808 resultados para Gastro-oesophageal reflux


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is cleaved proteolytically from a 26-kilodalton transmembrane precursor protein into secreted 17-kilodalton monomers. Transmembrane (tm) and secreted trimeric TNF are biologically active and may mediate distinct activities. We assessed the consequences of a complete inhibition of TNF processing on the course of colitis in recombination activating gene (RAG)2 -/- mice on transfer of CD4 CD45RB hi T cells.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Congenital sucrase-isomaltase (SI) deficiency is an autosomal-recessive intestinal disorder characterized by a drastic reduction or absence of sucrase and isomaltase activities. Previous studies have indicated that single mutations underlie individual phenotypes of the disease. We investigated whether compound heterozygous mutations, observed in some patients, have a role in disease pathogenesis. METHODS: We introduced mutations into the SI complementary DNA that resulted in the amino acid substitutions V577G and G1073D (heterozygous mutations found in one group of patients) or C1229Y and F1745C (heterozygous mutations found in another group). The mutant genes were expressed transiently, alone or in combination, in COS cells and the effects were assessed at the protein, structural, and subcellular levels. RESULTS: The mutants SI-V577G, SI-G1073D, and SI-F1745C were misfolded and could not exit the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas SI-C1229Y was transported only to the Golgi apparatus. Co-expression of mutants found on each SI allele in patients did not alter the protein's biosynthetic features or improve its enzymatic activity. Importantly, the mutations C1229Y and F1745C, which lie in the sucrase domains of SI, prevented its targeting to the cell's apical membrane but did not affect protein folding or isomaltase activity. CONCLUSIONS: Compound heterozygosity is a novel pathogenic mechanism of congenital SI deficiency. The effects of mutations in the sucrase domain of SIC1229Y and SIF1745C indicate the importance of a direct interaction between isomaltase and sucrose and the role of sucrose as an intermolecular chaperone in the intracellular transport of SI.


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Clostridium difficile is an antibiotic-associated emerging pathogen of humans and animals. Thus far three toxins of C. difficile have been described: an enterotoxin (ToxA), a cytotoxin (ToxB) and an ADP-ribosyltransferase (CDT). In the present work we describe the first isolation of CDT producing C. difficile from Equidae with gastro-intestinal disease. Out of 17 C. difficile strains isolated from Equidae, 11 were positive for the genes tcdA and tcdB encoding ToxA and ToxB. In addition four of these 11 isolates were positive for the cdtA gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the ADP-ribosyltransferase CDT. Interestingly none of the isolates derived from canines (41 isolates) and felines (4 isolates) harboured the cdtA gene. In C. difficile field isolates which contained the cdtA gene, ADP-ribosyltransferase activity could also be detected in culture supernatants indicating expression and secretion of CDT. All strains were associated with intestinal disorders, but no association was found for the occurrence of toxins with a specific clinical diagnosis.


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To assess the prevalence of tooth wear on buccal/facial and lingual/palatal tooth surfaces and identify related risk factors in a sample of young European adults, aged 18-35 years. Calibrated and trained examiners measured tooth wear, using the basic erosive wear examination (BEWE) on in 3187 patients in seven European countries and assessed the impact of risk factors with a previously validated questionnaire. Each individual was characterized by the highest BEWE score recorded for any scoreable surface. Bivariate analyses examined the proportion of participants who scored 2 or 3 in relation to a range of demographic, dietary and oral care variables. The highest tooth wear BEWE score was 0 for 1368 patients (42.9%), 1 for 883 (27.7%), 2 for 831 (26.1%) and 3 for 105 (3.3%). There were large differences between different countries with the highest levels of tooth wear observed in the UK. Important risk factors for tooth wear included heartburn or acid reflux, repeated vomiting, residence in rural areas, electric tooth brushing and snoring. We found no evidence that waiting after breakfast before tooth brushing has any effect on the degree of tooth wear (p=0.088). Fresh fruit and juice intake was positively associated with tooth wear. In this adult sample 29% had signs of tooth wear making it a common presenting feature in European adults.


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OBJECTIVES Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) manifests as a transient but arresting oral pain. The incidence is thought to be rising, particularly in young adults, due to increases in consumption of healthy, yet erosive, diets. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of DH and relative importance of risk factors, in 18-35 year old Europeans. METHODS In 2011, 3187 adults were enrolled from general dental practices in France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Finland, Latvia and Estonia. DH was clinically evaluated by cold air tooth stimulation, patient pain rating (yes/no), accompanied by investigator pain rating (Schiff 0-3). Erosive toothwear (BEWE index 0-3) and gingival recession (mm) were recorded. Patients completed a questionnaire regarding the nature of their DH, erosive dietary intake and toothbrushing habits. RESULTS 41.9% of patients reported pain on tooth stimulation and 56.8% scored ≥1 on Schiff scale for at least one tooth. Clinical elicited sensitivity was closely related to Schiff score and to a lesser degree, questionnaire reported sensitivity (26.8%), possibly reflecting the transient nature of the pain, alongside good coping mechanisms. Significant associations were found between clinically elicited DH and erosive toothwear and gingival recession. The questionnaire showed marked associations between DH and risk factors including heartburn/acid reflux, vomiting, sleeping medications, energy drinks, smoking and acid dietary intake. CONCLUSION Overall, the prevalence of DH was high compared to many published findings, with a strong, progressive relationship between DH and erosive toothwear, which is important to recognise for patient preventive therapies and clinical management of DH pain.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Development of strictures is a major concern for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). At diagnosis, EoE can present with an inflammatory phenotype (characterized by whitish exudates, furrows, and edema), a stricturing phenotype (characterized by rings and stenosis), or a combination of these. Little is known about progression of stricture formation; we evaluated stricture development over time in the absence of treatment and investigated risk factors for stricture formation. METHODS We performed a retrospective study using the Swiss EoE Database, collecting data on 200 patients with symptomatic EoE (153 men; mean age at diagnosis, 39 ± 15 years old). Stricture severity was graded based on the degree of difficulty associated with passing of the standard adult endoscope. RESULTS The median delay in diagnosis of EoE was 6 years (interquartile range, 2-12 years). With increasing duration of delay in diagnosis, the prevalence of fibrotic features of EoE, based on endoscopy, increased from 46.5% (diagnostic delay, 0-2 years) to 87.5% (diagnostic delay, >20 years; P = .020). Similarly, the prevalence of esophageal strictures increased with duration of diagnostic delay, from 17.2% (diagnostic delay, 0-2 years) to 70.8% (diagnostic delay, >20 years; P < .001). Diagnostic delay was the only risk factor for strictures at the time of EoE diagnosis (odds ratio = 1.08; 95% confidence interval: 1.040-1.122; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of esophageal strictures correlates with the duration of untreated disease. These findings indicate the need to minimize delay in diagnosis of EoE.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Proprotein convertase 1/3 (PC1/3) deficiency, an autosomal-recessive disorder caused by rare mutations in the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 (PCSK1) gene, has been associated with obesity, severe malabsorptive diarrhea, and certain endocrine abnormalities. Common variants in PCSK1 also have been associated with obesity in heterozygotes in several population-based studies. PC1/3 is an endoprotease that processes many prohormones expressed in endocrine and neuronal cells. We investigated clinical and molecular features of PC1/3 deficiency. METHODS We studied the clinical features of 13 children with PC1/3 deficiency and performed sequence analysis of PCSK1. We measured enzymatic activity of recombinant PC1/3 proteins. RESULTS We identified a pattern of endocrinopathies that develop in an age-dependent manner. Eight of the mutations had severe biochemical consequences in vitro. Neonates had severe malabsorptive diarrhea and failure to thrive, required prolonged parenteral nutrition support, and had high mortality. Additional endocrine abnormalities developed as the disease progressed, including diabetes insipidus, growth hormone deficiency, primary hypogonadism, adrenal insufficiency, and hypothyroidism. We identified growth hormone deficiency, central diabetes insipidus, and male hypogonadism as new features of PCSK1 insufficiency. Interestingly, despite early growth abnormalities, moderate obesity, associated with severe polyphagia, generally appears. CONCLUSIONS In a study of 13 children with PC1/3 deficiency caused by disruption of PCSK1, failure of enteroendocrine cells to produce functional hormones resulted in generalized malabsorption. These findings indicate that PC1/3 is involved in the processing of one or more enteric hormones that are required for nutrient absorption.


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Multimodal therapy concepts have been successfully implemented in the treatment of locally advanced gastrointestinal malignancies. The effects of neoadjuvant chemo- or radiochemotherapy such as scarry fibrosis or resorptive changes and inflammation can be determined by histopathological investigation of the subsequent resection specimen. Tumor regression grading (TRG) systems which aim to categorize the amount of regressive changes after cytotoxic treatment mostly refer onto the amount of therapy induced fibrosis in relation to residual tumor or the estimated percentage of residual tumor in relation to the previous tumor site. Commonly used TRGs for upper gastrointestinal carcinomas are the Mandard grading and the Becker grading system, e.g., and for rectal cancer the Dworak or the Rödel grading system, or other systems which follow similar definitions. Namely for gastro-esophageal carcinomas these TRGs provide important prognostic information since complete or subtotal tumor regression has shown to be associated with better patient's outcome. The prognostic value of TRG may even exceed those of currently used staging systems (e.g., TNM staging) for tumors treated by neoadjuvant therapy. There have been some limitations described regarding interobserver variability especially in borderline cases, which may be improved by standardization of work up of resection specimen and better training of histopathologic determination of regressive changes. It is highly recommended that TRG should be implemented in every histopathological report of neoadjuvant treated gastrointestinal carcinomas. The aim of this review is to disclose the relevance of histomorphological TRG to accomplish an optimal therapy for patients with gastrointestinal carcinomas.


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BACKGROUND Her2 expression and amplification occurs in a significant subset of gastro-esophageal carcinomas. Her2 is a client protein of molecular chaperones, e.g. heat shock protein (HSP) 90, rendering targeted therapies against Her2/HSP90 an interesting approach. This study aimed to investigate the role and relationship of Her2 and HSP90 in gastric and gastro-esophageal adenocarcinomas. MATERIAL AND METHODS Immunohistochemical determination of HSP90 and Her2 expression was performed on 347 primary resected tumors. Her2 amplification was additionally determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization for all cases. Expression and amplification results were correlated with pathologic parameters (UICC pTNM category, tumor grading) and survival. RESULTS Elevated Her2 copy numbers were observed in 87 tumors, 21 of them showing amplification. 174 tumors showed Her2 immunoreactivity/expression. HSP 90 immunoreactivity was found in 125 tumors. There was no difference between gastric carcinomas and carcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction regarding Her2 or HSP90. Both high HSP90 and Her2 expression/amplification were associated with earlier tumor stages (p<0.01), absence of lymph node metastases (p<0.02) and Laurens intestinal type (p<0.001). HSP90 correlated with Her2 expression and amplification (p<0.001 each). Expressions of HSP90 and Her2, but not Her2 amplification were associated with better prognosis (p=0.02; p=0.004; p=0.802). Moreover, Her2 expression was an independent prognostic factor for overall survival in the subgroup of gastric carcinoma patients (p=0.014) besides pT category, pN category and distant metastases. CONCLUSION Her2 expression and gene amplification occurred in a significant subset of cases. Our results suggest a favorable prognostic impact of Her2 expression. This warrants further investigations regarding the significance of Her2 non-amplified tumors showing Her2 immunoreactivity and the definition of Her2 status in gastric cancers. Moreover, the correlation of Her2 expression with the expression of Her2 chaperoning HSP90 may indicate a synergistic regulation. Targeting HSP90 with or without Her2 may offer additional therapeutic options for gastric carcinoma treatment.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Sporadic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) are rare and genetically heterogeneous. Chromosome instability (CIN) has been detected in pNETs from patients with poor outcomes, but no specific genetic factors have been associated with CIN. Mutations in death domain-associated protein gene (DAXX) or ATR-X gene (ATRX) (which both encode proteins involved in chromatin remodeling) have been detected in 40% of pNETs, in association with activation of alternative lengthening of telomeres. We investigated whether loss of DAXX or ATRX, and consequent alternative lengthening of telomeres, are related to CIN in pNETs. We also assessed whether loss of DAXX or ATRX is associated with specific phenotypes of pNETs. METHODS We collected well-differentiated primary pNET samples from 142 patients at the University Hospital Zurich and from 101 patients at the University Hospital Bern (both located in Switzerland). Clinical follow-up data were obtained for 149 patients from general practitioners and tumor registries. The tumors were reclassified into 3 groups according to the 2010 World Health Organization classification. Samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and telomeric fluorescence in situ hybridization. We correlated loss of DAXX, or ATRX, expression, and activation of alternative lengthening of telomeres with data from comparative genomic hybridization array studies, as well as with clinical and pathological features of the tumors and relapse and survival data. RESULTS Loss of DAXX or ATRX protein and alternative lengthening of telomeres were associated with CIN in pNETs. Furthermore, loss of DAXX or ATRX correlated with tumor stage and metastasis, reduced time of relapse-free survival, and decreased time of tumor-associated survival. CONCLUSIONS Loss of DAXX or ATRX is associated with CIN in pNETs and shorter survival times of patients. These results support the hypothesis that DAXX- and ATRX-negative tumors are a more aggressive subtype of pNET, and could lead to identification of strategies to target CIN in pancreatic tumors.


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Background: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the esophagus associated with dysphagia in adults and refractory reflux syndromes in children. Methods: Immunological and genetic approaches have been used to better understand the pathophysiology of the underlying inflammation. Results and Conclusions: Evidence has accumulated that EoE represents a T-helper (Th) 2-type inflammatory disease, in which allergens play a role in triggering the disease. The majority of the patients suffer from concurrent allergic rhinitis, asthma, and eczema, and have a history of atopy. The chronic inflammatory response in EoE is associated with tissue damage and remodeling, both of which lead to esophageal dysfunction and bolus impaction. The new insights into the pathophysiology have resulted in the development of the first pharmacological therapies of EoE.


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In this article we review the most relevant acronyms, scores and classifications in the fields of nephrology and urology, including the newest definitions of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney diseases. We will also present a short overview of the histopathological Lupus nephritis classification, the renal cysts Bosniak classification and the vesicoureteral reflux grading.


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Background Recent research has indicated a considerable contribution of placebo effects to the outcome of acupuncture treatments: especially patients’ expectations seem to have an influence [1, 2]. In this context it is important to better understand the patient-practitioner relationship. The aim of this study was to investigate why patients in Switzerland choose acupuncture or qigong, and what they expect from the treatment and the practitioners [3]. Method A qualitative survey with open questions was performed among 38 patients newly enrolled for treatment in 7 different practices for Traditional Chinese Medicine ((TCM); 6 practices for acupuncture, 1 for qigong). Questions aimed to identify reasons for choosing TCM, knowledge about its range of indications, and patients’ expectations towards method and therapist. Answers were categorised and analysed by frequency. Results The most common reasons for choosing TCM were recommendation by acquaintances, the idea of trying a new treatment and the perception of TCM as being a gentle method. The majority of respondents had poor knowledge about the range of conditions to be treated with TCM: pain of the musculoskeletal system, headaches and chronic problems were considered as main indications. Surprisingly, gynaecological or gastro-intestinal diseases were not mentioned by the respondents. Practitioners were expected to have professional competence, provide information, empathy and understanding. Discussion The most striking result of this survey was the fact that patients knew very little about TCM and its indications. Thus, more precise information about TCM and other complementary methods should be offered to the general public, which would help patients to decide whether to consider TCM for the treatment of their disease. And, on the other hand, for the therapists it is important to better understand and respond to patients’ expectations in order to achieve better treatment results. The results of this qualitative survey were briefly discussed with the participating practitioners, who found them remarkable and support further quantitative studies. We plan to further investigate this topic. Literature 1 Pariente J et al., Neuroimage 2005;25:1161-67 2 Karst M et al., Forsch Komplementmed 2010;17:21-7 3 Klein SD., Dt Ztschr f Akup. 2009;52:18-23


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