825 resultados para Grasses.


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The alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh; alcohol:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC gene family has two or three loci in a broad array of angiosperm species. The relative stability in the number of Adh loci led Gottlieb [Gottlieb, L. D. (1982) Science 216, 373-380] to propose that the Adh gene family arose from an ancient gene duplication. In this study, the isolation of three loci from the California fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) is reported. The three loci from palm are highly diverged. One palm Adh gene, referred to here as adhB, has been completely sequenced, including 950 nucleotides of the upstream regulatory region. For the second locus, adhA, 81% of the exon sequence is complete. Both show the same basic structure as grass Adh genes in terms of intron number and intron location. The third locus, adhC, for which only a small amount of sequence is available (12% of exon sequence) appears to be more highly diverged. Comparison of the Adh gene families from palms and grasses shows that the adh1 and adh2 genes of grasses, and the adhA and adhB genes of palms, arose by duplication following the divergence of the two families. This finding suggests that the multiple Adh loci in different monocot lineages are not the result of a single ancestral duplication but, rather, of multiple duplication events.


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Fructans play an important role in assimilate partitioning and possibly in stress tolerance in many plant families. Sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase (6-SFT), an enzyme catalyzing the formation and extension of beta-2,6-linked fructans typical of grasses, was purified from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). It occurred in two closely similar isoforms with indistinguishable catalytic properties, both consisting of two subunits with apparent masses of 49 and 23 kDa. Oligonucleotides, designed according to the sequences of tryptic peptides from the large subunit, were used to amplify corresponding sequences from barley cDNA. The main fragment generated was cloned and used to screen a barley cDNA expression library. The longest cDNA obtained was transiently expressed in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts and shown to encode a functional 6-SFT. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cDNA comprises both subunits of 6-SFT. It has high similarity to plant invertases and other beta-fructosyl hydrolases but only little to bacterial fructosyltransferases catalyzing the same type of reaction as 6-SFT.


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Técnicas analíticas empregadas para a quantificação do teor de lignina em plantas forrageiras, atualmente em uso, são questionáveis quanto às suas acurácias. O método lignina detergente ácido (LDA), que é um dos métodos mais utilizado em Ciência Animal e Agronomia, apresenta algumas falhas, particularmente devido à parcial solubilização da lignina durante a preparação da fibra em detergente ácido (FDA). A lignina Klason (LK), outro método muito usado, apresenta o inconveniente de mensurar a proteína da parede celular como sendo lignina. Em ambos os procedimentos recomenda-se também mensurar cinzas nos resíduos de lignina. A quantificação da concentração de lignina pelo método espectrofotométrico lignina brometo de acetila (LBA) vem ganhando interesse de pesquisadores no Brasil e no exterior. Nesta metodologia, a lignina da planta contida na preparação parede celular (PC) é solubilizada numa solução a 25% de brometo de acetila em ácido acético e a absorbância mensurada é com luz UV a 280 nm. O valor da absorbância é inserido numa equação de regressão e a concentração de lignina é obtida. Para que esta técnica analítica seja mais aceita pelos pesquisadores, ela deve ser, obviamente, convincente e atrativa. O presente trabalho analisou alguns parâmetros relacionados à LBA em 7 gramíneas e 6 leguminosas, em dois estádios de maturidade. Dentre as diferentes temperaturas de pré-secagem, os resultados indicaram que os procedimentos de 55°C com ventilação e liofilização podem ser utilizados com a mesma eficácia. As temperaturas de 55°C sem ventilação e 80°C sem ventilação não são recomendadas, pois aumentaram os valores de FDA e LDA, possivelmente devido ao surgimento de artefatos de técnica como os compostos de Maillard. No método LBA os valores menores das amostras de leguminosas chamaram a atenção e colocaram em questão se a lignina destas plantas seria menos solúvel no reagente brometo de acetila. Dentre algumas alterações na metodologia da técnica LBA, a utilização do moinho de bolas (para diminuir o tamanho particular) nas amostras de PC não mostrou efeito; a hipótese era melhorar a solubilização da lignina usando partículas menores. O uso de um ultrasonicador, que aumenta a vibração das moléculas e assim, facilitaria a solubilização da lignina no reagente brometo de acetila, melhorou a solubilização da lignina em cerca de 10%, tanto nas gramíneas como nas leguminosas. Foi acoplado um ensaio biológico como referência, a degradabilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS); e como a lignina está intimamente associada à estrutura fibrosa da parede celular, também foi feito um ensaio de degradabilidade in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro (DIVFDN). Os resultados confirmaram o efeito da maturidade, reduzindo a degradabilidade nas plantas mais maduras, e que o teor de lignina de leguminosas é realmente inferior ao de gramíneas. Os resultados de degradabilidade apresentaram coeficientes de correlação mais elevados com o método LBA, quando foi empregada a técnica do ultrasom; o método LK mostrou os menores coeficientes. Também testou-se, com sucesso, a utilização da FDN, como preparação fibrosa, ao invés de PC. A razão é simples: enquanto que a FDN é amplamente conhecida, a preparação PC não o é. Inquestionável que esta manobra facilitará substancialmente a divulgação desse método, tornando-a mais aceitável pela comunidade científica


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Grazed pastures are the backbone of the Brazilian livestock industry and grasses of the genus Brachiaria (syn. Urochloa) are some of most used tropical forages in the country. Although the dependence on the forage resource is high, grazing management is often empirical and based on broad and non-specific guidelines. Mulato II brachiariagrass (Convert HD 364, Dow AgroSciences, São Paulo, Brazil) (B. brizantha × B. ruziziensis × B. decumbens), a new Brachiaria hybrid, was released as an option for a broad range of environmental conditions. There is no scientific information on specific management practices for Mulato II under continuous stocking in Brazil. The objectives of this research were to describe and explain variations in carbon assimilation, herbage accumulation (HA), plant-part accumulation, nutritive value, and grazing efficiency (GE) of Mulato II brachiariagrass as affected by canopy height and growth rate, the latter imposed by N fertilization rate, under continuous stocking. An experiment was carried out in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, during two summer grazing seasons. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement, corresponding to three steady-state canopy heights (10, 25 and 40 cm) maintained by mimicked continuous stocking and two growth rates (imposed as 50 and 250 kg N ha-1 yr-1), with three replications. There were no height × N rate interactions for most of the responses studied. The HA of Mulato II increased linearly (8640 to 13400 kg DM ha-1 yr-1), the in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) decreased linearly (652 to 586 g kg-1), and the GE decreased (65 to 44%) as canopy height increased. Thus, although GE and IVDOM were greatest at 10 cm height, HA was 36% less for the 10- than for the 40-cm height. The leaf carbon assimilation was greater for the shortest canopy (10 cm), but canopy assimilation was less than in taller canopies, likely a result of less leaf area index (LAI). The reductions in HA, plant-part accumulation, and LAI, were not associated with other signs of stand deterioration. Leaf was the main plant-part accumulated, at a rate that increased from 70 to 100 kg DM ha-1 d-1 as canopy height increased from 10 to 40 cm. Mulato II was less productive (7940 vs. 13380 kg ha-1 yr-1) and had lesser IVDOM (581 vs. 652 g kg-1) at the lower N rate. The increase in N rate affected plant growth, increasing carbon assimilation, LAI, rates of plant-part accumulation (leaf, stem, and dead), and HA. The results indicate that the increase in the rate of dead material accumulation due to more N applied is a result of overall increase in the accumulation rates of all plant-parts. Taller canopies (25 or 40 cm) are advantageous for herbage accumulation of Mulato II, but nutritive value and GE was greater for 25 cm, suggesting that maintaining ∼25-cm canopy height is optimal for continuously stocked Mulato II.


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Studies on positive plant–plant relations have traditionally focused on pair-wise interactions. Conversely, the interaction with other co-occurring species has scarcely been addressed, despite the fact that the entire community may affect plant performance. We used woody vegetation patches as models to evaluate community facilitation in semi-arid steppes. We characterized biotic and physical attributes of 53 woody patches (patch size, litter accumulation, canopy density, vegetation cover, species number and identity, and phylogenetic distance), and soil fertility (organic C and total N), and evaluated their relative importance for the performance of seedlings of Pistacia lentiscus, a keystone woody species in western Mediterranean steppes. Seedlings were planted underneath the patches, and on their northern and southern edges. Woody patches positively affected seedling survival but not seedling growth. Soil fertility was higher underneath the patches than elsewhere. Physical and biotic attributes of woody patches affected seedling survival, but these effects depended on microsite conditions. The composition of the community of small shrubs and perennial grasses growing underneath the patches controlled seedling performance. An increase in Stipa tenacissima and a decrease in Brachypodium retusum increased the probability of survival. The cover of these species and other small shrubs, litter depth and community phylogenetic distance, were also related to seedling survival. Seedlings planted on the northern edge of the patches were mostly affected by attributes of the biotic community. These traits were of lesser importance in seedlings planted underneath and in the southern edge of patches, suggesting that constraints to seedling establishment differed within the patches. Our study highlights the importance of taking into consideration community attributes over pair-wise interactions when evaluating the outcome of ecological interactions in multi-specific communities, as they have profound implications in the composition, function and management of semi-arid steppes.


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Cette approche histométrique traite la description des tissus constituants les êtres vivants de deux espèces végétales vivaces (Lygeum spartum et Ammophila arenaria). Elle permettra d’aider à comprendre certainement le comportement tant morphologique que physiologique de l’espèce vivante dans un biotope naturel. Présentant des racines adaptatives à l’absorption de l’eau et des sels minéraux du sol, ces deux espèces montrent une fixation de la plante au substrat et à l’accumulation des réserves. Elles sont sous la dépendance de corrélations com plexes (trophiques, hormonales) qui s’établissent entre l’appareil souterrain et l’appareil aérien. L’étude histométrique du Lygeum spartum et d’Ammophila arenaria nous a permis de déterminer une nette différence entre les tissus des deux espèces. Pour Ammophila arenaria, il existe de très bonnes corrélations pour la majorité des tissus, expliquant ainsi une croissance cellulaire qui existe entre ces différents tissus.Le coefficient de corrélation est faible entre les différents tissus du Lygeum spartum. Le développment des tissus de celle-ci n’est pas synchrone, il montre toute même une certaine hétérogéneité au niveau du développement tissulaire des racines.


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Some invasive grasses have been reported to change fire behavior in invaded plant communities. Urochloa brizantha is an aggressive invasive grass in the Brazilian Cerrado, an ecosystem where fire is a common disturbance. We investigated the effects of U. brizantha on fire behavior in an open Cerrado physiognomy in Central Brazil. Using experimental burnings we compared fire behavior at both the community and the individual plant level in invaded (UJ) and non-invaded (NJ) areas burned in July. We also assessed the effect of fire season in invaded areas by comparing July (UJ) and October (UO) burnings. We evaluated the following variables: fuel load, fuel moisture, combustion efficiency, maximum fire temperature, flame height, and fire intensity. Additionally, we evaluated the temperatures reached under invasive and native grass tussocks in both seasons. Fuel load, combustion efficiency, and fire intensity were higher in NJ than in UJ, whilst flame height showed the opposite trend. Fuel amount and fire intensity were higher in October than in July. At the individual plant level, U. brizantha moisture was higher than that of native species, however, temperatures reaching ≥600 °C at ground level were more frequent under U. brizantha tussocks than under native grasses. At the community level, the invasive grass modified fire behavior towards lower intensity, lower burning efficiency, and higher flame height. These results provide essential information for the planning of prescribed burnings in invaded Cerrado areas.


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The paper presents results of palynological analysis of deposits from core VITYAZ4779 (length 6.5 m) that was collected from depth 3090 m in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. These palynological data reveal four distinct strata of sediments, each of which was accumulated under different physiographic conditions.


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Hydrogen isotope values (dD) of sedimentary terrestrial leaf wax such as n-alkanes or n-acids have been used to map and understand past changes in rainfall amount in the tropics because dD of precipitation is commonly assumed as the first order controlling factor of leaf wax dD. Plant functional types and their photosynthetic pathways can also affect leaf wax dD but these biological effects are rarely taken into account in paleo studies relying on this rainfall proxy. To investigate how biological effects may influence dD values we here present a 37,000-year old record of dD and stable carbon isotopes (d13C) measured on four n-alkanes (n-C27, n-C29, n-C31, n-C33) from a marine sediment core collected off the Zambezi River mouth. Our paleo d13C records suggest that each individual n-alkanes had different C3/C4 proportional contributions. n-C29 was mostly derived from a C3 dicots (trees, shrubs and forbs) dominant vegetation throughout the entire record. In contrast, the longer chain n-C33 and n-C31 were mostly contributed by C4 grasses during the Glacial period but shifted to a mixture of C4 grasses and C3 dicots during the Holocene. Strong correlations between dD and d13C values of n-C33 (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.75, n = 58) and n-C31 (R2 = 0.48, n = 58) suggest that their dD values were strongly influenced by changes in the relative contributions of C3/C4 plant types in contrast to n-C29 (R2 = 0.07, n = 58). Within regions with variable C3/C4 input, we conclude that dD values of n-C29 are the most reliable and unbiased indicator for past changes in rainfall, and that dD and d13C values of n-C31 and n-C33 are sensitive to C3/C4 vegetation changes. Our results demonstrate that a robust interpretation of palaeohydrological data using n-alkane dD requires additional knowledge of regional vegetation changes from which nalkanes are synthesized, and that the combination of dD and d13C values of multiple n-alkanes can help to differentiate biological effects from those related to the hydrological cycle.


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This report summarizes the impact of Hurricane Allen (August 1980) on dune configuration, sand accretion or erosion, and changes in the vegetation on north Padre Island. Four experimental foredunes, the result of grass plantings from 1969 to 1973, and an unplanted control section were monitored in 1975-1977 and also in 1981. The 1981 posthurricane data were compared where possilbe, with the previous studies. Foredune elevation surveys were completed in March 1981; accompanying vegetation transects were made in July 1981. Hurrican Allen causes erosion of the dune face of all the experimental dunes, but caused a breach in only one dune. The beach elevations had returned to approximately prehurricane heights by the time the area was resurveyed. The unplanted control dune provided little resistance to waves generated by the storm and a large quantity of sand was deposited inland.


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From Verhandl. des Bot. vereins f. Brandenb. v. 9, no. 82.


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Reprint. Originally published: Kassel, T. Fischer, 1882.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"September 1977."