999 resultados para Funcionalidade de poros


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a non-inflammatory rheumatic syndrome of unknown etiology, with symptoms of diffuse musculoskeletal pain and presence of specific anatomic sites called tender points. The symptoms are often associated with fatigue, sleep disturbances, morning stiffness, alterations in pain perception, anxiety and depression. Fibromyalgia exhibits a correlation between physical and behavioral symptoms, which have a negative influence on the quality of life of patients. Emotional skills are important factors since they are related to subjective well-being, personal productivity, social interaction and interpersonal relationships. We aim to describe the physical and psychosocial interactions in women with FM, showing the association between perceived social support and affect with symptoms of pain, functionality and mood. We will also describe a body representation of pain in women with FM. Data were collected over 3 years and the sample size ranged between studies. This is an exploratory cross-sectional study conducted with a convenience sample of 63 women with FM and 42 healthy women as a control group (CT), aged 20-76 years, recruited through spontaneous demand at Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL) and the Clinical School of Physiotherapy of Universidade Potiguar (UNP). The Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Social Support Scale (MOS), Hamilton Anxiety Scale and Scale of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), in addition to pressure algometry were used. For data analysis, we used parametric and non-parametric tests and a general linear model with adjustment variables and analysis of variance. A significant difference was found between pain threshold and tolerance, functionality, depression, anxiety, social support, and positive and negative affect between the groups. Affective states and social support were associated with anxiety, depression and functionality. A body was drawn representing pain with higher incidences in trapeze, supraspinatus and second ribs. The reason for studying sensory aspects, affective behavior and social support in FM patients opens perspectives for scientific and clinical research of this syndrome. Women with chronic pain such as FM appear to have altered mood states, less social support and affective dysfunctions, influencing the other symptoms of the syndrome


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A pobreza, como uma das manifestações da questão social , é elemento constitutivo do padrão de desenvolvimento capitalista, extremamente desigual, em que convivem acumulação e miséria. Nas últimas décadas, sob a égide do ideário neoliberal, verifica-se um incremento em políticas de combate à pobreza no Brasil, de caráter focalizado e compensatório, tanto por meio de ações diretas de transferência de renda, quanto pelo fortalecimento de serviços e programas voltados às populações pobres, com a estruturação do Sistema Único de Assistência Social, hierarquizado em Proteção Social Básica e Especial. A participação do psicólogo nas equipes profissionais do CRAS constitui um importante elemento para a discussão da inserção desse profissional no campo das políticas sociais no Brasil, considerando os limites estruturais postos pelo caráter compensatório dessas políticas, e a construção de estratégias que possam resultar em uma mudança efetiva nas condições de vida das camadas mais pobres da sociedade. Aliado a isso, por meio do ingresso na política de assistência social, um número significativo de profissionais psicólogos passa a atuar em cidades pequenas e médias, fora dos tradicionais centros urbanos, constituindo um movimento de interiorização da profissão . O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar a ação profissional do psicólogo na assistência social no contexto nas políticas de combate à pobreza em municípios do interior do Rio Grande do Norte. Realizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com psicólogos atuantes nos CRAS de 17 municípios de pequeno e médio porte do estado. As informações foram sistematizadas com auxílio do software QDA Miner v. 3.2. A perspectiva defendida neste trabalho refere-se à funcionalidade das práticas psicológicas no contexto das políticas de combate à pobreza brasileiras na atualidade, ao reforçar os ideais neoliberais de naturalização da questão social e responsabilização dos indivíduos pela sua condição social, além de, em grande parte, desconsiderar as particularidades e singularidades que marcam os territórios de ação. Todavia, é possível depreender alguns modos de ação profissional que estão na contramão dos mais frequentemente encontrados nesse campo. Esses modos se revelam no cotidiano do CRAS como formas diferentes de compreensão do saber fazer profissional, resultados de um posicionamento político e de uma formação profissional que buscam romper com o tradicionalismo e conservadorismo da Psicologia e do campo da assistência social


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A pesar del cuadro crítico de la pobreza y desigualdad social en que vivimos en el país, las perspectivas actuales apuntan para el fin del Estado Interventor y para la reducción del gasto público destinado a las políticas sociales. Con el enjugamiento del estado, el Tercer sector está encargado de pacificar la cuestión social, reduciéndola al ámbito del deber moral. Convocado al compromiso social, el psicólogo también empieza a trabajar en la frontera de la exclusión, sin cuestionar la finalidad y las implicaciones políticas del nuevo escenario. El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar la práctica social del psicólogo, en el ámbito del tercer sector , buscando el análisis que hace del nuevo campo de trabajo, así como las estrategias utilizadas en el enfrentamiento de la pobreza. Para la investigación, fueron realizadas 20 (veinte) encuestas semiestructuradas con psicólogos que actúan en instituciones del tercer sector . Las encuestas fueron analizadas cualitativamente, a la luz de la perspectiva gramsciana de sociedad civil y emancipación humana, bien como de los preceptos de la Psicología Comunitaria y Intervención Psicosocial. Utilizamos como base de análisis, todavía, el Método Comparativo Constante. Los resultados fueron agrupados en tres ejes: quien son los nuevos quijotes de la Psicología, las demandas del Tercer Sector y las estrategias utilizadas por el psicólogo en el Tercer Sector . La perspectiva defendida en este trabajo es la de que en el campo de las intervenciones sociales, y más acentuadamente en el Tercer Sector , los psicólogos serían nuevos quijotes , actuando con buena voluntad, con grandes sueños de transformación, pero realizando acciones que no parten de una lectura crítica y adecuada de la realidad, no percibiendo sus posibilidades reales y sus límites de actuación. Finalmente, defendemos que se debe buscar, con la inserción profesional; mejorar la calidad de vida y el bienestar, a través de una intervención proactiva, buscando el desarrollo, la organización y la emancipación de las personas, grupos y comunidades


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The aim of this work was the preparation of polyols from reactions between castor oil and dietanolamine to increase the hydroxyl content and the network degree in the products to application in electronic devices. The polyols and the mixtures obtained were characterized by nuclear magnetic ressonance. Castor oil (CO) is a natural triglyceride - based polyol possessing hydroxyl groups, which allow several reactions that produce many different products. Among them are the polyurethanes (PU), which have been considered an ideal product for the covering of electricelectronic circuits, due to their excellent electrical, shock-absorbing, solvents resistance and hydrolytic stability properties. About 90% of the fatty acids present in the castor oil are ricinoleic acid (12-hydroxyoleic acid), while the remaining 10% correspond to non-hydroxylated fatty acids, mainly linoleic and oleic acids. The chemical analysis of castor oil indicates a hydroxyl number of 2.7. In this work, a polyol was obtained by the reaction of the CO with diethanolamine (DEA), in order to elevate the hydroxyl value from 160 to 230 or to 280 mgKOH/g, and characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 1H and 13C (Mercury 200). The polyadition of the resulting polyol with isophorone diisocianate (IPDI) was carried out at 60°C, and the reaction kinetics was followed by rheological measurements in a Haake RS150 rheometer. The electrical properties were determined in a HP LCR Meter 4262A, at 1.0 Hz and 10.0 KHz. The chemical analysis showed that the polyols obtained presented hydroxyl number from 230 to 280 mgKOH/g. The polyadition reaction with IPDI produced polyurethane resins with the following properties: hardness in the range from 45 shore A to 65 shore D (ASTM D2240); a dielectric constant of 3.0, at 25°C (ASTM D150). Those results indicate that the obtained resins present compatible properties to the similar products of fossil origin, which are used nowadays for covering electric-electronic circuits. Therefore, the PUs from castor oil can be considered as alternative materials of renewable source, free from the highly harmful petroleum - derived solvents


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The present work aims the preparation of filmes of strontium-doped lanthanum manganite (perovskita) yttria-stabilized zirconia (LSM-SDC) films deposited on substrate of YSZ by means of spin coating technique having as principal objective their application to solid oxide fuel cells of intermediate temperature. La0,8Sr0,2MnO3 and Ce0,8Sm0,2O1,9 were obtained by modified Pechini method by use of gelatin which act as polymerization agent. The powders obtained were characterized by Xray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, electronic scanning microscopy and the superficial area by BET method. The results obtained by X-ray fluorescence showed that the route adopted for obtention of powders was effective in the obtention of the compositions with close values to the stoichiometrics. Ethyl cellulose was used as pore-forming agent and mixed with the LSM-SDC powders in weight proportions of 1:24, 2:23 and 1:9. The films were sintered at 1150 °C for 4 h and characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM) and atomic force. The phases quantification of the precursory powders and of the obtained films was carried through Rietveld method. According with the analysis of SEM, as the content of ethyl cellulose was increased, the pore distribution in films become more uniform and the pore size reduced. The methodology used for the obtention of the films was very efficient, considering a material was obtained with characteristics that were proper to the application as electrolyte/cathode system to solid oxide fuel cells


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In present work, mesoporous materials of the M41S family were synthesized, which were discovered in the early 90s by researchers from Mobil Oil Corporation, thus allowing new perspectives in the field of catalysis. One of the most important members of this family is the MCM-41, which has a hexagonal array of mesopores with pore diameters ranging from 2 to 10 nm and a high surface area, enabling it to become very promising for the use as a catalyst in the refining of oil in the catalytic cracking process, since the mesopores facilitate the access of large hydrocarbon molecules, thereby increasing the production of light products, that are in high demand in the market. The addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 increases the acidity of the material, making it more beneficial for application in the petrochemical industry. The mesoporous materials MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 (ratio Si / Al = 50) were synthesized through the hydrothermal method, starting with silica gel, NaOH and distilled water. CTMABr was used as template, for structural guiding. In Al-MCM-41 the same reactants were used, with the adding of pseudoboehmite (as a source of aluminum) in the synthesis gel. The syntheses were carried out over a period of four days with a daily adjustment of pH. The optimum conditions of calcination for the removal of the organic template (CTMABr) were discovered through TG / DTG and also through analysis by XRD, FTIR and Nitrogen Adsorption. It was found that both the method of hydrothermal synthesis and calcination conditions of the studies based on TG were promising for the production of mesoporous materials with a high degree of hexagonal array. The acidic properties of the materials were determined by desorption of n-butylamine via thermogravimetry. One proved that the addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 promoted an increase in the acidity of the catalyst. To check the catalytic activity of these materials, a sample of Atmospheric Residue (RAT) that is derived from atmospheric distillation of oil from the Pole of Guamaré- RN was used. This sample was previously characterized by various techniques such as Thermogravimetry, FTIR and XRF, where through thermal analysis of a comparative study between the thermal degradation of the RAT, the RAT pyrolysis + MCM-41 and RAT + Al- MCM-41. It was found that the Al-MCM-41 was most satisfactory in the promotion of a catalytic effect on the pyrolysis of the RAT, as the cracking of heavy products in the waste occurred at temperatures lower than those observed for the pyrolysis with MCM-41, and thereby also decreasing the energy of activation for the process and increasing the rates of conversion of residue into lighter products


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Mesoporous molecular sieves of MCM-41 type are considered as promising support for metal in the refining processes of petroleum-based materials as catalysts and adsorbents for environmental protection. In this work, mesoporous molecular sieves MCM-41 were modified with different rare earth ions (La, Eu e Yb) for the obtaining nanostrutured materials with catalytic properties. The catalysts were synthesized by the hydrothermal method at 100oC for 120 h, presenting, all the samples, in the gel of synthesis molar ratio Si/Ln = 50. The obtained materials after calcination at 500oC for 2 h were characterized by XRD, surface area BET, TG/DTG, FTIR, and hydrothermal stability at 700ºC. The XRD analysis of the catalysts indicated that the materials containing rare earth presented characteristic hexagonal structure of the mesoporous materials of the type MCM-41. The TG curves showed that the decomposition of the structural template occurs in the materials at temperatures lower than 500oC. The samples presented variations as the specific superficial area, average diameter of pores and thickness of the silica wall, as a function of the nature of the rare earth impregnated in the mesoporous material. Hydrotermal stability was evaluated through the exposition of the materials to water vapour at 700°C. The thiophene adsorptions reach a maximum at 80% of conversion and incorporation of the rare earths showed influence in the process. Adsorption capacity followed the sequence: Yb-MCM-41 < La-MCM-41 < Eu-MCM-41 < MCM-41


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TiTanate NanoTubes (TTNT) were synthesized by hydrothermal alkali treatment of TiO2 anatase followed by repeated washings with distinct degrees of proton exchange. TTNT samples with different sodium contents were characterized, as synthesized and after heattreatment (200-800ºC), by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, thermal analysis, nitrogen adsorption and spectroscopic techniques like FTIR and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance. It was demonstrated that TTNTs consist of trititanate structure with general formula NaxH2−xTi3O7·nH2O, retaining interlayer water in its multiwalled structure. The removal of sodium reduces the amount of water and contracts the interlayer space leading, combined with other factors, to increased specific surface area and mesopore volume. TTNTs are mesoporous materials with two main contributions: pores smaller than 10 nm due to the inner volume of nanotubes and larger pores within 5-60 nm attributed to the interparticles space. Chemical composition and crystal structure of TTNTs do not depend on the average crystal size of the precursor TiO2-anatase, but this parameter affects significantly the morphology and textural properties of the nanostructured product. Such dependence has been rationalized using a dissolution-recrystallization mechanism, which takes into account the dissolution rate of the starting anatase and its influence on the relative rates of growth and curving of intermediate nanosheets. The thermal stability of TTNT is defined by the sodium content and in a lower extent by the crystallinity of the starting anatase. It has been demonstrated that after losing interlayer water within the range 100-200ºC, TTNT transforms, at least partially, into an intermediate hexatitanate NaxH2−xTi6O13 still retaining the nanotubular morphology. Further thermal transformation of the nanostructured tri- and hexatitanates occurs at higher or lower temperature and follows different routes depending on the sodium content in the structure. At high sodium load (water washed samples) they sinter and grow towards bigger crystals of Na2Ti3O7 and Na2Ti6O13 in the form of rods and ribbons. In contrast, protonated TTNTs evolve to nanotubes of TiO2(B), which easily convert to anatase nanorods above 400ºC. Besides hydroxyls and Lewis acidity typical of titanium oxides, TTNTs show a small contribution of protonic acidity capable of coordinating with pyridine at 150ºC, which is lost after calcination and conversion into anatase. The isoeletric point of TTNTs was measured within the range 2.5-4.0, indicating behavior of a weak acid. Despite displaying semiconductor characteristics exhibiting typical absorption in the UV-Vis spectrum with estimated bandgap energy slightly higher than that of its TiO2 precursor, TTNTs showed very low performance in the photocatalytic degradation of cationic and anionic dyes. It was concluded that the basic reason resides in its layered titanate structure, which in comparison with the TiO2 form would be more prone to the so undesired electron-hole pair recombination, thus inhibiting the photooxidation reactions. After calcination of the protonated TTNT into anatase nanorods, the photocatalytic activity improved but not to the same level as that exhibited by its precursor anatase


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Two methodologies were proposed to obtain micro and macroporous chitosan membranes, using two different porogenic agents. The methodologies proved to be effective in control the porosity as well as the pore size. Thus, microporous membranes were obtained through the physical blend of chitosan and polyethylene oxide (PEO) on an 80:20 (m/m) ratio, respectively, followed by the partial PEO solubilization in water at 80 ◦C. Macroporous chitosan membranes with asymmetric morphology were obtained using SiO2 as the porogenic agent. In this case, chiotsan-silica ratios used were 1:1, 1:3 and 1:5 (m/m). Membranes characterization were carried out by SEM (scanning electronic microscopy), X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermal analysis (TG, DTG , DSC and DMTA). Permeability studies were performed using two model drugs: sodium sulfamerazine and sulfametoxipyridazine. By transmission FTIR it was possible to confirm the complete removal of SiO2. The SEM images confirmed the porous formation for both micro and macroporous membranes and also determined their respective sizes. By thermal analysis it was possible to show differences related with water sorption capacity as well as thermal stability for both membranes. DTG and DSC allowed evidencing the PEO presence on microporous membranes. The absorbance x time curves obtained on permeability tests for micro and macroporous membranes showed a linear behavior for both drugs in all range of concentration used. It was also observed, through P versus C curves, an increase in permeability of macroporous membranes according to the increase in porosity and also a decrease on P with increase in drug concentration. The influences of the drug molecular structure, as well as test temperatures were also evaluated


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In order to obtain a biofuel similar to mineral diesel, lanthanum-incorporated SBA- 15 nanostructured materials, LaSBA-15(pH), with different Si/La molar ratios (75, 50, 25), were synthesized in a two-steps hydrothermal procedure, with pH-adjusting of the synthesis gel at 6, and were used like catalytic solids in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking. These solids were characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nitrogen porosimetry and ethanol dehydration, aiming to active sites identify. Taken together, the analyses indicated that the synthesis method has employed to obtain materials highly ordered mesostructures with large average pore sizes and high surface area, besides suggested that the lanthanum was incorporated in the SBA-15 both into the framework as well as within the mesopores. Catalytic dehydration of ethanol over the LaSBA-15(pH) products has shown that they have weak Lewis acid and basic functionalities, indicative of the presence of lanthanum oxide in these samples, especially on the La75SBA-15(pH) sample, which has presented the highest selectivity to ethylene. The buriti oil thermal and thermal catalytic cracking, realized from the room temperature to 450 ºC in a simple distillation system, has allowed obtaining two liquid fractions, each consisting of two phases, one aqueous and another organic, organic liquid (OL). The OL obtained from first fractions has shown high acid index, even in the thermal catalytic process. One the other hand, OL coming from second ones, called green diesel (GD), have presented low acid index, particularly that one obtained from the thermal catalytic process realized over LaSBA-15(pH) samples. The acid sites presence in these samples, associated to their large average pore sizes and high surface areas, have allowed them, especially the La75SBA-15(pH), to present deoxygenating activity in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking, providing an oxygenates content reduction, particularly carboxylic acids, in the GD. Furthermore, the GD comes from the second liquid fraction obtained in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking over this latest solid sample has shown hydrocarbons composition and physic-chemical properties similar to that mineral diesel, beyond sulfur content low


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Oxygen carriers are metal oxides which have the ability to oxidize and reduce easily by various cycles. Due to this property these materials are widely usedin Chemical-Looping Reforming processes to produce H2 and syngas. In this work supports based on MCM-41 and La-SiO2 were synthesized by hydrothermal method. After the synthesis step they were calcined at 550°C for 2 hours and characterized by TG, XRD, surface area using the BET method and FTIR spectroscopy. The deposition of active phase, in this case Nickel, took place in the proportions of 5, 10 and 20% by weight of metallic nickel, for use as oxygen carriers.The XRD showed that increasing in the content of Ni supported on MCM-41 resulted in a decrease in spatial structure and lattice parameter of the material. The adsorption and desorption curves of the MCM-41 samples exhibited variations with the increase of Ni deposited. Surface area, average pore diameter and wall density of silica showed significant changes , due to the increase of the active phase on the mesoporous material. By other hand, in the samples with La-SiO2 composition was not observed peaks characteristic of hexagonal structure, in the XRD diffractogram. The adsorption/desorption isotherms of nitrogen observed are type IV, characteristic of mesoporous materials. The catalytic test indicates that the supports have no influence in the process, but the nickel concentration is very important, because the results for minor concentration of nickel are not good. The ratio H2/O2 was close to 2, for all 15 cycles involving the test storage capacity of O2, indicating that the materials are effective for oxygen transport


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One of the main applications of methane is in the production of syngas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Procedures used in this process are steam reforming, CO2 reforming, partial oxidation and autothermal reforming. The present study evaluated and compared the behavior of nickel catalysts supported on mixed oxides of cerium and manganese in the partial oxidation of methane with that of nickel catalysts supported on mixed oxides of cerium and zirconium. Mixed oxides of cerium and zirconium or cerium and manganese were synthesized using two different preparation methods, the polymeric precursor based on Pechini method and combustion reaction using a microwave. This was followed by impregnation with nickel content of 15 %. Samples were calcined at 300, 800 and 900 °C and characterized by specific surface area (SSA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and the reaction of partial oxidation of methane. The specific areas of samples decrease with the rise in calcination temperature and after nickel impregnation. Metal-cerium solid solution was formed and the presence of other manganese species outside the solid solution structure was confirmed in the compound with the highest amounts of manganese oxides showed. With regard to scanning electron microscopy, supports based on cerium and zirconium prepared by Pechini method exhibited agglomerated particles without uniform geometry or visible pores on the surface. However, compounds containing manganese presented empty spaces in its structure. Through synthesis by combustion reaction, morphology acquired independently of the proposed composition demonstrated greater porosity in relation to Pechini synthesis. Although catalysts were prepared using different synthesis methods, the insertion of nickel showed very similar reduction profiles (TPR). In relation to nickel catalysts supported on mixed oxide of cerium and zirconium, there is an initial reduction of NiO species that present certain interaction with the support. This is followed by the reduction of Ce4+ in Ce3+ surface, with subsequent bulk reduction. For catalysts containing manganese, a reduction of nickel oxide species occurs, followed by two stages of reduction for species Mn2O3 in Mn3O4 and Mn3O4 in MnO, with subsequent reduction of bulk. With respect to partial oxidation reactions, the nickel catalyst supported on mixed oxide of cerium and zirconium, prepared using the Pechini method, exhibited CH4 conversion of approximately 80 %, with conversion of 81 % when prepared by combustion. This behavior continued for 10 hours of reaction. Manganese content was also found to directly influence catalytic activity of materials; the greater the manganese oxide content, the faster deactivation and destabilization occurred in the catalyst. In both synthesis methods, the nickel catalyst supported on mixed oxide of cerium and zirconium maintained an H2/CO ratio very close to 2 during the 10 hours of partial oxidation reaction. Samples containing manganese displayed smaller H2/CO ratios and lower performance in partial oxidation.


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The natural gas (NG) is a clean energy source and found in the underground of porous rocks, associated or not to oil. Its basic composition includes methane, ethane, propane and other components, like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide and water. H2S is one of the natural pollutants of the natural gas. It is considered critical concerning corrosion. Its presence depends on origin, as well as of the process used in the gas treatment. It can cause problems in the tubing materials and final applications of the NG. The Agência Nacional do Petróleo sets out that the maximum concentration of H2S in the natural gas, originally national or imported, commercialized in Brazil must contain 10 -15 mg/cm3. In the Processing Units of Natural Gas, there are used different methods in the removal of H2S, for instance, adsorption towers filled with activated coal, zeolites and sulfatreat (solid, dry, granular and based on iron oxide). In this work, ion exchange resins were used as adsorbing materials. The resins were characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy and sweeping electronic microscopy. The adsorption tests were performed in a system linked to a gas-powered chromatograph. The present H2S in the exit of this system was monitored by a photometrical detector of pulsing flame. The electronic microscopy analyzes showed that the topography and morphology of the resins favor the adsorption process. Some characteristics were found such as, macro behavior, particles of variable sizes, spherical geometries, without the visualization of any pores in the surface. The infrared specters presented the main frequencies of vibration associated to the functional group of the amines and polymeric matrixes. When the resins are compared with sulfatreat, under the same experimental conditions, they showed a similar performance in retention times and adsorption capacities, making them competitive ones for the desulphurization process of the natural gas


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The natural gas (NG) is a clean energy source and found in the underground of porous rocks, associated or not to oil. Its basic composition includes methane, ethane, propane and other components, like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide and water. H2S is one of the natural pollutants of the natural gas. It is considered critical concerning corrosion. Its presence depends on origin, as well as of the process used in the gas treatment. It can cause problems in the tubing materials and final applications of the NG. The Agência Nacional do Petróleo sets out that the maximum concentration of H2S in the natural gas, originally national or imported, commercialized in Brazil must contain 10 -15 mg/cm3. In the Processing Units of Natural Gas, there are used different methods in the removal of H2S, for instance, adsorption towers filled with activated coal, zeolites and sulfatreat (solid, dry, granular and based on iron oxide). In this work, ion exchange resins were used as adsorbing materials. The resins were characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy and sweeping electronic microscopy. The adsorption tests were performed in a system linked to a gas-powered chromatograph. The present H2S in the exit of this system was monitored by a photometrical detector of pulsing flame. The electronic microscopy analyzes showed that the topography and morphology of the resins favor the adsorption process. Some characteristics were found such as, macro behavior, particles of variable sizes, spherical geometries, without the visualization of any pores in the surface. The infrared specters presented the main frequencies of vibration associated to the functional group of the amines and polymeric matrixes. When the resins are compared with sulfatreat, under the same experimental conditions, they showed a similar performance in retention times and adsorption capacities, making them competitive ones for the desulphurization process of the natural gas


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The mesoporous nanostructured materials have been studied for application in the oil industry, in particular Al-MCM-41, due to the surface area around 800 to 1.000 m2 g-1 and, pore diameters ranging from 2 to 10 nm, suitable for catalysis to large molecules such as heavy oil. The MCM-41 has been synthesized by hydrothermal method, on which aluminum was added, in the ratio Si/Al equal to 50, to increase the generation of active acid sites in the nanotubes. The catalyst was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), surface area by the BET method and, the average pore volume BJH method using the N2 adsorption, absorption spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier Transform (FT-IR) and determination of surface acidity with application of a probe molecule - n-butylamine. The catalyst showed well-defined structural properties and consistent with the literature. The overall objective was to test the Al-MCM-41 as catalyst and thermogravimetric perform tests, using two samples of heavy oil with API º equal to 14.0 and 18.5. Assays were performed using a temperature range of 30-900 ° C and heating ratios (β) ranging from 5, 10 and 20 °C min-1.The aim was to verify the thermogravimetric profiles of these oils when subjected to the action of the catalyst Al- MCM-41. Therefore, the percentage ranged catalyst applied 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 wt%, and from the TG data were applied two different kinetic models: Ozawa-Flynn-Wall (OFW) and Kissinger-Akahrira-Sunose (KAS).The apparent activation energies found for both models had similar values and were lower for the second event of mass loss known as cracking zone, indicating a more effective performance of Al-MCM-41 in that area. Furthermore, there was a more pronounced reduction in the value of activation energy for between 10 and 20% by weight of the oil-catalyst mixture. It was concluded that the Al-MCM-41 catalyst has applicability in heavy oils to reduce the apparent activation energy of a catalyst-oil system, and the best result with 20% by weight of Al-MCM-41