987 resultados para Forest plants.


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This article relates the experience of creating and developing a fishery in southern England. The fishery was made from a small stream which dries up from time to time, and marks the boundary between a Sussex farm and a large coniferous forest. The preparation of the site and creation of the impoundment are described, and early experiences outlined. The fishery was expanded in later years, as a result of its popularity, and records of its use by anglers are illustrated. The performance of the fishery is measured in terms of "good fish" (more than 675 g) taken, and their number has increased from 81 in 1984 to 226 in 1991. The aquatic plants, invertebrates, and birds of the fishery are discussed, as are the natural predators of the fish.


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This article describes the streams of this unique area of Britain and reviews the published and some unpublished information that is currently available. None of the rivers in the New Forest are more than 30 km long. Many reaches have been artificially straightened, channelized and regraded since the 1840's. The stream waters are typically base-poor, with low nutrient concentrations. Primary productivity and standing crops of algae are predictably low when compared with other streams carrying higher concentrations of minerals and nutrients. The earliest records on the macroinvertebrate fauna go back to the late 19th Century. By 1940, over 20 species of Trichoptera and 10 species of Plecoptera had been recorded, but only four species of Ephemeroptera. Twenty species of fish occur in the streams of the New Forest of which the most common are brown trout, minnow, bullhead, stone loach, brook lamprey and eel.


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Over much of Britain, 1995 and 1996 have been perceived as drought years. To evaluate the impact that local climatic conditions are having upon successional changes in higher vegetation (macrophytes), Speakmans Pond in Epping Forest was surveyed and mapped in 1996. The results are related to previous vegetation surveys carried out in 1989 and 1991. In 1989 the dominant marginal vegetation was floating sweet-grass Glyceria fluitans, which also covered a major part of the main body of the pond. Other abundant species included soft rush Juncus effusus, reed mace Typha latifolia and yellow flag Iris pseudocorus. A small (central) area of open water contained bladderwort Utricularia vulgaris and white water-lily Nymphaea alba. A similar plant coverage was found in 1991, with a dominance of floating sweet-grass along the shallow eastern edge. A marked change in the pond was found during the 1996 survey of vegetation in July, when the pool was dry. The major plant cover now consisted of creeping bent Agrostis stolonifera, with isolated clumps of Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus around the edges; both are terrestrial grasses found on land surrounding the pond. Rushes (Juncus) had increased their distribution round the margins of the pond, and the patch of yellow flag noted in 1989 and 1991 was not found in 1996. The deeper trenches were also dry, but a small patch of white water-lily remained adjacent to one of the trenches.


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In a recent study in Freshwater Forum on Speakman's Pond (also known as Nursery Pond) the impression was given that it had been a permanent water-filled pond which had recently dried out due to exceptionally low rainfall. In fact, Nursery Pond was created by the extraction of gravel and was never more than 50 cm deep, until the creation of trenches in 1989 to provide a refuge for aquatic life. The Nursery Pond followed a seasonal pattern of filling with winter rain and slowly drying out between 1940 to 1970. It had no established aquatic vegetation, no fish, and only rarely amphibians. Permanent water was present only from about 1979 until 1995 due to leakage from a Thames water storage reservoir.


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The importance of ponds for biodiversity in Britain has been demonstrated by a number of studies. However, most of the research and interest has been directed at permanent waterbodies, and temporary ponds have been largely neglected. In this article the author present some preliminary findings from a project which aims to fill some of the many gaps in our knowledge of temporary ponds in Britain. The project, which runs for three years until the end of 2001, aims specifically to investigate the ecology of temporary ponds in England and Wales by describing (i) their wetland plant and macroinvertebrate communities, (ii) their physico-chemical characteristics, and (iii) their value as a biodiversity resource. The article focuses on the assessment of temporary ponds as a biodiversity resource and briefly considers aspects of species richness, rarity and distinctiveness. Where possible, temporary ponds are compared with other waterbody types, mainly permanent ponds from the National Pond Survey (NPS), to give the results a broader context.


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The high density of meres and mosses in the Delamere area comes from numerous moraine-hollows formed after the melting of stranded ice-blocks following last glaciation. The main vegetation is of conifers along with some deciduous species and the area was designated as a National Forest Park in 1987. It has been managed since the beginning of the 19th century and is a popular tourist area with walking, orienteering, cycling and educational activities. In recent years this forest park has been attracting over half a million people per year. This paper studies the limnology of different aquatic habitats in the Delamere Forest area in order to give some insight into the waters of a coniferous, temperate forest area, which has so far been largely unexplored. The authors assume therefore, thought that despite apparent large variability in origin, age, surface area, morphometry, catchment size and hydraulic regime, the waters of Delamere Forest might share some revealing chemical and biological features. Seven water-bodies in the Delamere Forest Park area, namely, Black Lake, Blakemere Moss, Delamere Lake, Delamere Quarry, Hatchmere, Windyhowe Farm Spring and Fir Brook were sampled, their water chemistry and dissolved organic carbon and the occurrence of phytoplankton and zooplankton species examined. In a final chapter the authors analyse their findings for patterns.


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A review article which discusses the ecology and management of common water plants in lowland streams, with an introduction containing a review of previous studies on the subject. The article covers the significance of seasonal growth, the significance of stand structure (particularly in relation to hydraulic resistence), an assessment of current river management, improvements to plant management techniques (in relation to cutting), and alternatives to the traditional techniques of river plant management. There are a number of accompanying figures.


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EL proyecto estudia y analiza la estructura de cuatro bosques en el monte Chortiatis, Grecia.


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Since 1989, intensive studies have been made on a relatively new (1983-84) oligotrophic reservoir and its pre-reservoir in the Black Forest. This paper briefly reports on the hydrochemistry, especially annual variations in phosphorus loadings, and the seasonal development of phytoplankton in 1989 and 1990.


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Euterpe edulis Mart. é a palmeira nativa mais abundante e uma das espécies mais exploradas comercialmente da Floresta Atlântica, sendo confirmada como espécie ameaçada de extinção, na lista de 2008 do Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Os aspectos abióticos (temperatura, desidratação, teor de água do solo, submersão) e bióticos (presença das camadas externas do fruto, posição da semente na serapilheira e predação) foram analisados na germinação das sementes e no estabelecimento de plântulas. Foram realizados testes de germinação com temperaturas constantes de 15, 20, 25, 30 e 35C e alternada de 20-30C, sob fotoperíodo de 8 horas. A desidratação das sementes foi avaliada utilizando diferentes teores de umidade 10, 15, 17, 20, 25, 27, 30, 35, 37, 39 e 42%. O efeito do teor de água do solo foi avaliado utilizando diferentes teores de umidade 11, 14, 19, 22, 26, 32, 37 e 42%. Para avaliar o tempo de armazenamento em água, foram realizadas duas retiradas mensais e uma retirada quinzenal. Frutos e sementes foram avaliados quanto à diferença na germinação. Para avaliar o efeito da predação, as sementes foram dividas em três classes de peso, e posteriormente cortadas, retirando-se 25% e 50% do endosperma, e sementes controle. A parte aérea foi totalmente removida de plântulas com dois estágios de desenvolvimento diferentes. Para avaliar a posição na serapilheira as sementes foram colocadas sob e sobre a serapilheira em três condições de intensidade luminosa. As melhores temperaturas de germinação para a espécie foram a constante de 25C e alternada de 20-30C. A redução nos teores de água na semente promoveu a queda na germinação das sementes. Os teores de água do solo de 11 e 42% causaram a redução drástica na germinação. Sementes armazenadas em água por 30 dias apresentaram redução de aproximadamente 50% na germinação, e com 75 dias ocorreu redução drástica. A presença das camadas externas do fruto prejudicou significativamente a germinação das sementes. As sementes foram capazes de germinar mesmo com remoção do endosperma. Além disso, as plântulas foram capazes de emitir nova parte aérea após sua remoção, para os dois estágios de desenvolvimento testados. Sementes sob a serapilheira apresentaram melhor germinação nas três condições de intensidade luminosa. Concluímos que as sementes do palmiteiro apresentam exigências para a germinação em relação, à desidratação das sementes, à disponibilidade hídrica do solo, ao tempo de armazenamento em água, além da importância da interação entre a espécie e animais dispersores que retiram as camadas mais externas do fruto. Em relação à simulação da predação a grande reserva nutritiva permite que as sementes germinem e as plântulas se estabeleçam mesmo com a remoção de 50% do endosperma, e da remoção total da parte aérea, e a presença da serapilheira mantém um ambiente favorável, principalmente em relação à umidade para germinação das sementes do palmiteiro.