930 resultados para Equilíbrio líquido-líquido
Avaliou-se o custo de inclusão da polpa cítrica em programa de restrição alimentar qualitativa, utilizando dados de desempenho de 36 suínos da linhagem Topigs, dos 83,7±5,1kg aos 129,8±1,9kg de peso, alimentados com dietas contendo porcentagens crescentes (0, 10, 20 e 30%) de polpa cítrica. Os animais foram abatidos aos 130kg e dos valores (R$) da carcaça foram descontados o valor de compra dos animais e o custo com alimentação, de acordo com cada tratamento. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) da inclusão da polpa cítrica sobre o custo com ração e receita bruta, porém houve efeito linear negativo (P<0,05) sobre o rendimento líquido parcial com o aumento da participação da polpa cítrica nas dietas. A queda no rendimento líquido parcial foi causada pelo menor peso da carcaça obtida de animais alimentados com porcentagem mais elevada de polpa cítrica. Considerando a evolução dos preços do milho, do farelo de soja e do suíno entre junho de 2005 e maio de 2006, foram determinados 12 diferentes cenários para o rendimento líquido parcial. em todos esses cenários, foi observada redução linear da receita líquida parcial em função da inclusão da polpa cítrica, mostrando que esse ingrediente não foi eficiente em promover melhora no rendimento (R$) ao produtor.
O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o consumo, a digestibilidade total e parcial da matéria seca (MS) e dos nutrientes e os parâmetros ruminais de novilhos alimentados com rações à base de resíduo do processamento do caroço de algodão (RPCA) suplementado com levedura seca de cana-de-açúcar. Foram utilizados seis novilhos Nelore canulados no rúmen e duodeno, alimentados com rações compostas de 80% RPCA e 20% concentrado, composto de milho, ureia e levedura nos níveis de 0, 20 ou 40%. O delineamento experimental adotado para análise do consumo e da digestibilidade foi em blocos casualisados e a análise dos parâmetros ruminais foi em parcela subdividida. Os consumos e a digestibilidade de nutrientes não foram influenciados pela suplementação com levedura, fato que pode estar relacionado ao alto valor da fração C do resíduo do processamento do RPCA (44,51% MS) e à baixa fração proteica de lenta degradação da levedura, que impediu a sincronização energia/nitrogênio para maior degradação do resíduo. O pH do líquido ruminal decresceu linearmente nos animais mantidos com as dietas suplementadas com levedura. em todas as dietas, o pH e a concentração de N-NH3 foram adequados para o crescimento microbiano. As concentrações ruminais de acetato, propionato, butirato e ácidos graxos voláteis totais e a relação acetato:propionato não foram influenciadas pela suplementação com levedura. O resíduo do processamento do caroço de algodão é uma opção a ser utilizada no arraçoamento de bovinos.
This work intends to analyze the behavior of the gas flow of plunger lift wells producing to well testing separators in offshore production platforms to aim a technical procedure to estimate the gas flow during the slug production period. The motivation for this work appeared from the expectation of some wells equipped with plunger lift method by PETROBRAS in Ubarana sea field located at Rio Grande do Norte State coast where the produced fluids measurement is made in well testing separators at the platform. The oil artificial lift method called plunger lift is used when the available energy of the reservoir is not high enough to overcome all the necessary load losses to lift the oil from the bottom of the well to the surface continuously. This method consists, basically, in one free piston acting as a mechanical interface between the formation gas and the produced liquids, greatly increasing the well s lifting efficiency. A pneumatic control valve is mounted at the flow line to control the cycles. When this valve opens, the plunger starts to move from the bottom to the surface of the well lifting all the oil and gas that are above it until to reach the well test separator where the fluids are measured. The well test separator is used to measure all the volumes produced by the well during a certain period of time called production test. In most cases, the separators are designed to measure stabilized flow, in other words, reasonably constant flow by the use of level and pressure electronic controllers (PLC) and by assumption of a steady pressure inside the separator. With plunger lift wells the liquid and gas flow at the surface are cyclical and unstable what causes the appearance of slugs inside the separator, mainly in the gas phase, because introduce significant errors in the measurement system (e.g.: overrange error). The flow gas analysis proposed in this work is based on two mathematical models used together: i) a plunger lift well model proposed by Baruzzi [1] with later modifications made by Bolonhini [2] to built a plunger lift simulator; ii) a two-phase separator model (gas + liquid) based from a three-phase separator model (gas + oil + water) proposed by Nunes [3]. Based on the models above and with field data collected from the well test separator of PUB-02 platform (Ubarana sea field) it was possible to demonstrate that the output gas flow of the separator can be estimate, with a reasonable precision, from the control signal of the Pressure Control Valve (PCV). Several models of the System Identification Toolbox from MATLAB® were analyzed to evaluate which one better fit to the data collected from the field. For validation of the models, it was used the AIC criterion, as well as a variant of the cross validation criterion. The ARX model performance was the best one to fit to the data and, this way, we decided to evaluate a recursive algorithm (RARX) also with real time data. The results were quite promising that indicating the viability to estimate the output gas flow rate from a plunger lift well producing to a well test separator, with the built-in information of the control signal to the PCV
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da restrição alimentar nas características de carcaça de cabritos F1 Boer x Saanen. Foram utilizados 21 cabritos, pesando 15 kg de PV, distribuídos em três tratamentos (0, 30 e 60% de restrição). O consumo dos animais do tratamento 0% de restrição determinavam o consumo dos animais dos tratamentos 30 e 60% de restrição. Quando os animais do nível de restrição 0% atingiam 25 kg, estes juntamente com seus pares foram submetidos a jejum de sólido de 24 h e de líquido de 16 h. O abate ocorreu mediante descarga elétrica, seguido de sangria e retirada dos órgãos. Os ganhos de peso foram de 211,03, 126,15 e 11,71g/dia; a eficiência alimentar de 0,20, 0,18 e de 0,03; os pesos de abate de 25,44, 20,91 e 15,82kg para os tratamentos 0, 30 e 60% de restrição, respectivamente. O rendimento de carcaça quente, de carcaça fria e biológico não foram influenciados pela restrição alimentar. Somente a proporção da paleta e a do lombo foram influenciados pela restrição alimentar, com aumento linear do rendimento da paleta e decréscimo linear do rendimento do lombo. Houve efeito da restrição na redução do rendimento de gordura e aumento da proporção de osso. A restrição alimentar em níveis moderados, permitiu a obtenção de carcaças de boa qualidade, com bom rendimento, elevada proporção de músculo e baixa participação de gordura e, dependendo da relação custo:benefício, pode tornar-se boa alternativa para o produtor.
O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar economicamente o uso da restrição alimentar qualitativa para suínos machos castrados em terminação sobre o desempenho e as características de carcaça de 60 animais. Dez suínos foram abatidos no início da fase experimental (89,0 ± 4,2 kg) e os demais, alimentados com rações contendo cinco níveis de restrição nutricional qualitativa (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20%), obtidas pela inclusão de casca de arroz finamente moída, até o final do experimento (127,8 ± 2,9 kg). Foram calculados os custos com alimentação durante o período experimental (R$alimento) e estimados os valores de receita bruta de cada carcaça de animais abatidos aos 128 kg (RBsuíno128kg) ou no início do experimento (RBmédia_suíno89kg). A partir destes três dados, foi calculado o resultado líquido (RL) do uso das dietas experimentais (RL = RBsuíno128kg - RBmédia_suíno89kg - R$alimento). Também foram analisadas as variações mensais dos preços do milho, do farelo de soja e do suíno, sendo determinado o preço do milho como o fator de maior impacto sobre a lucratividade do uso da restrição qualitativa. A equação de predição da probabilidade de aumento linear do resultado líquido pelo uso da restrição qualitativa foi determinada em função dos diferentes preços do milho - PM (valor de P RL = 0,392 - 0,625PM, R² = 0,73). Efeito significativo foi observado para preços do milho de cerca de quatro vezes ou mais acima do custo da casca de arroz. Assim, conclui-se que a viabilidade do uso da restrição qualitativa, até o nível de 20%, depende do cenário econômico, mas sobretudo do preço do milho, o principal ingrediente substituído nas rações ao empregar-se a restrição qualitativa, e de sua relação com o custo do resíduo utilizado para diluição energética.
During a petroleum well production process, It is common the slmultaneous oil and water production, in proportion that can vary from 0% up to values close to 100% of water. Moreover, the production flows can vary a lot, depending on the charaeteristies of eaeh reservoir. Thus being, the meters used in field for the flow and BSW (water in the oil) measurement must work well in wide bands of operation. For the evaluation of the operation of these meters, in the different operation conditions, a Laboratory will be built in UFRN, that has for objective to evaluate in an automatic way the processes of flow and BSW petroleum measurement, considering different operation conditions. The good acting of these meters is fundamental for the accuracy of the measures of the volumes of production liquid and rude of petroleum. For the measurement of this production, the petroleum companies use meters that should indicate the values with tha largast possible accuracy and to respect a series of conditions and minimum requirements, estabelished by the united Entrance ANP/INMETRO 19106/2000. The laboratory of Evafuation of the Processes of Measurement of Flow and BSW to be built will possess an oil tank basically, a tank of water, besides a mixer, a tank auditor, a tank for separation and a tank of residues for discard of fluids, fundamental for the evaluation of the flow metars and BSW. The whole process will be automated through the use of a Programmable Logicat Controller (CLP) and of a supervisory system.This laboratory besides allowing the evaluation of flow meters and BSW used by petroleum companies, it will make possible the development of researches related to the automation. Besides, it will be a collaborating element to the development of the Computer Engineering and Automation Department, that it will propitiate the evolution of the faculty and discente, qualifying them for a job market in continuous growth. The present work describes the project of automation of the laboratory that will be built at of UFRN. The system will be automated using a Programmable Logical Controller and a supervisory system. The programming of PLC and the screens of the supervisory system were developed in this work
A produção de biogás por meio de biodigestão anaeróbia representa um avanço para equacionar o problema dos dejetos produzidos pela suinocultura e disponibilidade de energia no meio rural. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a viabilidade econômica de um sistema biointegrado para geração de eletricidade a partir do aproveitamento de dejetos de suínos. Os dados para este estudo foram coletados em uma agroindústria, onde são realizadas diversas atividades agrícolas; entretanto, a suinocultura foi selecionada para o processo de análise de biodigestão anaeróbia, pelo fato de gerar uma grande quantidade de dejetos, com dificuldade de disposição no meio ambiente, configurando um estudo de caso. O biodigestor analisado é um modelo tubular contínuo, com calha de água em alvenaria e com uma manta plástica como gasômetro, onde são depositados diariamente os dejetos de 2.300 suínos em fase de terminação. O investimento inicial para implantação foi estimado em R$ 51.537,17, e os custos anuais do sistema foram de R$ 5.708,20 com manutenção, R$ 4.390,40 com depreciação e R$ 1.366,77 com juros. Concluiu-se que o sistema de produção de biogás é viável do ponto de vista econômico, se o consumo de energia elétrica for de 35 kWh por dia, em média, onde o valor presente líquido (VLP) é de R$ 9.494,90, e a taxa interna de retorno (TIR) é de 9,34% ao ano.
The Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) has been one of the most appropriate solutions for lifting method in onshore and offshore applications. The typical features for this application are adverse temperature, viscosity fluids and gas environments. The difficulties in equipments maintenance and setup contributing to increasing costs of oil production in deep water, therefore, the optimization through automation can be a excellent approach for decrease costs and failures in subsurface equipment. This work describe a computer simulation related with the artificial lifting method ESP. This tool support the dynamic behavior of ESP approach, considering the source and electric energy transmission model for the motor, the electric motor model (including the thermal calculation), flow tubbing simulation, centrifugal pump behavior simulation with liquid nature effects and reservoir requirements. In addition, there are tri-dimensional animation for each ESP subsytem (transformer, motor, pump, seal, gas separator, command unit). This computer simulation propose a improvement for monitoring oil wells for maximization of well production. Currenty, the proprietaries simulators are based on specific equipments manufactures. Therefore, it is not possible simulation equipments of another manufactures. In the propose approach there are support for diverse kinds of manufactures equipments
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Amongst the results of the AutPoc Project - Automation of Wells, established between UFRN and Petrobras with the support of the CNPq, FINEP, CTPETRO, FUNPEC, was developed a simulator for equipped wells of oil with the method of rise for continuous gas-lift. The gas-lift is a method of rise sufficiently used in production offshore (sea production), and its basic concept is to inject gas in the deep one of the producing well of oil transform it less dense in order to facilitate its displacement since the reservoir until the surface. Based in the use of tables and equations that condense the biggest number of information on characteristics of the reservoir, the well and the valves of gas injection, it is allowed, through successive interpolations, to simulate representative curves of the physical behavior of the existing characteristic variable. With a simulator that approaches a computer of real the physical conditions of an oil well is possible to analyze peculiar behaviors with very bigger speeds, since the constants of time of the system in question well are raised e, moreover, to optimize costs with assays in field. The simulator presents great versatility, with prominance the analysis of the influence of parameters, as the static pressure, relation gas-liquid, pressure in the head of the well, BSW (Relation Basic Sediments and Water) in curves of request in deep of the well and the attainment of the curve of performance of the well where it can be simulated rules of control and otimization. In moving the rules of control, the simulator allows the use in two ways of simulation: the application of the control saw software simulated enclosed in the proper simulator, as well as the use of external controllers. This implies that the simulator can be used as tool of validation of control algorithms. Through the potentialities above cited, of course one another powerful application for the simulator appears: the didactic use of the tool. It will be possible to use it in formation courses and recycling of engineers
Slugging is a well-known slugging phenomenon in multiphase flow, which may cause problems such as vibration in pipeline and high liquid level in the separator. It can be classified according to the place of its occurrence. The most severe, known as slugging in the riser, occurs in the vertical pipe which feeds the platform. Also known as severe slugging, it is capable of causing severe pressure fluctuations in the flow of the process, excessive vibration, flooding in separator tanks, limited production, nonscheduled stop of production, among other negative aspects that motivated the production of this work . A feasible solution to deal with this problem would be to design an effective method for the removal or reduction of the system, a controller. According to the literature, a conventional PID controller did not produce good results due to the high degree of nonlinearity of the process, fueling the development of advanced control techniques. Among these, the model predictive controller (MPC), where the control action results from the solution of an optimization problem, it is robust, can incorporate physical and /or security constraints. The objective of this work is to apply a non-conventional non-linear model predictive control technique to severe slugging, where the amount of liquid mass in the riser is controlled by the production valve and, indirectly, the oscillation of flow and pressure is suppressed, while looking for environmental and economic benefits. The proposed strategy is based on the use of the model linear approximations and repeatedly solving of a quadratic optimization problem, providing solutions that improve at each iteration. In the event where the convergence of this algorithm is satisfied, the predicted values of the process variables are the same as to those obtained by the original nonlinear model, ensuring that the constraints are satisfied for them along the prediction horizon. A mathematical model recently published in the literature, capable of representing characteristics of severe slugging in a real oil well, is used both for simulation and for the project of the proposed controller, whose performance is compared to a linear MPC
Flex-fuel vehicles are equipped with Otto Cycle internal combustion engines and have the capability of functioning with more than one type of fuel, mixed at the same tank and burned in the combustion chamber simultaneously. This sort of motorization is a world pattern due to the scarcity of petroleum, the trade of several types of fuels, technology advances and the restriction imposed to gas emissions to the atmosphere. In Brazil, the Flexfuel vehicles are a reality, specially the ones using fuel with 20 to 25% anhydrous alcohol mixed with gasoline and those that use natural gas or original liquid fuel (gasoline or hydrated ethanol). The Brazilian model Fiat Siena, the object of this present scientific investigation, is equipped with a unique electronic central capable of managing the liquid or gaseous fuels. The purpose of this research was to perform a comparative analysis in terms of performance (in terms of both potency and consumption) of a tetra-fuel vehicle - using a chassis dynamometer, operating with different fuels: common gasoline, premium gasoline, Podium gasoline, ethanol or natural gas. It became necessary to develop a bench of tests and trials procedures, as well as to know the functioning of the electronic management of the vehicle under analysis. The experiments were performed at the automotive laboratory in CTGAS-ER (Center of Gas Technologies and Renewable energies) at the light of Brazilian standard ABNT, NBR 7024: Light on-road vehicles - measurement of fuel consumption. The essay results on specific fuel consumption using common gasoline, premium gasoline and Podium gasoline have shown similar results, both for urban and road driving cycles
This paper presents an analysis of technical and financial feasibility of the use of a solar system for water heating in a fictitious hotel located in the Northeast region. Thereunto it is used techniques of solar collectors´ sizing and methods of financial mathematics, such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback. It will also be presented a sensitivity analysis to verify which are the factors that impact the viability of the solar heating. Comparative analysis will be used concerning three cities of distinct regions of Brazil: Curitiba, Belém and João Pessoa. The viability of using a solar heating system will be demonstrated to the whole Brazil, especially to the northeast region as it is the most viable for such an application of solar power because of its high levels of solar radiation. Among the cities examined for a future installation of solar heating systems for water heating in the hotel chain, João Pessoa was the one that has proved more viable.
The progressing cavity pumping (PCP) is one of the most applied oil lift methods nowadays in oil extraction due to its ability to pump heavy and high gas fraction flows. The computational modeling of PCPs appears as a tool to help experiments with the pump and therefore, obtain precisely the pump operational variables, contributing to pump s project and field operation otimization in the respectively situation. A computational model for multiphase flow inside a metallic stator PCP which consider the relative motion between rotor and stator was developed in the present work. In such model, the gas-liquid bubbly flow pattern was considered, which is a very common situation in practice. The Eulerian-Eulerian approach, considering the homogeneous and inhomogeneous models, was employed and gas was treated taking into account an ideal gas state. The effects of the different gas volume fractions in pump volumetric eficiency, pressure distribution, power, slippage flow rate and volumetric flow rate were analyzed. The results shown that the developed model is capable of reproducing pump dynamic behaviour under the multiphase flow conditions early performed in experimental works
A critical problem in mature gas wells is the liquid loading. As the reservoir pressure decreases, gas superficial velocities decreases and the drag exerted on the liquid phase may become insufficient to bring all the liquid to the surface. Liquid starts to drain downward, flooding the well and increasing the backpressure which decreases the gas superficial velocity and so on. A popular method to remedy this problem is the Plunger Lift. This method consists of dropping the "plunger"to the bottom of the tubing well with the main production valve closed. When the plunger reaches the well bottom the production valve is opened and the plunger carry the liquid to the surface. However, models presented in literature for predicting the behavior in plunger lift are simplistic, in many cases static (not considering the transient effects). Therefore work presents the development and validation of a numerical algorithm to solve one-dimensional compressible in gas wells using the Finite Volume Method and PRIME techniques for treating coupling of pressure and velocity fields. The code will be then used to develop a dynamic model for the plunger lift which includes the transient compressible flow within the well