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Polypeptide growth factors activate common signal transduction pathways, yet they can induce transcription of different target genes. The mechanisms that control this specificity are not completely understood. Recently, we have described a fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-inducible response element, FiRE, on the syndecan-1 gene. In NIH 3T3 cells, the FiRE is activated by FGF-2 but not by several other growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor or epidermal growth factor, suggesting that FGF-2 activates signaling pathways that diverge from pathways activated by other growth factors. In this paper, we report that the activation of FiRE by FGF-2 requires protein kinase A (PKA) in NIH 3T3 cells. The PKA-specific inhibitor H-89 (N-[2-(p-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide) blocked the FGF-2-induced activation of FiRE, the transcription of the syndecan-1 gene, and cell proliferation. Also, expression of a dominant-negative form of PKA inhibited the FGF-2-induced FiRE activation and the transcription of the syndecan-1 gene. The binding of activator protein-1 transcription-factor complexes, required for the activation of FiRE, was blocked by inhibition of PKA activity before FGF-2 treatment. In accordance with the growth factor specificity of FiRE, the activity of PKA was stimulated by FGF-2 but not by platelet-derived growth factor or epidermal growth factor. Furthermore, a portion of the PKA catalytic subunit pool was translocated to the nucleus by FGF-2. Noticeably, the total cellular cAMP concentration was not affected by FGF-2 stimulus. We propose that the FGF-2-selective transcriptional activation through FiRE is caused by the ability of FGF-2 to control PKA activity.
Three cytosolic and one plasma membrane-bound 5′-nucleotidases have been cloned and characterized. Their various substrate specificities suggest widely different functions in nucleotide metabolism. We now describe a 5′-nucleotidase in mitochondria. The enzyme, named dNT-2, dephosphorylates specifically the 5′- and 2′(3′)-phosphates of uracil and thymine deoxyribonucleotides. The cDNA of human dNT-2 codes for a 25.9-kDa polypeptide with a typical mitochondrial leader peptide, providing the structural basis for two-step processing during import into the mitochondrial matrix. The deduced amino acid sequence is 52% identical to that of a recently described cytosolic deoxyribonucleotidase (dNT-1). The two enzymes share many catalytic properties, but dNT-2 shows a narrower substrate specificity. Mitochondrial localization of dNT-2 was demonstrated by the mitochondrial fluorescence of 293 cells expressing a dNT-2-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein. 293 cells expressing fusion proteins without leader peptide or with dNT-1 showed a cytosolic fluorescence. During in vitro import into mitochondria, the preprotein lost the leader peptide. We suggest that dNT-2 protects mitochondrial DNA replication from overproduction of dTTP, in particular in resting cells. Mitochondrial toxicity of dTTP can be inferred from a severe inborn error of metabolism in which the loss of thymidine phosphorylase led to dTTP accumulation and aberrant mitochondrial DNA replication. We localized the gene for dNT-2 on chromosome 17p11.2 in the Smith–Magenis syndrome-critical region, raising the possibility that dNT-2 is involved in the etiology of this genetic disease.
Ribozymes of hepatitis delta virus have been proposed to use an active-site cytosine as an acid-base catalyst in the self-cleavage reaction. In this study, we have examined the role of cytosine in more detail with the antigenomic ribozyme. Evidence that proton transfer in the rate-determining step involved cytosine 76 (C76) was obtained from examining cleavage activity of the wild-type and imidazole buffer-rescued C76-deleted (C76Δ) ribozymes in D2O and H2O. In both reactions, a similar kinetic isotope effect and shift in the apparent pKa indicate that the buffer is functionally substituting for the side chain in proton transfer. Proton inventory of the wild-type reaction supported a mechanism of a single proton transfer at the transition state. This proton transfer step was further characterized by exogenous base rescue of a C76Δ mutant with cytosine and imidazole analogues. For the imidazole analogues that rescued activity, the apparent pKa of the rescue reaction, measured under kcat/KM conditions, correlated with the pKa of the base. From these data a Brønsted coefficient (β) of 0.51 was determined for the base-rescued reaction of C76Δ. This value is consistent with that expected for proton transfer in the transition state. Together, these data provide strong support for a mechanism where an RNA side chain participates directly in general acid or general base catalysis of the wild-type ribozyme to facilitate RNA cleavage.
A plastid-derived signal plays an important role in the coordinated expression of both nuclear- and chloroplast-localized genes that encode photosynthesis-related proteins. Arabidopsis GUN (genomes uncoupled) loci have been identified as components of plastid-to-nucleus signal transduction. Unlike wild-type plants, gun mutants have nuclear Lhcb1 expression in the absence of chloroplast development. We observed a synergistic phenotype in some gun double-mutant combinations, suggesting there are at least two independent pathways in plastid-to-nucleus signal transduction. There is a reduction of chlorophyll accumulation in gun4 and gun5 mutant plants, and a gun4gun5 double mutant shows an albino phenotype. We cloned the GUN5 gene, which encodes the ChlH subunit of Mg-chelatase. We also show that gun2 and gun3 are alleles of the known photomorphogenic mutants, hy1 and hy2, which are required for phytochromobilin synthesis from heme. These findings suggest that certain perturbations of the tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathway generate a signal from chloroplasts that causes transcriptional repression of nuclear genes encoding plastid-localized proteins. The comparison of mutant phenotypes of gun5 and another Mg-chelatase subunit (ChlI) mutant suggests a specific function for ChlH protein in the plastid-signaling pathway.
The HIV-1 transcript is alternatively spliced to over 30 different mRNAs. Whether RNA secondary structure can influence HIV-1 RNA alternative splicing has not previously been examined. Here we have determined the secondary structure of the HIV-1/BRU RNA segment, containing the alternative A3, A4a, A4b, A4c and A5 3′ splice sites. Site A3, required for tat mRNA production, is contained in the terminal loop of a stem–loop structure (SLS2), which is highly conserved in HIV-1 and related SIVcpz strains. The exon splicing silencer (ESS2) acting on site A3 is located in a long irregular stem–loop structure (SLS3). Two SLS3 domains were protected by nuclear components under splicing condition assays. One contains the A4c branch points and a putative SR protein binding site. The other one is adjacent to ESS2. Unexpectedly, only the 3′ A residue of ESS2 was protected. The suboptimal A3 polypyrimidine tract (PPT) is base paired. Using site-directed mutagenesis and transfection of a mini-HIV-1 cDNA into HeLa cells, we found that, in a wild-type PPT context, a mutation of the A3 downstream sequence that reinforced SLS2 stability decreased site A3 utilization. This was not the case with an optimized PPT. Hence, sequence and secondary structure of the PPT may cooperate in limiting site A3 utilization.
The synovial membrane (SM) of affected joints in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is infiltrated by germinal center-like aggregates (foci) of lymphocytes similar to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We characterized the rearranged heavy chain variable segment (VH) genes in the SM for gene usage and the mutational pattern to elucidate the B lymphocyte involvement in AS.
People homozygous for mutations in the Niemann-Pick type C1 (NPC1) gene have physiological defects, including excess accumulation of intracellular cholesterol and other lipids, that lead to drastic neural and liver degeneration. The NPC1 multipass transmembrane protein is resident in late endosomes and lysosomes, but its functions are unknown. We find that organelles containing functional NPC1-fluorescent protein fusions undergo dramatic movements, some in association with extending strands of endoplasmic reticulum. In NPC1 mutant cells the NPC1-bearing organelles that normally move at high speed between perinuclear regions and the periphery of the cell are largely absent. Pulse-chase experiments with dialkylindocarbocyanine low-density lipoprotein showed that NPC1 organelles function late in the endocytic pathway; NPC1 protein may aid the partitioning of endocytic and lysosomal compartments. The close connection between NPC1 and the drug U18666A, which causes NPC1-like organelle defects, was established by rescuing drug-treated cells with overproduced NPC1. U18666A inhibits outward movements of NPC1 organelles, trapping membranes and cholesterol in perinuclear organelles similar to those in NPC1 mutant cells, even when cells are grown in lipoprotein-depleted serum. We conclude that NPC1 protein promotes the creation and/or movement of particular late endosomes, which rapidly transport materials to and from the cell periphery.
Cells of vertebrates remove DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) from their genome predominantly utilizing a fast, DNA-PKcs-dependent form of non-homologous end joining (D-NHEJ). Mutants with inactive DNA-PKcs remove the majority of DNA DSBs utilizing a slow, DNA-PKcs-independent pathway that does not utilize genes of the RAD52 epistasis group, is error-prone and can therefore be classified as a form of NHEJ (termed basic or B-NHEJ). We studied the role of DNA ligase IV in these pathways of NHEJ. Although biochemical studies show physical and functional interactions between the DNA-PKcs/Ku and the DNA ligase IV/Xrcc4 complexes suggesting operation within the same pathway, genetic evidence to support this notion is lacking in mammalian cells. Primary human fibroblasts (180BR) with an inactivating mutation in DNA ligase IV, rejoined DNA DSBs predominantly with slow kinetics similar to those observed in cells deficient in DNA-PKcs, or in wild-type cells treated with wortmannin to inactivate DNA-PK. Treatment of 180BR cells with wortmannin had only a small effect on DNA DSB rejoining and no effect on cell radiosensitivity to killing although it sensitized control cells to 180BR levels. This is consistent with DNA ligase IV functioning as a component of the D-NHEJ, and demonstrates the unperturbed operation of the DNA-PKcs-independent pathway (B-NHEJ) at significantly reduced levels of DNA ligase IV. In vitro, extracts of 180BR cells supported end joining of restriction endonuclease-digested plasmid to the same degree as extracts of control cells when tested at 10 mM Mg2+. At 0.5 mM Mg2+, where only DNA ligase IV is expected to retain activity, low levels of end joining (∼10% of 10 mM) were seen in the control but there was no detectable activity in 180BR cells. Antibodies raised against DNA ligase IV did not measurably inhibit end joining at 10 mM Mg2+ in either cell line. Thus, in contrast to the situation in vivo, end joining in vitro is dominated by pathways with properties similar to B-NHEJ that do not display a strong dependence on DNA ligase IV, with D-NHEJ retaining only a limited contribution. The implications of these observations to studies of NHEJ in vivo and in vitro are discussed.
Two key genes in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis, Tdc and Str, encoding tryptophan decarboxylase and strictosidine synthase, respectively, are coordinately induced by fungal elicitors in suspension-cultured Catharanthus roseus cells. We have studied the roles of the jasmonate biosynthetic pathway and of protein phosphorylation in signal transduction initiated by a partially purified elicitor from yeast extract. In addition to activating Tdc and Str gene expression, the elicitor also induced the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid. The jasmonate precursor α-linolenic acid or methyl jasmonate (MeJA) itself induced Tdc and Str gene expression when added exogenously . Diethyldithiocarbamic acid, an inhibitor of jasmonate biosynthesis, blocked both the elicitor-induced formation of jasmonic acid and the activation of terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthetic genes. The protein kinase inhibitor K-252a abolished both elicitor-induced jasmonate biosynthesis and MeJA-induced Tdc and Str gene expression. Analysis of the expression of Str promoter/gusA fusions in transgenic C. roseus cells showed that the elicitor and MeJA act at the transcriptional level. These results demonstrate that the jasmonate biosynthetic pathway is an integral part of the elicitor-triggered signal transduction pathway that results in the coordinate expression of the Tdc and Str genes and that protein kinases act both upstream and downstream of jasmonates.
H2O2 is a widespread molecule in many biological systems. It is created enzymatically in living cells during various oxidation reactions and by leakage of electrons from the electron transport chains. Depending on the concentration H2O2 can induce cell protective responses, programmed cell death, or necrosis. Here we provide evidence that H2O2 may function as a developmental signal in the differentiation of secondary walls in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fibers. Three lines of evidence support this conclusion: (a) the period of H2O2 generation coincided with the onset of secondary wall deposition, (b) inhibition of H2O2 production or scavenging the available H2O2 from the system prevented the wall differentiation process, and (c) exogenous addition of H2O2 prematurely promoted secondary wall formation in young fibers. Furthermore, we provide support for the concept that H2O2 generation could be mediated by the expression of the small GTPase Rac, the accumulation of which was shown previously to be strongly induced during the onset of secondary wall differentiation. In support of Rac's role in the activation of NADPH oxidase and the generation of reactive oxygen species, we transformed soybean (Glycine max) and Arabidopsis cells with mutated Rac genes. Transformation with a dominantly activated cotton Rac13 gene resulted in constitutively higher levels of H2O2, whereas transformation with the antisense and especially with dominant-negative Rac constructs decreased the levels of H2O2.
The sensitivity of N2 fixation to drought stress in soybean (Glycine max Merr.) has been shown to be associated with high ureide accumulation in the shoots, which has led to the hypothesis that N2 fixation during drought is decreased by a feedback mechanism. The ureide feedback hypothesis was tested directly by measuring the effect of 10 mm ureide applied by stem infusion or in the nutrient solution of hydroponically grown plants on acetylene reduction activity (ARA). An almost complete inhibition of ARA was observed within 4 to 7 d after treatment, accompanied by an increase in ureide concentration in the shoot but not in the nodules. The inhibition of ARA resulting from ureide treatments was dependent on the concentration of applied ureide. Urea also inhibited ARA but asparagine resulted in the greatest inhibition of nodule activity. Because ureides did not accumulate in the nodule upon ureide treatment, it was concluded that they were not directly inhibitory to the nodules but that their influence mediated through a derivative compound, with asparagine being a potential candidate. Ureide treatment resulted in a continual decrease in nodule permeability to O2 simultaneous with the inhibition of nitrogenase activity during a 5-d treatment period, although it was not clear whether the latter phenomenon was a consequence or a cause of the decrease in the nodule permeability to O2.
The recurrent t(1;22)(p13;q13) translocation is exclusively associated with infant acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. We have identified the two genes involved in this translocation. Both genes possess related sequences in the Drosophila genome. The chromosome 22 gene (megakaryocytic acute leukemia, MAL) product is predicted to be involved in chromatin organization, and the chromosome 1 gene (one twenty-two, OTT) product is related to the Drosophila split-end (spen) family of proteins. Drosophila genetic experiments identified spen as involved in connecting the Raf and Hox pathways. Because almost all of the sequences and all of the identified domains of both OTT and MAL proteins are included in the predicted fusion protein, the OTT-MAL fusion could aberrantly modulate chromatin organization, Hox differentiation pathways, or extracellular signaling.
There is extensive evidence that the amygdala is involved in affectively influenced memory. The central hypothesis guiding the research reviewed in this paper is that emotional arousal activates the amygdala and that such activation results in the modulation of memory storage occurring in other brain regions. Several lines of evidence support this view. First, the effects of stress-related hormones (epinephrine and glucocorticoids) are mediated by influences involving the amygdala. In rats, lesions of the amygdala and the stria terminalis block the effects of posttraining administration of epinephrine and glucocorticoids on memory. Furthermore, memory is enhanced by posttraining intra-amygdala infusions of drugs that activate β-adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptors. Additionally, infusion of β-adrenergic blockers into the amygdala blocks the memory-modulating effects of epinephrine and glucocorticoids, as well as those of drugs affecting opiate and GABAergic systems. Second, an intact amygdala is not required for expression of retention. Inactivation of the amygdala prior to retention testing (by posttraining lesions or drug infusions) does not block retention performance. Third, findings of studies using human subjects are consistent with those of animal experiments. β-Blockers and amygdala lesions attenuate the effects of emotional arousal on memory. Additionally, 3-week recall of emotional material is highly correlated with positron-emission tomography activation (cerebral glucose metabolism) of the right amygdala during encoding. These findings provide strong evidence supporting the hypothesis that the amygdala is involved in modulating long-term memory storage.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an important opportunistic human pathogen, persists in certain tissues in the form of specialized bacterial communities, referred to as biofilm. The biofilm is formed through series of interactions between cells and adherence to surfaces, resulting in an organized structure. By screening a library of Tn5 insertions in a nonpiliated P. aeruginosa strain, we identified genes involved in early stages of biofilm formation. One class of mutations identified in this study mapped in a cluster of genes specifying the components of a chaperone/usher pathway that is involved in assembly of fimbrial subunits in other microorganisms. These genes, not previously described in P. aeruginosa, were named cupA1–A5. Additional chaperone/usher systems (CupB and CupC) have been also identified in the genome of P. aeruginosa PAO1; however, they do not appear to play a role in adhesion under the conditions where the CupA system is expressed and functions in surface adherence. The identification of these putative adhesins on the cell surface of P. aeruginosa suggests that this organism possess a wide range of factors that function in biofilm formation. These structures appear to be differentially regulated and may function at distinct stages of biofilm formation, or in specific environments colonized by this organism.
Down-regulation of cell surface growth factor receptors plays a key role in the tight control of cellular responses. Recent reports suggest that the ubiquitin system, in addition to participating in degradation by the proteasome of cytosolic and nuclear proteins, might also be involved in the down-regulation of various membrane receptors. We have previously characterized a signal in the cytosolic part of the interleukin 2 receptor β chain (IL2Rβ) responsible for its targeting to late endosomes/lysosomes. In this report, the role of the ubiquitin/proteasome system on the intracellular fate of IL2Rβ was investigated. Inactivation of the cellular ubiquitination machinery in ts20 cells, which express a thermolabile ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1, leads to a significant decrease in the degradation rate of IL2Rβ, with little effect on its internalization. In addition, we show that a fraction of IL2Rβ can be monoubiquitinated. Furthermore, mutation of the lysine residues of the cytosolic region of a chimeric receptor carrying the IL2Rβ targeting signal resulted in a decreased degradation rate. When cells expressing IL2Rβ were treated either by proteasome or lysosome inhibitors, a significant decrease in receptor degradation was observed. Our data show that ubiquitination is required for the sorting of IL2Rβ toward degradation. They also indicate that impairment of proteasome function might more generally affect intracellular routing.