1000 resultados para Fragaria x
The dielectric functions of InP, In0.53Ga0.47As, and In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5 epitaxial layers have been measured using a polarization modulation spectroscopic ellipsometer in the 1.5 to 5.3 eV region. The oxide removal procedure has been carefully checked by comparing spectroscopic ellipsometry and x ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. These reference data have been used to investigate the structural nature of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition grown In0.53Ga0.47As/InP and In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5/InP heterojunctions, currently used for photodiodes and laser diodes. The sharpness of the interfaces has been systematically compared for the two types of heterojunctions: In1 xGaxAsy/InP and InP/In1 xGaxAsyP1 y. The sharpest interface is obtained for InP growth on In0.75Ga0.25As0.5P0.5 where the interface region is estimated to be (10±10) Å thick. The importance of performing in situ SE measurements is emphasized.
O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar a influência de variáveis ambientais sobre a interação genótipos x ambientes em meloeiro. Foram utilizados dados de produtividade de oito híbridos de melão Cantaloupe testados em nove ambientes no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Para a identificação das variáveis ambientais relacionadas à interação G x A e sensibilidade dos híbridos, estimaram-se modelos de regressão fatorial, coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre os escores dos componentes principais da análise AMMI e as médias das variáveis ambientais. As temperaturas média, máxima e mínima são as que mais influenciam na interação genótipos x ambientes em meloeiro para a produtividade.
Purpose: Atheromatic plaque progression is affected, among others phenomena, by biomechanical, biochemical, and physiological factors. In this paper, the authors introduce a novel framework able to provide both morphological (vessel radius, plaque thickness, and type) and biomechanical (wall shear stress and Von Mises stress) indices of coronary arteries. Methods: First, the approach reconstructs the three-dimensional morphology of the vessel from intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) and Angiographic sequences, requiring minimal user interaction. Then, a computational pipeline allows to automatically assess fluid-dynamic and mechanical indices. Ten coronary arteries are analyzed illustrating the capabilities of the tool and confirming previous technical and clinical observations. Results: The relations between the arterial indices obtained by IVUS measurement and simulations have been quantitatively analyzed along the whole surface of the artery, extending the analysis of the coronary arteries shown in previous state of the art studies. Additionally, for the first time in the literature, the framework allows the computation of the membrane stresses using a simplified mechanical model of the arterial wall. Conclusions: Circumferentially (within a given frame), statistical analysis shows an inverse relation between the wall shear stress and the plaque thickness. At the global level (comparing a frame within the entire vessel), it is observed that heavy plaque accumulations are in general calcified and are located in the areas of the vessel having high wall shear stress. Finally, in their experiments the inverse proportionality between fluid and structural stresses is observed.
Vertebral fracture assessments (VFAs) using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry increase vertebral fracture detection in clinical practice and are highly reproducible. Measures of reproducibility are dependent on the frequency and distribution of the event. The aim of this study was to compare 2 reproducibility measures, reliability and agreement, in VFA readings in both a population-based and a clinical cohort. We measured agreement and reliability by uniform kappa and Cohen's kappa for vertebral reading and fracture identification: 360 VFAs from a population-based cohort and 85 from a clinical cohort. In the population-based cohort, 12% of vertebrae were unreadable. Vertebral fracture prevalence ranged from 3% to 4%. Inter-reader and intrareader reliability with Cohen's kappa was fair to good (0.35-0.71 and 0.36-0.74, respectively), with good inter-reader and intrareader agreement by uniform kappa (0.74-0.98 and 0.76-0.99, respectively). In the clinical cohort, 15% of vertebrae were unreadable, and vertebral fracture prevalence ranged from 7.6% to 8.1%. Inter-reader reliability was moderate to good (0.43-0.71), and the agreement was good (0.68-0.91). In clinical situations, the levels of reproducibility measured by the 2 kappa statistics are concordant, so that either could be used to measure agreement and reliability. However, if events are rare, as in a population-based cohort, we recommend evaluating reproducibility using the uniform kappa, as Cohen's kappa may be less accurate.
Työssä on tutkittu elementtimenetelmän avulla kylmämuovattujen nelikulmaisten putkipalkkien materiaalimallin kehittämistä ja putkipalkkien X-liitosten jäykkyyden ja äärikestävyyden määrittämistä. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia kylmämuovauksen vaikutuksia putkipalkkiprofiilin materiaaliominaisuuksiin materiaalikokeiden ja elementtianalyysien avulla sekä kehittää putkipalkille anisotrooppista materiaalimallia. Työssä määritettyjä materiaalimalleja on sovellettu X-liitosten elementtimalleihin, joiden käyttäytymistä on verrattu äärikestävyyskokeiden tuloksiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella Eurocode 3:n mitoitusohjeita voidaan turvallisesti soveltaa kylmämuovattujen putkipalkkien X-liitosten laskennassa. Työssä tehtyjen materiaalikokeiden ja elementtianalyysien perusteella materiaalin anisotrooppisuuden vaikutus liitoksen kestävyyteen on vähäistä, ja putkipalkin pituussuuntaista materiaalimallia voidaan soveltaa myös kehäsuuntaisille materiaaliominaisuuksille. Materiaalikokeiden simulointi osoittaa, että elementtimenetelmää voidaan käyttää materiaalimallin määrittämisen apuvälineenä.
In 2009, Cygnus X-3 (Cyg X-3) became the first microquasar to be detected in the GeV γ-ray regime, via the satellites Fermi and AGILE. The addition of this new band to the observational toolbox holds promise for building a more detailed understanding of the relativistic jets of this and other systems. We present a rich data set of radio, hard and soft X-ray, and γ-ray observations of Cyg X-3 made during a flaring episode in 2010 May. We detect a ~3 day softening and recovery of the X-ray emission, followed almost immediately by a ~1 Jy radio flare at 15 GHz, followed by a 4.3σ γ-ray flare (E > 100 MeV) ~1.5 days later. The radio sampling is sparse, but we use archival data to argue that it is unlikely the γ-ray flare was followed by any significant unobserved radio flares. In this case, the sequencing of the observed events is difficult to explain in a model in which the γ-ray emission is due to inverse Compton scattering of the companion star's radiation field. Our observations suggest that other mechanisms may also be responsible for γ-ray emission from Cyg X-3.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os teores de fenóis e flavonoides totais, bem como avaliar as atividades antioxidante e antimicrobiana de extratos obtidos dos talos e folhas de atemoia (A. cherimola Mill. x A. squamosa L.), que pertence à família Annonaceae. A atividade antioxidante foi avaliada pelos métodos de sequestro dos radicais 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazil (DPPH) e 2,2'-azinobis-3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-ácido sulfônico (ABTS), bem como pelo método da cooxidação do β-caroteno/ácido linoleico. A avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos foi analisada contra 10 cepas de bactérias. Os resultados da atividade antioxidante dos extratos mostraram que o extrato etanólico dos talos (EEt) foi o antioxidante mais efetivo (IC50 = 10,44 ± 1,25 µg/mL) no método do sequestro do DPPH, bem como no sequestro do radical ABTS (24,81 ± 0,49%). O extrato hexânico das folhas apresentou o melhor percentual de atividade antioxidante no ensaio do β-caroteno/ácido linoleico (41,12 ± 4,35%). Os extratos etanólico dos talos e metanólico das folhas mostraram-se ativos contra cepas de Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA), Staphylococcus aureus e Staphylococcus epidermidis.
Complete sex chromosome dosage compensation has more often been observed in XY than ZW species. In this study, using a population genetic model and the chicken transcriptome, we assess whether sexual conflict can account for this difference. Sexual conflict over expression is inevitable when mutation effects are correlated across the sexes, as compensatory mutations in the heterogametic sex lead to hyperexpression in the homogametic sex. Coupled with stronger selection and greater reproductive variance in males, this results in slower and less complete evolution of Z compared with X dosage compensation. Using expression variance as a measure of selection strength, we find that, as predicted by the model, dosage compensation in the chicken is most pronounced in genes that are under strong selection biased towards females. Our study explains the pattern of weak dosage compensation in ZW systems, and suggests that sexual selection plays a major role in shaping sex chromosome dosage compensation.
Fragile X-syndrome is caused by a mutation in chromosome X. It is one of the most frequent causes of learning disability. The most frequent manifestations of fragile X-syndrome are learning disability, different orofacial morphological alterations and an increase in testicle size. The disease is associated with cardiac malformations, joint hyperextension and behavioural alterations. We present two male patients aged 17 and 10 years, treated in our Service due to severe gingivitis. Both showed the typical facial and dental characteristics of the syndrome. In addition, we detected the presence of root anomalies such as taurodontism and root bifurcation, which had not been associated with fragile X-syndrome in the literature. In some cases these root malformations have been associated with other sex-linked congenital syndromes, though in none of the studies published in the literature have they been related with fragile X-syndrome. This syndrome is relevant due to its high prevalence, the presentation of certain oral and facial characteristics that can facilitate the diagnosis, and the few cases published to date
Este trabalho apresenta os testes de controle de qualidade feitos em um equipamento de raios X monofásico e em dois sistemas de monitoração não-invasivos. Os resultados foram comparados com os valores apresentados por um sistema de monitoração invasivo e por um detector de germânio hiperpuro, fornecendo fatores de correção para utilização dos medidores de tensão não-invasivos no programa de controle de qualidade de equipamentos de raios X, mostrando a necessidade de calibração e controle periódico.
We report on the results of the spectral and timing analysis of a BeppoSAX observation of the microquasar system LS 5039/RX J1826.2-1450. The source was found in a low-flux state with Fx(1-10 keV)= 4.7 x 10^{-12} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}, which represents almost one order of magnitude lower than a previous RXTE observation 2.5 years before. The 0.1--10 keV spectrum is described by an absorbed power-law continuum with photon-number spectral index Gamma=1.8+-0.2 and hydrogen column density of NH=1.0^{+0.4}_{-0.3} x 10^{22} cm^{-2}. According to the orbital parameters of the system the BeppoSAX observation covers the time of an X-ray eclipse should one occur. However, the 1.6-10 keV light curve does not show evidence for such an event, which allows us to give an upper limit to the inclination of the system. The low X-ray flux detected during this observation is interpreted as a decrease in the mass accretion rate onto the compact object due to a decrease in the mass-loss rate from the primary.