925 resultados para Federal aid to youth services
Iowa’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been developed in conformance with the guidelines prescribed by 23 U.S.C. and 49 U.S.C. The STIP is generated to provide the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration a listing of all projects that are candidates for federal aid from the FHWA and FTA for four federal fiscal years (FFY). Preceding the listings of federal-aid candidates are general comments concerning Iowa’s public participation process for selection of federal-aid projects and the basis for funding the proposed projects. Documents evidencing the Iowa Department of Transportation’s authority to act concerning matters related to transportation, federal-aid expenditures and approvals of metropolitan planning organizations’ (MPOs), transportation improvements programs (TIPs) have been provided in past STIPs and can be provided again upon request.
Information presented provides an update of the Area Education Agency issue review published in 1997, including history, organization, funding formula, revenues, expenditures, and authority.
Supplementary weightings for school districts are estimated to generate approximately 63.9 million dollars in funding in fiscal year 2011. This issue review provides an overview of all supplementary weightings currently available to school districts and examines the total funding amounts from fiscal year 2003 through fiscal year 2011.
The state appropriates funds to support library services to Iowans through the State Library, the Library Service Areas, and state aid to local libraries known as Enrich Iowa. As a result of legislation enacted in 2010, the Iowa Library Association, or ILA, convened a committee to make recommendations regarding reorganization of state-funded library operations and services. The committee's recommendations have been approved by the ILA and endorsed by the State Commission of Libraries. The recommendations described involve the reorganization of the State Library and Library Service Areas.
During the recent economic crisis, school district budgets have been impacted by state school aid funding shortfalls and state aid reductions due to across-the-board general fund reductions in fiscal year 2009 and fiscal year 2010. Additionally, in fiscal year 2011, the state school aid appropriation was capped and was 156.1 million dollars short of fully funding the state portion of the school aid formula. This issue review examines the impact that the reductions in state aid have had on school district cash reserve levies.
School districts may receive funding for the instructional support program subject to school board or voter approval. Program funding is based on a formula that includes a local funding provision, property tax and income surtax and a state aid component. When initially implemented, state aid was distributed through a formula designed to provide property tax equity and equalize the property tax burden between school districts. Since the initial year of the program, the state aid portion has not been fully funded and in fiscal year 2012, no state dollars were appropriated for the program. The result of underfunding the state-aid portion of the program has led to an inequity in the amount of funds school districts receive from the program. In fiscal year 2012, the portion of actual program funding for school districts ranged from a low of 52.6 percent to a high of 92.8 percent. This issue review examines the inequity in more detail.
During the 2010 legislative session, House File 2531, Fiscal Year 2011 Standing Appropriations Act, was enacted and required school districts to report the specific use of sales tax dollars for school infrastructure purposes to the Department of Education. The Department published SAVE SILO annual report reflecting data for fiscal year 2011. This issue review provides a summary and additional analysis of that information.
Many loan repayment and incentive programs are available to encourage college students and graduates to enter into and continue to work in designated high-need careers. More and more Iowans are reaping the rewards of these federal, state and private programs that help reduce student loan debt while allowing them to pursue their career goals. Some programs make payments directly to the recipient’s student loan servicer to reduce the balance owed (loan repayment), while others may provide the option of an income stipend or bonus for eligible recipients who meet specified employment and other criteria. This guide provides information on many of the federal and state loan repayment and incentive programs currently available.
This five-year plan,1992-1996,describes the needs, goals, objectives, and methodology for each of the Library Services and Construction Act goals. The LSCA long range plan is revised and issued on an annual basis.
This five-year plan,1993-1997,describes the needs, goals, objectives, and methodology for each of the Library Services and Construction Act goals. The LSCA long range plan is revised and issued on an annual basis.
Iowa’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been developed in conformance with the guidelines prescribed by 23 U.S.C. and 49 U.S.C. The STIP is generated to provide the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration a listing of all projects that are candidates for federal aid from the FHWA and FTA for the four federal fiscal years (FFY) 2016-2019. The 2016-2019 STIP was approved by FHWA and FTA on September 29, 2015. Preceding the listings of federal-aid candidates are general comments concerning Iowa’s public participation process for selection of federal-aid projects and the basis for funding the proposed projects. Documents evidencing the Iowa Department of Transportation’s authority to act concerning matters related to transportation, federal-aid expenditures, and approvals of metropolitan planning organizations’ (MPOs) transportation improvements programs (TIPs) have been provided in past STIPs and can be provided again upon request.
The Federal Highway Administration published the final rule updating 23 CFR 630 Subpart J in September 2004. The revised rule requires agencies using federal funding to address both safety and mobility in planning and construction of roadway improvements. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) requested the assistance of the Center for Transportation and Research in developing guidance for a policy and procedures to comply with the final rule. This report describes an in-depth examination of current Iowa DOT project development processes for all types of improvements, including maintenance, as well as a detailed characterization of work zone impact considerations throughout project completion. To comply with both the letter and perceived intent of the final rule on safety and mobility, the report features a suggested work zone policy statement and suggested revisions in the Iowa DOT project development processes, including a definition of the key element: significant projects.
Access to Recovery - Iowa (ATR) is a three year grant awarded to the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (SAMHSA) in October 2014. ATR provides funding to individuals to purchase services and supports linked to their recovery from substance abuse. ATR emphasizes client choice and increases the array of available community-based services, supports, and providers.
Monet henkilökohtaiset mobiililaitteet tarjoavat mahdollisuuden tallentaa henkilötietoja ja mahdollisuuden lyhyen kantaman radiotekniikoiden hyödyntämiseen. Vastaavasti henkilötietoja käyttävien tai vaativien verkkopalveluiden määrä on kasvussa. Mobiililaitteisiin tallennetut henkilötiedot tarjoavat potentiaalisen keinon välttää samojen henkilötietojen toistuva käsinsyöttö erilaisiin verkkopalveluihin ja keskitettyyn ajantasallapitoon. Tässä työssä käydään läpi ratkaisumalli henkilökohtaisen mobiililaitteen ja verkkopalveluiden välillä tapahtuvaan henkilötietojen siirtoon ja synkronointiin. Malli pohjautuu selainlaajennukseen, joka voi pyytää sekä selaimessa auki olevalta verkkopalvelun sivulta että mobiililta päätelaitteelta senhetkiset henkilötiedot ja synkronoida ne. Jo olemassaolevia henkilötietojen hallintaa helpottavia ratkaisuja käydään läpi arvioiden käyttökelpoisuutta tämänkaltaisiin tarpeisiin. Ratkaisumallin kannalta olennaiset tekniikat ja standardit, erityisesti Bluetooth ja SyncML, esitellään. Ratkaisumallin arkkitehtuuri käydään korkealla tasolla läpi ja esitellään toteutuksen yksityiskohtia. Tuloksena on periaatteeltaan kelvollinen henkilökohtaisten tietojen synkronointijärjestelmä, jonka toteutusta nykyisten mobiilien päätelaitteiden toiminnallisuus jossain määrin hankaloittaa.
Brief addiction treatments, including motivational interviewing (MI), have shown promise with youth. One underexamined factor in this equation is the role of therapist behaviors. We therefore sought to assess whether and how therapist behaviors differ for Hispanic versus non-Hispanic youth and how that may be related to treatment outcome. With 80 substance-using adolescents (M age = 16 years; 65% male; 59% Hispanic; 41% non-Hispanic), we examined the relationship between youth ethnicity and therapist behaviors across two brief treatments (MI and alcohol/marijuana education [AME]). We then explored relationships to youth 3-month treatment response across four target outcomes: binge drinking days, alcohol-related problems, marijuana use days, and marijuana-related problems. In this study, therapists showed significantly more MI skills within the MI condition and more didactic skills in the AME condition. With respect to youth ethnicity, across both conditions (MI and AME), therapists used less MI skills with Hispanic youth. Contrary to expectations, therapists' use of MI skills was not connected to poorer outcomes for Hispanic youth across the board (e.g., for binge drinking days, marijuana use days, or marijuana-related problems). Rather, for Hispanic youth, therapists' use of lower MI skills was related only to poorer treatment outcomes in the context of alcohol-related problems. The observed relationships highlight the importance of investigating salient treatment interactions between therapist factors and youth ethnicity to guide improvements in youth treatment response. (PsycINFO Database Record