942 resultados para Fold and flip bifurcation curves
The Western Alpine Are has been created during the Cretaceous and the Tertiary orogenies. The interference patterns of the Tertiary structures suggest their formation during continental collision of the European and the Adriatic Plates, with an accompanying anticlockwise rotation of the Adriatic indenter. Extensional structures are mainly related to ductile deformation by simple shear. These structures developed at a deep tectonic level, in granitic crustal rocks, at depths in excess of 10 km. In the early Palaeogene period of the Tertiary Orogeny, the main Tertiary nappe emplacement resulted from a NW-thrusting of the Austroalpine, Penninic and Helvetic nappes. Heating of the deep zone of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary nappe stack by geothermal heat flow is responsible for the Tertiary regional metamorphism, reaching amphibolite-facies conditions in the Lepontine Gneiss Dome (geothermal gradient 25 degrees C/ km). The Tertiary thrusting occurred mainly during prograde metamorphic conditions with creation of a penetrative NW-SE-oriented stretching lineation, X(1) (finite extension), parallel to the direction of simple shear. Earliest cooling after the culmination of the Tertiary metamorphism, some 38 Ma ago, is recorded by the cooling curves of the Monte Rosa and Mischabel nappes to the west and the Suretta Nappe to the east of the Lepontine Gneiss Dome. The onset of dextral transpression, with a strong extension parallel to the mountain belt, and the oldest S-vergent `'backfolding'' took place some 35 to 30 Ma ago during retrograde amphibolite-facies conditions and before the intrusion of the Oligocene dikes north of the Periadriatic Line. The main updoming of the Lepontine Gneiss Dome started some 32-30 Ma ago with the intrusion of the Bergell tonalites and granodiorites, concomitant with S-vergent backfolding and backthrusting and dextral strike-slip movements along the Tonale and Canavese Lines (Argand's Insubric phase). Subsequently, the center of main updoming migrated slowly to the west, reaching the Simplon region some 20 Ma ago. This was contemporaneous with the westward migration of the Adriatic indenter. Between 20 Ma and the present, the Western Aar Massif-Toce culmination was the center of strong uplift. The youngest S-vergent backfolds, the Glishorn anticline and the Berisal syncline fold the 12 Ma Rb/Sr biotite isochron and are cut by the 11 Ma old Rhone-Simplon Line. The discrete Rhone-Simplon Line represents a late retrograde manifestation in the preexisting ductile Simplon Shear Zone. This fault zone is still active today. The Oligocene-Neogene dextral transpression and extension in the Simplon area were concurrent with thrusting to the northwest of the Helvetic nappes, the Prealpes (35-15 Ma) and with the Jura thin-skinned thrust (11-3 Ma). It was also contemporaneous with thrusting to the south of the Bergamasc (> 35-5 Ma) and Milan thrusts (16-5 Ma).
FANCM remodels branched DNA structures and plays essential roles in the cellular response to DNA replication stress. Here, we show that FANCM forms a conserved DNA-remodeling complex with a histone-fold heterodimer, MHF. We find that MHF stimulates DNA binding and replication fork remodeling by FANCM. In the cell, FANCM and MHF are rapidly recruited to forks stalled by DNA interstrand crosslinks, and both are required for cellular resistance to such lesions. In vertebrates, FANCM-MHF associates with the Fanconi anemia (FA) core complex, promotes FANCD2 monoubiquitination in response to DNA damage, and suppresses sister-chromatid exchanges. Yeast orthologs of these proteins function together to resist MMS-induced DNA damage and promote gene conversion at blocked replication forks. Thus, FANCM-MHF is an essential DNA-remodeling complex that protects replication forks from yeast to human.
Fas, a death domain-containing member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family and its ligand FasL have been predominantly studied with respect to their capability to induce cell death. However, a few studies indicate a proliferation-inducing signaling activity of these molecules too. We describe here a novel signaling pathway of FasL and the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) that triggers transcriptional activation of the proto-oncogene c-fos, a typical target gene of mitogenic pathways. FasL- and TRAIL-mediated up-regulation of c-Fos was completely dependent on the presence of Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD) and caspase-8, but caspase activity seemed to be dispensable as a pan inhibitor of caspases had no inhibitory effect. Upon overexpression of the long splice form of cellular FADD-like interleukin-1-converting enzyme (FLICE) inhibitory protein (cFLIP) in Jurkat cells, FasL- and TRAIL-induced up-regulation of c-Fos was almost completely blocked. The short splice form of FLIP, however, showed a rather stimulatory effect on c-Fos induction. Together these data demonstrate the existence of a death receptor-induced, FADD- and caspase-8-dependent pathway leading to c-Fos induction that is inhibited by the long splice form FLIP-L.
AIM: To determine the long-term prognostic value of SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) for the occurrence of cardiovascular events in diabetic patients. PATIENTS, METHODS: SPECT MPI of 210 consecutive Caucasian diabetic patients were analysed using Kaplan-Meier event-free survival curves and independent predictors were determined by Cox multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Follow-up was complete in 200 (95%) patients with a median period of 3.0 years (0.8-5.0). The population was composed of 114 (57%) men, age 65 +/- 10 years, 181 (90.5%) type 2 diabetes mellitus, 50 (25%) with a history of coronary artery disease (CAD) and 98 (49%) presenting chest pain prior to MPI. The prevalence of abnormal MPI was 58%. Patients with a normal MPI had neither cardiac death, nor myocardial infarction, independently of a history of coronary artery disease or chest pain. Among the independent predictors of cardiac death and myocardial infarction, the strongest was abnormal MPI (p < 0.0001), followed by history of CAD (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 15.9; p = 0.0001), diabetic retinopathy (HR = 10.0; p = 0.001) and inability to exercise (HR = 7.7; p = 0.02). Patients with normal MPI had a low revascularisation rate of 2.4% during the follow-up period. Compared to normal MPI, cardiovascular events increased 5.2 fold for reversible defects, 8.5 fold for fixed defects and 20.1 fold for the association of both defects. CONCLUSION: Diabetic patients with normal MPI had an excellent prognosis independently of history of CAD. On the opposite, an abnormal MPI led to a >5-fold increase in cardiovascular events. This emphasizes the value of SPECT MPI in predicting and risk-stratifying cardiovascular events in diabetic patients.
Objective: To assess the level of hemoglobin-Hb during pregnancy before and after fortification of flours with iron. Method: A cross-sectional study with data from 12,119 pregnant women attended at a public prenatal from five macro regions of Brazil. The sample was divided into two groups: Before-fortification (birth before June/2004) and After-fortification (last menstruation after June/2005). Hb curves were compared with national and international references. Polynomial regression models were built, with a significance level of 5%. Results: Although the higher levels of Hb in all gestational months after-fortification, the polynomial regression did not show the fortification effect (p=0.3). Curves in the two groups were above the references in the first trimester, with following decrease and stabilization at the end of pregnancy. Conclusion: Although the fortification effect was not confirmed, the study presents variation of Hb levels during pregnancy, which is important for assistencial practice and evaluation of public policies.
Principal curves have been defined Hastie and Stuetzle (JASA, 1989) assmooth curves passing through the middle of a multidimensional dataset. They are nonlinear generalizations of the first principalcomponent, a characterization of which is the basis for the principalcurves definition.In this paper we propose an alternative approach based on a differentproperty of principal components. Consider a point in the space wherea multivariate normal is defined and, for each hyperplane containingthat point, compute the total variance of the normal distributionconditioned to belong to that hyperplane. Choose now the hyperplaneminimizing this conditional total variance and look for thecorresponding conditional mean. The first principal component of theoriginal distribution passes by this conditional mean and it isorthogonal to that hyperplane. This property is easily generalized todata sets with nonlinear structure. Repeating the search from differentstarting points, many points analogous to conditional means are found.We call them principal oriented points. When a one-dimensional curveruns the set of these special points it is called principal curve oforiented points. Successive principal curves are recursively definedfrom a generalization of the total variance.
The objective of this paper is to compare the performance of twopredictive radiological models, logistic regression (LR) and neural network (NN), with five different resampling methods. One hundred and sixty-seven patients with proven calvarial lesions as the only known disease were enrolled. Clinical and CT data were used for LR and NN models. Both models were developed with cross validation, leave-one-out and three different bootstrap algorithms. The final results of each model were compared with error rate and the area under receiver operating characteristic curves (Az). The neural network obtained statistically higher Az than LR with cross validation. The remaining resampling validation methods did not reveal statistically significant differences between LR and NN rules. The neural network classifier performs better than the one based on logistic regression. This advantage is well detected by three-fold cross-validation, but remains unnoticed when leave-one-out or bootstrap algorithms are used.
This paper presents a comparison of the changes in the energetic metabolic pattern of China and India, the two most populated countries in the world, with two economies undergoing an important economic transition. The comparison of the changes in the energetic metabolic pattern has the scope to characterize and explain a bifurcation in their evolutionary path in the recent years, using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach. The analysis shows an impressive transformation of China’s energy metabolism determined by the joining of the WTO in 2001. Since then, China became the largest factory of the world with a generalized capitalization of all sectors ―especially the industrial sector― boosting economic labor productivity as well as total energy consumption. India, on the contrary, lags behind when considering these factors. Looking at changes in the household sector (energy metabolism associated with final consumption) in the case of China, the energetic metabolic rate (EMR) soared in the last decade, also thanks to a reduced growth of population, whereas in India it remained stagnant for the last 40 years. This analysis indicates a big challenge for India for the next decade. In the light of the data analyzed both countries will continue to require strong injections of technical capital requiring a continuous increase in their total energy consumption. When considering the size of these economies it is easy to guess that this may induce a dramatic increase in the price of energy, an event that at the moment will penalize much more the chance of a quick economic development of India.
Increasing antimicrobial resistance reduces treatment options for implant-associated infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). We evaluated the activity of fosfomycin alone and in combination with vancomycin, daptomycin, rifampin, and tigecycline against MRSA (ATCC 43300) in a foreign-body (implantable cage) infection model. The MICs of the individual agents were as follows: fosfomycin, 1 μg/ml; daptomycin, 0.125 μg/ml; vancomycin, 1 μg/ml; rifampin, 0.04 μg/ml; and tigecycline, 0.125 μg/ml. Microcalorimetry showed synergistic activity of fosfomycin and rifampin at subinhibitory concentrations against planktonic and biofilm MRSA. In time-kill curves, fosfomycin exhibited time-dependent activity against MRSA with a reduction of 2.5 log10 CFU/ml at 128 × the MIC. In the animal model, planktonic bacteria in cage fluid were reduced by <1 log10 CFU/ml with fosfomycin and tigecycline, 1.7 log10 with daptomycin, 2.2 log10 with fosfomycin-tigecycline and fosfomycin-vancomycin, 3.8 log10 with fosfomycin-daptomycin, and >6.0 log10 with daptomycin-rifampin and fosfomycin-rifampin. Daptomycin-rifampin cured 67% of cage-associated infections and fosfomycin-rifampin cured 83%, whereas all single drugs (fosfomycin, daptomycin, and tigecycline) and rifampin-free fosfomycin combinations showed no cure of MRSA cage-associated infections. No emergence of fosfomycin resistance was observed in animals; however, a 4-fold increase in fosfomycin MIC (from 2 to 16 μg/ml) occurred in the fosfomycin-vancomycin group. In summary, the highest eradication of MRSA cage-associated infections was achieved with fosfomycin in combination with rifampin (83%). Fosfomycin may be used in combination with rifampin against MRSA implant-associated infections, but it cannot replace rifampin as an antibiofilm agent.
Lymphocyte homeostasis is a balance between lymphocyte proliferation and lymphocyte death. Tight control of apoptosis is essential for immune function, because its altered regulation can result in cancer and autoimmunity. Signals from members of the tumour-necrosis-factor receptor (TNF-R) family, such as Fas and TNF-R1, activate the caspase cascade and result in lymphocyte death by apoptosis. Anti-apoptotic proteins, such as FLIP (also known as FLICE/caspase-8 inhibitory protein) have recently been identified. FLIP expression is tightly regulated in T cells and might be involved in the control of both T-cell activation and death. Abnormal expression of FLIP might have a role not only in autoimmune diseases, but also in tumour development and cardiovascular disorders.
We study the nonequilibrium behavior of the three-dimensional Gaussian random-field Ising model at T=0 in the presence of a uniform external field using a two-spin-flip dynamics. The deterministic, history-dependent evolution of the system is compared with the one obtained with the standard one-spin-flip dynamics used in previous studies of the model. The change in the dynamics yields a significant suppression of coercivity, but the distribution of avalanches (in number and size) stays remarkably similar, except for the largest ones that are responsible for the jump in the saturation magnetization curve at low disorder in the thermodynamic limit. By performing a finite-size scaling study, we find strong evidence that the change in the dynamics does not modify the universality class of the disorder-induced phase transition.
Exchange-biased Ni/FeF2 films have been investigated using vector coil vibrating-sample magnetometry as a function of the cooling field strength HFC . In films with epitaxial FeF2 , a loop bifurcation develops with increasing HFC as it divides into two sub-loops shifted oppositely from zero field by the same amount. The positively biased sub-loop grows in size with HFC until only a single positively shifted loop is found. Throughout this process, the negative and positive (sub)loop shifts maintain the same discrete value. This is in sharp contrast to films with twinned FeF2 where the exchange field gradually changes with increasing HFC . The transverse magnetization shows clear correlations with the longitudinal subloops. Interestingly, over 85% of the Ni reverses its magnetization by rotation, either in one step or through two successive rotations. These results are due to the single-crystal nature of the antiferromagnetic FeF2 , which breaks down into two opposite regions of large domains.
The present research deals with the review of the analysis and modeling of Swiss franc interest rate curves (IRC) by using unsupervised (SOM, Gaussian Mixtures) and supervised machine (MLP) learning algorithms. IRC are considered as objects embedded into different feature spaces: maturities; maturity-date, parameters of Nelson-Siegel model (NSM). Analysis of NSM parameters and their temporal and clustering structures helps to understand the relevance of model and its potential use for the forecasting. Mapping of IRC in a maturity-date feature space is presented and analyzed for the visualization and forecasting purposes.
OBJECTIVE(S): To investigate the relationship between detection of HIV drug resistance by 2 years from starting antiretroviral therapy and the subsequent risk of progression to AIDS and death. DESIGN: Virological failure was defined as experiencing two consecutive viral loads of more than 400 copies/ml in the time window between 0.5 and 2 years from starting antiretroviral therapy (baseline). Patients were grouped according to evidence of virological failure and whether there was detection of the International AIDS Society resistance mutations to one, two or three drug classes in the time window. METHODS: Standard survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-fixed covariates defined at baseline was employed. RESULTS: We studied 8229 patients in EuroSIDA who started antiretroviral therapy and who had at least 2 years of clinical follow-up. We observed 829 AIDS events and 571 deaths during 38,814 person-years of follow-up resulting in an overall incidence of new AIDS and death of 3.6 per 100 person-years of follow-up [95% confidence interval (CI):3.4-3.8]. By 96 months from baseline, the proportion of patients with a new AIDS diagnosis or death was 20.3% (95% CI:17.7-22.9) in patients with no evidence of virological failure and 53% (39.3-66.7) in those with virological failure and mutations to three drug classes (P = 0.0001). An almost two-fold difference in risk was confirmed in the multivariable analysis (adjusted relative hazard = 1.8, 95% CI:1.2-2.7, P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Although this study shows an association between the detection of resistance at failure and risk of clinical progression, further research is needed to clarify whether resistance reflects poor adherence or directly increases the risk of clinical events via exhaustion of drug options.