981 resultados para Gc-ms


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The postharvest phase has been considered an environment very suitable for successful application of biological control agents (BCAs). However, the tri-interaction between fungal pathogen, host (fruit) and antagonist is influenced by several parameters such as temperature, oxidative stresses, oxygen composition, water activity, etc. that could be determining for the success of biocontrol. Knowledge of the modes of action of BCAs is essential in order to enhance their viability and increase their potentialities in disease control. The thesis focused on the possibility to explain the modes of action of a biological control agent (BCA): Aureobasidium pullulans, in particular the strains L1 and L8, control effective against fruit postharvest fungal pathogen. In particular in this work were studied the different modes of action of BCA, such as: i) the ability to produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), identified by SPME- gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and tested by in vitro and in vivo assays against Penicillium spp., Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum acutatum; ii) the ability to produce lytic enzymes (exo and endo chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase) tested against Monilinia laxa, causal agent of brown rot of stone fruits. L1 and L8 lytic enzymes were also evaluated through their relative genes by molecular tools; iii) the competition for space and nutrients, such as sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose) and iron; the latter induced the production of siderophores, molecules with high affinity for iron chelation. A molecular investigation was carried out to better understand the gene regulation strictly correlated to the production of these chelating molucules. The competition for space against M. laxa was verified by electron microscopy techniques; iv) a depth bibliographical analysis on BCAs mechanisms of action and their possible combination with physical and chemical treatments was conducted.


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Apple latent infection caused by Neofabraea alba: host-pathogen interaction and disease management Bull’s eye rot (BER) caused by Neofabraea alba is one of the most frequent and damaging latent infection occurring in stored pome fruits worldwide. Fruit infection occurs in the orchard, but disease symptoms appear only 3 months after harvest, during refrigerated storage. In Italy BER is particularly serious for late harvest apple cultivar as ‘Pink Lady™’. The purposes of this thesis were: i) Evaluate the influence of ‘Pink Lady™’ apple primary metabolites in N. alba quiescence ii) Evaluate the influence of pH in five different apple cultivars on BER susceptibility iii) To find out not chemical method to control N. alba infection iv) Identify some fungal volatile compounds in order to use them as N. alba infections markers. Results regarding the role of primary metabolites showed that chlorogenic, quinic and malic acid inhibit N. alba development. The study based on the evaluation of cultivar susceptibility, showed that Granny Smith was the most resistant apple cultivar among the varieties analyzed. Moreover, Granny Smith showed the lowest pH value from harvest until the end of storage, supporting the thesis that ambient pH could be involved in the interaction between N. alba and apple. In order to find out new technologies able to improve lenticel rot management, the application of a non-destructive device for the determination of chlorophyll content was applied. Results showed that fruit with higher chlorophyll content are less susceptible to BER, and molecular analyses comforted this result. Fruits with higher chlorophyll content showed up-regulation of PGIP and HCT, genes involved in plant defence. Through the application of PTR-MS and SPME GC-MS, 25 volatile organic compounds emitted by N. alba were identified. Among them, 16 molecules were identified as potential biomarkers.


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This PhD thesis is focused on cold atmospheric plasma treatments (GP) for microbial inactivation in food applications. In fact GP represents a promising emerging technology alternative to the traditional methods for the decontamination of foods. The objectives of this work were to evaluate: - the effects of GP treatments on microbial inactivation in model systems and in real foods; - the stress response in L. monocytogenes following exposure to different GP treatments. As far as the first aspect, inactivation curves were obtained for some target pathogens, i.e. Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli, by exposing microbial cells to GP generated with two different DBD equipments and processing conditions (exposure time, material of the electrodes). Concerning food applications, the effects of different GP treatments on the inactivation of natural microflora and Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis and Escherichia coli on the surface of Fuji apples, soya sprouts and black pepper were evaluated. In particular the efficacy of the exposure to gas plasma was assessed immediately after treatments and during storage. Moreover, also possible changes in quality parameters such as colour, pH, Aw, moisture content, oxidation, polyphenol-oxidase activity, antioxidant activity were investigated. Since the lack of knowledge of cell targets of GP may limit its application, the possible mechanism of action of GP was studied against 2 strains of Listeria monocytogenes by evaluating modifications in the fatty acids of the cytoplasmic membrane (through GC/MS analysis) and metabolites detected by SPME-GC/MS and 1H-NMR analyses. Moreover, changes induced by different treatments on the expression of selected genes related to general stress response, virulence or to the metabolism were detected with Reverse Transcription-qPCR. In collaboration with the Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA, USA) also proteomic profiles following gas plasma exposure were analysed through Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) to evaluate possible changes in metabolic processes.


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In questo lavoro di tesi è stata valutata l’influenza della tostatura a diverse condizioni di tempo e temperatura sulle principali caratteristiche qualitative di nocciole polacche (Coryllus avellana L.) di varietà Kataloński. In particolare, le prove di tostatura sono state condotte a due differenti temperature, 130 e 160 °C, ognuna delle quali applicata rispettivamente per tre diversi tempi: 40, 50, 60 e 20, 25, 30 minuti. Al fine di definire le condizioni ottimali di tostatura, i campioni ottenuti sono stati sottoposti ad analisi colorimetrica (L*,a*,b*), dell’attività dell’acqua e del contenuto in acqua (%). Inoltre, per ottenere un quadro completo della qualità delle diverse nocciole tostate, è stato valutato anche il loro contenuto in composti bioattivi per mezzo della determinazione del contenuto in fenoli totali (metodo del Folin-Ciocalteu), dei singoli composti fenolici (HPLC-MS) e dell’attività antiossidante (metodo dell’ABTS·+). In seguito ad estrazione della frazione lipidica, è stato determinato anche il contenuto in tocoferoli (HPLC-FLD) e lo stato ossidativo delle nocciole tostate per mezzo dell’analisi del numero di perossidi. Infine è stato studiato anche l’effetto della tostatura sullo sviluppo di composti volatili (GC-MS), caratteristici dell’aroma tipico delle nocciole tostate. Questo studio rappresenta un importante screening di valutazione delle nocciole tostate a diversi tempi e temperature e mostra come la temperatura sia un parametro molto importante, con una forte influenza sulle caratteristiche compositive e sensoriali del prodotto finito. Sulla varietà Kataloński non sono presenti lavori in letteratura, questo studio quindi rappresenta una novità per quanto riguarda questa specifica varietà. Le numerose analisi svolte, poi, consentono un ampio quadro dei fenomeni che si verificano durante la tostatura.


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In recent times, the choices of consumers have been more conscious and oriented to foods with health benefits. The present paper deals with the study of oil from crushing of olive and huzelnut with the aim of obtaining a “functional food”. Different samples of oil derived from the crushing of olive (O), olive with 5% of hazelnut (O5N) and olive with 10% of hazelnut (O10N), exposed to different temperatures (28 and 35°C) and times (15 and 30 minutes) of malaxation. The samples of oil were initially subjected to a qualitative assessment by the analysis of peroxide and free acidity. Following further analyses were carried out namely the determination of fatty acids and triglycerides by FAST GC-FID, the determination of tocopherols by HPLC-FLC, the analysis of sterols by GC/MS and the spectroscopic analysis with FT-MIR combined with statistical analysis with PCA and PLS. The results showed that increasing the time and temperature of malaxation there aren’t relevant significant differences (p<0,05) in the composition of fatty acids, triglycerides and tocopherols in the different oils, but there are higher extraction yields. The increase of content of hazelnut in phase of crushing causes the decrease of triglycerides C50 and C52, the increase of the class C54, total tocopherols and of total sterols as well. The samples analysed with FT-MIR spectroscopy have showed, on the contrary to conventional analytical techniques, a good discrimination between different oils despite of the similar chemical composition of olive and hazelnuts. After the PLS models were built from spectra FT-MIR in order to estimate the content of triglycerides C50, C52 and C54 and total tocopherols, with good R2 in full cross validation (R2>0,821).


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Oceans are key sources and sinks in the global budgets of significant atmospheric trace gases, termed Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Despite their low concentrations, these species have an important role in the atmosphere, influencing ozone photochemistry and aerosol physics. Surprisingly, little work has been done on assessing their emissions or transport mechanisms and rates between ocean and atmosphere, all of which are important when modelling the atmosphere accurately.rnA new Needle Trap Device (NTD) - GC-MS method was developed for the effective sampling and analysis of VOCs in seawater. Good repeatability (RSDs <16 %), linearity (R2 = 0.96 - 0.99) and limits of detection in the range of pM were obtained for DMS, isoprene, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, (+)-α-pinene and (-)-α-pinene. Laboratory evaluation and subsequent field application indicated that the proposed method can be used successfully in place of the more usually applied extraction techniques (P&T, SPME) to extend the suite of species typically measured in the ocean and improve detection limits. rnDuring a mesocosm CO2 enrichment study, DMS, isoprene and α-pinene were identified and quantified in seawater samples, using the above mentioned method. Based on correlations with available biological datasets, the effects of ocean acidification as well as possible ocean biological sources were investigated for all examined compounds. Future ocean's acidity was shown to decrease oceanic DMS production, possibly impact isoprene emissions but not affect the production of α-pinene. rnIn a separate activity, ocean - atmosphere interactions were simulated in a large scale wind-wave canal facility, in order to investigate the gas exchange process and its controlling mechanisms. Air-water exchange rates of 14 chemical species (of which 11 VOCs) spanning a wide range of solubility (dimensionless solubility, α = 0:4 to 5470) and diffusivity (Schmidt number in water, Scw = 594 to 1194) were obtained under various turbulent (wind speed at ten meters height, u10 = 0:8 to 15ms-1) and surfactant modulated (two different sized Triton X-100 layers) surface conditions. Reliable and reproducible total gas transfer velocities were obtained and the derived values and trends were comparable to previous investigations. Through this study, a much better and more comprehensive understanding of the gas exchange process was accomplished. The role of friction velocity, uw* and mean square slope, σs2 in defining phenomena such as waves and wave breaking, near surface turbulence, bubbles and surface films was recognized as very significant. uw* was determined as the ideal turbulent parameter while σs2 described best the related surface conditions. A combination of both uw* and σs2 variables, was found to reproduce faithfully the air-water gas exchange process. rnA Total Transfer Velocity (TTV) model provided by a compilation of 14 tracers and a combination of both uw* and σs2 parameters, is proposed for the first time. Through the proposed TTV parameterization, a new physical perspective is presented which provides an accurate TTV for any tracer within the examined solubility range. rnThe development of such a comprehensive air-sea gas exchange parameterization represents a highly useful tool for regional and global models, providing accurate total transfer velocity estimations for any tracer and any sea-surface status, simplifying the calculation process and eliminating inevitable calculation uncertainty connected with the selection or combination of different parameterizations.rnrn


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Questa tesi ha riguardato lo studio di potenziali combustibili dalla pirolisi catalitica di varie tipologie di biomasse. Durante l’attività di laboratorio sono state condotte pirolisi intermedie e con zeolite di campioni di Arthrospira platensis (microalghe), residui della pesca, Ulva lactuca (macroalghe) e segatura di pino (Pinus sylvestris). Il cracking termico è stato condotto a 460 °C, con un reattore pirolitico da banco, e i vapori sono condensati in trappole fredde al termine del sistema. Nella pirolisi catalitica, i vapori prodotti nelle stesse condizioni sperimentali attraversano uno strato di catalizzatore (H-ZSM-5) dove subiscono il cracking. L’obiettivo principale di questo studio è la valutazione del processo di upgrading dei vapori di pirolisi per ottenere bio-oli arricchiti in idrocarburi. Dalle prove di pirolisi, catalitica e non, sono state raccolte frazioni solide e liquide, di cui sono state determinate le rese: biochar (solido), frazione liquida organica e acquosa e, nel caso delle pirolisi catalitiche, coke e una frazione volatile solubile in eptano. Delle frazioni organiche ed eptanica è stata caratterizzata la composizione elementare e mediante analisi GC-MS. Per le biomasse di partenza sono state effettuate analisi elementari, prossimali e degli acidi grassi totali. I risultati mostrano differenze sostanziali tra le frazioni organiche delle pirolisi e pirolisi catalitiche. Microalghe, macroalghe e residui della pesca contengono proteine che producono oli ricchi in composti azotati, mentre la segatura di pino produce oli ricchi in composti ossigenati derivati dalla lignina. In seguito al cracking catalitico si ha una diminuzione dei composti azotati e ossigenati e gli oli sono costituiti per la maggior parte da idrocarburi aromatici. L’olio da cracking catalitico ha una composizione simile a quella dei combustibili tradizionali, ma una migliore qualità di composizione del bio-olio comporta rese più basse. Il processo può presentare potenzialità solo per la trasformazione di biomasse di scarto.


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In den letzten Jahren stieg in Deutschland der Gebrauch bzw. Missbrauch von Opioid-Analgetika zunehmend an. Das entwickelte Verfahren sollte unter Einbeziehung neuer Substanzen möglichst viele verschiedene Opioide und auch ihre pharmakologisch aktiven Stoffwechselprodukte berücksichtigen.rnVor Analyse wurden Blut-, Serum- oder Urinproben mit Phosphatpuffer versetzt und mittels Festphasenextraktion an C18-Säulenmaterial aufgearbeitet. Post-Mortem-Gewebematerial wurde mit isotonischer Kochsalzlösung versetzt, homogenisiert und anschließend durch eine Festphasenextraktion aufgereinigt. Haarproben wurden nach Zerkleinerung mit Methanol unter Ultrabeschallung extrahiert. Die Flüssigchromatographie gekoppelt mit Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (Elektrosprayionisation im positiven Modus) erwies sich als geeignetes Verfahren für die simultane Bestimmung der Opioide in biologischem Probenmaterial (Körperflüssigkeiten, Gewebe und Haaren). Der Multi-Analyt Assay erlaubt die quantitative Analyse von 35 verschiedenen Opioiden. Die Analyten wurden durch eine Phenyl-Hexyl Säule und einen Wasser/Acetonitril Gradienten durch eine UPLC 1290 Infinity gekoppelt mit einem 6490 Triple Quadrupol von Agilent Technologies separiert.rnDie LC/MS Methode zur simultanen Bestimmung von 35 Opioiden in Serum und Haaren wurde nach den Richtlinien der Gesellschaft für Toxikologische und Forensische Chemie (GTFCh) validiert. Im Fall der Serumvalidierung lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.02 und 0.6 ng/ml und die Bestimmungsgrenzen im Bereich von 0.1 bis 2.0 ng/ml. Die Kalibrationskurven waren für die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 linear. Wiederfindungsraten lagen für alle Verbindungen zwischen 51 und 88 %, außer für Alfentanil, Bisnortiliidn, Pethidin und Morphin-3-Glucuronid. Der Matrixeffekt lag zwischen 86 % (Ethylmorphin) und 105 % (Desomorphin). Für fast alle Analyten konnten akzeptable Werte bei der Bestimmung der Genauigkeit und Richtigkeit nach den Richtlinien der GTFCh erhalten werden. Im Fall der Validierung der Haarproben lagen die Nachweisgrenzen zwischen 0.004 und 0.6 ng/Probe und die Bestimmungsgrenzen zwischen 0.1 ng/Probe und 2.0 ng/Probe. Für die Kalibrationslevel 1 bis 6 waren alle Kalibrationsgeraden linear. Die Wiederfindungsraten lagen für die Opioide im Bereich von 73.5 % (Morphin-6-Glucuronid) und 114.1 % (Hydrocodon). Die Werte für die Bestimmung der Richtigkeit lagen zwischen - 6.6 % (Methadon) und + 11.7 % (Pholcodin). Präzisionsdaten wurden zwischen 1.0 % für Dextromethorphan und 11.5 % für Methadon ermittelt. Die Kriterien der GTFCh konnten bei Ermittlung des Matrixeffekts für alle Substanzen erfüllt werden, außer für 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Bisnortilidin, Meperidin, Methadon, Morphin-3-glucuronid, Morphin-6-glucuronid, Normeperidin, Nortilidin und Tramadol.rnZum Test des Verfahrens an authentischem Probenmaterial wurden 206 Proben von Körperflüssigkeiten mit Hilfe der simultanen LC/MS Screening Methode untersucht. Über 150 Proben wurden im Rahmen von forensisch-toxikologischen Untersuchungen am Instituts für Rechtsmedizin Mainz analysiert. Dabei konnten 23 der 35 Opioide in den realen Proben nachgewiesen werden. Zur Untersuchung der Pharmakokinetik von Opioiden bei Patienten der anästhesiologischen Intensivstation mit Sepsis wurden über 50 Blutproben untersucht. Den Patienten wurde im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie einmal täglich vier Tage lang Blut abgenommen. In den Serumproben wurde hauptsächlich Sufentanil (0.2 – 0.8 ng/ml in 58 Fällen) und Piritramid (0.4 – 11 ng/ml in 56 Fällen) gefunden. Außerdem wurden die Proben von Körperflüssigkeiten und Gewebe von 13 verschiedenen Autopsiefällen mit Hilfe des Multi-Analyt Assays auf Opioide untersucht.rnIn einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Extraktions- und Messmethode zur Quantifizierung der 35 Opioide am Forensic Medicine Center in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) etabliert. Insgesamt wurden 85 Herzblutproben von Obduktionsfällen mit Verdacht auf Opiatintoxikation näher untersucht. Der überwiegende Teil der untersuchten Fälle konnte auf eine Heroin- bzw. Morphin-Vergiftung zurückgeführt werden. Morphin wurde in 68 Fällen im Konzentrationsbereich 1.7 – 1400 ng/ml und der Heroinmetabolit 6-Monoactetylmorphin in 34 Fällen (0.3 – 160 ng/ml) nachgewiesen werden.rnSchließlich wurden noch 15 Haarproben von Patienten einer psychiatrischen Klinik, die illegale Rauschmittel konsumiert hatten, mit Hilfe der simultanen Opioid-LC/MS Screeningmethode gemessen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung wurden mit früheren Auswertungen von gaschromatographischen Analysen verglichen. Es zeigte sich eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung der Untersuchungsergebnisse für die Opioide 6-Monoacetylmorphin, Morphin, Codein, Dihydrocodein und Methadon. Mit der LC/MS Methode konnten weitere Substanzen, wie zum Beispiel Bisnortilidin, Dextromethorphan und Tramadol in den Haarproben gefunden werden, die bislang nicht entdeckt worden waren.rn


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Il processo di compostaggio è il metodo più antico ed al tempo stesso innovativo di trasformazione dei rifiuti. La trasformazione in impianti di compostaggio industriale ricrea lo stesso processo semplice ma in scala maggiore processando molte tonnellate/anno di rifiuto con particolare riguardo a quello proveniente da raccolta differenziata. Il presente elaborato, oltre ad illustrare le nuove tecnologie di produzione nelle realtà locali della zona Romagnola, ha inteso indagare un aspetto alternativo ed innovativo di valutazione del compost. A supporto di quanto già previsto alla specifica normativa di settore e nell'ottica dell'ottimizzazione del processo, è stata valutata la possibilità di uso della tecnica analitica di microestrazione in fase solida (SPME) e della tecnica strumentale con naso elettronico. Si è inteso verificare anche come l'utilizzo di carbone vegetale, aggiunto alla fase di maturazione, possa apportare un contributo significativo nel controllo delle emissioni odorigene, problematica diffusa nelle aree limitrofe ad impianti di compostaggio. L'utilizzo delle tecniche di estrazione in fase solida (SPME) ha dimostrato che durante il processo le componenti odorigene tendono a ridursi notevolmente modificandosi in modo apprezzabile e valutabile mediante analisi GC-MS. L'aggiunta di carbone vegetale alla fase di maturazione contribuisce alla riduzione delle emissioni odorigene. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano come l'utilizzo dei sistemi proposti possa portare ad un'economicità qualora si riscontrassero tempi di maturazione variabili per le tipologie di materiale trattato, riducendo così i tempi di permanenza nei tunnel di maturazione e come le tecniche SPME e naso elettronico possano essere accoppiate per ottenere risultati complementari così da costruire un'informazione complessiva completa. Possibili sviluppi dello studio potrebbero essere improntati alla verifica puntuale del grado di maturazione in relazione alla tipologia del materiale in ingresso ed alla stagionalità nonché all'utilizzo di tali tecniche ad altre matrici e nell'ambito dell'individuazione della presenza di composti indesiderati in matrici ambientali.


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La sperimentazione aveva il fine di valutare l’attività antimicrobica di oli essenziali di timo e cannella in hamburger di bovino. In primo luogo è stata fatta una caratterizzazione di questi oli mediante analisi GC-MS-SPME, da cui è emerso che le molecole a maggiore attività antimicrobica (rispettivamente timolo/carvacrolo ed aldeide cinnamica) erano presenti a concentrazioni piuttosto basse. Successivamente sono state valutate MIC e MBC nei confronti di microrganismi patogeni di interesse alimentare. Infine, tali oli sono stati incapsulati in chitosano per valutare un eventuale effetto sinergico e favorire un rilascio graduale degli oli. Il processo di incapsulazione ha mostrato una efficienza piuttosto bassa (solo il 25% dell’olio aggiunto veniva effettivamente incapsulato), per cui non è stato possibile utilizzare nanoparticelle “caricate” con quantità di olio tali da inibire significativamente lo sviluppo microbico in hamburger di carne bovina. Infatti, l’effetto sinergico chitosano/olio essenziale è stato in grado di ridurre solo lievemente il carico di enterobatteri durante la conservazione refrigerata, soprattutto nei campioni confezionati in atmosfera modificata. Una prova effettuata utilizzando i due oli in forma libera ad elevata concentrazione (1000 mg/kg), la cannella si è dimostrata molto più efficace del timo, riducendo il carico cellulare di enterobatteri a fine shelf-life, con effetto più evidente nei campioni di hamburger confezionati in atmosfera modificata (riduzione di un ciclo logaritmico). Inoltre, essa è risultata in grado di ridurre lievemente lo sviluppo di lieviti e funghi. Concludendo, gli oli essenziali usati in questa sperimentazione, poiché caratterizzati da una bassa concentrazione di molecole ad elevata attività antimicrobica (timolo/carvacrolo per il timo, aldeide cinnamica per la cannella), non sono stati in grado di prolungare in modo significativo la shelf-life di hamburger di bovino, nemmeno se incapsulati in chitosano.


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There has been limited analysis of the effects of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) on liver metabolism and circulating endogenous metabolites. Here, we report the findings of a plasma metabolomic investigation of HCC patients by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS), random forests machine learning algorithm, and multivariate data analysis. Control subjects included healthy individuals as well as patients with liver cirrhosis or acute myeloid leukemia. We found that HCC was associated with increased plasma levels of glycodeoxycholate, deoxycholate 3-sulfate, and bilirubin. Accurate mass measurement also indicated upregulation of biliverdin and the fetal bile acids 7α-hydroxy-3-oxochol-4-en-24-oic acid and 3-oxochol-4,6-dien-24-oic acid in HCC patients. A quantitative lipid profiling of patient plasma was also conducted by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-TQMS). By this method, we found that HCC was also associated with reduced levels of lysophosphocholines and in 4 of 20 patients with increased levels of lysophosphatidic acid [LPA(16:0)], where it correlated with plasma α-fetoprotein levels. Interestingly, when fatty acids were quantitatively profiled by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), we found that lignoceric acid (24:0) and nervonic acid (24:1) were virtually absent from HCC plasma. Overall, this investigation illustrates the power of the new discovery technologies represented in the UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS platform combined with the targeted, quantitative platforms of UPLC-ESI-TQMS and GC-MS for conducting metabolomic investigations that can engender new insights into cancer pathobiology.


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The formation of aerosols is a key component in understanding cloud formation in the context of radiative forcings and global climate modeling. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are a significant source of aerosols, yet there is still much to be learned about their structures, sources, and interactions. The aims of this project were to identify the BVOCs found in the defense chemicals of the brown marmorated stink bug Halymorpha halys and quantify them using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and test whether oxidation of these compounds by ozone-promoted aerosol and cloud seed formation. The bugs were tested under two conditions: agitation by asphyxiation and direct glandular exposure. Tridecane, 2(5H)-furanone 5-ethyl, and (E)-2-decenal were identified as the three most abundant compounds. H. halys were also tested in the agitated condition in a smog chamber. It was found that in the presence of 100-180 ppm ozone, secondary aerosols do form. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and a cloud condensation nuclei counter (CCNC) were used to characterize the secondary aerosols that formed. This reaction resulted in 0.23 microg/ bug of particulate mass. It was also found that these secondary organic aerosol particles could act as cloud condensation nuclei. At a supersaturation of 1%, we found a kappa value of 0.09. Once regional populations of these stink bugs stabilize and the populations estimates can be made, the additional impacts of their contribution to regional air quality can be calculated.


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The formation of aerosols is a key component in understanding cloud formation in the context of radiative forcings and global climate modeling. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are a significant source of aerosols, yet there is still much to be learned about their structures, sources, and interactions. The aims of this project were to identify the BVOCs found in the defense chemicals of the brown marmorated stink bug Halymorpha halys and quantify them using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and test whether oxidation of these compounds by ozone-promoted aerosol and cloud seed formation. The bugs were tested under two conditions: agitation by asphyxiation and direct glandular exposure. Tridecane, 2(5H)-furanone 5-ethyl, and (E)-2-decenal were identified as the three most abundant compounds. H. halys were also tested in the agitated condition in a smog chamber. It was found that in the presence of 100-180 ppm ozone, secondary aerosols do form. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and a cloud condensation nuclei counter (CCNC) were used to characterize the secondary aerosols that formed. This reaction resulted in 0.23 mu g/bug of particulate mass. It was also found that these secondary organic aerosol particles could act as cloud condensation nuclei. At a supersaturation of 1%, we found a kappa value of 0.09. Once regional populations of these stink bugs stablilize and the populations estimates can be made, the additional impacts of their contribution to regional air quality can be calculated. Implications: Halymorpha halys (brown marmorated stink bugs) are a relatively new invasive species introduced in the United States near Allentown, Pennsylvania. The authors chemically speciated the bugs' defense pheromones and found that tridecane, 5-ethyl-2(5H)-furanone, and (E)-2-decenal dominated their emissions. Their defense emissions were reacted with atmospherically relevant concentrations of ozone and resulted in 0.23 g of particulate matter per emission per bug. Due to the large population of these bugs in some regions, these emissions could contribute appreciably to a region's PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter 2.5 m) levels.


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The major endocannabinoids (ECs) arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and related N-ethanolamines act as full and partial agonists at CB(1), CB(2), GPR55, PPAR and TRPV1 receptors to various degrees. These receptors are also expressed in immune cells like monocytes/macrophages where they regulate different cellular processes. In this study, potentially bioactive lipids in fetal bovine sera (FBS) were quantified by GC/MS. We found that several commercial FBS contain ECs and bioactive amounts of 2-AG (250-700 nM). We show that residual 2-AG from FBS can activate primary macrophages and increase migration and RANKL-stimulated osteoclastogenesis. Furthermore, 2-AG high-content sera specifically upregulated LPS-stimulated IL-6 expression in U937 cells. Polymyxin B beads may be used to selectively and efficiently remove 2-AG from sera, but not arachidonic acid and N-ethanolamines. In conclusion, 2-AG in cell culture media may significantly influence cellular experiments. CD14+ mononuclear cells which strongly express surface CB receptors may be particularly sensitive towards residual 2-AG from FBS. Therefore, the EC content in culture media should be controlled in biological experiments involving monocytes/macrophages.


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Soybean lipoxygenase-1 (SBLO-1) catalyzes the oxygenation of linoleic acid to form 13(S) and 9(R) hydroperoxides. The manner in which substrates bind to the lipoxygenase family of enzymes is not known. It is believed fatty acid substrates may bind either with the aliphatic end first or with the carboxylate group facing the interior of the protein. This thesis tested a potential methyl-end first substrate binding mechanism by studying the activity of SBLO-1 to oxygenate immobilized linoleoyl residues attached to an insoluble polymer. Linoleic acid was attached to aminohexyl agarose in the presence of N-(3- dimethylaminopropyl)-N’-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and Nhydroxysuccinimide (NHS). The concentration of the covalently attached residues was facilitated by enriching linoleic acid with a small amount of the radioactive 14C-isotope. Functionalization yields of 3% available primary amines on the resin were obtained. Enzymatic oxygenation of the linoleoyl-residues was verified using the ferrous oxidation in xylenol orange (FOX) assay. Approximately 30% of the attached linoleoyl moieties were converted to hydroperoxides in the presence of SBLO-1. A disulfide-containing cleavable linker, cystamine, was used as part of an improved method to isolate the product in a facile manner. Cystamine was attached to NHS-activated agarose with approximately 5% overall functionalization yield of available functional groups. 14C-linoleic acid was successfully covalently linked to the cystamine moieties in the presence of EDC and NHS. The FOX assay verified the enzymatic oxygenation of the linoleoyl residues attached to cystamine-derivatized agarose. The isolation of the peroxide product was attempted in a series of extractions in organic solvents. The product was analyzed using GC/MS which did not show a new peak indicative of product. Further work is needed to successfully analyze the stereoand regiochemistry of the oxygenated product. The presence of the peroxides in this study indicated the linoleoyl residues behave as substrates of SBLO-1. It is unknown how bulky substrates bind to the active site; however, it is difficult to rationalize a carboxylate group-first binding mode. Discovery of the 13(S)-hydroperoxide product on the linoleoyl-agarose would support the claim of a potential methyl-end first binding mechanism.