 126 kPA soil compaction pressure] increased with the use of this practice. At CT the higher soil compaction pressure on the sowing furrow (from 25 kPa to 126 kPa) increased rice grain yield only when it was used seed treatment and the genotypes Serra Dourada (from 1,239 to 2,178 kg ha-1), Sertaneja (from 1,510 to 2,379 kg ha-1), and Cambará (from 1,877 to 2,831 kg ha-1). On the other hand, under NTS, increasing soil compaction pressure on the sowing furrow allowed for an increased rice grain yield of Serra Dourada (from 1,553 to 2,347 kg ha-1), Esmeralda (from 723 to 1,643 kg ha-1), AB072044 (from 523 to 2,040 kg ha-1), and Cambará (from 1,243 to 2,032 kg ha-1) without seed treatment and Sertaneja (from 1,385 to 2,167 kg ha-1) and AB072044 (from 1,579 to 2,356 kg ha-1) with seed treatment. In CT the most productive genotypes were AB062008 (2,714 kg ha-1) and BRSMG Caravera (2,479 kg ha-1), while at NTS were the genotypes: BRSGO Serra Dourada (2,118 kg ha-1), AB072047 (1,888 kg ha-1), AB062008 (1,823 kg ha-1), BRSMG Caravera (1,737 kg ha-1), Cambará (1,716 kg ha-1), AB072044 (1,625 kg ha-1), BRS Esmeralda (1,604 kg ha-1), and BRS Pepita (1,516 kg ha-1).