979 resultados para Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.)
El virus de l'hepatitis C (VHC) provoca una hepatitis crònica que afecta a més de 170 milions de persones d'arreu del món. És un virus petit que es classifica dins de la família Flaviviridae i és un virus d'RNA de cadena positiva amb un genoma d'aproximadament 9.600 nucleòtids. A l'extrem 5' del genoma viral s'hi troba una regió no codificant (5'NCR) que comprèn els primers 341 nucleòtids i la seva funció està relaciona amb la traducció. Immediatament després hi ha una pauta de lectura oberta ORF que acaba en un únic codó d'aturada i codifica una poliproteïna de 3.010 aminoàcids. A continuació l'extrem 3' no codificant (3'NCR), que malgrat es desconeixen les seves funcions exactes, s'ha demostrat que és essencial per a la replicació vírica. La única poliproteïna generada és processada co- i postraduccionalment mitjançant proteases de l'hoste i víriques, donant lloc a les proteïnes estructurals (Core, E1 i E2-p7) i no estructurals (NS2-NS5B). Igual que la majoria de virus RNA, el VHC es caracteritza per tenir una taxa de mutació elevada. De fet, el genoma del virus no es pot definir com una única seqüència sinó per una població de variants molt relacionades entre sí. A aquesta manera d'organitzar la informació genètica se l'anomena quasiespècie viral i una de les seves implicacions principals és la facilitat amb què sorgeixen resistents al tractament. Els tractaments disponibles són llargs, cars, provoquen efectes secundaris considerables i només es resolen completament el 40% dels casos. Per aquesta raó es busquen altres solucions terapèutiques per combatre el virus entre les quals s'hi inclouen diferents estratègies. Una de les més innovadores i prometedores és la utilització de ribozims dirigits directament contra el genoma del virus. Aquest treball es centra en l'estudi de les noves estratègies terapèutiques basades en ribozims, concretament la ribonucleasa P. La ribonucleasa P és un ribozim que està present en tots els organismes ja que és l'enzim responsable de la maduració dels precursors d'RNA de transferència. El més interessant a nivell terapèutic és que s'ha demostrat que es pot dirigir la seva activitat cap a qualsevol RNA utilitzant una seqüència guia d'RNA que quan hibrida amb l'RNA diana, l'híbrid imita l'estructura secundària del substrat natural. En el cas del VHC, s'han estudiat ribozims dependents de seqüència (ribozims derivats d'RNAs satèl·lits i de viroides de plantes), sempre dirigits contra la regió més conservada del virus per evitar una disminució de l'eficiència del ribozim deguda a la variació de la diana. La ribonucleasa P és una endonucleasa d'activitat molt específica i es diferencia dels altres ribozims naturals en el sistema de reconeixement del substrat, reconeix elements estructurals i no de seqüència. L'objectiu final del treball és tallar in vitro l'RNA del VHC aprofitant la propietat que presenta aquest ribozim de reconèixer elements estructurals i no de seqüència ja que per a un mateix nombre de seqüències, el nombre d'estructures viables que pot adoptar l'RNA genòmic és molt més petit i per tant la variabilitat de la diana disminueix. S'han estudiat dos models d'RNasa P, la RNasa P humana guiada per seqüència guia externa (EGS) i l'RNA M1 de l'RNasa P d'E.coli unit a la seqüència guia per l'extrem 3' (ribozim M1GS). Abans però de dirigir el ribozim, s'han estudiat l'estructura i la variabilitat d'una regió del genoma del virus ja que s'ha descrit que són factors que poden limitar l'eficiència de qualsevol ribozim. Derivat d'aquests estudis s'aporten dades sobre accessibilitat i variabilitat d'una regió interna del genoma del virus de l'hepatitis C, la zona d'unió de la regió E2/NS2 (regió 2658-2869). L'estudi d'accessibilitat revela que la regió 2658-2869 del genoma del virus conté dominis oberts i tancats i que la transició entre uns i altres no és brusca si es compara amb altres regions d'estructura coneguda (regió 5' no codificant). Els resultats dels assajos in vitro amb els dos models de RNasa P mostren que s'ha aconseguit dirigir tant la ribonucleasa P humana com el ribozim M1GS cap a una zona, predeterminada segons l'estudi d'accessibilitat, com a poc estructurada i tallar l'RNA del virus. De l'anàlisi de mutacions, però, es dedueix que la regió estudiada és variable. Tot i dirigir el ribozim cap a la zona més accessible, la variació de la diana podria afectar la interacció amb la seqüència guia i per tant disminuir l'eficiència de tall. Si es proposés una estratègia terapèutica consistiria en un atac simultani de vàries dianes.D'altra banda i derivat d'un resultat inesperat on s'ha observat en els experiments control que l'extracte de RNasa P humana tallava l'RNA viral en absència de seqüències guia externes, s'ha caracteritzat una nova interacció entre l'RNA del VHC i la RNasa P humana. Per a la identificació de l'enzim responsable dels talls s'han aplicat diferents tècniques que es poden dividir en mètodes directes (RNA fingerprinting) i indirectes (immunoprecipitació i inhibicions competitives). Els resultats demostren que la ribonucleasa P humana, i no un altre enzim contaminant de l'extracte purificat, és la responsable dels dos talls específics observats i que es localitzen, un a l'entrada interna al ribosoma (IRES) i molt a prop del codó AUG d'inici de la traducció i l'altre entre la regió codificant estructural i no estructural. La ribonucleasa P és un dels enzims del metabolisme del tRNA que s'utilitza per identificar estructures similars al tRNA en substrats diferents del substrat natural. Així doncs, el fet que la ribonucleasa P reconegui i talli el genoma del VHC en dues posicions determinades suggereix que, a les zones de tall, el virus conté estructures semblants al substrat natural, és a dir estructures tipus tRNA. A més, tot i que el VHC és molt variable, els resultats indiquen que aquestes estructures poden ser importants per el virus, ja que es mantenen en totes les variants naturals analitzades. Creiem que la seva presència podria permetre al genoma interaccionar amb factors cel·lulars que intervenen en la biologia del tRNA,particularment en el cas de l'estructura tipus tRNA que es localitza a l'element IRES. Independentment però de la seva funció, es converteixen en unes noves dianes terapèutiques per a la RNasa P. S'ha de replantejar però l'estratègia inicial ja que la similitud amb el tRNA les fa susceptibles a l'atac de la ribonucleasa P, directament, en absència de seqüències guia externes.
RESUM En la primera part de la tesi es revisen els materials arqueològics i els documents de les excavacions antigues al jaciment grec de la Ciutadella de Roses (Alt Empordà). Es fan estudis comparatius i de conjunt amb els resultats proporcionats per les excavacions recents. A partir d'aquí s'obté una periodització del jaciment, des del moment de la fundació de la colònia massaliota de Rhode, al segon quart del segle IV aC, fins a la fi de la ciutat, al 195 aC. Es tracten aspectes de topografia, urbanisme i estudi dels edificis. La segona part analitza les produccions dels tallers ceràmics (vernissos negres, pastes clares, ceràmiques de cuina i altres produccions secundàries). Es fa una nova classificació, un estudi de les formes, de la cronologia i paral·lels. S'estudien les instal·lacions dels tallers, els forns, la seva capacitat, les argiles i les terreres. Es conclou amb una caracterització socioeconòmica i històrica de la ciutat, i dels aspectes històrics relacionats amb les fases de la seva fundació, desenvolupament i fi.
A more complete understanding of amino acid ( AA) metabolism by the various tissues of the body is required to improve upon current systems for predicting the use of absorbed AA. The objective of this work was to construct and parameterize a model of net removal of AA by the portal-drained viscera (PDV). Six cows were prepared with arterial, portal, and hepatic catheters and infused abomasally with 0, 200, 400, or 600 g of casein daily. Casein infusion increased milk yield quadratically and tended to increase milk protein yield quadratically. Arterial concentrations of a number of essential AA increased linearly with respect to infusion amount. When infused casein was assumed to have a true digestion coefficient of 0.95, the minimum likely true digestion coefficient for noninfused duodenal protein was found to be 0.80. Net PDV use of AA appeared to be linearly related to total supply (arterial plus absorption), and extraction percentages ranged from 0.5 to 7.25% for essential AA. Prediction errors for portal vein AA concentrations ranged from 4 to 9% of the observed mean concentrations. Removal of AA by PDV represented approximately 33% of total postabsorptive catabolic use, including use during absorption but excluding use for milk protein synthesis, and was apparently adequate to support endogenous N losses in feces of 18.4 g/d. As 69% of this use was from arterial blood, increased PDV catabolism of AA in part represents increased absorption of AA in excess of amounts required by other body tissues. Based on the present model, increased anabolic use of AA in the mammary and other tissues would reduce the catabolic use of AA by the PDV.
Previous experiments from our group have demonstrated that abomasal infusion of unsaturated free fatty acids (FFA) markedly decreases dry matter intake (DMI) in dairy cows. In contrast, experiments from other groups have noted smaller decreases in DMI when unsaturated triglycerides (TG) were infused postruminally. Our hypothesis was that unsaturated FFA would be more potent inhibitors of DMI than an equivalent amount of unsaturated TG. Four Holstein cows in late lactation were used in a single reversal design. Cows were fed a total mixed ration containing (DM basis) 23% alfalfa silage, 23% corn silage, 40.3% ground shelled corn, and 10.5% soybean meal. Two cows received soy FFA (UFA; 0, 200, 400, 600 g/d) and 2 received soy oil (TG) in the same amounts; cows then were switched to the other lipid source. Cows were abomasally infused with each amount for 5-d periods. The daily amount of lipid was pulse-dosed in 4 equal portions at 0600, 1000, 1700, and 2200 h; no emulsifiers were used and there was no sign of digestive disturbance. Both lipid sources linearly decreased DMI, with a significant interaction between lipid source and amount. Slope-ratio analysis indicated that UFA were about 2 times more potent in decreasing DMI than were TG. Decreased DMI led to decreased milk production. Milk fat content was increased linearly by lipid infusion. Milk fat yield decreased markedly for UFA infusion but was relatively unaffected by infusion of TG. Contents of short- and medium-chain fatty acids in milk fat decreased as the amount of either infusate increased. Contents of C-18:2 and C18: 3 in milk fat were increased linearly by abomasal infusion of either fat source; cis-9 C-18:1 was unaffected. Transfer of infused C18: 2 to milk fat was 35.6, 42.5, and 27.8% for 200, 400, and 600 g/d of UFA, and 34.3, 39.6, and 34.0% for respective amounts of TG. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36) amide (GLP-1) concentration in plasma significantly increased as DMI decreased with increasing infusion amount of UFA or TG. Plasma concentration of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) was unaffected by lipid infusion. These results indicate that unsaturated FFA reaching the duodenum are more potent inhibitors of DMI than are unsaturated TG; the effect may be at least partially mediated by GLP-1.
Synthesis, testing and characterisation of bimetallic gold, Au-M on ceria as catalysts were carried out for low temperature water-gas shift reaction (WGS). Amongst the entire screened catalysts 3 wt% (AU-Pt)/CeO2 displayed the best WGS activity than the monometallic promotors, giving the light-off curve at the lowest temperature in the range 100-300 degrees C. (Au-Pd)/CeO2 also achieved the same activity but at a higher temperature. It was also found that WGS activity was strongly correlated with the surface reducibility which in turn depended on the modified local electronic band structure of promoted ceria. These results clearly suggest that the key role of bimetallic promoter may involve in facilitating the creation of defective reduced surface by exerting its local electronic effect on ceria to form the surface germinal -OH groups in water which act as active sites for enhanced WGS activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new strategy for the synthesis of sesquiterpenoids of the furanoeremophilane family was developed in which the tricyclic nucleus was assembled in an A + C -> A - C -> A - B - C sequence. The A - C connection was made via coupling of a cyclohexenylmethyl bromide with a stannylfuran under "ligandless" Stille conditions, and the key cyclization which closed ring B was accomplished with complete stereocontrol by intramolecular formylation of a 2-silylfuran in the presence of trimethylsilyl triflate. This route was used to complete the first total syntheses of the furanoeremophilane 6-hydroxyeuryopsin and the eremophilenolides toluccanolide A and toluccanolide C, as well as a formal synthesis of 1,10-epoxy-6-hydroxyeuryopsin.
In this Paper, we study the invariant intervals, the global attractivity of the equilibrium points, and the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the difference equation x(n) = ax(n-1) + bx(n-2) / c + dx(n-1)x(n-2), n =1, 2, ..., where a greater than or equal to 0, b, c, d > 0. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
As an obligatory parasite of humans, the body louse (Pediculus humanus humanus) is an important vector for human diseases, including epidemic typhus, relapsing fever, and trench fever. Here, we present genome sequences of the body louse and its primary bacterial endosymbiont Candidatus Riesia pediculicola. The body louse has the smallest known insect genome, spanning 108 Mb. Despite its status as an obligate parasite, it retains a remarkably complete basal insect repertoire of 10,773 protein-coding genes and 57 microRNAs. Representing hemimetabolous insects, the genome of the body louse thus provides a reference for studies of holometabolous insects. Compared with other insect genomes, the body louse genome contains significantly fewer genes associated with environmental sensing and response, including odorant and gustatory receptors and detoxifying enzymes. The unique architecture of the 18 minicircular mitochondrial chromosomes of the body louse may be linked to the loss of the gene encoding the mitochondrial single-stranded DNA binding protein. The genome of the obligatory louse endosymbiont Candidatus Riesia pediculicola encodes less than 600 genes on a short, linear chromosome and a circular plasmid. The plasmid harbors a unique arrangement of genes required for the synthesis of pantothenate, an essential vitamin deficient in the louse diet. The human body louse, its primary endosymbiont, and the bacterial pathogens that it vectors all possess genomes reduced in size compared with their free-living close relatives. Thus, the body louse genome project offers unique information and tools to use in advancing understanding of coevolution among vectors, symbionts, and pathogens.
The Egyptians mesmerized the ancient Greeks for scores of years. The Greek literature and art of the classical period are especially thick with representations of Egypt and Egyptians. Yet despite numerous firsthand contacts with Egypt, Greek writers constructed their own Egypt, one that differed in significant ways from actual Egyptian history, society, and culture. Informed by recent work on orientalism and colonialism, this book unravels the significance of these misrepresentations of Egypt in the Greek cultural imagination in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. Looking in particular at issues of identity, otherness, and cultural anxiety, Phiroze Vasunia shows how Greek authors constructed an image of Egypt that reflected their own attitudes and prejudices about Greece itself. He focuses his discussion on Aeschylus Suppliants; Book 2 of Herodotus; Euripides' Helen; Plato's Phaedrus, Timaeus, and Critias; and Isocrates' Busiris. Reconstructing the history of the bias that informed these writings, Vasunia shows that Egypt in these works was shaped in relation to Greek institutions, values, and ideas on such subjects as gender and sexuality, death, writing, and political and ethnic identity. This study traces the tendentiousness of Greek representations by introducing comparative Egyptian material, thus interrogating the Greek texts and authors from a cross-cultural perspective. A final chapter also considers the invasion of Egypt by Alexander the Great and shows how he exploited and revised the discursive tradition in his conquest of the country. Firmly and knowledgeably rooted in classical studies and the ancient sources, this study takes a broad look at the issue of cross-cultural exchange in antiquity by framing it within the perspective of contemporary cultural studies. In addition, this provocative and original work shows how Greek writers made possible literary Europe's most persistent and adaptable obsession: the barbarian.
In this study two new measures of lexical diversity are tested for the first time on French. The usefulness of these measures, MTLD (McCarthy and Jarvis (2010 and this volume) ) and HD-D (McCarthy and Jarvis 2007), in predicting different aspects of language proficiency is assessed and compared with D (Malvern and Richards 1997; Malvern, Richards, Chipere and Durán 2004) and Maas (1972) in analyses of stories told by two groups of learners (n=41) of two different proficiency levels and one group of native speakers of French (n=23). The importance of careful lemmatization in studies of lexical diversity which involve highly inflected languages is also demonstrated. The paper shows that the measures of lexical diversity under study are valid proxies for language ability in that they explain up to 62 percent of the variance in French C-test scores, and up to 33 percent of the variance in a measure of complexity. The paper also provides evidence that dependence on segment size continues to be a problem for the measures of lexical diversity discussed in this paper. The paper concludes that limiting the range of text lengths or even keeping text length constant is the safest option in analysing lexical diversity.
The aim of this paper is to examine the acquisition pattern of person and number verb morphology within the generative framework and to compare the results of the analyses with previous research in Greek and other European languages. The study considers previous data on the acquisition of subject-verb agreement, and thereafter, examines the acquisition of person and number morphology in a new dataset of two monolingual Greek-speaking children. The analyses present quantitative data of accuracy of person and number marking, error data, and qualitative analyses addressing the productivity of person and number marking. The results suggest that person and number morphology is used correctly and productively from a very early age in Greek speaking children. The findings provide new insight into early Greek language acquisition and are also relevant for research in early development of languages with rich inflectional morphology.