856 resultados para Garde


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In 1961 Allan Kaprow (1927–2006) and Claes Oldenburg (b. 1929) exchanged a number of letters in which they argued about the definition of their avant-garde practices as Happenings. Kaprow, who first introduced this "root-metaphor," as he would later call it, describes with it the necessity of the respective activity to be as far removed as possible from all motives, materials, and formats conventionally connected to art. Oldenburg, who at the time of this exchange was just as active in the New York performance scene as Kaprow, disagrees with his colleague's removal of their practice from the artistic sphere. Oldenburg is also dissatisfied with the fact that Kaprow, through his writings, launches a critical discourse that follows his own definition of the Happening. The two artists thus argue just as much about the positioning of their practices with respect to art as over the authority to establish such a position. This essay traces their argument through their written conversation and in doing so exposes the immense influence Kaprow's rhetoric had on the subsequent art-historical canonization of their respective practices: Oldenburg's more ambivalent position is today amalgamated with Kaprow's theoretical stance.


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De Mallarmé à la fin du xxe siècle, les œuvres d’avant-garde se situent dans un rapport tensionnel et dialectique à la presse. Jusqu’au surréalisme, la littérature emprunte son modèle à la presse, mais en n’en sélectionnant que certaines caractéristiques, et sans oublier la logique du Livre mallarméen : est ainsi visée une synthèse du livre et du journal, dont Le surréalisme au service de la Révolution constitue l’exemple le plus achevé. Si les œuvres d’assemblage de textes de la deuxième moitié du xxe siècle découlent plutôt du collage, elles intègrent des coupures de presse et permettent non seulement de la critiquer, mais surtout de proposer une « pluritextualité » qui fonctionne autrement que les journaux, et qui pourrait être le modèle d’une presse utopique qui demanderait au lecteur non seulement de s’informer, mais surtout de mettre en relation et en perspective les différentes informations qui lui sont proposées.


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Boberach: Dänemark und Schweden werden sich vereinigen, England und Rußland zusammenbrechen, aber von Preußen wird die Geschichte schweigen. Verspottet werden u.a. die Garde, der Abgeordnete Alexander Dunker [sic!], Bettina v. Arnim und die Beamten


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This work investigates the performance of cardiorespiratory analysis detecting periodic breathing (PB) in chest wall recordings in mountaineers climbing to extreme altitude. The breathing patterns of 34 mountaineers were monitored unobtrusively by inductance plethysmography, ECG and pulse oximetry using a portable recorder during climbs at altitudes between 4497 and 7546 m on Mt. Muztagh Ata. The minute ventilation (VE) and heart rate (HR) signals were studied, to identify visually scored PB, applying time-varying spectral, coherence and entropy analysis. In 411 climbing periods, 30-120 min in duration, high values of mean power (MP(VE)) and slope (MSlope(VE)) of the modulation frequency band of VE, accurately identified PB, with an area under the ROC curve of 88 and 89%, respectively. Prolonged stay at altitude was associated with an increase in PB. During PB episodes, higher peak power of ventilatory (MP(VE)) and cardiac (MP(LF)(HR) ) oscillations and cardiorespiratory coherence (MP(LF)(Coher)), but reduced ventilation entropy (SampEn(VE)), was observed. Therefore, the characterization of cardiorespiratory dynamics by the analysis of VE and HR signals accurately identifies PB and effects of altitude acclimatization, providing promising tools for investigating physiologic effects of environmental exposures and diseases.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Attentatsversuch auf Friedrich Wilhelm IV. in Berlin durch einen ehemaligen Feuerwerker der Garde-Artillerie namens Sefeloge (ohne politisches Motiv). Der König wurde am linken Unterarm verletzt


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Angriff auf die Zeitung 'Die Constitution : Tagblatt für constitutionelles Volksleben und Belehrung' (Redakteure: Leopold Häfner, Maximilian C. Gritzner, Ludwig Hauk). Vorwurf der einseitigen Parteinahme sowie des Totschweigens der "die ganze Bevölkerung Wiens bis aufs Aeußerste empörenden Excesse[n] der Arbeiter"


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L’article suivant rend compte des résultats d’un atelier tenu à l’occasion du congrès 2015 de la SEVAL. L’atelier portait sur l’indépendance des évaluateurs et des évaluatrices du point de vue de leur relation avec les commanditaires de l’évaluation. Sur la base d’un exemple de mandat concret présenté par deux intervenants – l’évaluatrice ainsi que le conseiller d’État mandant de l’évaluation en question – les différents garde-fous contractuels, communicationnels et procéduraux aptes à garantir une pleine indépendance de l’évaluation ont été discutés. Il en est ressorti que quatre dimensions étaient cruciales pour le succès de la démarche : les conditions-cadres de l’évaluation, la récolte des données, les relations avec les évalués, ainsi que la phase de restitution des résultats.


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Page 2 – The Vice Provost cites 2004/2005 as a year of significant accomplishments for the Libraries. • The Dodd Research Center and the Human Rights Institute plan a conference on economic human rights for October. Page 3 - Researcher Bill V. Mullen talks about the work of avant garde musician, composer, and author Fred Ho, whose archive is in Archives & Special Collections. Page 4 - Students tell us why they come to the library. • The Dodd Research Center commissions two students to create a logo for its 10th anniversary celebration. • Fragile pamphlets are given new life in the Conservation Lab. Page 5 - The library sponsors a national symposium to explore new technology. • Our newest digital project can lead you to everything you ever wanted to know about Connecticut. • A new Pharmacy Library will open its doors in June. Page 6 - Staff News: service anniversaries and new faces. Page 7 - The Class of 1955 is raising $50,000 for an undergraduate instruction classroom in the library.


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Adolph Eichmann, Garde im Mediziner-Corps


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F. Meissel[?], Garde