996 resultados para Global errors
INTRODUCTION: Video records are widely used to analyze performance in alpine skiing at professional or amateur level. Parts of these analyses require the labeling of some movements (i.e. determining when specific events occur). If differences among coaches and differences for the same coach between different dates are expected, they have never been quantified. Moreover, knowing these differences is essential to determine which parameters reliable should be used. This study aimed to quantify the precision and the repeatability for alpine skiing coaches of various levels, as it is done in other fields (Koo et al, 2005). METHODS: A software similar to commercialized products was designed to allow video analyses. 15 coaches divided into 3 groups (5 amateur coaches (G1), 5 professional instructors (G2) and 5 semi-professional coaches (G3)) were enrolled. They were asked to label 15 timing parameters (TP) according to the Swiss ski manual (Terribilini et al, 2001) for each curve. TP included phases (initiation, steering I-II), body and ski movements (e.g. rotation, weighting, extension, balance). Three video sequences sampled at 25 Hz were used and one curve per video was labeled. The first video was used to familiarize the analyzer to the software. The two other videos, corresponding to slalom and giant slalom, were considered for the analysis. G1 realized twice the analysis (A1 and A2) at different dates and TP were randomized between both analyses. Reference TP were considered as the median of G2 and G3 at A1. The precision was defined as the RMS difference between individual TP and reference TP, whereas the repeatability was calculated as the RMS difference between individual TP at A1 and at A2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: For G1, G2 and G3, a precision of +/-5.6 frames, +/-3.0 and +/-2.0 frames, was respectively obtained. These results showed that G2 was more precise than G1, and G3 more precise than G2, were in accordance with group levels. The repeatability for G1 was +/-3.1 frames. Furthermore, differences among TP precision were observed, considering G2 and G3, with largest differences of +/-5.9 frames for "body counter rotation movement in steering phase II", and of 0.8 frame for "ski unweighting in initiation phase". CONCLUSION: This study quantified coach ability to label video in term of precision and repeatability. The best precision was obtained for G3 and was of +/-0.08s, which corresponds to +/-6.5% of the curve cycle. Regarding the repeatability, we obtained a result of +/-0.12s for G1, corresponding to +/-12% of the curve cycle. The repeatability of G2 and G3 are expected to be lower than the precision of G1 and the corresponding repeatability will be assessed soon. In conclusion, our results indicate that the labeling of video records is reliable for some TP, whereas caution is required for others. REFERENCES Koo S, Gold MD, Andriacchi TP. (2005). Osteoarthritis, 13, 782-789. Terribilini M, et al. (2001). Swiss Ski manual, 29-46. IASS, Lucerne.
Purpose: Despite the fundamental role of ecosystem goods and services in sustaining human activities, there is no harmonized and internationally agreed method for including them in life cycle assessment (LCA). The main goal of this study was to develop a globally applicable and spatially resolved method for assessing land-use impacts on the erosion regulation ecosystem service.Methods: Soil erosion depends much on location. Thus, unlike conventional LCA, the endpoint method was regionalized at the grid-cell level (5 arc-minutes, approximately 10×10 km2) to reflect the spatial conditions of the site. Spatially explicit characterization factors were not further aggregated at broader spatial scales. Results and discussion: Life cycle inventory data of topsoil and topsoil organic carbon (SOC) losses were interpreted at the endpoint level in terms of the ultimate damage to soil resources and ecosystem quality. Human health damages were excluded from the assessment. The method was tested on a case study of five three-year agricultural rotations, two of them with energy crops, grown in several locations in Spain. A large variation in soil and SOC losses was recorded in the inventory step, depending on climatic and edaphic conditions. The importance of using a spatially explicit model and characterization factors is shown in the case study.Conclusions and outlook: The regionalized assessment takes into account the differences in soil erosion-related environmental impacts caused by the great variability of soils. Taking this regionalized framework as the starting point, further research should focus on testing the applicability of the method trough the complete life cycle of a product and on determining an appropriate spatial scale at which to aggregate characterization factors, in order to deal with data gaps on location of processes, especially in the background system. Additional research should also focus on improving reliability of the method by quantifying and, insofar as it is possible, reducing uncertainty.
Structural and regulatory genes involved in the synthesis of antimicrobial metabolites are essential for the biocontrol activity of fluorescent pseudomonads and, in principle, amenable to genetic engineering for strain improvement. An eventual large-scale release of such bacteria raises the question of whether such genes also contribute to the persistence and dissemination of the bacteria in soil ecosystems. Pseudomonas fluorescens wild-type strain CHA0 protects plants against a variety of fungal diseases and produces several antimicrobial metabolites. The regulatory gene gacA globally controls antibiotic production and is crucial for disease suppression in CHA0. This gene also regulates the production of extracellular protease and phospholipase. The contribution of gacA to survival and vertical translocation of CHA0 in soil microcosms of increasing complexity was studied in coinoculation experiments with the wild type and a gacA mutant which lacks antibiotics and some exoenzymes. Both strains were marked with spontaneous resistance to rifampin. In a closed system with sterile soil, strain CHA0 and the gacA mutant multiplied for several weeks, whereas these strains declined exponentially in nonsterile soil of different Swiss origins. The gacA mutant was less persistent in nonrhizosphere raw soil than was the wild type, but no competitive disadvantage when colonizing the rhizosphere and roots of wheat was found in the particular soil type and during the period studied. Vertical translocation was assessed after strains had been applied to undisturbed, long (60-cm) or short (20-cm) soil columns, both planted with wheat. A smaller number of cells of the gacA mutant than of the wild type were detected in the percolated water and in different depths of the soil column. Single-strain inoculation gave similar results in all microcosms tested. We conclude that mutation in a single regulatory gene involved in antibiotic and exoenzyme synthesis can affect the survival of P. fluorescens more profoundly in unplanted soil than in the rhizosphere.
Hoy las enfermedades no tienen fronteras,por lo tanto no pueden ser concebidas en términos locales, sino como problemas conectados con la pobreza y la marginalidad en todos los países del mundo. Esta consideración de la salud global e integral obliga, por una parte, a detectar los impedimentos que dificultan crear condiciones de salud mundial y, por otra parte, buscar las vías y diseñar las estrategias necesariaspara superar los obstáculos y alcanzar las cotas de salud que se entiende constituyen la calidad de vida.
Análisis del Protocolo de 1995 sobre reclamaciones colectivas como instrumento quasijurisdiccional de control sobre el cumplimiento de la Carta Social Europea.
Hoy las enfermedades no tienen fronteras,por lo tanto no pueden ser concebidas en términos locales, sino como problemas conectados con la pobreza y la marginalidad en todos los países del mundo. Esta consideración de la salud global e integral obliga, por una parte, a detectar los impedimentos que dificultan crear condiciones de salud mundial y, por otra parte, buscar las vías y diseñar las estrategias necesariaspara superar los obstáculos y alcanzar las cotas de salud que se entiende constituyen la calidad de vida.
Análisis del Protocolo de 1995 sobre reclamaciones colectivas como instrumento quasijurisdiccional de control sobre el cumplimiento de la Carta Social Europea.
Introducció: Els errors de medicació són definits com qualsevol incident prevenible que pot causar dany al pacient o donar lloc a una utilització inapropiada dels medicaments, quan aquests estan sota el control dels professionals sanitaris o del pacient. Els errors en la preparació i l’administració de medicació són els més comuns de l’àrea hospitalària i, tot i la llarga cadena per la qual passa el fàrmac, el professional d’infermeria és el últim responsable de l’acció, tenint així, un paper molt important en la seguretat del pacient. Les infermeres dediquen el 40% del temps de la seva jornada laboral en tasques relacionades amb la medicació. Objectiu: Determinar si les infermeres produeixen més errors si treballen amb sistemes de distribució de medicació de stock o en sistemes de distribució unidosis de medicació. Metodologia: Estudi quantitatiu, observacional i descriptiu, on la notificació d’errors (o oportunitats d’error) realitzats per la infermera, en les fases de preparació i administració de medicació, es farà mitjançant un qüestionari autoelaborat. Els elements a identificar seran: el tipus d’error, les causes que poden haver--‐lo produït, la seva potencial gravetat i qui l’ha pogut evitar; així com el tipus de professional que l’ha produït. Altres dades rellevants són: el medicament implicat junt amb la dosis i la via d’administració i el sistema de distribució utilitzat. Mostreig i mostra: El mostreig serà no probabilístic i per conveniència. S’escolliran aquelles infermeres que l’investigador consideri amb les característiques necessàries per participar en l’estudi, així que la mostra estarà formada per les infermeres les quals treballen a la unitat 40 de l’Hospital del Mar i utilitzen un sistema de distribució de medicació de dosis unitàries i les infermeres que treballen a urgències (concretament a l’àrea de nivell dos) de l’Hospital del Mar les quals treballen amb un sistema de distribució de medicació de stock.
L'Oficina de les Nacions Unides contra la Droga i el Delicte en el seu informe "Global Report on Trafficking in Persons" de 2012 recull que "l'explotació sexual és, amb gran diferència, la forma de tràfic de persones detectades amb més freqüència, concretament en xifres un total del 79 % dels casos. Enllaç a l'informe sencer: http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/glotip/Trafficking_in_Persons_2012_web.pdf