959 resultados para Epistemology of Biology


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Minimum Student Performance Standards in Computer Literacy and Science were passed by the Florida Legislature through the Educational Reform Act of 1983. This act mandated that all Florida high school graduates receive training in computer literacy. Schools and school systems were charged with the task of determining the best methods to deliver this instruction to their students. The scope of this study is to evaluate one school's response to the state of Florida's computer literacy mandate. The study was conducted at Miami Palmetto Senior High School, located in Dade County, Florida. The administration of Miami Palmetto Senior High School chose to develop and implement a new program to comply with the state mandate - integrating computer literacy into the existing biology curriculum. The study evaluated the curriculum to determine if computer literacy could be integrated successfully and meet both the biology and computer literacy objectives. The findings in this study showed that there were no significant differences between biology scores of the students taking the integrated curriculum and those taking a traditional curriculum of biology. Student in the integrated curriculum not only met the biology objectives as well as those in the traditional curriculum, they also successfully completed the intended objectives for computer literacy. Two sets of objectives were successfully completed in the integrated classes in the same amount of time used to complete one set of objectives in the traditional biology classes. Therefore, integrated curriculum was the more efficient means of meeting the intended objectives of both biology and computer literacy.


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Long-distance migratory birds are declining globally and migration has been identified as the primary source of mortality in this group. Despite this, our lack of knowledge of habitat use and quality at stopovers, i.e., sites where the energy for migration is accumulated, remains a barrier to designing appropriate conservation measures, especially in tropical regions. There is therefore an urgent need to assess stopover habitat quality and concurrently identify efficient and cost-effective methods for doing so. Given that fuel deposition rates directly influence stopover duration, departure fuel load, and subsequent speed of migration, they are expected to provide a direct measure of habitat quality and have the advantage of being measurable through body-mass changes. Here, we examined seven potential indicators of quality, including body-mass change, for two ecologically distinct Neotropical migratory landbirds on stopover in shade-coffee plantations and tropical humid premontane forest during spring migration in Colombia: (1) rate of body-mass change; (2) foraging rate; (3) recapture rate; (4) density; (5) flock size; (6) age and sex ratios; and (7) body-mass distribution. We found higher rates of mass change in premontane forest than in shade-coffee in Tennessee Warbler Oreothlypis peregrina, a difference that was mirrored in higher densities and body masses in forest. In Gray-cheeked Thrush Catharus minimus, a lack of recaptures in shade-coffee and higher densities in forest, also suggested that forest provided superior fueling conditions. For a reliable assessment of habitat quality, we therefore recommend using a suite of indicators, taking into account each species’ ecology and methodological considerations. Our results also imply that birds stopping over in lower quality habitats may spend a longer time migrating and require more stopovers, potentially leading to important carryover effects on reproductive fitness. Evaluating habitat quality is therefore imperative prior to defining the conservation value of newly identified stopover regions.


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Transition metals such as iron and copper are valued in biology for their redox activities because they are able to access various oxidation states. However, these transition metals are also implicated in a number of human disease states and play a role in bacterial infections. The ability to manipulate and monitor metal ions has vast implications on the fields of biology and human health. As such, the research described here covers two related goals: to manipulate metals in specific biological circumstances and to visualize this disturbance in cellular metal homeostasis.

Antibiotic resistance necessitates the development of drugs that exploit new mechanisms of action such as the disruption of metal homeostasis. In order to manipulate metals at the site of bacterial infection, two prochelators were developed around a β-lactam core such that the active chelator is released in the presence of bacteria that produce the resistance-causing β-lactamase enzyme. Both prochelators display enhanced activity toward resistant bacteria compared to clinical antibiotics.

Fluorescent sensors are a powerful tool for detecting small concentrations of biological analytes. Two analogs of a ratiometric fluorescent sensor were designed and synthesized to monitor cellular concentrations of copper and iron. These sensors were found to operate as designed in vitro; however the fluorescence intensity necessary for quantification of cellular metal pools has not yet been achieved.


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Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) play essential roles in the central dogma of biology for the storage and transfer of genetic information. The unique chemical and conformational structures of nucleic acids – the double helix composed of complementary Watson-Crick base pairs, provide the structural basis to carry out their biological functions. DNA double helix can dynamically accommodate Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen base-pairing, in which the purine base is flipped by ~180° degrees to adopt syn rather than anti conformation as in Watson-Crick base pairs. There is growing evidence that Hoogsteen base pairs play important roles in DNA replication, recognition, damage or mispair accommodation and repair. Here, we constructed a database for existing Hoogsteen base pairs in DNA duplexes by a structure-based survey from the Protein Data Bank, and structural analyses based on the resulted Hoogsteen structures revealed that Hoogsteen base pairs occur in a wide variety of biological contexts and can induce DNA kinking towards the major groove. As there were documented difficulties in modeling Hoogsteen or Watson-Crick by crystallography, we collaborated with the Richardsons’ lab and identified potential Hoogsteen base pairs that were mis-modeled as Watson-Crick base pairs which suggested that Hoogsteen can be more prevalent than it was thought to be. We developed solution NMR method combined with the site-specific isotope labeling to characterize the formation of, or conformational exchange with Hoogsteen base pairs in large DNA-protein complexes under solution conditions, in the absence of the crystal packing force. We showed that there are enhanced chemical exchange, potentially between Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen, at a sharp kink site in the complex formed by DNA and the Integration Host Factor protein. In stark contrast to B-form DNA, we found that Hoogsteen base pairs are strongly disfavored in A-form RNA duplex. Chemical modifications N1-methyl adenosine and N1-methyl guanosine that block Watson-Crick base-pairing, can be absorbed as Hoogsteen base pairs in DNA, but rather potently destabilized A-form RNA and caused helix melting. The intrinsic instability of Hoogsteen base pairs in A-form RNA endows the N1-methylation as a functioning post-transcriptional modification that was known to facilitate RNA folding, translation and potentially play roles in the epitranscriptome. On the other hand, the dynamic property of DNA that can accommodate Hoogsteen base pairs could be critical to maintaining the genome stability.


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Abstract: BRIGUICHE. H, ZIDANE. L. Floristic And Ethnobotanical Studies Of Medicinal Plants Of The City Of El -Jadida (MOROCCO). In the framework of the ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants undertaken by the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Natural Resources of the Faculty of Sciences of Kenitra (Morocco), we are interested in the area of El Jadida which presents a rather important floristic richness thanks to changes in its ecological conditions By using 204 questionnaire, the ethnobotanical surveys were conducted in the field during the years 2012-2013. The location of the different sampling sites was determined by the stratified sampling method. The analysis of the results obtained from the questionnaires and forms using statistical processing allowed us to identify 70 plant species distributed in 69 genera and 37 families. These results also show that most of these species are mainly used in the care of the digestive system and respiratory system. The seed is the most used part in local traditional medicines and the decoction is the most frequent mode with a rate of 31%. The species Origanum compactum is the most used by the population of the city of El Jadida 47 quotes.  


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The aim of this paper is to analyse the state of the investigative journalism in Mexico, especially the one that is practiced at the local level in the provinces. That is, this research is based upon a case study conducted in Morelia, the capital city of the state of Michoacán. The empirical evidence will show that there is an evident divergence regarding the practice of the investigative journalism: on the one hand, journalists are aware of what this concept involves and they consider that they practice it on a regular basis; but, on the other, the content analysis prove otherwise. In other words, the account of what is actually printed significantly differs from the news workers’ perceptions, because the former shows a poorly developed journalistic investigation practice.


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OLIVEIRA, E. L. et al. Use of Fibres obtained from the Cashew (Anacardium ocidentale, L) and Guava (Psidium guayava) Fruits for Enrichment of Food Products. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Curitiba, PR, v. 48, p. 143-150, 2005.


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La notion de chez-soi est porteuse d’un imaginaire foisonnant et génère un grand intérêt dans notre culture et société. Bien qu’elle soit une considération importante pour la plupart d’entre nous, l’architecte occupe une position privilégiée qui lui permette d’agir sur le chez-soi de manière significative et tangible. La présente recherche explore le concept du chez-soi tel qu’étudié par les architectes et non-architectes de manière à comprendre son impact sur la création du lieu et sur la construction des environnements domestiques en Amérique du nord. Un regard porté sur les connotations entre espace et lieu, à travers la temporalité, les comportements et les perspectives sociales, supporte l’épistémologie du chez-soi comme un élément important des théories et pratiques de design contemporain. Le démantèlement hypothétique d’un espace en ses composantes suppose que les dispositifs architecturaux peuvent être modelés de manière à ce qu’ils opèrent un transfert depuis la maison, en tant qu’élément physique, vers le domaine psychologique du chez-soi. Afin d’élargir la maniabilité des éléments constitutifs du bâtiment et de son environnement, six thèmes sont appliqués à trois champs de données. Les six thèmes, qui incluent l’entre-deux, la limite, la voie, le nœud, le détail et la représentation, illustrent des moments architecturaux déterminants, potentiellement présents à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du projet domestique et qui transforment les comportements physiques et psychiques. Depuis la pratique normalisée du logement social et abordable au Canada, une analyse de photographies de maisons abordables existantes, du discours critique sur cette typologie et de projets de recherche-création conduits par des étudiants en architecture, révèle le caractère opérationnel de la notion de chez-soi et consolide les valeurs de communauté et de frontière. L’objectif premier de la recherche est d’avancer la production de connaissances en architecture par l’exploration de la notion de chez­soi dans l’enseignement, la recherche et le design. L’approche fonctionnaliste vis-à-vis le < penser > en design, place l’usager au centre de l’environnement domestique, soutient la proposition que le chez­soi donne sens et utilité au logement, et renforce la responsabilité éthique de l’architecte à faire de cette notion une partie intégrante de la réalité quotidienne.


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Benznidazole, a drug with specific anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity, is used in the treatment of Chagas’ disease. The radiopharmaceutical sodium pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4) is used to obtain diagnostic images of the stomach, thyroid, parathyroids, salivary glands, brain and in the study of esophageal reflux and blood flow. This study aimed at evaluating in vivo the influence of benznidazole treatment on the sodium pertechnetate biodistribution in Wistar rats. The percentage of radioactivity per gram (%ATI/g) of various organs (brain, heart, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, spleen, liver, muscle and blood) was determined. Comparing the treated rats with the controls, we observed that sodium pertechnetate biodistribution did not change when administered to rats treated for thirty days with benznidazole


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Study with the purpose to examine the effects of duodenal switch (DS), regularly performed in morbidly obese patients, on biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in several organs of rats. There was no early or late mortality in either rats groups. The values of percent radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g), showed no significant difference in liver, stomach, small bowel, duodenum, kidney, heart, bladder, bone and brain, when compared the DS rats with sham and controls rats. A postoperative significant increase (p<0.05) in mean %ATI/g levels was observed in spleen, pancreas and muscle in group DS rats, as compared to group S and C rats. In the lung there was an increase and in thyroid a decrease in mean %ATI/g of DS rats, when compared to sham rats (p<0.05). In conclusion, the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch in rats modified the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in thyroid, lung, pancreas, spleen and muscle


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This study aimed to evaluate if the splenectomy alters the biodistribution of 99mTc-DMSA and renal function in Wistar rats. The animals were separated in the groups: splenectomy (n = 6) and control (n = 6). After splenectomy (15 days), the administration of 0.1ml of 99mTc-DMSA IV (0.48 MBq) was carried out. Thirty minutes later, kidney, heart, lung, thyroid, stomach, bladder and femur and samples of blood were isolated. The organs were weighed, counted and the percentage of radioactivity -g (%ATI-g) determined. Serum urea and creatinine, hematocrit, leukocytes and platelets were measured. Statistics by t test (p<0.05) was done. There was a significant reduction in %ATI-g in kidney and blood (p<0.05) of splenectomized animals, a significant increase (p<0.05) of urea (88.8 ± 18.6 mg-dL) and creatinine (0.56 ± 0.08 mg-dL), compared to the controls (51.5±1.6, 0.37±0.02mg-dL, respectively), as well as increase in platelets and leucocytes, and hematocrit reduction. The analysis of the results indicates that in rats, splenectomy seems to alter the renal function and the uptake of 99mTc-DMSA


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Drugs and surgery can interfere with the biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals and data about the effect of splenectomy on the metabolism of phytate-Tc-99m are scarce. This study aimed at evaluating the interference of splenectomy on phytate-Tc-99m biodistribution and liver function in rats. The SP group rats (n=6) underwent splenectomy. In group C (control) the animals were not operated on. After 15 days, all rats were injected with 0.1mL of Tc-99m-phytate via orbital plexus (0.66MBq). After 30 minutes, liver samples were harvested, weighed and the percentage of radioactivity per gram (%ATI-g) was determined by a Wizard Perkin-Elme gama counter. The ATI%-g in splenectomized rats (0.99±0.02) was significantly higher than in controls (0.4±0.02), (p=0.034). ALT, AST and HDL were significantly lower in SP rats (p= 0.001) and leukocytosis was observed in SP rats. In conclusion, splenectomy in rats changed the hepatic biodistribution of Tc-99m-phytate and liver enzimatic activity


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Tackling societal and environmental challenges requires new approaches that connect top-down global oversight with bottom-up subnational knowledge. We present a novel framework for participatory development of spatially explicit scenarios at national scale that model socioeconomic and environmental dynamics by reconciling local stakeholder perspectives and national spatial data. We illustrate results generated by this approach and evaluate its potential to contribute to a greater understanding of the relationship between development pathways and sustainability. Using the lens of land use and land cover changes, and engaging 240 stakeholders representing subnational (seven forest management zones) and the national level, we applied the framework to assess alternative development strategies in the Tanzania mainland to the year 2025, under either a business as usual or a green development scenario. In the business as usual scenario, no productivity gain is expected, cultivated land expands by ~ 2% per year (up to 88,808 km²), with large impacts on woodlands and wetlands. Despite legal protection, encroachment of natural forest occurs along reserve borders. Additional wood demand leads to degradation, i.e., loss of tree cover and biomass, up to 80,426 km² of wooded land. The alternative green economy scenario envisages decreasing degradation and deforestation with increasing productivity (+10%) and implementation of payment for ecosystem service schemes. In this scenario, cropland expands by 44,132 km² and the additional degradation is limited to 35,778 km². This scenario development framework captures perspectives and knowledge across a diverse range of stakeholders and regions. Although further effort is required to extend its applicability, improve users’ equity, and reduce costs the resulting spatial outputs can be used to inform national level planning and policy implementation associated with sustainable development, especially the REDD+ climate mitigation strategy.


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OLIVEIRA, E. L. et al. Use of Fibres obtained from the Cashew (Anacardium ocidentale, L) and Guava (Psidium guayava) Fruits for Enrichment of Food Products. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Curitiba, PR, v. 48, p. 143-150, 2005.